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Sunscreen Formulation and Testing Michael Caswell, Ph.D. C.B. Fest and Cental Viginia Communty Colo, Lnchtwrg, VA USA ‘unsereen formulation i both an art and a science. Sun WV radatton: Ultraviolet radiation s screens appear fo be simply an emulsion system with composed of UVC (200-290 nm), UVB. sunscreen actives included in the formulation. However, this (290-320 nm) and UVA (320-400 nm). is far from reality. Even a formulator experienced in the Our atmosphere blocks UVC, so only ‘development of emulsion systems will experience myriad of UVB and UVA reach the surface of the lfficultes during sunscreen formulation. This review will be earth. Generally, UVB penetrates only successful ifthe reader understands that sunscreen formula- into the epidermis, while UVA penetrates tion is complex and is best left to the experienced atist. all the way to the dermis. While both Formulation greatly influencesthe efficacy ofthe sunscreen UVA and UVB cause skin changes, UVB actives, Efficacy ofa sunscreen is definedasits ability to protect is about 50 t0 100 times more energetic the skin against ultraviolet-induced burning, or Sun Protection than UVA at inducing these changes. Factor. TheSPFisinfluenced y thetype of sunscreenactive(s), UVB radiation is more energetic than by the emulsion’s oil phase, by the emulsion water phase, by UVA. radiation at inducing erythema, the emulsifietion process, and perhaps by other factors, melanogenesis, DNA damage and squs- Because sunscreen efficacy is defined by its SPF, the ask ofthe mous cell earcinoma. Formulator isto create formulation withthe highest SPF, atthe ‘Tuteraction between UV and skin: Jowest cost, and with highly favorable cosmetic properties. UV radiation that impinges on the sur This article reviews many of the tools available to the face of the skin can be reflected back sunscreen formulator: sunscreen actives, formulation types, toward the environment, can be ab- formulation character and in vvo testing methodology. sorbed by substances onthe surface of Interaction Between Skin and UV Radiation Pe nips sae oa The skin: Skin's composed of two bands of defined tissue ultraviolet radiation is reviewed ele- separsied by thin membrane, The dennis isthe inner band, where! The stratum comeum thickens ‘The epidermis, the outer band, is composed of four layers, as it adapts to UV exposure, soit can strqum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and absorb more UV. straturn corneum, Interaction between UV and sun- ‘The stratum comeum is the outermost layer of the screenactives: Theoretically, sunscreen «epidermis and is evident to the naked eye. Its about 20 cell actives could perform their task of re layers thick, with no viable cells and no blood supply. The ducing or preventing UV-induced burn: stratum corneum provides protective barrier, called the acid ing in one of three ways. One way ‘mantle or horny layer, that keeps moisture inside the body (chemical) would be to absorb the UV and the environment outside. The stratum comeum provides radiation to prevent the radiation from some protection against UV radiation and can alter itself to damaging viable tissue, A second way provide additional procection (physical) would be to reflect the UV ee __adiation. The thir way Cbiotogicadd [ators noe This acl acpi jrom Michael Casweils pase ented would be to reduce inflammation either “Suscevm Formations and Tanning Rrouletons, "whic appears a haptr 4 Vor 2 of th hind ton of The Chomtry and by blocking the biological Inammatory anlar of Cosmet response or by enhancing biological Sets screen ‘sucren emaes Absract The author mows SPF umcron comenete (Gace ete abe tater tance agent ‘and emsiion tat ‘ai be formula ovat coco of sins formation | | | | Aq 1 116, Ho, @Seprber 2001 36.7 008 comens 090-0 201 Aad Perea Co. ‘Anco Coon & Toast mapa repair. A few sunscreen actives may operate in more than one way. ‘While a chemical or physical sun- sereen active must say on the stratum comeum to be effective, a biological sunscreen active would have toreach the viable tissues to be effective. ‘A chemical sunscreen active is be- lieved to protect the viable tissues by absorbing the UV radiation and trans- forming it into less damaging radiation such as heat or light, Chemical sunsereen actives might also generate free radicals in response to UV radiation, Regardless of the mechanism, chemical sunscreen actives should absorb the UV radiation before itcan reach the viable tissues. For this to occur, the sunscreen active must maintain a high concentration in the satum comeum for several hours SPF Testing SPF is not well understood by the public, or even within the sunsereen profession. SPF isa ratio ofthe ability of 4 person to bur with the sunsereen relative to his bility to burn without the sunscreen. Thus, fa person burns in 10 ‘minutes without the sunscreen, but does not bum until 150 minutes with the sunscreen, then the SPF of the sun- screen is 150/10 « 15, Consequently, the better a sunsereen protects the user's skin against sunburn, the higher the SPF. The goal of the formulator is to develop the highest SPF possible using the least amount of sunscreen actives, because the sunscreen actives are ex- pensive and may be irritating oS 88s88sess Bocce Rea ahR RRR IES Pe [igure 1. SPR efficacy versus UV absorbance Requirements for higher SPF increase the difficulty forthe formulatorto generate safe, efficacious and pleasant product Generally, higher SPE values protect better because SPF is 2 measure of sunscreen’s efficacy. As shown in Figure 1, a SPF 2 sunscreen will block 5086 of the sunburn response. ‘The role of very high SPF values (SPF > 30) may be unclear to the consumer. An SPF 25 blocks 96% of the sunbum response, while an SPF 50 only blocks 29% more, oF 9876 of the total sunburn response. Very high SPF products are more expensive, may be more iertaling to the consumer's skin and eyes and may offer litle extra protection for the average ‘consumer. Very sun-sensitive individuals may benefit from the ‘extra protection, however, suggesting that market niche exists In the recent Final Monograph on sunscreens, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established the upper limit for SPF at 30¢-? Any product offering a SPF greater than 30 canonly ‘exhibit 304 on the label unless FDA approval is obtained. SPF test: The SPF test approved by the FDA in its Final Monograph defines the only method to determine the SPF of f sunscreen? The procedure is simply to determine the Minimal Erythema Dose (MED) on at least 20 but not more than 25 qualified subjects, The MED is that amount of ‘ultraviolet radiation required to produce the first perceptible redness reaction with cleatly defined bordersat 2210 24 hours alter iradiation. To determine the MED, a series of 5 exposures of increasing energy is administered to the subject's unprotected skin, Each exposure is 25% greater than the previous exposure. At 2210 24 hours after exposure, a trained grader other than the person ‘who conducted the irradiation or who applied the sunscreen evaluates the redness of each exposure site, The MED on unprotected skin, or MED,,, is used to calculate the radiation ‘exposures for the sunsercen-protected site. ‘To determine the MED in the presence of the sunscreen, MED,,, the ist step is to apply the sunsereen to the subjects skin, usually the back. Aftera wait of at least 15 minutes forthe sunsereen to dry, the treated area is exposedto seven geometri- cally increasing doses of radiation, The geometric progression is dependent on the predicted SPF of the sunsereen, as, shown in Table 1, where X is the product of the expected SPF and the subject’s MED, ‘The MED,, is the lowest dose of radiation that produces the frst percep. ible redness reaction with cleatly de- fined borders of the exposure site at 22 to 24 hours aterexposure, The SPF value is the ratio of the energy required 10 produce the MED,, t0 that required 10 produce the MED, Based on its SPF, the sunscreen is placed in one of three product category designations, or PCD, as shown in Table 2, Any product with a SPE below 2 should not be labeled as a sunscreen drug product? Water-resistant or very-water-re- ‘sistant test: ‘To determine the water resistance of a sunscreen formulation, ‘YoU must first subject the skin with the sunscreen test material to repeated expo- sures to fresh water. Fresh water in an indoor pool, whislpool, or Jacuzzi is ‘maintained at23°to 32°C forthe test. The sunscreen is applied to the skin and allowed to dry. “The subject enters the water and en- ages in moderate activity for 20 min- tutes. The subject exits the water to rest for 20 minutes, being careful to avoid rubbing off the sunscreen. For a wate im, the 20 minutes in the fresh water while engaging in moderate activity is repeated once more, for a total of 40 minutes in the water. For a very resistant cl ‘water-resistant claim, the 20 minutes in the fresh water while engaging in mod- crate activity is repeated three more times, for a total of 80 minutes in the water. Each 20-minute segment in the water is followed by a 20-minute rest period out of the water. Following the water immersion pro- cedure, the sunscreen sites are allowed (oar dry. Then the SPF of the sunscreen Js determined in a manner identical to that described above under SPF test, The SPF ofthe sunscreen determined ater 40 ‘otal minutes of water exposure is the SPF placed on the label of a water- *jacuza a egiteed adem of cues Tres Walnut Cesk resistant sunscreen. The SPF of the sunscreen determined ater {80 total minutes of water exposure is the SPF placed on the label of a very water-resistant sunscreen, One controversy in water-resistant sunscreens is whether water resistant isthe same as sweat resistant. In essence, the debate is whether water coming from outside the skin acts identically (0 water coming from inside the skin in disrupting “sunscreen efficacy. In the 1993 Tentative Final Monograph? the FDA ruled that because the water-resistant test was more stringent than the sweat-resistant test, any procluct that passed the water-resistant or very-water-tesistant test could also make the claim of sweat resistant. Recommended approach for testing: The tarset for the novice sunscreen formulator is 0 develop a sunscreen that will meet the customer's SPF requirements. General pal ciples to meet those requirements will be discussed later, Alter a few years of formulating sunscreens to meet SPF values, the experienced sunsereen formulator can then begin {o formulate sunscreens with improved cosmetic properties ‘The experienced formulator remembers that SPP formula- tions must meet the requirements of the tests first and meet ‘consumer requirements second Methods exist for clinical testing labs to obtain high SPF valuesand stay within the FDA testing guidelines. For example, COUPA has greater defined values for the emission spectrum of solar simulators than the FDA's Final Monograph. When testing a sunscreen for the US market, the solar simulator must ‘only emit between 290 nm and 400 am with a spectrum similar to sunlight at sea level from the sun ata zenith angle of 10°, & solar simulator can have an inereased amount of UVB that then ‘generates a higher SPF relative to the COLIPA-certified solar simulator. Using solar simulators with higher amounts of UVB relative to UVA will Increase the SPF of sunscreen produets containing UVB sunscreen actives. UWA protection testing: Currently, there is no FDA, accepted method 1o test for LVA protection. Developing an accepted method is difficult because of the inability to easily detect any acute changes in skin resulting from non-erythemal UVA radiation 40-400 nm), Sunburn satisfies the require ments for UVB radiation and for erythemal UVA radiation However, for non-erythemal UVA radiation, no easy method exists to detect changes. It seems that we may be attempting to provide protection from UV radiation that causes only ‘minimal changes in skin biochemistry ‘Sunscreen Actives ‘The FDA has published. Final Monograph which detailsthe sunscreen actives that can be used in OTC sunscreens in the US? This Final Monograph incorporates the two additional actives that were added after the Tentative Final Monograph ‘was published. A list of these sunscreen actives appears in ‘Table 3 with additional pertinent information, Many suppliers Of these sunscreen actives can be found in different source books, such a the Jiernational Cosmetic Ingredient Dicto- nary and Handbook® To obtain additional information, you need only ask one or more of the suppliers. 52 ‘The Final Monograph includes only ‘maximum concentrations of sunscreen, actives when used alone and in combi- nation with other sunsereen actives, The sunscreen active concentrations allowed by the Final Monograph are shown in ‘Table 3. Sunscreens are safe and effective for the prevention of sunburn as deter- ‘mined by the SPF test. Ultraviolet radin- tion triggers many biological events, including acute, delayed and chronic skin effects in addition to sunbum. Ani- ‘mal and human studies indicated that sunscreens prevent these biological ‘events, The risk of allergic contact der- ‘mattis or of photoallergic contact der- mmatitis due to sunscreen actives is low.” Gaspazto, Mitchnick and Nash published 4 thorough review on sunsereen safety in 198 ‘To formulate a high SPF sunscreen, ‘one must first block much of the UVB, so in selecting sunscreen actives, you must first choose a UVB blocking active. For many years, Padimate O was the UVB sunscreen active of choice because it ‘was very effective, inexpensive and rela- tively easy to formulate. Recently, octyl methoxycinnamate has become more popular with experienced formulators owing to concem about increased photosensitization with Padimate O relative 10 octyl methoxycinnamate and to in creased stinging with Padimate O. Although the former con- cem appears to be unfounded the public now looks for sunscreens that ae “PABA free.” ‘Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide ate two new important sunscreen actives for the formulator. Each of these metal ‘oxides displays absorbing properties throughout much of the UVB and UVA spectrum. These actives can impatt high SPF values at relatively low concentrations, provide for broad-spectrum protection, and are relatively inexpensive ‘The difficulty in formulating with titanium dioxide or zinc ‘oxide is creating a product with acceptable consumer ‘qualities. Recent research by Kobo Productsand by Sunsmart has advanced the formulation possibilities of these two sunscreen actives. ‘Sunscreen Active Solvents ‘Once the formulator has decided which sunscreen active(s) to use in the formulation, the next step is to choose a solvent or solvents to solubilize those sunscreen actives, The solvents allow the sunsereen actives to emulsify and may have additional effects on the orientation ofthe sunscreen actives after the actives are applied to the skin. Some of these solvents, such as butyloctyl salicylate," may actually stabilize some sunscreen actives against photodegradation *” Rassat and colleagues published a list of solvents for the newest ‘sunscreen active, avobenzone."* Tuy walt is markt a Hale BB, whichis a adomark ‘umod by The CP Hal Company Cheap, 1. For the inexperienced sunscreen formulator, benzoate csters are perhaps the best starting point. Formulations using. €12-15 alkyl benzoates are shown in Formulas 2 and 8. A. ‘common solvent for the sunscreen active avobenzone is, Dutyloctyl salicylate. Some selected sunscreen solvents are shown in Table 4, “The more experienced formulator can examine the use of unique co-solvent systems such as the combinations of the alkyl benzoates with isopropanol. Suppliers are now mak ing new sunscreen solvent blends available, such as hhexyldecyl benzoate with butyloctyl henzoate and C12-15, alkyl benzoate, stearyl ether benzoate and dipropylene slycol dibenzoate. The subject of sunscreen solvents is a very active area of research within the R&D programs of raw. ‘material suppliers as well as of sunscreen formulators, Much useful information on the issue of solvency should be available from experienced sun-care formulators during the next several years. Inorganic Sunscreen Active Dispersions ‘Inorganic sunscreen actives, titanium dioxide and zine ‘oxide, present formulation difficulties unlike those of organic ‘sunscreen actives. Inorganic sunscreen actives must have a small particle size to avold the “whitening” effect, a panicle size large enough to absorb UV radiation,"*and proper wetting and dispersion to avoid agglomeration. The optimum pastice size fortitanium dioxide seems to be about, while that for zine oxide appears to be slightly larger, 15-35 nm, These sizes 16, Na aptenba 2001 are best for avoiding the “whitening effect” while maintaining. strong UVB and UVA absorption. Proper wetting and dispersion of the inorganic sunscreen will prevent ag- slomeration and precipitation in the formula. Some advances have been made by treating or coating the particles to improve dispersion and stability, For ‘example, Schlossman patented thetreat= ‘ment of titanium dioxide with isopropyl titanium tilsostearate.** This treated ‘material has greater dispersability and ‘minimizes aggregation, ‘Agents Imparting Water Resistance Agents imparting water resistance are materials that protect the sunscreen active from being removed easily with ‘water, This is an important characteris- ticfor sunscreens that will be used at the beach or swimming pools, or during times of high physical activity. Under these conditions, the sunscreen should be able to avoid any loss of efficacy from the aqueous environment. Sweat- ing or swimming will cause a loss of activity from a sunscreen product with- ‘out water resistance. With these agents, the sunscreen actives are not lost to an aqueous environment, ‘The fitst waterproof sunscreen was developed by Johnson & Johnson in 1977. Coppertone quickly followed with a water-resistant product using a polyanhydride resin, PA-18, as the agent imparting water resistance. PA-I& has several characteristics that make it ideal for imparting water resistance in sun- sereens, First, itimparts water resistance to the sunscreen; it’s effective. Second, it is very inexpensive. Third, it is safe topically as evidenced by years of suc- cessful use, Unfortunately, PA-18 is un- der patent until 2002." Several other agents can be used to impart water resistance to sunscreen for- ulations. These are generally based on film forming characteristics or on hydso- phobic barrier characteristics. listing of selected water-resistant agents appears in Table 5. ‘One important note for the formula- tor using a film formers touse the lowest possible concentration of emulsifier. The 55 ‘won TeCocmatsSte.oom Alec Caonete & Tee manures ‘emulsification system dries on the skin with the waterproofing agents, If too ‘much emulsifier exists, then the adaltion of water can cause the waterproofing agent to re-emulsify dnd wash off. This ‘would allow the sunscreen active to wash off as well, Sunscreen actives cause imitation to the eyes, When a waterproof sunscreen centers the eye, the waterproofing agents adhere to the mucus membrane of the ‘eye. This holds the sunscreen actives in place, causing severe and prolonged inrtation, Therefore, this author suggests that waterproof sunscreen produets never be tested for eye irritation. Alternatively, the product without the waterproofing agents in the formula might be tested in an eye-stinging assay. Emulsifiers for Sunscreen Products ‘The choice of an emulsifier for a sunscreen products dependent on many variables including the influence of emol- lients on sunscreen performance (spreadability, water resistance and pen- ‘ttation), your existing internal technol- ‘ogy and knowledge base and manufac- turing capabilites, The choice of emuls- fier affects the absorption spectrum of the sunscreen actives, penetration of the sunscreen actives, the spreading of the actives and the adherence of the actives to the skin, AA relationship appears to exist be- tween the thickness of the film, the spreadability of the product and the elficacy of a sunscreen. This should not be surprising because sunscreen actives are, forthe most part, planar molecules; ‘ientation is important Ifthe sunscreen active is positioned properly on the skin, then its ability to absorb UV radiation is ‘maximized. A thicker layer of sunscreen ‘may result in better orientation, ‘The spreadabilty and surface tension are important and have been important for sunscreen formulators. Usually, ‘creams have a higher SPF than corre- ‘spondinglotions. However, with research, lotions can match creams for SPF values, ‘Any sunscreen emulsification system should not be able to oxidize on the skin, Dahms suggests that PEG emulsification systems can undergo auto-oxidation, re- sulting in an incompatibility between the sunscreen product and the skin. at, then the over the If spreadability is too gre sunscreen product will spre skin into the eyes of th Sport ype sunscreen products are designed to hold the sunscreen actives in place so they do rot spread, These formulations are de- signed for customers with an active lifestyle. The first product of this class ‘was marketed by Coppertone under the name Coppertone Sport, Since its cre- ation, several similar “sport” type formu lations have been developed. Because the majority of raw material ccosts for a sunscreen are for the su screen setives, the formulator must de- velop products with high SPF values and low concentrations of sunscreen actives. Recently, several companies have devel: ‘oped materials referred to as SPF boos cers or enhancers, These saw materials antempt to inerease the SPF of a formula tion without increasing sunsereen actives. These SPF boosters or enhancers should be evaluated carefully because they are pe Seed [95% Prosninocyanicns) Thistle (80% Simatic) (10% leotavones) = Formula 9. Waterproof Sunsereen Formula (SPF 14) (Kobo Products) A Conf moricons oS yelomanicone -Isenongigononanoete Methyl cose sesculstesate Doty malate Polylyeen- stearate (ars) cot dnethicane ob nd) i Meron! ne oe (a) roy lomo «ce emperor ra opp ‘ankan tisosterete : rogaine ee 00 ns “607 080 250 on e000. [peceau: Has AC and col hel, NO. BOA Pv toncgane Wael hig a pani Cio “AB, Coal 9 30%. oe Feminine Hygeine Prod Sonysgpe a tion on these products and call today at 203-878-0605, 58 not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4, SPF 15 Lip Baim (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne other Sunscreen produc lable in many different ty ‘A Iostean inaonte 10.00% vt eeateeaclaea ae formulations to appeal toa wide variety of customers. Forms ear rane ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot BenzoprercieS 300 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive. The tal Fropyinaraben O10 Formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 90-40 ae rnicona 400 create a unique product. Orokeie wat, tite 300 Pelt 1000 2. Fragrance (pactn) 70 To000. Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 400 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as “0000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C eRe DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? | Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL | CHEMICAL COMPANY | 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4, SPF 15 Lip Baim (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne other Sunscreen produc lable in many different ty ‘A Iostean inaonte 10.00% vt eeateeaclaea ae formulations to appeal toa wide variety of customers. Forms ear rane ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot BenzoprercieS 300 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive. The tal Fropyinaraben O10 Formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 90-40 ae rnicona 400 create a unique product. Orokeie wat, tite 300 Pelt 1000 2. Fragrance (pactn) 70 To000. Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 400 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as “0000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C eRe DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? | Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL | CHEMICAL COMPANY | 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne other Sunscreen produc lable in many different ty ‘A Iostean inaonte 10.00% vt eeateeaclaea ae formulations to appeal toa wide variety of customers. Forms ear rane ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot BenzoprercieS 300 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive. The tal Fropyinaraben O10 Formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 90-40 ae rnicona 400 create a unique product. Orokeie wat, tite 300 Pelt 1000 2. Fragrance (pactn) 70 To000. Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 400 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as “0000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C eRe DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? | Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL | CHEMICAL COMPANY | 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A Iostean inaonte 10.00% vt Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeay tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; | GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO not universally effective. They may enhance the SPF of one Formula 4. SPF 15 Lip Balm (Protameen Chemicals) asticular type of formulation, but ne ‘A lsoeeany tatoo 40.00% wi : Caprleleapie ahoote a2 eee Reaar ene ae as 1 through 5 illustrate various types of creams, lot Seczophonaie@ 00 sprays and sticks, but these are not inclusive, The tal Propypaaben a0 formulator will branch from accepted formulation type 20-40 a mteana 400 exeate a unique product Orokeie wat, tite 500 Palate : 1000 8. Frege (aan) 70 {006 Procedve: Hest Ato 80°C, meng uni univ Goa tnas:G Aga Pax References ‘Yo auitabiecontane Formula 5. Sunscreen Spray A Cie.tb amy penzoats 30.00% wt ely metnaxyenrarsis 750 ty elevate A 400 B eododecane 7380. Isohexacecane 500 © Fremrance (partum as 70000 Procedure: Mix. Ald B re cortinve mixing. Add C DO YOU WANT THE BEST: TiO2 and ZnO2 wetting agent? SPF Booster with organic sunscreens? Freeze thaw agent in make-up? Registered in Japan and the EC. Cm: BERNEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 174 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone: 201-569-8934 © Fax: 201-569-1741 www. Email; ; GO

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