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The Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication Competence

in Oral English Teaching Practice

By :
Ilham 13 231 147

The Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication Competence
in Oral English Teaching Practice

1. Research Problem

According to an article from the website the

research problem in this research is:

1. How important English language communicative Cross-cultural

Communication Competence in Oral English Teaching Practice?

2. Is there any relationship between Main Reasons of Cross-Cultural

Communication Failure with the local accent?

3. Is there any relationship between Improve Students Cross-Cultural

Competence in Oral English Teaching and the habit of speaking daily?

2. Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing

2.1 Hypothesis

In this research I would use Propose relationships between variables -

when one variable changes, the other changes. Do not indicate cause and effect.

1. English language communicative Cross-cultural Communication

Competence in Oral English Teaching Practice is really important?

2. There are Any Main Reasons of Cross-Cultural Communication Failure

with the local accent?

3. There are any relationship between Improve Students Cross-Cultural

Competence in Oral English Teaching and the habit of speaking daily?

2.2 Hypothesis Testing

1. * = 0

English language communicative Cross-cultural Communication

Competence in Oral English Teaching Practice is not really important.

* 0

English language communicative Cross-cultural Communication

Competence in Oral English Teaching Practice is really important.

2. * = 0

There are not relationship between Main Reasons of Cross-Cultural

Communication Failure with the local accent.

* 0

There any relationship between Main Reasons of Cross-Cultural

Communication Failure with the local accent?

3. * = 0

There are not relationship between Improve Students Cross-Cultural

Competence in Oral English Teaching and the habit of speaking daily

* 0

There are any relationship between Improve Students Cross-Cultural

Competence in Oral English Teaching and the habit of speaking daily

3.kjResearch Design

Research design is plans on how to collect and analyze data in order

to be economically feasible and in line with the research objectives. Thus,

research design is a plan of gathering and analyzing data in order to fit with

the research objectives. The purpose of research design is guiding and helping

the researcher in conducting the research activities. In term of research

methodology, the writer uses descriptive with a qualitative approach to

explain the phenomena and social facts on the society objectively. According

to Sutrisno Hadi in Hadari Nawawi (2005: 24) states that "research can be

defined as an effort to find, develop, and test the truth of a knowledge, where

business is done by using metode - scientific method. "

Methods of qualitative research is a research method that is based on

the philosophy postpositivisme, used to examine the condition of the object
that alalmiah, (as his opponent is an experiment) where the researcher is as
instrument key, data collection techniques performed triangulation
(combined), data analysis is inductive / qualitative and the results further
emphasize the significance of generalization. According Sugiyono (2012: 35)
"descriptive research method is a method of research conducted to
determine the independent variable value or more (independent) without
making a comparison between a variable or combining with one another the
purpose is The Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication Competence in
Oral English Teaching Practice
4. Research Variable

According Sugiyono (2009: 60), variable research is basically

everything that shaped what is defined by the researchers to be studied in

order to obtain information about it, then drawn conclusions.

According Sugiyono than the writer determining variables in this study

there are 2 variable.

1. Independent variable is The Cultivation of Cross-cultural

Communication Competence
2. Dependent variable is Oral English Teaching Practice

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