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2016 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Type, Pattern and Force Direction of the

Geological Structure At Kulonprogo Area-
Asmoro Widagdo, Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Agung Ari Setiawan
Harijoko Geophysics Department
Geological Department Gadjah Mada University
Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

AbstractKulonprogo mountainous area is a boundary of the structure at Kulonprogo area. It would explain the type of the
Yogyakarta area at the west side. Yogyakarta is a city with a big geological structures that could be found in the all rock
threat of earthquake disasters with the east side as the epicenter. The formations of the Kulonprogo area. The structures that found at
east side of the plains of Yogyakarta has proven to be the area that one location usually have a certain pattern of the directions. By
became the epicenter of a very destructive earthquake. Research analysis of the type and pattern of the structure then we can
about the type, pattern and force direction forming geological know the force direction that forms the structure.
structure of the Kulonprogo Mountain area will be important in
supporting regional development and anticipation of potential
disasters that may occur in the western boundary of the Yogyakarta
plain area. II. PHYSIOGRAPHY
Research of the type, style and pattern forming geological
structures in Kulonprogo conducted to determine the character of the Kulonprogo mountainous area is a part of the Central Java
existing geological structure. Research on patterns of geological Province and Yogyakarta Special Province. This mountain is
structure in the form of joints, faults and folds conducted at several located in the southern part of Java Island and is a part of the
locations of Kulonprogo and surrounding area. Overview of the South Serayu Mountains in the east end. Kulonprogo
geological structure of the previous studies combined with the Mountainous bounded by the Bogowonto river in the west,
primary data from the Kulonprogo area used to study the geological which separates the Purworejo plains and hills of southern
structure that has worked and potential threats in the construction Serayu Mountains. In the eastern part of the mountain is
and development of the area. limited by Progo river, which separates with the Yogyakarta
The geological structure that works in Kulonprogo plain. In the southern area bounded by Java's southern coastal
mountain areas characterized by the dominant force style trending plain and in the northern part bounded by Magelang flat area.
northwest-southeast. Geological structures formed in the Kulonprogo
region are shear fractures , tensional fractures, faults and folds.

Keywords: Structural geology, joints, faults, folds, Kulon Progo.

Kulonprogo area is a mountainous area, bounded by a low
and high area of Kebumen in the west and low area of
Yogyakarta in the east. Kulonprogo mountainous area is
characterized by a complex of ancient volcanic rocks that grow
above the Paleogene age and covered by carbonaceous rocks
(limestone and marl) with Neogen age [7]. The Kulonprogo
Mountains are part of Java Island which is located in the
central part of the southern sea borders [4]. Figure 1. Kulonprogo area among the Central Java
Special research about the conditions of the geological tectonic framework
structure in the area of Kulonprogo and surrounding mountains
are still rare. Geological map of Yogyakarta area where this
area is located, made on a regional basis so that the existing Based on the relief and genesis, Kulonprogo Mountainous
structure only major regional structures. This paper writes area can be divided into several units of geomorphology:
about the type, pattern and force direction of the geological
2016 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

A. Mountainous Geomorphological Unit C. Jonggrangan Formation

This morphology is developed with north to south trending, On the top of Old Andesite Formation is deposited
as a main part of Kulonprogo regency and Purworejo regency Jonggrangan Formation with unconformity contact. Generally,
area. This section forms a dome of the long axis extends the bottom part of the formation is composed by conglomerate
approximately 30 km to the north northeast-south southwest. and tuffaceous marl, and calcareous sandstones containing
Stadia area of this unit is already at the mature stage with a molluscs and claystone with lignite. At the top, the
strong presence of erosional morphology. composition of this formation is a layered limestone and coral-
B. Hills and Plains Geomorphological Units Morphology that formed by this rocks formation are
The hilly area of limestone occupies the southeastern part mountains and hills and scattered cones in the central part
of the Kulonprogo area. River terraces occupied the eastern Kulonprogo Mountains. The thickness of the constituent rock
part, in the southern part is a coastal alluvial plains, alluvial formations is about 250-400 meters. The age of this formation
plains in the west and the plains of volcanic sediment in the is Lower Miocene to Middle Miocene. This bottom part of the
north and northeast. formation is considered the Lower Miocene and inter-fingering
with the bottom part of the Sentolo formation.
Based on the regional stratigraphy, there are some rock D. Sentolo Formation
formation at Kulonprogo mountainous area, starting from the On top of the Old Andesite Formation (OAF), besides
oldest to the youngest is as follow : Jonggrangan Formation, deposited also Sentolo Formation by
unconformity contact. Sentolo Formation relationship with
A. Nanggulan Formation Jonggrangan is inter-fingering. Sentolo Formation consists of
limestone and marl-sandstones.
Nanggulan formation forms an area with undulating low
hills morphology to medium and spread evenly at Nanggulan The lower part consists of a conglomerate-boarded by marl
region (eastern of Kulonprogo mountains area). Locally, this tuff and tuffaceous with glass. These rocks gradually upwards
formation also found in the area of Sermo, Gandul, and Kokap turned into a nice layered limestone rich in Foraminifera. The
in the form of lenses or xenolith block in andesite igneous rock. thickness of this formation is approximately 950 m.
Nanggulan Formation has the type of location in the area of
Kalisongo river-Nanggulan. E. Alluvial Deposits
This formation is the oldest rocks in the Kulonprogo Alluvial deposit is composed of gravel, sand, silt, and clay
mountainous area the depositional environment is in along large rivers and coastal plains. Alluvial plain adjoining
transgresive phase of the sea. The lithology of the formation the alluvial material from volcanic rock. Alluvial deposits can
consists of sandstone with lignite, sandy marl, mudstone with be found at the east side, the west and south of Kulonprogo
limonite concretion, marl and limestone, sandstone, tuff rich in area. Beach alluvial deposits of sand along the beach found in
foraminifera and mollusks, estimated thickness of the the south of the Kulonprogo area.
formation is about 350 m.
This formation is composed of shallow marine sediment, IV. KULONPROGO MOUNTAINOUS TECTONIC
sandstone, shale, marl and lignite. Based on the study of Kulonprogo area is a mountainous area, bounded by a low
planktonic foraminifera, then this Nanggulan Formation has a and high area of Kebumen in the west and low area of
range of age between the Middle Eocene to Oligocene. Yogyakarta in the east. Kulonprogo mountainous area is
characterized by a complex of ancient volcanic rocks that grow
B. Kebobutak Formation (Old Andesite Formation/OAF) above the Paleogene age and covered by carbonaceous rocks
This formation is deposited over Nanggulan Formations (limestone and marl) with Neogen age [7].
with unconformity contact. This rock formation consists of Java tectonic order can be explained by the active system
volcanic breccia with fragments of andesite, lapilli tuff, tuff, margin. The main tectonic elements of this system is the
lapilli breccia, andesite lava flow, agglomerates and volcanic subduction of the Indian plate, subduction and accretion zone
sandstones. This rock exposed al many area in the Kulonprogo south of Java, Java island and the arc magmatic, Back arc area
mountains range. in North Java and the Java Sea. With the active system margin,
basin of North West Java and North East Java can be classified
This formation is well exposed in the center, north and as a Back arc Basin, while the South Java basin is Fore Arc
southwest areas of Kulonprogo. This formation make a shape Basin from this system. Kulonprogo is as a part of the
morphology of medium to steep mountains. The thickness of magmatic arc.
this formation is about 600 m. Based on planktonic
foraminifera fossils that were found in the marl can be Kulonprogo Mountains are part of Java Island [4] which is
determined Old Andesite Formation age is Upper Oligocene. located in the central part of the southern sea borders.
2016 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Base on the Geological Map of Yogyakarta latest sheet,

showing that the Opak fault is the boundary faults parallel to
each other in the east, but no faults were found on the west side

Figure 2. Kulonprogo area belongs to the active

subduction plate tectonic margin.


In Kulonprogo mountainous area, normal fault faults are
very common and indicate radier patterns around the body of Figure 4. The appearance of joints at the rock in
ancient volcanoes that still seems ideal [7]. It can be seen also Kulonprogo area
on the Geological Map Sheet Yogyakarta [5], published by the
of Yogyakarta. The reason why the fault in the western part is
Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung. The
still unknown is because there is no tectonic studies at this area,
presence of radial structure associated with the presence of this
which have been carried out in the boundary of Kulonprogo
volcano need to be reexamined.
mountainous area and the Yogyakarta low land area.
There is a possibility that the fault in the west is a
subsurface fault or has been covered by younger sediment [1].
Expression of faults and fractures in the western part of
Yogyakarta is higher than in the east. Apparently, the
expression of straightness in the western part is controlled by
tectonic activity which is higher than at the eastern part [1].
Tectonic history of the Yogyakarta graben [1] during the
compression phase, which is controlled by NNE-SSW
compression force during the Tertiary, creating a horizontal
fault NW-SE and NE-SW. Appointment / uplift that occurred
after the end of the Pliocene, and then followed by extensional
phase during the Pleistocene. This extension creates an E-W
normal fault and the reactivated sinistral NE-SW faults as
normal faults. This fault is as a barrier of Yogyakarta graben.
There are some geological structures in the mountains of
Kulonprogo, such as folding the axis east-west trending,
horizontal fault with the direction southeast-northwest, also
found normal fault with east-west direction that exists around
the body of andesite and dacite dome [8]. However, on a
geological map, fold structures have an axis trending
southwest-northeast. With force direction is southeast trending.
The maximum stress direction which came from southeast
direction has made some anticline, syncline, normal fault [5],
and indicate the presence of strike slip fault and reverse fault.
Strike slip fault with right and left slip can be found at Clereng
area, north of Wates town. Reverse fault can be found at
Nanggulan and Kalibawang area, at the north of Kulonprogo
Figure 3. The alignment faults in the geological map
of Ijo-Kulonprogo Mountains [5]
2016 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

the direction of North-South, Northeast-Southwest and West-

East [6].

Figure 5. The apearance of normal fault in

Kulonprogo area. All layers at the left side are move
down relative to the right side

Figure 8. Fracture development from the

oldest to the youngest at the volcanic rock in
Kulonprogo area [1].


Geologically, Kulonprogo is an area that has a potential of
natural resources that can be utilized and the area that can be
further developed. Kulonprogo divided into 3 parts, plateaus,
hills and plains also directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean.
This condition has the potential of outstanding natural.
Figure 6. The appearance of reverse fault in Kulonprogo natural resource potential is an asset that should be
Kulonprogo mountainous area. All layers at the left developed to its full potential for advancement of Kulonprogo
side are move up relative to the right side society.
Geological structures found in Kulonprogo may affect the
landscape and potentially control the occurrence of disasters
such as landslides. The study of active structural geology is
needed to map the high risk area.

In the area of Kulonprogo Mountains encountered
geological structure in the form of joints, faults and folds.
Tensional joints generally have trending Northwest-
Southeast, a pair of shear joints have Northwest-Southeast and
East-West Trend, normal faults generally trending northwest-
southeast, east-west and north-south, reverse faults have
southwest-northeastern trending, strike slip faults have
Northwest-Southeast and East-West, and folds with axes
trending southwest-northeast. The maximum stress direction
which makes the structure of Kulonprogo area is from
Southeast direction.
The presence of the geological structure in the Kulonprogo
area needs to be considered in the construction and
Figure 7. Fold with Northeast-Southwest axis near development of the area.
Three regional tectonic patterns mentioned have been Thanks to the higher education department, the ministry of
controlling the formation of Kulonprogo mountain. That education and culture of Republic Indonesia. Thanks too, for
pattern is the pattern of Sundanese, Meratus and Javanese, with
2016 6th International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

the discussion and support to all of friends in the doctorate

program, Geological Engineering Department-UGM.

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