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Ballabene's OBE and Astral Pages

OBE-ing And Vibrations

copyright Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, 2000

Are vibrations a basic necessity to achieve OBEs?

That vibrations are a necessary condition for an out of body experience is a wide
spread opinion. That's not right! Vibrations are relevant for etheric OBEs or for
astral projections which start first by a loosening of the etheric double. The more
an OBEer is used to astral travelling the more he shifts from dense ethereal
experiences to the more subtle astral experiences. By the time these OBEers get
used to start directly astral projections without an intermediate etheric state.
Because vibrations are a prestage of etheric body separation and not for astral
projections, these OBEers experience no more or at least seldom vibration and
sound sensations.

Among the methods in this homepage are methods for direct astral travelling
and they all start without vibration and sound sensations. To number them:

Methods for OBEing which do not require vibrations as a prestate:

o Starting OBEs by means of visualisations (it is meant real seen inner
o Projection by intense and plastic imagination of a well known place.
o Tunnel methods
o Starting astral projections after a dream phase
o Stepping out in false awakening - this may be etheric but can be mere
astral as well.

Methods for OBEing which require vibrations as a prestate:

o Trance method "floating out of the body"
o Trance method or near sleep method of "stepping out of the body"

Vibration qualities: OBE promoting and non promoting vibrations.

Very often OBEers enter into the "vibration state" and are awaiting their OBE at
the next instant. Being best informed by literature they are convinced to
experience the last step before the OBE process. But nothing happens! It's quite
to understand that they all are very frustrated and disturbed. The reasons of this
bothering fact may be following:

1) They have achieved a false vibration state, which has nothing to do with
OBEs - they have mere physical body vibrations (as muscle vibrations)

2) As a second possibility, they have started a vibration state which might fit,
but instead of performing the process to an OBE, by staying passive, they
are fixed at the vibrations and concentrate on them, in this way prolonging
and fixing the vibrations and shielding away the subtle body loosening.

OBE letters dealing with vibration problems

I have got quite a lot of letters like the following ones, which I present as an

"It's Richard here, I've written to you on 3 occasions now for

your expert opinion. I'm writing to you about a failed OBE
attempt that happened today and would be very grateful if you
could tell me exactly why it failed.

Around 1pm today I was using one of my methods of inducing an

So far the only OBE I've had was through a sleep paralysis and
this scared me a lot. So I want a conscious OBE in case I get
scared I can stop it.
Not too long into the practice I felt vibrations consciously for
the first time! I expected to have an OBE right then when they
started but that didn't happen. I waited for around 5 minutes and
the vibrations started to stop. All of a sudden, I felt a great
rush of energy enter my body from all directions and my heart
started to beat extremely quickly! In fact, my heart was beating
so quickly and powerfully that it was making the top half of my
body move every time it beat!

At this point I thought it was time for an OBE but I wasn't

floating out of my body."

Hi Richard,
you are not alone with that bothering problem. I've got a lot of
letters with the same problem (all not published). After your
letter now I have decided that I will not give you a "three line
respond" but a more complete overview about this problem. Thus I
thank you for giving me the hint to summarize explanations for
this wide spread problem.

Here's an other letter which I had in the same week like the above one:

"My main method to attempt these experiences is to concentrate in

the vibration of the (subtle) body, beginning with my feet and
ascending until the head. The vibration feel more strong when i
focus my mind in a part of the body. Then when I am arriving to
the head, begins a strong sound vibration that resonates inside
my head. And then nothing more. I can stay in this state all the
time. Have you any idea ? "

I think you have shifted your awareness already into the subtle
body, but instead of simple stepping out of the body you wait for
a signal which tells you "now you can start your OBE!". But
perhaps such a signal never will come. Well, instead stepping out
of your body you made vibration exercises with your subtle body.
It's a coincidence that I am doing this just now like you, but in
my case not as an OBE attempt but as an exercise for raising the
Kundalini (in addition to other yoga exercises).

About the Kundalini (the force which is thought to be the origin of the

The origin of the OBE promoting vibrations (the second version as mentioned
above) is still unknown, but usually declared as a form of awakened Kundalini.
The Kundalini is concerned as a spiritual force which is activated (awakened) by
special body and mental conditions. Yogis try to awaken the Kundalini by means
of body positions, breathing and meditations on light and sound. Maybe some
thousands years ago the Yogis had the intention to create by these Kundalini
methods a heavenly body which enabled them to travel to the upper and under
world in order to communicate or fight with gods and demons, quite as Shamans
do it up to now (see: OBE in Taoism, Part 1 and OBE in Taoism, Part 2).
By the time the social aspects and the religion in India had changed and the goal
was now to achieve a higher state of consciousness (unity with universe) instead
the shamanistic OBE of the old times. Whatever, the inner force they are dealing
with is called Kundalini and as such the bundle of these Kundalini symptoms
together with the Sanskrit name has become to an accepted term all over the
esoteric field. Thus when I want to specify the vibrations as a special kind of
OBE promoting vibrations in contrast to other forms of vibrations, I use the term
"kundalini vibrations".

To summarize: The "awakened" Kundalini is a dynamization of the etheric and

(?) astral energies/substances. A simultaneous special state of the physical body
is necessary (body positions, relaxation, mind states).

The awakened Kundalini with vibrations as a side effect is the cause of altered
states of consciousness. But besides OBE other forms of altered states of
consciousness may be experienced as well like euphoric states, visionary states
and cosmic consciousness (samadhi). For all these states thus vibrations (or
inner waves) are a sign of a pre-state. This fact is neglected by the OBE group,
which is uninformed about the other possible states and regards vibrations as a
pre-state for OBEs alone.

Theosophic considerations about physical and subtle body alignment

From the Theosophic point of view the in OBEs experienced vibrations promote
a separation of the etheric body. The body separation occurs when the vibrating
physical body comes out of alignment with the subtle body. In this case,
however, the subtle body (etheric body) has to be loosened to a small degree. If
the subtle body is totally fixed to the physical body, because the mind totally is
consumed by the physical plane, then the subtle matter is bound as much to the
physical matter that both are vibrating in alignment and no detachment will be
observed. In this case etheric matter does exist as rough unshaped matter and no
etheric body is existing (the etheric body is shaped by the mind every time
before separating - ego imagination.).

These Theosophic thoughts are not contradictionary to the above mentioned

Kundalini theories.

Some words about OBE dogmatism

All over the worldwide family of OBEers a tendency to OBE dogmatism can be
observed. What do I mean with OBE dogmatism? Well, dogmas tend to to
explain processes or features by simplifying, making these thoughts acceptable
by this way to a great uninformed group. But at the other hand dogmas are
conservative and new ideas are not allowed. Furthermore dogmas tend to deny
problems which do not fit to their theoretic construction. In this way vibrations
have become part of recent OBE dogmas as a must intermediate state. In some
way this dogmatic opinion is irrational if you consider, that the same OBE
experts at the other hand deny the existence of an etheric body (which is
loosened in the vibration state). If you have a look into the postings of the
alt.out-of-body news group you will find such ideas very often.

Vibrations in the state of OBEing

I have 1 question. Before separation I'm supposed to feel the vibrations... but I
felt my vibrations when I was floating upside down... Which was when I was
already OUT of my body... Thats what confuses me. Is it supposed to be like

Vibrations commonly are declared as pre-OBE symptoms. At the one hand this is
right, at the other hand it is too much generalized. Vibrations are the symptoms
of an inner energetic state. In most cases these vibrations cease while OBEing
(or are not felt because your awareness has shifted to the double). In some cases
the vibrations may continue and may be felt in the subtle body as well (more
often if it are not vibrations but waves) - it's a kind of repercussion which
influences the subtle body.
Alfred Ballabene, Vienna, Austria, Europe, 2000

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