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1AC System

Contention 1 System
The American Domestic Surveillance Apparatus has marked Chinese Americans
as Foreign threats- turning unassuming, hardworking model minorities into
hypervisible yellow perils within societal consciousness
Wang 7 (Ling-Chi Wang is a professor Emeritus at U.C Berkley for Asian American and Asian diaspora studies he helped establish
Asian American Studies and taught its first course in 1969. He is a founder of Chinese For Affirmative Action and the recipient of the
Association for Asian American Studies Lifetime Achievement Award. Before his retirement in 2006, Professor Wang headed the program
and the Ethnic Studies Department several times, Model Minority, High-tech Coolies, and Foreign Spies: Asian Americans in Science and
Technology, with Special Reference to the Case of Dr. Wen Ho Lee. Amerasia Journal: 2007, Vol. 33, No. 1, pg. 49-62, Chinese
Immigration and U.S. Economic Development)

Throughout the history of the U.S., there are two major waves of


American scientists and college students at the center of an alleged Chinese espionage!

Anti-Chinese surveillance has recently escalated across every facet of government

Koo 15 (Dr. George Koo, who is NOT the SWAG MASTER MICHAEL KOO. He recently retired from a global advisory services firm
where he advised clients on their China strategies and business operations. Educated at MIT, Stevens Institute and Santa Clara University, he is
the founder and former managing director of International Strategic Alliances. He is a member of the Committee of 100, the Pacific Council for
International Policy and a director of New America Media, Chinese Americans continue to be victimized by racial profiling: Opinion,

America welcomes immigrants and they come from all over the world. For Chinese-

a compensation that could hardly compensate him for the mental anguish he endured.

This is emblematic of the Forever Foreigner syndrome attached to being Asian-

Asians are homogenized as being inherently differing, allowing their transformation
into model minorities to obscure racial injustice or terrifying Yellow Perils as a
reaction to international relations
Saito 97 (Natsu Taylor Saito joined the College of Law faculty in 1994. She teaches public international law and international human
rights; seminars in race and the law, federal Indian law, and indigenous rights; and professional responsibility. JD from Yale University,
Model Minority, Yellow Peril: Functions of Foreignness in the Construction of Asian American Legal Identity, Asian American Law Journal,
Volume 4, Article 6)

One effect of the model minority image is the popular perception that racism has an


us to more effectively change these patterns, both legally and socially.13

We are a confrontation with the model minority we rid white supremacy of the
vector of oppressionv it uses to police minority bodies
This resolves 3 impacts
1. The psychological violence of Asian Americans
2. The oppression of other minorities that white supremacy justifies through the
3. The resentment between minority groups

93 [1993, Robert S. is a Professor of Law and an Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, He also serves on the
advisory board of Berkeleys Asian American Law Journal. Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Post-
Structuralism, and Narrative Space, 81 Cal. L. Rev. 1241]

B. The Model Minority Myth This history of discrimination and violence, as well
Americans while simultaneously legitimizing the oppression of other racial minorities and poor

How this is manifested in surveillance is rooted in differential racism a fear of

difference that demands that people of different culture be annihilated for the
identity of culture
Balibar & Wallerstein 91 (tienne Balibar (born 23 April 1942) is a French philosopher and a Distinguished Professor of
French & Italian and Comparative Literature @ the University of California Irvine and Immanuel Wallerstein is a Senior Research Scholar @
Yale University, the former President of the International Sociological Association (1994-1998), and chair of the international Gulbenkian
Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences (1993-1995), Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities, London and New York: Verso,

We can now turn our attention to 'neo-racism'. What seems to pose


, maintain 'cultural distances' or, in other words, in accordance with the

Differentialist racism justifies intimidation, violence, and the precursors to genocide

to protect the identity of the Western capitalist state from fears of the yellow peril
Kim 8 /Nadia Kim is an assistant professor of Sociology @ Loyola Marymount University, IMPERIAL CITIZENS: Koreans and Race from
Seoul To LA, pg. 14-15/

Nativistic racism is the mechanism through which Asian Americans have been outcast from
this geography of hunger and exploitation are Iraq and New Orleans.
1AC Plan
The United States federal government surveillance of Chinese Americans should be
substantially curtailed.
1AC Framing
Contention 2 Framing
The Role of the debate is to provide a countervisuality to claim the right to look
our advocacy is a countervisuality of immigration that challenges the dominant
visuality of the yellow peril we interpret the resolution as a value-oriented
question that calls for us to claim the right to look at the world critically and name
the racist political system taken for granted
Mirzoeff 11 (Nicolas Mirzoeff is a professor of Media Culture and Communications @ New York University, one of the founders of the
academic discipline visual culture, serving as Deputy Director of the International Association for Visual Culture, visiting professor of Visual
Culture @ Middlesex University in London, extensively covered and wrote about the Occupy Movement; Currenty, he is working on a project
entitled The Visual Commons #BlackLivesMatter. It looks at the formations of the visual commons from the Haitian Revolution, via
Reconstruction and 1968 to the Black Lives Matter movement, The Right To Look, Critical Inquiry, Volume 37, No. 3, Spring 2011, JSTOR)

I want to claim the right to look. This claim is, neither for
it seem self-evident, which is what I am calling visuality.

Our method of analysis is key to the Asian American Moment. Understanding the
diversity of Asian American Experience and its incompatibility with institutions is
key to create new Asian American Scholarship

93 [1993, Robert S. is a Professor of Law and an Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, He also serves on the advisory
board of Berkeleys Asian American Law Journal. Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Post-Structuralism, and
Narrative Space, 81 Cal. L. Rev. 1314~1316]

The time has come to announce once again an Asian American Moment. With it

Scholarship; challenges limitations caused by categories but is pragmatic in its approach.

Race neutral maintains whiteness as the assumed norm and is not an effective
strategy for black people our exposition of the unamed political system isolates an
intersection within the debate space that is good
Crenshaw 97 /Dr. Carrie Crenshaw, PhD. USC, former director of debate @ University of Alabama, Professor of Speech
Communication @ University of Alabama, Western Journal of Communication/

This analysis of Helms opening argument illustrates how the ideology of white privilege operates through
of whiteness like Helms protect material white privilege because they mask its existence.

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