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Dennis Robey (20934796)

May 25, 2017

a + bi = f (t)
f (t) = Asin(t + )
i = Bsin(t + x)
i(t) = Re[I()ejt ]
i(t) = Ae i + B

Solutions to maxwell equations in linear isotropic media

E(r, t) = Re(E(r)ejt )
E = E0 ()ej(kr)

E0 is still a real vector

Under the assumption that all fields are harmonic with the same frequency Maxwells equations can be written

V xE = jB

Lorentzs equations are introduced after maxwells equation because it lets you solve for unique solutions.
From Maxwells equationa for phasors we can serid:

2 E + k 2 E = 0
2 H + k 2 H = 0

Try a solution of the form:

E = E0 ()ej(kr)

E0 is unrestricted in magnitude and also in direction.

So far the solution need NOT be a transverse wave.
The requirement that the wave has to be transverse comes from E = 0

You need to understance the difference between the divergence of E and the divergence of D. One is about the
differnece between free chanrge density and the other is the diference between totaly charge densities. Usually,
the divergence is: denom
Why is it 0? There are no free charge sources and No boundaries implies there are no bound charges.

E = 0E0 ()ej(kr) = j(k E0 ())ej(kr) = 0

It works out that the D absorbs what the material is doing.

The electric and magnetic fields are orthogonal.
Uniform plane wave: k = (kr jki )k
E field polarized in z direction and propagation in the y directions.

E(x, y, z, t) = Eoz az ey cos(t y)

SO when waves are un-attenuated that means that the = 0

For propagation in a docudtor,
= 0
= 0

Were going to use the property of waves propgating through a conductor for the Skin Effect.
Steady state means the amplitudes of the sinusoids are constant. The derivatives are not necessarily zero. If you
have a step function then it can eventualy lead to steady state AND the derivateive will be zero.

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