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1. Autonomy: It is a concept of philosophy and evolutionary psychology that

expresses the ability to give oneself standards without influence from external or
internal pressures.

2. Charity is infused supernatural virtue by which a person can love God above
all things, by himself, and love our neighbor for God's sake.

3. Commitment: You deliver the goods when circumstances get adverse.

4. Compassion is a human emotion that manifests from the suffering of another


5. Courtesy: courtesy, education, care, kindness, distinction.

6. Decency: Respect outside morality or social conventions.

7. Dedication Effort, Pawn a target.

8. Docility: the value that we have enough humility and ability to

simultaneously consider, and at the same time take advantage of the great experience
and knowledge with others.

9. Empathy is a basic skill of interpersonal communication, it allows a solid

understanding between two people.

10. Equity: Provision mood that moves to give everyone what they deserve.

11. Faith is belief or trust in the truth or reliability of a person.

12. Fidelity: The virtue to fulfill a promise.

13. Forgiveness: Forgiveness is the way of healing ... it is to let go of hardness

to be had at a person.

14. Fortaleza: Virtue by which we are able to endure or overcome the obstacles
to good and to our spiritual progress.
15. Freedom: No means to be free of any commitment but have the ability to
choose the best for himself.

16. Friendliness: It is an attitude, a habitual way of being and behaving, loving

and accommodating of any person who is worthy of being loved.

17. Friendship: An emotional relationship between two or more people. It is

one of the most common relationships that most people have in life.

18. Generosity: Beyond the charitable act, involves the development of a certain

19. Goodness: it is a natural inclination to do good, with a deep understanding

of people and their needs, always patient and balanced mood.

20. Gratitude is the feeling that a person experiences when estimating a favor
or benefit that someone has given you.

21. Happiness is a state of mind that occurs when the person believed to have
reached a desired and good goal.

22. Honesty: is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully

related to truth as value.

23. Hope not pretend that there are no problems. It is the confidence of knowing
that these are not eternal, heal wounds and difficulties will be overcome.

24. Joy: pleasant feeling and I live produced by a pleasant reason usually
manifests with external signs.

25. Justice: Virtue which tends to give everyone what is theirs.

26. Leadership is the set of capabilities that an individual has to influence a

group of people, making this collective work with enthusiasm in achieving common
27. Love: is a universal concept on the affinity between people, defined in
different ways according to the different ideologies and viewpoints.

28. Loyalty: Doing what with what one has committed even among changing

29. Maturity is the process of development of spiritual and intellectual part of

being human.

30. Optimism: An optimist is one who believes that everything is hopeless. A

pessimist is the one who thinks so, but he knows that nobody will try.

31. Patience is the attitude that leads man to be able to withstand setbacks and
difficulties being.

32. Prudence helps us to reflect and to consider the effects that can produce our
words and actions.

33. Punctuality: This is the discipline of being in time to meet our obligations.

34. Respect: Respect requires friendly and courteous treatment; respect is the
essence of human relationships, of community life, of teamwork, of married life, of
any interpersonal relationship. Respect is absolute guarantee of transparency.

35. Responsibility: the ability and willingness to assume the character of source
and total cause for all efforts and counter-efforts in all dynamics.

36. Sacrifice is the extraordinary effort to achieve a greater benefit, overcoming

one's tastes, interests and comfort.

37. Service: be willing to collaborate and help when needed.

38. Simplicity: It is essential, can only arise when we begin to understand the
meaning of self-knowledge.

39. Sincerity is not something we expect from others, is a value that we should
live to have friends, to be trustworthy.
40. Solidarity: social charity expresses an idea of unity, cohesion, collaboration.

41. Understanding: the tolerant attitude to find as natural and justified acts or
feelings of another.

42. Uprightness originated in consciousness and, if it is not "straight" you can

not do things properly.

43. Values: Values are the rules of behavior and attitudes that we behave and
who agree with what we consider right. At birth, children are neither good nor bad.
With the help of their parents, educators and those who live with them, they will learn
what is right and what is wrong to say, do, act, live.

Presente Perfecto (Present Perfect)

Tiempo verbal que hace mencin a un evento que comenz en el pasado y que
pudiese trascender o tener relevancia en el presente, en otras palabras es una mezcla
entre el tiempo pasado y el presente.
Ejemplo: Yo he vivido en Venezuela desde 1990.
(esta accin comenz en el pasado y an se mantiene)
Este tiempo verbal en castellano al igual que en el ingls se caracterizan por
tener dos constantes (dos cosas que siempre estan presentes) estas son:
El verbo HABER:
HABER en castellano HABER en ingls
El HAS solo lo usars cuando el sujeto en la
ELLA HA oracin sea she, he o it.
Ejm: I have gone/ She has gone

El Presente Perfecto en el idioma ingls es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para

referirnos a acciones que suceden en un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna
relacin con el presente. Su equivalente en el idioma espaol es el Pretrito Perfecto:
I have sent the letter.
Yo he enviado la carta.
(Indica que la accin acaba de suceder)
Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Presente Perfecto debemos utilizar
como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Presente Simple y acompaado por el verbo
principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares):
I have bought a new dress. Yo he comprado un nuevo vestido.
You have studied the lesson. T has estudiado la leccin.
He has broken the window. l ha roto la ventana.
She has lost the keys. Ella ha perdido las llaves.
Hay que recordar que a las 3 personas del singular deben colocar la "S" en el
auxiliar ya que se trata del Presente Simple. En cambio, para formar una
interrogacin debemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oracin, luego el sujeto y
posteriormente el verbo principal tambin en Pasado Participio:
Have I bought a new dress? He comprado un nuevo vestido?
Have you studied the lesson? Has estudiado la leccin?
Has he broken the window? Ha roto l la ventana?
Has she lost the keys? Ha perdido ella las llaves?
Por su parte, la forma negativa se forma poniendo la negacin NOT entre el
auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo
I have not bought a new dress. Yo no he comprado un nuevo vestido.
You have not studied the lesson. T no has estudiado la leccin.
He has not broken the window. l no ha roto la ventana.
She has not lost the keys. Ella no ha perdido la llave.
Tambin puede utilizarse la forma contrada de la negacin colocando HAVEN'T
o HASN'T segn corresponda.
Cabe destacar que cuando hablamos en Presente Perfecto no debemos mencionar
el momento en que se ha producido la accin, ya que de hacerlo deberamos utilizar
el Pasado Simple, por ejemplo:
I have sold my car.
Yo he vendido mi auto. (Presente Perfecto)
I sold my car this morning.
Yo vend mi auto esta maana. (Pasado Simple)

Pasado Perfecto (Past Perfect)

El Pasado Perfecto en el idioma ingls es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para
referirnos a una accin que tuvo lugar en un momento anterior a otra accin, aunque
ambas hayan sucedido en el pasado estableciendo un orden entre ellas, por ejemplo:
The film had finished when she arrived at the cinema.
La pelcula haba terminado cuando ella lleg al cine.
(Primera accin: la pelcula haba terminado / Segunda accin: ella lleg al cine)
Sarah had prepared dinner when her husband got home.
Sarah haba preparado la cena cuando su esposo lleg a casa.
(Primera accin: Sarah haba preparado la cena/ Segunda accin: su esposo lleg
a casa)
Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Pasado Perfecto debemos utilizar
como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Pasado Simple y acompaado por el verbo
principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares):
I had bought a new car. Yo haba comprado un nuevo auto.
You had cleaned the house. T habas limpiado la casa.
He had brought the gifts. l haba trado los regalos.
She had lost the credit card. Ella haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito.
Para formar una interrogacin deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la
oracin, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal tambin en Pasado
Had I bought a new car? Haba comprado yo un nuevo auto?
Had you cleaned the house? Habas limpiado t la casa?
Had he brought the gifts? Haba trado l los regalos?
Had she lost the credit card? Haba perdido ella la tarjeta de crdito?
Por su parte, la forma negativa se construye poniendo la negacin NOT entre el
auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:
I had not bought a new dress. Yo no haba comprado un nuevo vestido.
You had not cleaned the house. T no habas limpiado la casa.
He had not brought the gifts. l no haba trado los regalos.
She had not lost the credit card. Ella no haba perdido la tarjeta de crdito.
Tambin puede utilizarse la forma contrada de la negacin colocando HADN'T
en vez de HAD NOT.

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