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Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian

Church of Orlando this morning! We worship
together as a church family in four services
on Sundays: Traditional worship in the
Sanctuary at 8:15am and 11am, and Genesis
worship in the Sanctuary at 9:45am and in
Lee Fellowship Hall at 11:00am. Check
in and let us know youre here: visit
our Legacy Room for a cup of coffee
and say hello, or text FPCO to the
number 313131.
save the date
TODAY: Happy Father's Day!
TODAY: We are treating the men in the choir to
a Sunday off. Please enjoy our Women's choir
TODAY: First Step, a 30-minute overview of life at
First Pres, for guests and visitors, after 11am worship.
Join us in the Legacy Room, between the Sanctuary
and Welcome Center.
June 21: Womens Cancer Support meets, 12pm-1pm
with a light lunch provided. RSVP to Maddy Vilar at
407.423.3441 x1159.
July: Strike Hunger Month. For ways you can get
involved or volunteer at Daily Bread during the week
of July 3-7, please visit
July 9: Studies in Ezekiel. Join us each Sunday through
August 20 for this look at the visions of Ezekiel. Details
REGISTRATION OPEN: Camp Twain is July 24-28 for
students (rising 6th grade to graduated seniors).

families at first pres

First Pres has three rooms to help young families on
Sunday mornings: one nursing room for mothers & infants,
next to the Prayer Room, between the Sanctuary and Lee
Fellowship Hall, and a second nursing room for mothers &
infants, on the 1st floor of Clayton Life Center next to the
In addition, we have a Family Room for infants, children and
dads :-) , also on the first floor of Clayton Life Center.
All three rooms have a live television feed from the worship
JUNE 18, 2017

'Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you
fishers of men. At once they left their nets and
followed him. Matthew 4:19-20

Today is a joyous occasion as we celebrate the

commissioning of 6 caring members of our
congregation who have heard the call of the Lord
and left their nets to follow Him. This rite of
commissioning culminates a period of extensive
training and preparation for caring ministry through
the Stephen Series, a special ministry of care and
concern for others. Our Stephen Ministers have
studied and practiced skills in such areas as processing
feelings, crisis intervention, asserting oneself with
gentleness and firmness, and numerous other topics.
After the commissioning, these Stephen Ministers
will be assigned to minister in our congregation and
community, working with people who are experiencing
such life crises as hospitalization, retirement, financial
setback, the loss of a loved one, or any number of other
difficulties people face in daily living.

They stand poised, ready to begin this caring ministry

in our midst. As we commission them and send them
forth to minister, let us thank God for the love and
generosity that inspired their response to Gods call,
and let us pray for the success of this caring ministry
that they bring to our community.

The Stephen Ministers commissioned today are:

Lynn Hall Steven Lietz Maddy Vilar
Larry Kreider Ali Nguyen Steve Wightman

We also celebrate Ann Davis & Kent Sterchi as they have

finished the 50 hours of Stephen Ministry Leadership Training
and join the team of leaders.


address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801
phone 407.423.3441
online /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando
genesis worship
Prayer for Illumination
Rev. Becky Davis and Dr. James Capps
*Scripture Reading Matthew 14:22-32
pew bible p. 692

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will

say, This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is
invited to respond, Thanks be to God.

Message Sailing the Stormy Seas

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Stephen Minister Commissioning (11:00)

Assisting in Worship: Bret Allen and Luke Domeck.

(Give securely on your smartphone at

Our Genesis services utilize an environmental lighting effect

called haze, a theatrical humidifier to thicken the air to
enhance lighting. Both Lee Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary
hazers are water-based and safe.

generosity IN GIVING

Stewardship Report as of June 11, 2017. 38.7%

MAY 2017
Thank you for your faithful generosity.

Tithes & Offerings This/Last Week Fiscal YTD

Budgeted $129,678 $6,440,645
Received $99,772 $6,688,408
Surplus/(Deficit) ($29,906) $247,763
ARISE AND BUILD Capital Campaign Update
Funds Given $5.5 Million
Remaining to Give $2.2 Million
Tithed to Mission $550,000
Give easily and securely online from your smartphone at
traditional worship

The opening hymn, When Morning Gilds the Skies, is

a litany type of hymn. A litany is simply a repeated
phrase. Each of the verses end with may Jesus Christ
be praised. It is a marvelous opening to worship for
there is no time not to praise the Lord. From morning
to evening, at work and at prayerall the hours are
gifts from our Father in heaven. The Lord is praised in
sadness, in joy, throughout all eternity. The powers of
darkness cannot compete with the canticle divine.
I dont know if youve ever thought about it, but what
is one of the things we do on earth that we will also
do in heaven? There are very few activities done on
earth that will also be done in heaven. No need to
confess; we wont sin anymore! In Judaism, the Feast
of Tabernacles," for instance was a rehearsal.
Feast actually meant rehearsal. In other words,
our worship is a rehearsal of what we will do in
heaven. We will sing may Jesus Christ be praised!
The book of Revelation gives us some clues. So you
see, the truth is, each Sundays worship is a rehearsal
for eternity. Dont skip rehearsal! The Father loves to
hear you practicing! In fact, He will rejoice over you
with singing! Can you imagine God singing? He does! (I
didnt make this up! Zephaniah 3:17.)
- Dr. Dan Sharp

(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

Nocturne from Shylock gabriel faure (tr. virgil fox)


Call to Worship
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name arr. dan bird

*Processional Hymn of Praise no. 111

When Morning Gilds the Skies laudes domini

*Ascription of Praise Psalm 8

Organ Praise

Pastoral Report

*Passing of the Peace

Call to Prayer
Surely the Presence lanny wolfe

Pastoral Prayer

Scripture Jonah 2:2-9

Hymn of Trust (11:00) no. 425

Christ Beside Me bunessan

Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings

*Doxology no. 34
*Prayer of Commitment

(Give securely on your smartphone at

Anthem of Devotion
O Lord, Most Holy cesar franck
Womens Chorus


Prayer for Illumination
Rev. Becky Davis and Dr. James Capps
*Scripture Reading Matthew 14:22-32
pew bible p. 692

At the conclusion of our Scripture reading, the leader will say,

This is the word of the Lord. The congregation is invited to
respond, Thanks be to God.

Message Sailing the Stormy Seas

Stephen Minister Commissioning (11:00)

*Hymn no. 496
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms showalter

*Invitation and Charge


*Choral Response
Lantz Amen daniel sharp

Toccata in D minor j.s.bach

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Dr. James A. Capps, Tanner Fox, guest

choir director Jennifer Sweet, hymn leader Steve Sweet, and
organist Josiah Armes.

congregational care
As a caring body of believers, please remember in your
prayers those who have recently been hospitalized or are
recuperating at home: Gloria Holly.
Our sympathy to Bettie Allen on the death of her husband,
Buckie Allen, June 5.
Also, Suzanne and Doug Colson on the death of her father,
John Miller, June 10.
Amy and Charles Cook on the death of her mother,
Marylin Watson, June 11.
To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office
at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

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