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Chapter 3- Managing Stress

Section 1- What Causes Stress?


You experience stress when

Two Types of Stress:

1. Eustress-________________ stress

1. escaping from a dangerous situation
2. promotes personal growth

2. Distress-________________ stress

Examples: 1. Divorce
3. ________________________________

4 General Types of Stressors

Major Life changes -

1. starting high school
2. death of a loved one
3. _________________________
4. not making a team
5. _________________________
6. _________________________

1. natural disasters
2. violent ___________
3. terrorism
4. _________
Everyday problems or hassles-

Conflict -

1. misplacing ________
2. too much homework
3. missing the ________
4. pressure to succeed

Environmental problems-

1. crowded bus
2. messy ___________
3. __________
4. unsafe living conditions

Section 2- How Stress Affects Your Body

When you perceive something to be a threat, ______________________________


The bodys response to stress occurs in 3 stages: _________ stage, the _______________
stage, and the _________________ stage.

1) Alarm Stage- body releases adrenaline into your blood; ________________________


Fight-or-Flight response- _________________________________________________


Several things happen to your body during this stage: heart beats ___________,
breathing speeds up, muscles tense, ____________ increases, __________ pressure
increases; digestion slows down, _______________________________.

2) Resistance Stage-

Body is trying to return to ________________. A lot of energy is used and you may
become _________, irritable, and less able to handle any added ___________.
3) Exhaustion Stage- _________________________________________________

Does not occur with each stress response; only occurs if a stressor continues for a long

Recognizing Signs of Stress

**PAGE: 62 Write down some examples for each.

1-Changes in your _________________________________.

2-Changes in ______________.

3-Changes in ______________.

4-_____________ changes.

Stress and Illness

_______________________________________ stress can affect your health.

Stress can trigger illnesses, reduce the bodys ability to fight an illness, and make some
____________ harder to control.

Examples include:
1. stomachaches
2. __________ disease
3. Asthma
4. ______________
5. immune system weakens with prolonged stress.
Section 3- Stress and Individuals

Peoples responses to stress vary.

Why does one person remain _________ when faced with a stressor while another
become ______________________________?

How you react to a stressor depends on how you assess the situation. As you assess the
situation, you are answering two important questions:


Your personality has a lot to do with how you respond to stressors.

Optimism -
Pessimism -

Aiming for perfection can cause stress. If you tend to be a perfectionist, you need to
accept that you cannot be perfect.



The key factor in resilience is having support of family and friends.

Section 4- Coping with Stress

You can do many things to keep stress under control.

Time management-

What are the time wasters in your life?

Video games
not having a plan
Mental rehearsal -

Example-________________ use this to stay focused on their

performances during highly stressful times.

If stressors arent under your control, there are still things you can do to reduce the stress.

Physical activity- biking, ___________, aerobics, _____________, etc.- find

something you enjoy doing
Relaxation-reading a book, taking a ________, listening to ____________,
_____________, playing your guitar, taking a hot bath, getting a massage, deep
Avoid negative thinking- substitute _____________ thoughts with ___________
or realistic thoughts
Build resilience by: ________________________________, build a support
system, take action, ________ somebody, go easy on yourself, put things in
perspective, and find a hassle-free zone, ________________________________.
Biofeedback learn to control ______________________________________ by
monitoring their bodys responses.

Sometimes stress is too much to handle on your own, and you may need to ask
someone to help you with your problems. Sharing your problems can help you see
them more clearly. Suggestions: ___________, adult relative, ____________,
____________, religious leader, school counselor, nurse, sibling, or ____________.

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