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20 TM


(C) 20 Load 1983

Here We Go Again

We'll its that time of the month for issue #2. As I sit here in my
cavern I can't believe we are actually working on the next issue. We must
be off~cial because we have started receiving the bills (nasty things) for
issue #1. Also, at this time all of our equipment seems to be functioning
correctly (this could be a double-cross this being the second issue---
get the pun) and our printer guarantees that HIS equipment will not break
down again (Ha! Ha!). I would like to announce that I'm working on a
utili ty program which will make me a multi-millionaire (you could say "I
knew him when "). It's a program which holds my umbrella in the spring,
rakes the leaves in the fall, and shovels snow in the winter. So far it
will TELL me what I need to do next Oops, there it goes again Can you
have to excuse me as I slither out out of my warm cave this program
needs alot of reworking. Oh well, on to the Newsletter .

Load I i tle Human Translation Location No. Requirements

1) AMAZING A-Mazing-Word Scrambler 003 Joystick
2) SCREEN#l Screen Number One 021 None
3) DEMO 4 Demonstration 4 031 None
4) SPELL/M/INST Spell Master Instructions 052 None
5) SPELL/MASTER Spell Ma ster Program 066 None
6) VIC ESCAPE Vic Escape 087 None
7) HOT/COLD Hot Cold 110 None

If you have loading problems (or should I say not loading problems)try the
following: 1) Make sure your cassette unit is at least twelve inches away from your
computer and your T.V. 2) Clean and demagnetize your tape heads. 3) If after all
else fails and you believe the tape is defective return it for a prompt replacement.


The A-MAZING-WORD-SCRAMBLER was written as a spelling aid for children ..

As a child I remember writing spelling words ten times each, in an effort
to learn them. This was not only boring, it was also, in my case anyway, very
ineffective. You tend to copy letters, not learn to spell words.
This spelling aid, however, requires that the player remember the spelling
of the word. It also has the added benefit of being a game, and will hold the
interest of the player longer than studying might.
The game starts by choosing a word at random from the data list. (You can
change this list to use words you are having trouble with. ) It displays the
word for a few seconds, then erases it and draws a maze. Each maze will be
The letters of the word are then placed in the maze at random. The player
must respell the word by moving the(+) plus sign over the letters and pressing
the fire button. Your score will be the percent of words you have spelled
correctly. Press the fire button again and a new word starts you over again.
The game as it is presented here is very basic. Many changes can be made
to make the game even more interesting, or just easier or harder as you wish.
It only takes your imagination and a little work. If you do come up with an
interesting version we would love to hear from you.
SCREEN #1 is a simple utility program which enables you to see exactly
what screen, border, and type color combinations appear on the CRT. You
can also see what color bleed and reversed colors look like. This can be a
great help in choosing initial screen layouts. It's also interesting that
you can print, or color, graphics with gold, pink, three types of green and
some other colors due to the POKE values of the reversed display characters.
Ounce you have chosen your screen you can go into the direct mode by pressing
the RUN/STOP and SHIFT CLR/HOME. This will enable you to doodle with the
display colors of your choice and draw graphics.

1-6 REM statements.

10-30 Routine for poking with or without. expansion cartridge
40 Poke values for screen color combinations.
50 Sets flag on numerical entries.
60 Clears screen and pokes value for screen color combination.
70 Prints POKE value on screen.
80 Prints entry directions.
90-170 Displays all color entries plus reversed color combinations.
180-210 User input to change screen.
DEMO 4 was contributed by Public Domain Inc. ,5025 S. Randeline Rd.,
West Milton, Ohio 45383. This program is on Public Domains Vic-20 collection
number one tape or disk. We feel this program is a good example of their
programs. Load and run this program and we think you'll find it very
enjoyable to watch. If you suddenly get the urge to play basketball or to
sing the national anthem don't be surprised (Oh say can you see ..... ).

SPELL-MASTER is a fun educational program. You will be given ten groups

of words which each contain one misspelled word. Your job is to choose which
word is spelled wrong and then spell it correctly. You will be justly scored
on your ability to do both, and rated by the number of words you spell corr-
ectly. You can replace the words in the DATA statements to contain words
that you desire very easily. If you have a memory expander you may add to the
list of words that are already in the program.

VIC ESCAPE is a machine language arcade style game in which the player
must reach the top of three succesive screens by climbing ladders. As you
attempt to climb the ladders you must whatch for barrels rolling down
the screen. If a barrel hits you then you start at the bottom of the first
screen. This program was submitted by Ronald Long, Ada, OK. If you want to
make a copy of this program you can do so. Load the program but don't run
it. Position blank tape and type 'SYS 5000'.

HOT COLD is a simple pick-em game. The computer randomly picks a num-
ber between 1 and 100. You are then prompted to input your guess. If you
are close the computer tells you that you are warm or hot (depending on
how close your guess was). The computer then prompts you to make another
guess. You have ten tries to guess the number.


If you are hassled with the screen and memory map codes versus
the unexpanded or expanded Vic then this wiIl be helpful. If you use
this little routine at the beginning of your program, and use the SC
and CC as the basis for your screen plotting variables. The only thing
you have to worry about is how much memory you use--and we are working
on that.

1 IF PEEK (7680)=201 THEN 4:REM GOTO values for expanded Vic

2 SC=7680:CC=38400:REM SC=screen color and CC=color code (screen)
3 GOTO 5:REM Skip values for expanded Vic
4 SC=4096:CC=37888:REM SC and CG--see line 2
5 REM Start your program using SC and CC for your screen plot position

This will save alot of time when you are trying to make a program
fit the memory for an unexpanded Vic --- Boy, does it ever!!!


We would like to thank Chuck Sharp Jr. for all his help and hard
work on all our issues. His input has been very valuable. We think
his contribution has greatly helped our efforts to publish a truly
unique publication.

We want to humbly thank Riley Werts for all his hours (weeks?)
of time spent on our publication. Without his dedication this
publication would be in chaos.

We also want to thank all of our subscribers. Without you we

are nothing (or nothing that matters). Thank you for your support
and encouragement. Please keep the letters and comments on our publ-
cation coming, we value all input received.


We recently decided to have our mail go to a post office box

instead of coming directly to us. This gives us all day to process
each days mail (before we had about four hours). This all sounds
good on the surface but the U.S.Mail being what it is,managed to
foul things up. To put i t bluntly, the post office managed to send
back our mail on a few occasions. If any of you had anything returned
that was mailed to us, we apologize. I am going bald pulling my hair
out (not really, I'm just plain going bald). ,I just keep saying to
myself, the post office is necessary (or something like that).

I gave up on the "Seasons Program." I guess you can say "I knew
him after .... " I will state that an over-heated Vic-20 and an over-
heated computerite will melt a three foot circle in the snow------
that's computer power my friends.
Until next month .


2fJ LOAD wants to

Load Your Pockets
with $$$$
In order that more of our computerites can get involved in this contest, we
are extending the deadline to July 31! Use those free summer hours to put
together an Adventure program that will make the world stand up and listen!
1st Prize $100.00
2nd Prize $ 50.00
3rd Prize $ 25.00
Honorable Mention

Rules of the game (there's no CRT here):

1. Entries must be postmarked prior to July 31, 1983(of course 1983
- I would think something was wrong if it was 2043).
2. Each submission must be on cassette or diskette. Note: make sure
the program will load and run.
3. Graphic or non-graphic adventures can be written in basic or mach-
ine language.
4. Text or documentation is not necessary. The programs will be
judged on program design, display, text continuity, creativity, and play-
ing enjoyment.
5. You must use the VIC 20. However, you may use any amount of
memory expansions to run your program. We may have a contest for
our Commodore 64 computerites in the future.

All entries will become the property of 20 LOAD and cannot be returned.
When submitting an entry, the program's author automatically gives 20 LOAD
the exclusive right to print, publish or otherwise use both the program and
the author's name at any given time in the future. The decision of the judges
will be final.
All winners will be published in the September issue of 20 Load Magazine.
The winning programs will be on the October 20 Load cassette.
OK, Adventure-writers - let's see what you can do - - - Once Upon A
Time I n My Computer Cave A .....

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