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A vizsga vegeig osszesen 60 perc all rendelkezesere, amit igenyeinek megfeleloen

oszthflt el. Sz6tar hasznalata megengedett.

1. Olvasott szoveg ertese perc alatt vegeztem ezzel a feladattal

pontot ertem el

Read the article, then answer the questions iI).Hungarian. In this part of the exam you can
use your dictionary.

- Headache
A headache is a word that describes pain that happens in the head, face, mouth, or neck. It
is one of the most common symptoms in society today. In fact, up to 80 percent of people all
over the world suffer from at least one severe headache per year. It is also thought that 90
percent of men and 95 percent of women have experienced at least one during their lifetimes.
Unfortunately, I am among those people who often have a headache. I have a headache now.

My headache started about an hour ago. I was reading a crime story, when I felt my head would
explode. Of course, I am sure that my head won't explode. It just feels that way. Sometimes I
have headaches on the top of my head. Sometimes I have headaches in the front of my head or
my headaches are between my eyes. Sometimes my whole head hurts. But usually the back of
my head hurts. I hate my headaches, but I love reading, so I read for only 15 minutes. Then I
stop reading and I take a break. If I read for 20 minutes, I'll get a headache.

: But sometimes I forget to take a break. Today this is what happened. Now I must wait until the
i headache goes away. It will take an hour or two and I can do nothing but live with the pain. I
j do not want to take an Aspirin because I don't like pills. I know that my headache will go away
j after a while, so I wait patiently.
1. A fej mely teriiIetein jeIentkezhet a fajdaIom, ha fejfajasr61 beszeliink? (4 pont)

2. Milyen gyakran szenvednek fejfajast6I az emberek? (3 pont)

3.. Hogyan kezd6dott a tortenet eImeseI6jenek a fejfajasa? (1 pont)

4. HoI szokott fajni a feje? (5 pont)

5. Mit tudunk meg az olvasasi szokasair6I? (4 pont)

6. Miert fajdult rna meg a feje? (1 pont)

7. Mennyi ideig tart, mire elmulik a fajdaIom? (1 POFlt)

8. Mit vesz be, hQgyenyhitsen a fajdalman? (1 pont)


2. Kozvetitesi keszseg perc alatt vegeztem ezzel a feladattal

pontot ertem el

Repiilon utazik baratjaval, s kozosen olvassak az utasitasokat, bogy mit kell csinalni veszely
eseten. Foglalja ossze neld a cikket magyarul a megadott szempontok alapjan!

- In Case of Emergency ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------.

(1-4) When you purchase your plane tickets, try to get an aisle seat in the tail end of the plane. !
Statistically, it's safer to sit in the rear of the plane than the front.

(5-8) Once you're aboard, pay attention to the safety instructions of the flight attendants, even
if you've heard them a hundred times before. Keep your seat belt on when you're sitting. Put
your tray up when you don't need it.

If it's obvious that there will be a crash, put your head between your knees or against the seat.
(9-12) If there is little air, the most important thing is not to panic! Breathe slowly and deeply
and think about where the nearest emergency exit is located.

(13-17) In case of a crash, watch the floor lights; those near emergency exits will be red. In a
typical plane, you'll slide down an inflatable ramp after exiting.

(19-20) No matter what happens, stay calm. Almost 60% of people involved in airplane crashes

1. iues 4 pont
(1-4 ertekelesi egyseg)

2. legikiser6 utasitasai 4 pont
(5-8 ertekelesi egyseg)

3. kevesleveg6 4 pont
(9-12 ertekelesi egyseg)

4. lezuhanas eseten 5 pont

(13-17 ertekelesi egyseg)

5. nyugalom 3 pont
(18-20 ertekelesi egyseg)


3. iraskeszseg
pontot ertem el

Kiilfoldon tolti 1 betes vakaci6jat. irjon 8-10 soros levelet magyarorszagi baratjanak!

irja Ie, bogy

milyen volt az ut,
at kellett-e szallni,
hogy tetszik a szalloda,
mit tervez holnap megnezni!



(szobeli vizsga)

Mire vonatkoznak az alcibbi kifejezesek?

O. pI. 2 2 szemelyre szeretne asztalt

1. kanda1l6

2. szensavmentes asvanyviz

3. krumplipiire

4. hitelkartya

5. borraval6

Vcilaszoljonmagyarul a kerdesekre!
1. Hollakik a csalad?

2. Milyen allatok vannak a Mzban es a Mz koriil? Legalabb harmat soroljon feI!

3. Mit tart furcsanak az 6rarenddel kapcsolatban?

4. Miert tanul frandaul?

5. Mit akar nagyon megnezni Washingtonban?

_ A hallas utani szovegertes irott valtozatat a weboldalon erheti el.


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