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Familiarisation with the classroom


Give students a reason to work quietly. While other students are working, we want to give
them the best opportunity to achieve.
o High expectations for all students
o Set the expectations early
o Be consistent with expectations
Interventions for students take place during other blocks to ensure they dont miss out on
more of the same subject. (For example, maths intervention might occur during RE this is
an important reason to keep to the timetable)


Calming give student a warning. If behaviour continues, 2 minutes is given.

Secret Student is chosen randomly each day, the student receives a point for each block
that they successfully engage in. If at least two points are received for the day, then the
secret student is revealed. If the points are not achieved, then the students are kept secret
and all students strive to work harder the following day.
Talk to the other adult in the room and explain in basic terms what you expect from the
students (for example; sorry Breanna, Im just waiting for the students to finish talking). This
reinforces the expectations of the students without directly telling the students.
Conflict management (having an adult conversation with gr 5 girls; not using specific
names, but stating that some of you might be feeling a certain way. Students are encouraged
to speak up, then use names to work out conflict) If you can name it, then we can be more
aware of how to fix it, and how to think about our actions in the future.
CRT strategy
o beat the teacher (if students are engaged really well, they get a point. If not, the
teacher gets a point. If the students have the most points they get to complete a fun
Specialist teacher strategies:
o Students get a reminder of what they should be doing if they become off task.
o If students need more than 2 reminders, they are to give the teacher some of their


Giving the students the responsibility to complete their own work (students prove to the
teacher that they know the learning outcomes)
Students are encouraged to negotiate things; the students were given topics for a project to
research, then encouraged to negotiate with others to if they werent happy with their topic.
Ask the students how long they think they need to complete an activity (seek students
opinions then make a compromise).
Give students a specific amount of time to complete a task (Im going to give you 10
minutes to write this)
It is important for the teacher to listen to what the students have to say; listening to their
ideas makes them feel valued as a learner participating in the classroom.
Put a red dot on a students page, to check how much writing a student does in a certain
amount of time. Encourages students to work harder, to prove to the teacher how much
they can write.
Split students into groups, each group has a coloured texta to write with, they write on each
piece of paper then hand it to the next group (this is a way to see how much each group has
written with each colour each group is accountable for their contribution)
Students are allowed to go to the toilet when they need. If the teacher is busy, they sign the
T symbol with their hand. Only one person is allowed to go to the toilet at one time.


Be organised with extra content for if students finish their work early.
Look at the Victorian Curriculum to gauge what students should be learning/focussing on.
Open questions: algebra (write algebra equations on the board, then challenge students to
work out how to find the answer)


o Learning intentions (I can...)
o Warm up activity
o Activity
o Teacher group (tiered instruction)
o Differentiation
o Rotations ability grouped (5 groups/5 activities each group completes the 5
activities over the week)
Comprehension differentiation (yellow group sheet, green purple and blue
groups sheet, red groups sheet)
Word work week focus (eg. Homophones)
Inquiry task something that relates to what theyre doing in inquiry
o What does a basic, good or excellent explanation look like? (rubric)
o Editing buddies a buddy reads over your work and asks you what youre going to
write next. This helps students get their ideas in their minds to help them start
Yard duty
o Mondays @ 11:25 on Asphalt
o Thursdays @ 11:10 at back door
o Thursdays @ 2:00 on Asphalt
Staff meetings
o Whole staff meeting, Mondays @ 3:50 in staff room
o PLT meeting, Tuesdays @ 3:50 in teacher resource room


The teacher signing students diaries every day, shows the parents/families that the teacher
is checking that there has been no parent communication.
Parents are asked to sign the students diaries to communicate that the student has read at
Parents are contacted by letter or phone to be alerted of issues.

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