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Campaign: Status

Step Launch Steps More Info Dept Responsible Title

1 Enter prospective Client into Sales Manager Application BD
2 Answer RFP (Request for Proposal) if applicable ALL
3 New Client Due Diligence (Credit Report Research) BD
4 Create and send NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) BD
Negotiate Pricing and complete drafts of all applicable contracts;
5 Verify if Client or Center will pay for training BD
6 MSA - Master Services Agreement
7 SOW - Statement of Work
8 LPO - Purchase Order
9 TSA - Teleservices Agreement
10 Notify COO and VP Operations of prospective project BD
11 Secure signed contract/s and file BD
12 Determine Location of Campaign PI/BD/IT
13 Assign the campaign to a Project Leader PI
Assign Account Manager & Sales Coach OPS
14 Enter prospective project into Launchpad Application PI
Provide proof of EBR (Existing Business Relationship) if needed and Verify /
Secure Compliancy for States we will be working and Check all compliance
15 issues VP OPS

16 Secure SAN(Storage Area Number) Number if applicable (not required for B2B) PI
Upon receipt of contract, Project Manager will review for any required hiring PI/HR/Ops
practices or requirements and advise HR leadership and account leadership of /
17 same. Recruiting
18 Send New Campaign Notification to Payroll
Ensures timely selection and preparation of new TMs and leaders in advance
19 of a launch.
Communicate billing information (training pay rate, regular pay rates,
20 components of pay etc) to HR PI
21 Schedule Initial CLIENT Conference Call PI
a Invitees for the call PI
b Discussion itIT for the call (To be changed once reviewed by all) PI
Request a list of personnel at Client's facility with info on who should be
c contacted for immediate assistance (department-wise) PI
Document initial meeting on Preliminary Prospectus Application and
22 distribute PI
23 Based on customer requirements, develop program goals/metrics PI
24 Schedule Initial Internal Conference Call PI
a Invitees for the call
b Discussion itIT for the call (To be changed once reviewed by all)
Get in place a campaign specific recording for abandoned calls for outbound
programs. Ask the client, if they are already following this we can take the
recording from them. If not we can inform them about the procedure and
25 keep a message for the particular program PI/IT
26 Create project in Project Management Application PI
27 Develop Action Plan
a Action Plan Template for B2C, Data Entry, Chat PI
b Action Plan Template for B2B PI
28 Prepare PDD - Project Design Document and get it approved from client PI
PDD for C2C Programs
Things to be required in PDD
29 Contact COO in reference to get approval for Ramp-Up Pay PI
Step Launch Steps More Info Dept Responsible Title
Project Manager to acquire and send any/all training aids to Training Team, IT
30 and any other required recipients as soon as possible. PI
Customer training and scripting material provided to IT as soon as edited,
31 approved and released by Center training.
32 Specific monitoring form provided to IT 2 weeks before launch
Request recorded calls from customer and provide to IT as early before launch
33 as possible.
Schedule appropriate Ops leadership (especially the newly assigned Sales
34 Coach) to participate in any training advance of launch.
Project Manager schedule Center Training and Center Sales Training for new
Center team members in advance of campaign training and in advance of
customer arrival. Schedule pre-briefings for the new team on the product,
35 before customer interaction. (Company Orientation) PI/Training
36 PI Leader to ensure participation of IT in training
37 Quality Form developed and implemented (paper and/or online)
38 Hold follow-up meetings until Action Plan itIT are complete PI
39 Develop Comp Plan for new campaigns PI
Send a "New Campaign Launch Alert" email to all departments 48 hours in
advance of launch. The email will serve as notice that the new program is
40 going live at x date, y time, z location.

41 Project Manager to meet with IT to identify floor location/server location(s). PI/IT

Project manager to engage new Sales Coach in the last PI stages before
launch to achieve buy-in, preparation, campaign knowledge and a chance to
42 correct/weigh-in on decisions that will impact their ability to lead on the floor. PI/Ops

43 Schedule soft launch incubation period whenever permitted by customer. PI/Ops

Send an email to IT to create CRM (Ops) and CRM (HR) reports 48 hours
44 before campaign launches OSD
45 Ensure with IT if the workflow has been created by the IT team ESS
46 Enter a Load List Request through HR CRM for the Recrutiment team PI/IT
Project Manager, working with IT leadership, tailors and introduces Coaching,
TQM and Development Plan process to account leadership, to be implemented
at launch. Also implement process to ensure all the above is being
47 accomplished. PI/IT
Pre-launch calibration session with customer (from pre-recorded calls or live
48 with other customer)
Internal Quality Call conducted with Ops leadership, Training, PI and IT
reviewing known issues, opportunities, processes, calibration calls &
49 ownership.
50 QA reporting functional at launch
Project Manager to have IT representative assigned to on-location support all
51 new campaign launches on Day One. PI/IT
52 Project Manager to schedule IT run-through before launch day/hour. PI/IT
53 Assist Account Manager in launch of campaign PI/Ops
Project Manager schedule Success Celebration with leadership and TMs after
54 successful campaign start-up. PI/Ops

Send an end-of-day summary to external customer and internal leadership

team each day following launch, covering performance to metrics, issues,
55 resolutions etc. Transition to Account Leader when appropriate PI
Add a description of each new campaign to the Campaign Overview
Information document . We will be entering only stagnant information about
the campaign and not to add Promotions and other dynamic information
56 (Removed Project Charter from the process) PI
Step Launch Steps More Info Dept Responsible Title

Create the billing template for the center directors for all new programs, and
send to their attention prior to first end of month billing period. Billing
57 Template will be sent under separate email when received from Ops. PI
Conduct daily personnel performance (Team members, Sales Coaches,
Trainers etc) reviews with Ops account leadership giving pointed and
58 actionable feedback. PI/Ops
Drive quick and timely coaching and removal of lower performers in first week
59 of launch. PI/Ops
Schedule continuing and skills enhancing training for new teams for first 2
months of launch, as well as occasional Trainer presence on floor for first two
60 weeks. PI/Training
Send Customer Surveys to internal and external customers 2 weeks after
61 launch. PI
Project Manager schedule post-launch meetings with Leadership after hard
Learnings to be applied quickly:
Timely feedback
Discuss personnel performance: Sales coaches (engaged?), PI Manager
Dept performance grades
62 Financial benchmarks: program a success PI
Give a survey to the team members to get some data on the program and
63 share the feedback with the Ops Leadership PI
64 Schedule all Senior Leaders to visit new campaign after launch. PI

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