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Classification of OA

A. Broadly:

Primary: Simple degeneration of the ON fibres without any complicating process with in eye. E.g.
syphilitic OA in Tabes dorsalis.
Secondary: Following any pathological process which optic neuritis or papilloedema

B. Ophthalmoscopic Classification:

1. Primary (simple) OA 2. Consecutive OA 3. Glaucomatous OA 4. Post-neuritic OA

5. Vascular (Ischaemic ) OA

C .Ascending Vs Descending:

Ascending OA : Follows damage to the ganglion cells or NFL due to diseases of retina or
OD.Nerve fibre damage ascends from eyeball towards GB.
Descending / Retrograde OA : proceeds from optic tract, chiasma or post. portion of the ON
towards OD

Pathological Features of OA:

is a/w attempted but unsuccessful
regeneration which is char by proliferation
of astrocytes + glial tissues

Following which 3 situations may arise

Excessive Gliosis Both degeneration & Degeneration is A/W

Gliosis > Degeneration gliosis may be orderly negligible gliosis
Consecutive Degeneration = Gliosis Degeneration > Gliosis
OA Primary OA Glaucomatous
Post-neuritic OA
OA Ischaemic OA

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