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2004 Washington State Math Championship

Unless a particular problem directs otherwise, give an exact answer or one rounded
to the nearest thousandth.

Potpourri - Grade 5
1. A 444 cube is painted and then cut into 64 smaller cubes each 111. How many
of the cubes have paint on exactly one side?

2. What is the value of e in this number square pattern?

1 2 3 4 5 6
2 4 7 11 16 22
3 7 14 25 41 63
4 11 25 50 a b
5 16 41 a c d
6 22 63 b d e

3. What time will it be 1111 minutes after 11:11 p.m.?

4. A cell takes half a day to divide, forming two cells. If a cell culture starts with one
cell, how many cells will there be after nine days?

5. Lance rides his bike for 20 minutes at 12 miles per hour. Then for an hour and a half
he rides at 8 miles per hour, and finally for 24 minutes he rides at 15 miles per hour.
How many miles has he traveled?

6. Genetic RNA is one-sided and is composed partially of four bases called Adenosine,
Uracil, Guanine, and Cytosine, or A, U, G, and C. In a sequence that is 5 bases long,
how many combinations of the four bases are possible?

7. Seven nurses, Ann, Bea, Cara, Dee, Elle, Fran, and Gina have 1 day off each Monday
through Sunday week. No two of them have the same day off. Anns day off is the
day after Caras. Dees day off is 3 days after the day before Elles. Beas day off is
3 days before Ginas. Frans day off is halfway between Beas and Caras and is
Thursday. Find Dees day off.

WSMC 2004 Potpourri

1 Test Grade 5
8. A certain number leaves a remainder of 1 when it is divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 but
leaves no remainder when it is divided by 7. What is the smallest this number can

9. Each letter represents a different digit between 0-9. What is the value of F + P + O?
+ OF

10. A boy agreed to work one year for $240 and a horse. At the end of seven months,
he quit and received $100 and the horse. What was the value of the horse?

WSMC 2004 Potpourri

2 Test Grade 5
2005 Washington State Math Championship
Unless a particular problem directs otherwise, give an exact answer or one rounded
to the nearest thousandth.

Potpourri - Grade 5
1. Find the sum of the prime numbers between 50 and 100.

2. How many perfect squares are there between 1001 and 2005?

3. If a number is added to 16 times its reciprocal, the result is 8. Find the number.

4. Find the sum of the next three terms of the sequence: 3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39,

5. Ted the tired the inchworm is trying to crawl out of a 12in tall can with greasy
sides. He can only crawl for one minute, and only goes 3 inches before he is too
tired and must rest. He needs to rest for a minute to regain his strength, and while
he is resting he slides back down one inch. How many minutes will it take Ted to
crawl out?

6. Lucys marble collection has 8 red marbles, and 12 blue marbles, 5 black marbles
and 13 white marbles. How many marbles must Lucy pull out at random to make
sure she has two of the same color?

7. When traveling to the planet Zeta-9 you must exchange all of your funds to the
local currency, and you are only allowed to carry Zombas. So how many Zombas
you will get for $3360, according to the following exchange rates:

a. 3 Uzzles = 16$
b. 7 Uzzles = 15 Orpas
c. 3 Orpas = Zomba

8. What is the sum of the positive two-digit perfect cubes?

1003 arrow of the sequence.
9. Sketch the

Potpourri 2005.doc
Washington State Math Championship 2009
Potpourri Grade 5th Grade

1. While reading the book Why Math Competitions Rock, Sue decided to turn to a random part of
her book and multiply the two page numbers that were showing. If she found the product of the
page numbers was 7832, what were the two page numbers?

2. What is the next number in the following sequence?

3, 4, 8, 17, 33, 58, ___

3. Mr. Smith has three children, Moe, Joe, and Poe. Mr. Smith tells you that the product of his
childrens ages is 36, that Moe and Joe are twins, and that Poe, the oldest child, is at least two
years older than his brothers. If all of the childrens ages are single digits, what is Poes age?

4. What is the smallest positive integer that is divisible by each of the numbers one through seven?

5. Craig is able to collect 20 pinecones in an hour, while his friend Aaron is able to collect 40
pinecones in an hour. If they were to work together, how long, in minutes, would it take them to
collect 195 pinecones?

6. Express the repeating decimal 0.315 as a reduced fraction.

7. After paying for a cup of coffee during his lunch break, Pinocchio received $0.92 in change.
When he got back to work, he told his friend that he had received eight coins in change. How
many pennies did he receive?

8. What is the greatest common divisor of 25 ! 32 ! 54 and 24 ! 37 ! 53 ?

9. Suppose that each of letters M, A, T, H, and S represents a different digit (0 through 9). If
S times the four-digit number MATH is equal to the four-digit number SMTM, what is the sum
M + A + T + H + S?

10. What percentage of the squares of the one and two-digit positive integers have 1 as their units
digit? Express your answer to the nearest whole number percent.
2003 Washington State Math Championship
Unless a particular problem directs otherwise, give an exact answer or one rounded to the
nearest thousandth.

Potpourri - Grade 5
1. How many perfect squares are between 2003 and 3002?

2. Ernie ate half the cookies; Grover ate half of those remaining. The cookie monster ate the last
five cookies remaining. How many cookies were there originally?

3. Le Wei counts backwards from 2003 by 19. What is the first 2 digit number that he reaches?

4. The difference between a number and its reciprocal is . What is the sum of this number
and its reciprocal? [Answer as an exact fraction.]

5. The numbers 1 through 6 are each to be used once in the following multiplication problem.
What is the difference between the minimumand maximum values of the product?

6. Captain McKee flies an airline route that takes him around the world in 7 days. After
working for 7 days he gets 14 days off. If he begins his first around the world trip on
January 1, 2003, how many times will he travel around the world in 2003?

7. The first 4 dot patterns are shown. How many dots are in the tenth pattern?

8. What time is it 2003 minutes after 8:03 p.m. (20:03 in military time)?

9. What is the sum of the prime factors of 19,062,043?

10. Using the numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 each once to replace the variables w, x, y, and z, what is the
maximum possible value for the expression w + x y z ?

Potpourri 5th Grade

Bubble in your answers on the answer sheet. Be sure to erase all mistakes completely. You do
not need to bubble in leading zeros the answer of 7 does not need to be answered as 007.
If your answer is a fraction like , bubble in 316.

1. 2 points: How many three-digit positive integers are divisible by 11?

2. 2 points: What time will it be exactly 2012 minutes after 12:12am? Express your answer
in the form ABC, where A:BC is the correct time.

3. 2 points: What is the next number in the following sequence?

0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4,

4. 3 points: If 0.684 is written as a reduced fraction, what is its numerator?

5. 3 points: April 1st, also known as April Fools Day, occurred on a Sunday this year. In how
many years will April Fools Day next occur on a Sunday?

6. 3 points: Define a pretty prime to be a prime number with only prime digits. Define a
cool composite to be a composite number with only composite digits. How many two-digit
numbers are either pretty primes or cool composites? (Note: The numbers 0 and 1 are neither
prime nor composite.)

7. 3 points: If the 3rd term of an arithmetic sequence is 7 and the 34th term is 179, what is
the first term?

8. 4 points: How many positive three-digit numbers contain at least one of the following digits:
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9?

9. 4 points: Suppose that you have mastered the art of skipping rocks, and you have thrown a
rock such that it will skip half the distance of the previous skip forever. If the initial distance
before the first skip is 4 feet, and the rock skips 16 feet on the first skip, how far will the rock
travel in total? Express your answer as a number of feet.

10. 4 points: Julie was so excited about learning how to write numbers, she spent her Saturday
morning writing the positive integers in increasing order beginning with 1. She decided to be
clever with her mom and wouldnt tell her what number she ended on, but did say that she
had written the digit 1 exactly 55 times. On which three-digit number did Julie end?
Potpourri 5th Grade

Bubble in your answers on the answer sheet. Be sure to erase all mistakes completely. You do
not need to bubble in leading zeros the answer of 7 does not need to be answered as 007.
If your answer is a fraction like , bubble in 316.

1. 2 points: How many positive factors do the numbers 16, 24, and 48 all have in common?

2. 2 points: Find the next number in the following sequence:

4, 6, 10, 18, 34, 66, .

3. 2 points: How many fractions are equivalent to and have positive two-digit integers as
both the numerator and denominator?

4. 3 points: What is the sum of the terms in the following sequence: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, . . . , 63?

5. 3 points: In Mr. Pavlovs classroom, a buzzer sounds every 12 minutes. Every 26 minutes,
a bell chimes. How many minutes will pass between each occurrence where both the buzzer
and bell make a sound at the same time?

6. 3 points: If f (x, y) = x2 3xy + 9y, what is the value of f (2, 4)?

7. 3 points: Aaron is trying to send a letter out to his grandma to tell her all about his time
at Math Camp. The letter needs a 45-cent stamp attached to it, but for the strangest reason,
the camp only has 2-cent, 5-cent, and 8-cent stamps. How many different combinations of
stamps could he use to send his letter?

8. 4 points: What is the ones digit of the sum of 3141 and 5926 ?

9. 4 points: How many three-digit numbers have either two or three identical digits?

10. 4 points: Suppose that the five-digit number 89xyz is divisible by 2, 4, 5, and 9. If x, y, and
z are unique digits, what is the sum of the three missing digits?
Potpourri 5th Grade

Bubble in your answers on the answer sheet. Be sure to erase all mistakes completely. You do
not need to bubble in leading zeros the answer of 7 does not need to be answered as 007.
If your answer is a fraction like , bubble in 316.

1. 2 points: Todays math competition is happening on Saturday, March 22nd . On what day of
the month did the first Wednesday of this month occur?
2. 2 points: If the repeating decimal 1.45 is written as a simplified improper fraction , what
is the sum of A and B?

3. 2 points: What is the ones digit in the product of 72014 and 32014 ?

4. 3 points: What is the sum of the next two terms in the following sequence:

3, 7, 14, 24, 37, 53, , ?

5. 3 points: How many positive three-digit integers contain exactly two identical digits?

6. 3 points: What is the positive difference, in base-10, between the largest 3-digit number in
base-4 and the largest 3-digit number in base-9?

7. 3 points: How many perfect squares are factors of at least one positive three-digit square

8. 4 points: If each child in a family has at least 3 brothers and 2 sisters, what is the fewest
number of children that could be in the family?

9. 4 points: During a campaign for Math Team President, three candidates Willy, Sally, and
Millie decided to advertise themselves using the following strategies in a hall of 200 lockers:

Willy went to every 2nd locker and put up his campaign poster.
Sally went to every 3rd locker and put up her campaign poster.
Millie went to every 6th locker and put up her campaign poster.

Callie then went through and counted how many of the lockers had at least one campaign
poster on it. How many lockers did Callie count?
2002 Washington State Math Championship
Unless a particular problem directs otherwise, give an exact answer or one rounded to the
nearest thousandth.

Algebra - Grade 5
1. How many multiples of 7 are between 17 and 170?

2. A case of tennis balls costs $55.44. There are 3 tennis balls in each can, and in each case the
cans are arranged in 6 rows of 4 cans each. How much is each tennis ball worth?

3. What is the next number in this sequence? 61, 50, 38, 25, 11, ___

4. The sum of two numbers is -34; their product is 288. What is their difference?

5. How many different squares are in the next figure?

6. If P!Q = 2P " 3Q , what is the value of 1091!(39!(36!22)) ?

7. A three-day truck rental from Haul Monitor costs $36.00 per day plus $0.15 per mile.
Renting the same truck from Gotta Haul for 3 days costs $57.00 per day with unlimited
mileage. After how many miles is it less expensive to rent from Gotta Haul?

8. If 8 # 6 = 44, 7 # 6 = 34 , and 7 # 5 = 45, what is 8 # 5?

9. When 4 numbers are added, three at a time, their sums are 20, 22, 26, and 31. What is the
sum of all 4 numbers?

10. What is the next number in this sequence? Express your answer as a reduced fraction.

1 2 3 5 8
, , , , ,1, __
3 5 7 9 11
2004 Washington State Math Championship
Unless a particular problem directs otherwise, give an exact answer or one rounded
to the nearest thousandth.

Algebra - Grade 5
1. It takes a swimmer 30 lengths to complete a 1500-meter race in an Olympic-
sized swimming pool. How long is the pool in feet, if 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters?
(Write your answer to the nearest foot.)

2. A piece of rope 27 meters long is cut into two pieces so that one piece is four-fifths
as long as the other. Find the length of the longer piece.

3. The average of three numbers is 55. The second is 1 more than twice the first, and
the third is 4 less than three times the first. Find the largest number.

4. If each side of each square were 2 matches long, how many matches would the 10th
figure contain?

5. If 38 = 42, 67 = 24, and 53 = 51, what would be the value of 93 + 39


6. The numerator of a fraction is 12 more than the denominator. The sum of the
numerator and the denominator is 5 more than three times the denominator. What is
the reciprocal of the fraction?

7. On the planet Newtron for money they use zwangs, dools, paks and carks. If 1
zwang is 5 dools, 1 dool is 9 paks, 3 paks is 6 carks, how many carks can a person
get for 1 zwang?

8. What is the sum of the reciprocals of the first 5 positive prime intervals? (Express
your answer as a reduced mixed number.)

a+b b( f + g)
9. 2b or not 2b: if = , what is bs opposite?
c(e d) hj

2 3
a= 3 c = -2 d=5 e=4 f = g=a h=1 j = 32
3 4

WSMC 2004 Algebra

1 Test Grade 5

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