Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

select * from salespeople11 where scity like '%San%';

select * from customer11;

select * from orders11;

select sname ,comm from salespeople11 where scity='london';

select onum,amt,odate from orders11 join salespeople11 on

salespeople11.snum=orders11.snum where sname like'%Motika%';

select * from salespeople11;

select cname from customer11 join orders11 on customer11.cnum=orders11.cnum where

odate like '%10/3/1996%';

select sum(amt),odate from orders11

where amt>2000
group by odate;

select * from orders11 where amt>;

select snum,sname from salespeople11 where exists (select cnum from customer11
where customer11.snum=salespeople11.snum and rating>6);

select distinct a.cname,b.rating from customer11 a join customer11 b on a.rating =

b.rating where a.rating in (7,9);

select * from (select cname from customer11 as a join customer11 as b on

a.rating=b.rating group by rating) ;

select a.cname,b.rating from customer11 a,customer11 b where a.rating = b.rating

and a.cname != b.cname;

select snum from salespeople11 where sname like '%Serres%';

select * from(select cnum,cname,s.snum as snum,sname from customer11 c join

salespeople11 s on c.snum=s.snum where cnum>1000) where sname like '%Serres%';

select snum,sname,scity,round((comm/0.87*100),2) as commi_in_per from


select cname ,ccity from customer11 c join orders11 o on o.cnum=c.cnum where


select o.odate,max(o.amt) as amt from salespeople11 s join orders11 o on

o.snum=s.snum where amt>3000 group by odate;

select s.sname,max(amt) amt from salespeople11 s join orders11 o on s.snum=o.snum

where odate='3-oct-1996' group by sname;

select cname,ccity from salespeople11,customer11 where

salespeople11.snum=customer11.snum and sname like'%Serres%';
select * from customer11 where rating>6;

select distinct count(s.snum) as cnt_of_salespeople from orders11 o join

salespeople11 s on o.snum=s.snum ;

select cname,sname,comm from customer11 c join salespeople11 s on s.snum=c.snum

where comm>0.11 ;

select count(s.snum) cnt1 from customer11 c join salespeople11 s on c.snum=s.snum

where cnt1>1 group by s.snum;

select sname ,cname from salespeople11 s join customer11 c on s.snum=c.snum where


select * from salespeople11 where sname like'P%';

select * from (select onum,amt,odate from customer11 c join orders11 o on

c.cnum=o.cnum where cname like'%Cisneros%');

select sname,max(amt) from orders11 o join salespeople11 s on o.snum=s.snum where

sname in('Serres','Rifkin') group by sname;

select snum,sname,comm,scity from salespeople11;

select * from customer11 where cname like'[A-G]


select * from orders11 where amt>(select avg(amt) from orders11 where odate='4-oct-

select * from( select a.cname,b.cnum from customer11 a,customer11 b where

max(a.rating) and ccity=!b.ccity;*******************************************

select odate,sum(amt) as amt from orders11 group by odate order by amt desc;

select rating,cname from customer11 where ccity like'%San Jose%';

select onum ,amt,odate from orders11 o join customer11 c on o.cnum=c.cnum where


select cname,odate,amt from orders11 o join customer11 c on c.cnum=o.cnum where

amt>(select avg(amt) from orders11 );

select max(rating), ccity from customer11 group by ccity;

select count(cname) from customer11 where rating>(select avg(rating) from

customer11 where ccity like'%San Jose%');

select a.*,b.* from salespeople11 a,salespeople11 b order by a.snum desc;

select sname from salespeople11 where scity in('London','Barcelona');

select count(cname) cnt, sname from salespeople s join customer11 c on

s.snum=c.snum where cnt>1 group by cnt;

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