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Ecuador is a country with different regions and people of different origins, what makes their culture and traditions
very rich. Ecuador is made up of four regions: Costa, Sierra, Oriente and Las Islas Galapagos. Each region has its own
traditions such as culture, food and clothing, and very different climates. Ecuadorian population includes natives,
descendants of Spanish, mestizos, and descendants from Africans.

Many cultural traditions are typical of specific times in a year, such as the day of the dead which is celebrated in
November and on this date a special bread with the shape of "guaguas" and a purple drink called "colada morada"
are made. The colada moradais eatten by many tourists and people of my country, some tourists dont intend to
eat the colada morada. This is especially celebrated in the sierra.

Also, many tourist places are visited by local and foreign people on special dates. One of these important dates is
Easter. In Ecuador, this is celebrated in a different way than other countries. One tradition in this period is to eat
"fanesca", which is a typical dish of the sierra. For me the fanesca is as delicious as rice with fish. My family lives in
the sierra, in the city of Ambato, and I visit them during Easter. I like to eat the fanesca. It is made by my aunts.
Another tradition is the viacrucis. This hike is usually done by my family together.

In conclusion, tourists should visit Ecuador for its varied, rich and authentic traditions, which we are obliged to keep
as the traditions of our ancestors so that they continue to be maintained in the future.


In my opinion, a law should be passed that says if you want to drive a car, you have to turn 21. At the moment in
Ecuador, you can get your driving license at 18 years old.

There are two good reasons for young people to get their driving license at 21. Firstly, I personally think at this age
people are more responsible, they appreciate life more. Secondly, many teenagers get involved in traffic accidents
which means that they do not take the necessary precautions, they lead a hurried life.

On the other hand, many teenagers would like to get their driving license even before 18 years old. This is because
they want to go out with their friends to parties, that is why they prefer to drive their own cars than to walk.

In conclusion, I believe it is a mistake for my country to allow people the possibility to get the driving license at 18,
because it is very dangerous and teenagers are exposed to accidents.
Is our privacy in danger in our high-tech and virtual world?

At the moment in my country our privacy is in danger in our high-tech and virtual world. In my opinion, people
should be more careful when they use the internet.

There are two good reasons for people have careful when use the internet. Firstly, I personally think many people
expose their lives in social networks, they are in danger because they can be harassed by virtual hijackers. Secondly,
their passwords and their virtual bank account could be stolen by hackers, there are many hackers hidden on

On the other hand, many people prefer to share their personal life and experiences in social networks. This is
because people want to feel important and stand out from others.

In conclusion, I believe it is a mistake for people to expose their lives on social networks and to manage their bank
accounts on internet, because it is very dangerous and people are exposed to hackers.


Soccer is the most played sport in the world. It is more than 2000 years old; the current form of football was played
for the first time in England. It is in England where the rules were formulated to guide the game. Soccer is a game
played by only two teams at a given time and each of the teams must have eleven players.

There are many football competitions in different countries around the world. One of the most famous is the
Champions League, its supposed to be one of the most important competitions in Europe, and another competition
is the FIFA world cup. This is as important as the Champions League. In this competition participate soccer team of all
the world. In Ecuador, there is supposed to be a competitive league. The Ecuadorian league is as bad as the Peruvian
league in South America. Besides soccer is practiced amateur form by boys and big.

Soccer is a good exercise to keep the body and mind healthy, thanks to this we will have a life full of vitality. Soccer
helps us to socialize, thanks to this sport we meet new friends. It is also one of the most marketed sports in the

In my opinion football is a sport that can play all people, it does not matter if you are good or bad practicing it, but
not everyone likes it, some people dont try to play it. Football helps me to forget all my problems, its as good as
listen to music for all the day.

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