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Q1 In the Portrait of a Lady Henry James Dramatizes the conflict between the old and the
New Worlds and a desire for personal freedom. Do you agree with the view?

Q2 Do you feel the ending of the novel The Portrait of a Lady is a satisfying one and in
accord with the development in Isabel Archers character or not? Give textual examples
to support your thesis.

Q3 Do you think that Isabel Archer in James PORTRAIT OF A LADY is a staunch feminist or
not? Support your standpoint with evidence from the novel.

Q4 In THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY what does Isabel Archers relationship with each of her
three suitors tell us about her ultimate decision comment.

Q5 PORTRAIT OF A LADY is a novel that profoundly deals with the themes of personal
freedom, responsibility and betrayal.

Q6 Discuss the themes of independence and social conformity with reference to the novel

Q7 Discuss Henry Jamess treatment of international theme in THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY.

Q8 THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY is the revelation of the inadequacy of Isabels view to

freedom. Discuss.

Q1 Keeping the novel ROBINSON CRUSOE in mind, critically evaluate Daniel Defoes
contribution to the English novel-writing tradition of his times.

Q2 Discuss the theme of individualism in the novel ROBINSON CRUSOE taking into account
Crusoes endeavors, failures and achievements.

Q Defoe was a great believer in individualism . Discuss with reference to his novel
Robinson Crusoe.

Q Discuss Defoes treatment of the theme of economic individualism in Robinson


Q3 In DEFOES ROBINSON CRUSOE why and how does Crusoes attitude towards religion
change during the course of the novel? Give concrete examples to support your views.

Q4 In Defoes ROBINSON CRUSO, hoe do isolation, fear and loneliness affect Robinson
Crusoe in the long term? Give examples.

Q5 Robinson Crusoe is an apt representation of British Colonial Mindset.

Q6 There run in the character of Crusoe very prominent streaks of a capitalist. Analyze
Robinson Crusoes Character in the view of this statement.
Q1 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the plot of the novel ADAM BEDE by George

Q2 The novel ADAM BEDE has an element of pastoral idealism in the character of the
hero.but it is significant that this note in connected with the dignity of labour, with
the capacity to fit in useful and happily to a social environment.

How far do you agree with this critical opinion? Illustrate your answer with textual

Q Discuss ADAM BEDES character as the hero of the novel Adam Bede.

Q Examine the heroic traits in Adam Bede.

Q3 Examine the role and significance of Dinah Morris in Adam Bede.

Q4 Comment on the ending of ADAM BEDE by George Eliot , Do you think it is

sentimentally romantic or does it reflect a deeper moral insight?

Q5 Why does George Eliot point out the difference between appearance and reality
throughout ADAM BEDE? Critically comment.

Q6 George Eliot presents a very strong moral purpose in her novels. Comment with
reference to ADAM BEDE.

Q1 How does Fielding show the contemporary social hypocrisy in the novel JOSEPH
ANDREWS? Prove your case with examples from the text.

Q2 Comment on the theme of purity , chastity and hypocrisy in Joseph Andrews.

Q3 In some respects Parson Adam has a greater claim to be considered the hero of the
novel than joseph Andrews himself. Discuss this critical view of Fieldings novel

Q4 Critically comment on Fieldings use of satire in Joseph Andrews. Who and What are its

Q5 JOSEPH ANDREWS is full of class distinctions and concerns about high and low birth.
Critically discuss.

Q6 Joseph Andrews is not only a parody of Richardsons Pamela but here Henry Fielding
also shows and depicts 18th century England and its society . Discuss.

Q7 Fielding describes his novel as comic epic poem in prose. To what extent such a
description is valid? Discuss with reference to Joseph Andrews.

Q8 in Joseph Andrews , Fielding is motivated to expose human affections. Illustrate with

reference to the novel.

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