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Chapter 14 development

4 processes development

determination: type of cell it will become

-location determines cell fate

-cell fate: influenced by 1 gene exp (trans fact) 2 ext envrnmt (other cells -> produce inducers/cell

differentiation: process of specialization


-t: zygote

-plant cells induced to dedifferentiate

-m: hematopoietic sc produce red+white blood cells; mesenchymal sc produce bone and connective

-sc: meristems (plants roots/shoots); sc in tissues (mammals)

-p sc & induced: 1 ESC: embryo cultured, inner cell mass freed2 IPS: cells cultured, vector carrying
several genes controlled by an active promoter, cells carrying vector

morphogenic: organization/spatial distribution of differentiated cells


Changes in gene exp underlie cell diff in dvlpmt

transcription factors regulate gene expression

pattern form cntrled by genes: the organization of differentiated tissues into specific structures

cell can be made to transcribe a diff set of genes than another cell

1 asymmetrical distribution of a cytoplasmic factor inside the cells

(Progeny cells receive un= amounts of the factor)

-cytoplasmic segregation: un= cyto det: est polarity (the diff btwn 1 end of organism & other) & cell fate

-sea urchins: vertical split down animal and vegetal cells ->small normal embryo

2 differential exposure to external inducer

-induction: cell produces inducer; diff of inducer (conc gradient); inducer mlcls (don't) bind to receptors;
trans fact activation & translocation to nucleus; tf binds a promoter, activates gene transcription;
protein encoded by gene stimulates cell diff
Spatial diff in gene exp lead to morphogenesis

apoptosis: specific gene exp->selective elim by a

-structures disappear during dvlpmt

morphogen: signal to stimulate cell deter, w positional info

French flag: fig 14.12 add

order & cmplx body thru: morphogenesis - requires cells to associate to form tissues -> must form

segmentation genes: drosophila pattern: fig 14.13 add

hox genes: deter cell fate in animal embryo

homeobox: DNA sequence in hg and others that code for tfs

homeo domain: sequence of amino a encoded by hb

Evo Devo

modularity: mlcls pathways determining diff dvlpmt processes operate independently from one

- involves timing spacial diff genes

heterochrony: alteration in timing of dvlpmtry events, leading to diff results in adult organisms (giraffe
vs human neck)

spatial diff* webbed feet in ducks results from altered spacial exprn

-gene gremlin in ducks

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