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Area Design Specifications Has the final Evidence

achieved it?

Aesthetics The different ingredients in the dish As you can see in the photo below, all the
are placed neatly. For example, in different ingredients in the dish are placed
this dish (pictured below), the neatly. The broccoli are placed neatly on the
potatoes, beans and the pork are left side, while the carbonara are neatly placed
placed neatly in different piles on
on the right of the broccoli.
the plate.

100% of survey participants agree with this.

The meal has at least 3 colours in In the photo below, you can see that there are
the dish. Using the example from at least 3 colours in the dish. The three main
above, the potatoes are yellow, the
beans are green and the pork is colours of the dish are green, yellow and
brown, therefore, there are 3 red-ish brown.

(the three colours, cut out from the photo above)

100% of survey participants agree with this.

The meal has at least 2 different As you can see in the photo below, there are at
textures of food. Some food texture least 2 different textures of food, since the
examples are crispy, creamy and texture of the spaghetti is stringy, while the
chewy. bacon is crispy.
100% of survey participants agree with this.

The different ingredients of the In the photo of the final product below, you can
meal are in different shapes and see that the ingredients are in different shapes
sizes, but the same ingredients are and sizes. For example, the broccoli are in sort
in similar shape and size. For of round shapes, and the spaghetti are in long
example, the beans are all in
thin shapes. Also, the broccoli are bigger than
similar shapes and sizes.
the bacon bits.
Cost The cost of this meal is about 18 to The price of the school meal is 24-26 HKD as I
26 HKD or 2 to 3 USD. have designed it to be. Below is a screenshot
of my criterion B, page 16.

Also, people in my survey agree that the price

of this school meal is about 18 to 26 HKD.

Customer The target audience is VSA As evidence, my design from criterion B clearly
secondary students. states that the target audience is VSA
secondary students. Below is a screenshot.

Also, almost everyone in my survey agree that

the target audience is VSA secondary
students, as you can see in the survey result
chart below.
The target audience buys school As you can see in the survey results,
meal. participants agree that the target audience
buys school meal.

Furthermore, logically speaking, since this is a

school meal, why would the target audience
not be someone who buys school lunch? If this
school lunch is not targeted at people who buy
school lunch, does that mean that this school
lunch is not expecting anyone to buy it, as only
people who buy a school lunch would buy a
school lunch. Taking a step backward, if the
school lunch really is not expecting anyone to
buy it, why would it have a price for customers.
If there are no customers, then what is the
point for having a price for the product?
Therefore, this school meal is targeted at
people who buy school lunch.

The target audience is not From the criterion B design, (p16), you can see
vegetarian. that the target audience is Non-vegetarian
VSA secondary student (who consumes
school meals regularly). See the
screenshot below.

Furthermore, there is meat in the school

lunch, as bacon is a type of meat.
Vegetarians do not eat meat, therefore, this
school meal is targeted at people who are
not vegetarians.

Environme The meal will be served at VSA. Since the target audience is VSA secondary
ntal students, and that a school lunch should be
Considerati served inside the school, therefore this meal
ons will be served at VSA.

Moreover, 100% of the survey participants

agree with this.
The meal will not use disposable As you can see in this picture of my final
cutlery such as disposable plastic product, it does not contain any disposable
plates. cutlery.

Furthermore, in the design explanation in

criterion B page 16, it states that No
disposable cutlery will be used..

Function The meals purpose is to provide 100% of survey participants agree that the
enough energy for the target meals purpose is to provide enough energy for
audience. the target audience.
In criterion B page 4, I wrote So, the school
meal that I will design and create will have the
purpose to provide energy for the target
audience. Therefore, this meals purpose is to
provide enough energy for the target audience.

The meals purpose is to help 100% of survey participants agree with this.
students develop healthily.

In criterion B page 15, there is a list of

ingredients and nutrition information about the
meal. This shows that the meal intends to help
students develop healthily, or else why would it
care about the nutritions of the meal.
The meal is a hot meal. 100% of survey participants agree with this.

In the production plan, there are many steps

involved with cooking the meal with heat, for
example in the screenshot below, there is a
sauteing step to cook the bacon. (criterion C
page 4)

The meal is a school meal. 100% of survey participants agree with this.
Since the target audience is someone who
buys school meal this meal is a school meal.
Also it is served in VSA cafeteria, so it is a
school meal.

The meal can be consumed easily. 100% of survey participants agree with this.

This meal requires only simple cutlery such as

fork to consume it. Also all the food on the
plate in this school meal can be easily picked
up by a fork or spoon, therefore the meal can
be consumed easily.

The meal is inspired by/ is an Italian 80% of survey participants agree with this.
or Japanese dish.

From criterion B page 16, it states that it is

inspired by Italian Cuisine.

Preparation The meal can be produced using From the production plan, you can see that the
and the equipments in the Food meal only needs equipments in the Food
Cooking Technology room. Technology room, therefore it can be produced
by equipments in the Food Technology room.

Also, 100% of the surveyees agreed on this.

The meal does not use the deep fry From criterion B page 16, there is a list of all
cooking method. the main cooking methods involved in this,
which does not contain deep fry.

Also, 100% of the survey participants think that

there is no deep fry involved.

The meal can be cooked in under 1 100% survey participants agree to this
hour 25 minutes.
From adding up the time needed for each step
in the production plan, the plan does not
exceed 1hr 25 min. So, the meal can be
produced in under 1 hr 25min.
(here is a part of the production plan)


The meal and all its ingredients are When making the school meal, I have followed
not overcooked. the recipe for it step by step, so according to
the recipe, my school meal should not be
Link to recipe:

Most of the survey participants agree that the

meal is not overcooked.
Ingredients The ingredients of this meal are From the picture below of my final product, you
from at least 3 different food can see that there are ingredients from at least
groups. three different food groups.
Broccoli: vegetable and fruits food group
Spaghetti: grains food group
Bacon: Meat and beans food group

100% survey participants agree with this.

At least 2 ingredients are from the From the photo below, you can see that the
vegetables food group. broccoli and the parsley leaves are from the
vegetables food group.
100% survey participants agree with this.

At least one ingredient is from the From the picture below, you can see that there
grains food group. is spaghetti in the school meal. Since spaghetti
belongs to the grains food group, so there is at
least one ingredient from the grains food group
in this school meal.

100% survey participants agree with this.

At least one ingredient is from the In the picture below, you can see that there are
meat and beans food group. bacon bits in the school meal. Bacon belongs
to the meat and beans food group. Therefore,
there is at least one ingredient from the meat
and beans food group.

100% survey participants agree with this.

Vegetables or fruits in this meal are 100% survey participants agree with this.
not very old or ripe.
The vegetables are bought within three days
before the production, and as you can see in
the production plan, the vegetables are stored
in the refrigerator.

The meal contains less than 2g of In criterion B, the design of the final product
salt. says that it will only use 0.5g of salt, which is
less than 2g. Therefore, it meets the

Also in my production plan, I wrote that I will

use only 0.5g of salt.
The meal contains less than 10g of In criterion B, the design of the final product
cooking oil. says that it will only use 10mL of oil, which is
less than 10g. Therefore, it meets the

Also, 10mL of olive oil equals 9.44g, so it is

under 10g of oil.

Safety The meal is not undercooked. When making the school meal, I have followed
the recipe for it step by step, so according to
the recipe, my school meal should not be
Link to recipe:

100% of the survey participants agree that the

meal is not undercooked.

The meal and all its ingredients are All of the ingredients are bought in the market
edible. or supermarkets, therefore if they are not
edible, they would not be sold in markets or

100% of the survey participants agree with this.

The meal doesnt contain any The ingredients were bought within three days
rotten ingredients. before the production, and as you can see in
the production plan, the ingredients were
stored in the refrigerator.

100% of the survey participants agree with this.

All equipments used to cook this 100% of the survey participants agree with this.
meal are thoroughly washed before
All ingredients that requires 100% of the survey participants agree with this.
washing are washed.

The working environment is I passed the practical assessment, meaning

organised. E.g. the knifes are that I also passed the requirement about
neatly put aside, and glass bowls kitchen safety and general working habits.
are placed somewhere on the table
that is not near the tables edge.

100% of the survey participants agree with this.

Size The food cooked is not bigger than As you can see in the picture below, the food
the plate that the meal will be cooked is definitely not bigger than the plate
served on. that the meal will be served on, or else the food
would have been spilling out of the plate.

100% of the survey participants agree with this.

The plate will be about the same The plate I used in this picture is borrowed
size as the plates used in the VSA from the 3/F cafeteria at VSA. Therefore, the
cafeteria. plate in this school meal is the same size as
the ones used in VSA cafeteria.
100% of the survey participants agree with this.

The survey was sent to different secondary VSA students through e-mail or other
social media platforms.

Survey design:



From the two product testing I conducted on my final product, which is a school
meal, I was able to conclude how successful my final product is.

The first product test is a self test, in which I assessed the successfulness of my
product by comparing the final product against the design specifications I have set
previously in the developing ideas stage. This test can help me evaluate how
successful the final product, because the design specifications are like the guidelines
for the product to follow in order to become successful. The design specifications are
also requirements for the solution to the problem of this unit, which is VSA students
being dissatisfied with the school meals served. In the inquiring and analysing stage
I conducted a thorough research on the topic and how to solve the problem, in order
to expand my knowledge on this topic and create a perfect solution to the problem.
Then using the knowledge I have gained from the research, I concluded on what the
school meal should have in order for it to be the solution to the problem, and created
the design specifications for the designs. For example, from my research, I found out
that a school meal should be healthy in order to help students grow and develop
healthily, so I created a design specification requiring the meal designs to have at
least one ingredient from the vegetables. If a product meets all of the design
specification, it should be quite successful. From the results of the self test, you can
see that the final product has met all of the design specifications I have set in the
developing ideas stage. Furthermore, there are two evidence for each of the design
specification met. For example, for the design specification The meal will not use
disposable cutlery such as disposable plastic plates, I found two pieces of evidence
to prove that my final product has met this specification. The first evidence was a
picture of the final product, which shows that there were not any disposable cutlery in
this school meal. The second evidence was a screenshot of my design from criterion
B, which shows that the final product was designed not to use any disposable
cutlery. This proves that the final product is very successful at being the solution to
the problem.

The second product test I have conducted was a survey test, in which a online
survey, created using SurveyMonkey, was sent to a number of VSA secondary
students. I decided to send the survey to this particular group of people, because the
target audience of this final product is VSA secondary students, therefore it is very
appropriate for the survey to be sent to VSA secondary students, for this way I can
collect feedback from the target audience directly. Through the online survey, I will
also be able to identify what improvements should the product make in order for it to
satisfy the target audience. From the results collected in this survey, most of the
survey participants think that my final product have met all of the design
specifications, as almost every participants answered yes for every question. In
questions 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8, all the survey participants answered yes, which means
that they agree that the final product has met all the design specifications mentioned.
For question 3, only less than 10% of the participants answered no. In question 5
and 6, about 20% of the participants answered no.

Overall, my final product was successful, because both of the product tests showed
that the final product has met all the design specification, had positive response from
the target audience and was able to solve the problem proposed in criterion A.
Although the two product tests that I have conducted on my final product showed
that the final product is successful, there are still a few areas in which the product
can improve.

Firstly, as reflected by the response from the survey participants, the school meal is
not very Italian inspired. I think that the cause of this is that the school meals
appearance does not really resemble the classic spaghetti carbonara appearance.
Below are two pictures, the one on the left is my final product and the one on the
right is a picture of spaghetti carbonara from the internet.

Comparing the two spaghetti carbonara, you can see that the one I made looks very
dark and dry, but the one from the internet looks creamy and light coloured. I think
that the colour difference is caused by the thickness of the cream. To improve this
and make the spaghetti carbonara look more creamy and light-coloured, I will need
to change the recipe. I will also need to research on how to make the cream of the
carbonara more thick, in order to change my current recipe for the school meal. By
improving this, the target audience will find this more similar to Italian cuisine, and
might find it more appealing to eat.

Secondly, another area for the school meal to improve is the taste of the school
meal. After I cooked the school meal I designed, I found out that the taste of the
spaghetti carbonara is not enough. I decided that I should ask my parents how I
should fix this problem. They told me that I should add a bit more salt into the
carbonara, because salt is used to bring out the flavours in food. Also, other
seasonings, such as pepper can also be used to add flavour to a meal. Therefore,
another way to improve this school meal is to add in a little bit more salt, so that the
original flavours of the food can be amplified. By improving this, the consumer will be
more satisfied with this dish, hence making this school meal more successful.

Thirdly, the school meal can be improved by using less oil. From my experience of
cooking this dish, I found out that I actually dont need to use 10mL of oil to cook the
dish, I only used half of that amount of oil to cook this dish. This is because when
sauteing the bacon, the bacon produces a large amount of oil on the pan, which is
then used to fry the carbonara. Since there is a lot of oil in the pan already, I didnt
need to add in additional oil onto the pan, as that will only make the dish too oily.
Furthermore, oil belongs to the group of food that should not be consumed a lot,
according to the food pyramid. By decreasing the amount of oil used to cook this
school meal, it can make this school meal more healthy for the target audience to
consume. Therefore, decreasing the amount of oil used in this school meal by half,
making it 5 mL instead of 10 mL will make the dish taste less oily and more healthy.
In addition, making this school meal more healthy can help make this school meal a
better solution to the problem of VSA students being dissatisfied with the food served
at VSA.

Overall, there are three main areas in which the final product can improve on, they
are the cream, the seasoning and the amount of oil used. Improving in these areas
can make the school meal a better solution to the problem.
As the aim for my project is to create a healthy school meal that can increase my
target audiences satisfaction and performance in various area, and at the same time
meets the needs of my target audience, my final product, which is a spaghetti
carbonara school meal, has two main focuses.

The first focus is making the school meal healthy. According to the research findings
from the inquiring and analysing stage, I found out that a healthy school meal is very
important to the growth and development of a child or a teenager. A healthy school
meal is a school meal that provides the consumer with enough energy and nutrients.
According to the website, Fuel Up to Play 60, students who eat healthy and
nutrient-dense meals have a higher nutrient intake than students who dont.
Nutrients are essential components of the human body. Therefore, students with
higher nutrient intake are most likely to be healthier than the students with low
nutrient intake. Furthermore, healthy school meal can prevent obesity among
students. To make my school meal healthy and nutritious, I designed it to include
ingredients with a variety of nutrients. From the seven main types of nutrients, which
are carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fibers, fat, minerals and water, at least the first
five types of nutrients are in the school meal. For example the egg in the school meal
contains proteins. With a variety of nutrients in this school meal, the students diet
will be well balanced and healthy. This will help the student grow and develop
healthily and increase their academic performance as well.

The second focus of this school meal is the target audiences satisfaction. Since the
problem the school meal needs to solve is that VSA students are not very satisfied
with their school meals. Therefore, my final product is designed based on what the
target audience wants, so that the target audience will be more satisfied with the
school meal. In the analysing and inquiring stage, I collected responses from my
target audience, VSA secondary students, through online survey, and found out a
few requirements they want in their school meals. In particularly, they wanted the
school meal to be inspired by Italian cuisine. In order to satisfy this requirement from
the target audience, I designed the school meal to be spaghetti carbonara, which is
an Italian dish. Since the school meal is based on an Italian dish, the target audience
is satisfied with the dish. This also means that the school meal was able to achieve
the goal of fulfilling the needs of the target audience.

Overall, the school meal impacts the target audience by helping them grow and
develop healthily and make them satisfied with their school meal. This will make the
target audience want to consume the school meal more, as this school meal can
benefit them.

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