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Soil Mechanics and Foundations 2

CE 311

Waleed Abdullah alzamli

Home Work .4
3.1/ For the following cases, determine the allowable gross vertical load-bearing
capacity of the foundation .use Terzaghi equation and assume general shear
failure in soil. use FS=4

Part B Df C' Foundation type

a. 1.22 m 0.91 m 25o 28.75 KN/m2 17.29 KN/m3 Continuous
b. 2m 1m 30o 0 17 KN/m3 Continuous
c. 3m 2m 30o 0 16.5 KN/m3 Square

Solution : convert the unit ( ft ) to ( m ) and the unit ( Ib ) to ( KN )

Part (a) /

Q = * Df

Q = 17.29 * 0.91

Q = 15.7339

Qu = C' Nc + q Nq + 1/2 B N Eq.(3.3)page 138

Qu = (28.75)(25.13)+ (15.7339)(12.72)+1/2 (17.29)(1.22)(8.34)

Qu = (722.4875) +(15.7339)(12.72) + (87.961146)

Qu = 1010.5838 kN/m2

Qall = Qu/(F.S)

Qall =1010.5838/4 =252.645 kN/m3

Part (b) /

Q= * Df

Q= 17 * 1

Q= 1
Qu = C' Nc + q Nq + 1/2 B N Eq.(3.3)page 138

Qu = (0)+ (17)(22.46)+1/2 (17)(2)(19.13)

Qu = (381.82) +(325.21)

Qu = 707.03 kN/m2

Qall = Qu/(F.S)

Qall =707.03/4 =176.75 kN/m3

Part (c) /

Q = * Df

Q = 16.5 * 2

Q = 33

Qu = 1.3C' Nc + q Nq +0.4 B N Eq.(3.7)page 138

Qu = (1.3)(0)(37.16) + (33)(22.46) + (0.4)(16.5)(3)(19.13)

Qu = (741.18) +(378.774)

Qu = 1119.954 KN/m2

Qall =1119.954/4=279.985 kN/m3

3.4/ The applied load on a shallow square foundation makes an angle of 15 o with
the vertical. Given: B=1.83m, Df= 0.9m, = 18.08 kN/m3, = 25o , and C' =
23.96 kN/m2 Use FS = 4 , and determine the gross allowable load .
Use Eq (3.19)


Qu= C' Nc Fcs Fcd Fci + q Nq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1/2 B N F S F d F i

Shape factor :

Fcs = 1+(B/L)( Nq/Nc(

Fcs = 1+(1.83/1.83)( 10.66/20.72) =1.514

Fqs = 1+(B/L) tan

Fqs = 1+(1.83/1.83) tan25 =1.466

F S = 1 0.4 B/L

F S = 1 0.4 1.83/1.83= 0.6

Depth factor : ( Df/B = 0.9/1.83 = 0.491 1 ; = 25 > 0 )

Fcd = Fqd (1- Fqd)/(Nc tan(

Fcd = 1.15248 (1-1.15248)/(20.72 tan 25)

Fcd = 1.1677

Fqd = 1+2 tan (1- sin )2 Df/B

Fqd = 1 +2 tan 25 (1- sin 25)2 0.9/1.83

Fqd = 1.15248
F d = 1

Inclination factor :

Fci = Fqi = (1-/90)2

Fci = Fqi = (1 - 15/90) 2

Fci = 0.6944

Fi = ( 1- / )

Fi = (1-15/25)

Fi = 0.4

= inclination of the load on the foundation with respect to the vertical

= 15

From table (3.3) page 144

) Nc = 20.72) ; ( Nq = 10.66) ; ( N = 10.88)

Q = * Df

Q = 18.08 * 0.9

Q = 16.272

Qu = C' Nc Fcs Fcd Fci + q Nq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1/2 B N Fs Fd Fi

Qu = (23.96)(20.72)(1.514)(1.1677)(0.6944) + (16.272)(10.66)(1.466)(1.152)(0.6944) + 1/2


Qu = 609.457 + 203.420 + 43.197

Qu = 856.074 kN/m2

Qall = Qu / FS

Qall = 856.074/4

Qall = 214.018 kN/m2

3.6/ For a square foundation that is B x B in plan , Df = 2 m ; vertical gross
6 allowable load , Qall = 3330 kN, = 16.5 kN/m3 ; = 30o ; C' = 0 ;and
FS = 4 , Determine the size of the foundation . Use Eq.(3.19 ) .

Solution: convert the unit ( ft ) to ( m ) and the unit ( Ib ) to ( KN )

qall = Qall/B2 = 3330/B2 .. Eq ( a )

Qu= C' Nc Fcs Fcd Fci + q Nq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1/2 B N Fs Fd Fi

Shape factor :

Fcs = 1+(B/L)( Nq/Nc)

Fcs = 1+(B/B)( 18.40/30.14) =1.610

Fqs = 1+(B/L) tan

Fqs = 1+(B/B) tan 30 = 1.577

Fs = 1 0.4 B/L

Fs = 1 0.4 B/B=0.6

Depth factor : ( Df/B =2/B1 ; =30 > 0 )

Fcd = Fqd (1- Fqd)/(Nc tan(

Fqd = 1+2 tan (1- sin )2 Df/B

Fqd = 1 +2 tan 30 (1- sin 30)2 2/B

Fqd = 1 + 0.5773/B
F d = 1

Inclination factor :

Fci = Fqi = (1-/90)2

Fci = Fqi = (1- 0/90)2

Fci =Fqi = 1

Fi = ( 1- / )

Fi = (1-0/30 )

Fi = 1

=inclination of the load on the foundation with respect to the vertical


From table (3.3) page 144

)Nc=30.14) ; ( Nq = 18.40) ; ( N = 22.40 )

Q= * Df

Q = 16.5 * 2

Q= 33

Qu= C' Nc Fcs Fcd Fci + q Nq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1/2 B N Fs Fd Fi

Qu= (0.0) + (33)(18.40)(1.577)( 1 + 0.5773/B ) (1) + 1/2 (16.5)(B)(22.40)(0.6)(1)(1)

Qu = 957.554 + 0.5773/B+ 110.88 B

Qall = 1/4 (957.554 + (0.5773)/B+ 110.88 B) .. Eq ( b )

Combining Eqs. ( a ) and ( b ) result in :

3330 / B2 = 957.554 + 0.5773/B+ 110.88 B

By trial and error , we find that B 3.006 m.

3.7/ For the design of a shallow foundation , given the following :

Soil : = 25o , C' = 50 KN/m2 , unit weight, = 17 KN/m3

Modulus of elasticity , Es = 1020 KN/m2 , Poisson's ratio , s = 0.35

Foundation : L = 1.5 m , B=1m , Df = 1m

- calculate the ultimate bearing capacity use Eq. ( 3.27 ) .


From Eq. (3.28 (

r = ( Gs/c'+q' tan' )

However ,

Gs =Es/2(1+s)


r=Es/(2(1+s)[c'+q' tan']


q'= (Df+B/2) = 17(1+1/2)=25.5KN/m


r =1020/(2(1+0.35)[50+25.5 tan25 ] = 6.10

From Eq.(3.29 ),

r(cr)=1/2 {exp[3.3-0.45 B/L] cot (45-'/2 )]}

= 1/2 {exp[ 3.3-0.45 (1/1.5(] cot ( 45 - 25 / 2 )]} = 55.47

Since r(cr) > r we use Eqs.(3.30) and (3.2) to obtain

Fc=Fqc=exp {( - 4.4 + 0.6 B/L ) tan' + [(3.07 sin')log (2Ir) / 1+sin' ]

exp = {- 4.4 + 0.6 ( 1 / 1.5 ) tan 25 + [ ( 3.07 sin 25 ) log ( 2 *6.10 ) / 1+ sin 25

= 0.417
Fcc = Fqc - (1-Fqc )/( Nc tan ' )

Fcc = 0.417 - (1-0.417)/(20.72 tan 25) = 0.356

Now, from Eq.(3.27) ,

qu= c' NcFcsFcdFcc + qNqFqsFqdFqc +1/2 BNFsFdFc

From Table 3.3, for ' = 25, Nc=20.72 , Nq=10.66 and N =10.88

Fcs = 1 +(Nq/Nc) (B/L) =1+(10.66/20.72) (1/1.5)

= 1.342

Fqs =1+B/L tan ' = 1+ ( 1 / 1.5 ) tan 25

Fs = 1- 0.4(B/L) =1-0.4(1/1.5) = 0.733

Fqd = 1+2 tan' ( 1- sin ' )2 ( Df / B )

Fqd = 1+ 2 tan 25 )1- sin 25 (2 ( 1 / 1 )

= 1.311

Fcd = Fqd - (1-Fqd) / (Nc tan') = 1.311 ( 1- 1.311 ) / ( 20.72 tan 25 )

= 1.343


Thus ,

Qu = (50)(20.72)(1.342)(1.343)(0.356)+(117)(10.66)(1.310)(1.311)(0.417 )

+ (1 / 2) (17) (1) (10.88) (0.733) (1) (0.417)

= 653.36 KN/m
3.13/ The shallow foundation shown in figure 3.19 measures 1.2m * 1.8 m and is
subjected to a centric load and a moment. If eB = 0.12 m , eL = 0.36 m , and the
depth of the foundation is 1m , determine the allowable load the foundation can
carry. Use a factor of safety of 3. For the soil , we are told that unit weight
= 17 KN/m3 , friction angle = 35o , and cohesion C' = 0.



eB / B = (0.12/1.2) = 0.1

eL / L = (0.36)/(1.8) = 0.2

Is two-way eccentricity, from figure 3.2b, for eL /L=0.2 and eB /B=0.1 , L1 , L2

L1/L 0.85 ; L1 = (0.85) (1.8) = 1.53 m


L2/L 0.21 ; L2 = (0.21) (1.8) = 0.378 m

From Eq.(3.58 ) ,

A' = (1/2) (L1+ L2)B = (1/2) (1.53+0.367)(1.2) = 1.139

From Eq. (3.60 ) ,

L' = L1=1.53

From Eq. (3.59 ) ,

B' = (A'/L' ) = 1.139/1.53 = 0.744m

Note Eq. (3.40) with c' = 0 ,

qu'=qNq Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1/2 B' N Fs Fd Fi

Where q= (1) (17) =17 KN/m

For =35, from table 3.3 , Nq=33.30 and N =48.03. Thus from Table 3.4 ,

Fqs = 1+B'/L' tan = 1 + ( 0.744 / 1.53 ) tan 35 = 1.340

Fs = 1- 0.4 (B'/L' ) = 1- 0.4 (0.744/1.53) = 0.805

Fqd =1+2 tan 35 ( 1- sin35 )2 ( 1 / 1.2 ) = 1.212

Fcd = Fqd -(1-Fqd)/(Nc tan ) = 1.212 ( 1 - 1.212 ) / (46.12 tan 35 ) = 1.22

Fd =1

Hence ,

Qall = qu'/ FS = [ (1/3) (17) (33.3) (1.34) ( 1.22) +1/2

(17) (0.744) (48.03) (0.805) (1.212) ]

= 428 KN/m

Qall = qall * A'

= 428*1.139

= 487.5 KN

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