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Word Mean in Oxford Dictionary Translation In Bahasa

(N) needle/nid()l/
1: A very fine slender piece of polished metal
Needle Jarum
with a point at one end and a hole or eye for
thread at the other, used in sewing.
(N) symptom/sm(p)tm/
1: A physical or mental feature which is
Symptom regarded as indicating a condition of disease, Gejala
particularly such a feature that is apparent to
the patient.
(N/V) ward/wd/
1: A separate room in a hospital, typically one
Ward Melindungi (V), Bangsal (N)
allocated to a particular type of patient.
2: Guard; protect.
(V) Immunize/mjnz/
Immunize 1: Make (a person or animal) immune to Mengebalkan
infection, typically by inoculation.
(A) /dl/
1:Lacking interest or excitement.
Dull Bodoh
2: Slow to understand; stupid.
3: Make or become dull or less intense.
(N) /sn
1: An indication of a disease detectable by a
Sign Tanda
medical practitioner even if not apparent to
the patient.
(A) /nm
Numb Kebas/mati rasa
1: (of a part of the body) deprived of the
power of physical sensation.
(N) /rpi/
Therapy 1: Treatment intended to relieve or heal a Terapi/pengobatan
(N) /bakbn/
1: The series of vertebrae extending from the
Backbone Tulang Belakang
skull to the pelvis; the spine.
2: The main chain of a polymeric molecule.
(N/V) /knsnt/
1: Permission for something to happen or
Consent Persetujuan
agreement to do something.
2: Give permission for something to happen.
(N) /kli/
Colleague 1: A person with whom one works in a Kolega/rekan/sejawat
profession or business.
1: The kinds of food that a person, animal, or
community habitually eats.
2: A special course of food to which a person
Diet Diet/makanan/menu
restricts themselves, either to lose weight or
for medical reasons.
3: Restrict oneself to small amounts or special
kinds of food in order to lose weight.
(A) /kntv/
Cognitive Kognisi/kognitif/Intelektualitas
1: Relating to cognition.
(N/V) /kssz/
Exercise Latihan/bergerak/pengamalan
1: Activity requiring physical effort, carried
out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
2: An activity carried out for a specific
3: Engage in physical activity to sustain or
improve health and fitness.
(V) /dren/
1: Cause the water or other liquid in
Drain Mengalirkan/menguras/mengeringkan
(something) to run out, leaving it empty or
(V) /hll/
Halal 1: Religiously acceptable according to Muslim Halal
(A/N/V) /vwet/
1: Above a weight considered normal or
Overweight Kelebihan berat
2: Excessive or extra weight.
3: Put too much weight on; overload.

(Phrasal V)
Pass Away Wafat/Meninggal/Hilang dari keberadaan
1: Die.
(A) /psst()nt/
1: Continuing firmly or obstinately in an
opinion or course of action in spite of
Persistent Menetap/Gigih
difficulty or opposition.
2: Continuing to exist or occur over a
prolonged period.
Piercing (A/N) /ps/ Tajam/Menusuk/Lubang Tindikan
1: Having or showing shrewdness or keen
2: A small hole in a part of the body, typically
other than the ears, made so as to insert a
ring, stud, or other piece of jewellery.

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