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5 Examples of the 5 Structural Elements of an Organization

The 5 Structural Elements of an Organization:

1. Men These are the different members of the organization starting from the very top to the last workman.
a. Project Manager The person who oversees the whole project.
b. Project Architect The person responsible for the design of the project (floor plans, changes, etc.)
c. Safety Engineer The one responsible for the safety of the workers, providing them safety equipment and tools.
d. Master Plumber Responsible for designing the most efficient layout of both the water and sewer lines.
e. Master Electrician Responsible for the layout of the electrical lines of the project.
2. Material Represents the materials necessary in the distribution of functions or in the attainment of its objectives.
a. Daily Activity Reports These are the documents listing the number of activities being done in that specific day.
b. Inventory List Documents that lists the number of tools and equipment being used.
c. Weather Chart A chart that chronicles the weather that occurs during the whole project, it can help determine
why a specific job is delayed.
d. Project Timeline A chart that shows the progress of the overall project.
e. Document Binders A compilation of important documents so that these documents can be easily found.
3. Machine Tools necessary in producing its desired output.
a. Desktop Computer A necessary equipment for researching and designing floor plans.
b. Printer Used for printing important documents (floor plans, letters of approval, etc.)
c. Photocopying Machine Used for photocopying documents.
d. Laser Level A levelling tool used to determine the appropriate level of a floor.
e. Tile Cutter A tool that cuts tiles much efficiently and accurately.
4. Methods The procedures and ways used in the course of its actions.
a. Excavation The process of removal of the earth on the project site.
b. Setting of Steel Bars The process of laying out the necessary steel bars for the support of cement structures.
c. Cement Filling The filling of necessary parts using cement.
d. Tile Setting Lay outing of the tiles in a particular floor.
e. Floor Levelling Determining the level of the floor to see if it is in a slope or in an uneven location.
5. Money The financial resources of the organization.
a. The Firm The necessary money may come from the Firm itself
b. The Client The money comes from the client.

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