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2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

speci cations

URI Scheme Name String Mapping

The following UTF-8 code points are de ned to represent the following scheme name strings for the <<URI>> data type


Showing 1 to 185 of 185 entries

Code Point Scheme Name String

U+0002 aaa:

U+0003 aaas:

U+0004 about:

U+0005 acap:

U+0006 acct:

U+0007 cap:

U+0008 cid:

U+0009 coap:

U+000A coaps:

U+000B crid:

U+000C data:

U+000D dav: 1/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+000E dict:

U+000F dns:

U+0010 le:

U+0011 ftp:

U+0012 geo:

U+0013 go:

U+0014 gopher:

U+0015 h323:

U+0016 http:

U+0017 https:

U+0018 iax:

U+0019 icap:

U+001A im:

U+001B imap:

U+001C info:

U+001D ipp:

U+001E ipps:

U+001F iris:

U+0020 iris.beep: 2/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+0021 iris.xpc:

U+0022 iris.xpcs:

U+0023 iris.lwz:

U+0024 jabber:

U+0025 ldap:

U+0026 mailto:

U+0027 mid:

U+0028 msrp:

U+0029 msrps:

U+002A mtqp:

U+002B mupdate:

U+002C news:

U+002D nfs:

U+002E ni:

U+002F nih:

U+0030 nntp:

U+0031 opaquelocktoken:

U+0032 pop:

U+0033 pres: 3/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+0034 reload:

U+0035 rtsp:

U+0036 rtsps:

U+0037 rtspu:

U+0038 service:

U+0039 session:

U+003A shttp:

U+003B sieve:

U+003C sip:

U+003D sips:

U+003E sms:

U+003F snmp:

U+0040 soap.beep:

U+0041 soap.beeps:

U+0042 stun:

U+0043 stuns:

U+0044 tag:

U+0045 tel:

U+0046 telnet: 4/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+0047 tftp:

U+0048 thismessage:

U+0049 tn3270:

U+004A tip:

U+004B turn:

U+004C turns:

U+004D tv:

U+004E urn:

U+004F vemmi:

U+0050 ws:

U+0051 wss:

U+0052 xcon:

U+0053 xcon-userid:

U+0054 xmlrpc.beep:

U+0055 xmlrpc.beeps:

U+0056 xmpp:

U+0057 z39.50r:

U+0058 z39.50s:

U+0059 acr: 5/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+005A adiumxtra:

U+005B afp:

U+005C afs:

U+005D aim:

U+005E apt:

U+005F attachment:

U+0060 aw:

U+0061 barion:

U+0062 beshare:

U+0063 bitcoin:

U+0064 bolo:

U+0065 callto:

U+0066 chrome:

U+0067 chrome-extension:

U+0068 com-eventbrite-attendee:

U+0069 content:

U+006A cvs:

U+006B dlna-playsingle:

U+006C dlna-playcontainer: 6/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+006D dtn:

U+006E dvb:

U+006F ed2k:

U+0070 facetime:

U+0071 feed:

U+0072 feedready:

U+0073 nger:

U+0074 sh:

U+0075 gg:

U+0076 git:

U+0077 gizmoproject:

U+0078 gtalk:

U+0079 ham:

U+007A hcp:

U+007B icon:

U+007C ipn:

U+007D irc:

U+007E irc6:

U+007F ircs: 7/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+0080 itms:

U+0081 jar:

U+0082 jms:

U+0083 keyparc:

U+0084 lastfm:

U+0085 ldaps:

U+0086 magnet:

U+0087 maps:

U+0088 market:

U+0089 message:

U+008A mms:

U+008B ms-help:

U+008C ms-settings-power:

U+008D msnim:

U+008E mumble:

U+008F mvn:

U+0090 notes:

U+0091 oid:

U+0092 palm: 8/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+0093 paparazzi:

U+0094 pkcs11:

U+0095 platform:

U+0096 proxy:

U+0097 psyc:

U+0098 query:

U+0099 res:

U+009A resource:

U+009B rmi:

U+009C rsync:

U+009D rtmfp:

U+009E rtmp:

U+009F secondlife:

U+00A0 sftp:

U+00A1 sgn:

U+00A2 skype:

U+00A3 smb:

U+00A4 smtp:

U+00A5 soldat: 9/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+00A6 spotify:

U+00A7 ssh:

U+00A8 steam:

U+00A9 submit:

U+00AA svn:

U+00AB teamspeak:

U+00AC teliaeid:

U+00AD things:

U+00AE udp:

U+00AF unreal:

U+00B0 ut2004:

U+00B1 ventrilo:

U+00B2 view-source:

U+00B3 webcal:

U+00B4 wtai:

U+00B5 wyciwyg:

U+00B6 x re:

U+00B7 xri:

U+00B8 ymsgr: 10/11
2017611 UriSchemeNameStringMapping|BluetoothTechnologyWebsite

U+00B9 example:

U+00BA ms-settings-cloudstorage:

unde ned 11/11

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