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Am. J. Hum. Genet.

57:682-689, 1995

Intermediate Inheritance of Tourette Syndrome, Assuming

Assortative Mating
Sandra J. Hasstedt,' Mark Leppert,' Francis Filloux,2,3 Ben J. M. van de Wetering,6 and
William M. McMahon4'5
Departments of 'Human Genetics, 'Neurology, 3Pediatrics, and 4Psychiatry, University of Utah, and 5Primary Children's Hospital, Salt Lake City; and
6Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Rotterdam, Rotterdam

Summary mated much higher prevalences (Comings et al. 1990;

Segregation analysis incorporating assortative mating Kurlan et al. 1994).
was used to test for major locus inheritance of Tourette Dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance is
syndrome in a single large pedigree containing 182 mem- widely, but not universally, accepted as the mode of
bers. The analysis provided evidence of a major locus inheritance of TS (Pauls 1992b). The alternative pro-
with an intermediate inheritance pattern for which the posal comprises "semidominant inheritance," with
penetrance was estimated from the data as 28% in het- higher penetrance in affected homozygotes than in het-
erozygotes and 98%-99% in homozygotes. A signifi- erozygotes (Comings et al. 1984, 1989; Devor 1984).
cant assortative mating correlation was estimated from The different conclusions may reflect disagreement over
the data as 70%-79%. In contrast, when assortative which other diagnoses reflect alternate expressions of
mating was not included in the model, intermediate in- the TS gene. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and
heritance was not inferred. If, in addition, constancy of chronic tics are accepted as alternate expressions (Pauls
the allele frequencies across generations was not as- et al. 1991; Pauls 1992a); many other disorders have
sumed, Mendelian transmission was rejected. Each sub- also been proposed (Comings 1987) and supported
ject, affected or unaffected, was assigned a score re- (Pauls et al. 1993) or disputed (Pauls et al. 1994). Link-
flecting the presence and severity of symptoms. Higher age studies assuming dominant inheritance of either TS
mean scores in affected homozygotes than in affected and/or chronic tics have failed to localize the TS gene;
heterozygotes suggested greater severity in homozy- approximately 80% of the genome has been excluded
(van de Wetering and Heutink 1993).
gotes: genotype information was obtained from geno- Here we report the reanalysis of one large TS pedigree
type probabilities computed assuming intermediate in- for which previous segregation analysis rejected Mende-
heritance. lian transmission (McMahon et al. 1992). The frequency
of TS in spouses of descendants of the pedigree founder
Introduction greatly exceeds the frequency of TS in the population.
Since an excess of affected spouses may indicate assorta-
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a movement disorder charac- tive mating, the present analysis adds an assortative mat-
terized by motor and vocal tics (Robertson 1989; Su- ing correlation to the genetic model. In addition, the
chowersky 1994). Onset usually occurs between the ages severity of disease in each subject was assessed, and the
of 2 and 15 years, with age 7 years the most common; resulting TS score was evaluated as a measure of liability
many cases improve or remit by adulthood. Community to TS.
surveys estimated the prevalence of TS in Monroe
County, New York as 3/10,000 (Caine et al. 1988), in Subjects and Methods
North Dakota as 5/10,000 in juveniles (Burd et al.
1986b), 0.5/10,000 in adults (Burd et al. 1986a), in Kindred 1591 comprises the descendants of a man
Israel as 4/10,000 in adolescents (Apter et al. 1992), and who lived from 1894 to 1954; the pedigree was ascer-
in New Zealand as 0.7/10,000 in juveniles (Robertson tained through the founder's 10-year-old grandson, who
et al. 1994). In contrast, school-based surveys have esti- presented with chronic multiple motor and vocal tics. Of
500-600 living descendants, we studied 182, including
descendants of 5 of the founder's 10 wives. Extensive
Received January 31, 1995; accepted for publication May 25, 1995. review of genealogical records ruled out consanguinity
Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Sandra J. Hasstedt, between spouses. McMahon et al. (1992) described the
Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, 2100 Eccles Insti- pedigree in detail. This study was approved by the Insti-
tute of Human Genetics, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112.
K 1995 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved. tutional Review Board of the University of Utah. In-
0002-9297/95/5703-0019$02.00 formed consent was obtained directly from each adult
Hasstedt et al.: Tourette Syndrome Inheritance 683
Table I cal judgment, we determined points for individual symp-
Number of Points Added to the TS Score,
toms as listed in tables 1 and 2. For each subject, we
by TS Symptom Observed summed the points corresponding to each observed
symptom and added the total to the number of tics,
TS Symptom Points either observed during the examination or reported by
the subject, to obtain a TS score.
One or more complex tics, by history .....................5... To test for major locus inheritance of TS, we applied
Vocal tics other than throat clearing or cough, by
history .......... ........................... 5
segregation analysis, which uses likelihood procedures,
Need to touch ............. ........................ 5 to test for statistical evidence of a gene (Elston and Stew-
Echolaliaa ...................... ........................... 5 art 1971). Likelihoods were computed using PAP (Has-
Echopraxiab ................................................. 5 stedt 1994), and the maxima obtained with NPSOL (Gill
Waxing-and-waning pattern ..................................... 5 et al. 1986). We did not correct for ascertainment
Palilaliac ......... ............................ 2
Self-injurious behavior ............................... ...... 3 through the proband, since the analysis fixed the preva-
lence of TS and therefore the probability of ascertain-

Repetition of another's words or phrases. ment by the method of Thompson and Cannings (1980).
Imitation of gestures. Hypothesis testing compared the likelihood of a sub-
c Repetition of one's own words or phrases.
model to the likelihood of a more general model. Under
certain conditions, -2 multiplied by the natural loga-
rithm of the ratio of the likelihoods has an asymptotic
participant. Parents provided consent for children >18 X2 distribution.
years of age, with additional assent provided by partici- The model used in this analysis assumed that the ex-
pants between the ages of 12 and 18 years. pression of TS reflects a high value on an unmeasured
Each subject was assessed by at least one research quantitative liability scale. Liability, in turn, resulted
physician expert in the diagnosis of TS and associated from the independent effects of a major locus with a
conditions; for each child, a parent was also interviewed. large effect, additive polygenes each with a small effect,
Because of the geographic isolation and large size of the and random environmental factors. The population
pedigree, interviewers were not blinded to the subject's prevalence determined the liability threshold above
position within the pedigree. Information about symp- which TS is expressed. The major locus had two alleles
toms of Tourette and other tic disorders was obtained and three genotypes, where genotype 1 designates ho-
through a structured interview utilizing modifications of mozygotes lacking the TS allele, genotype 2 designates
the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (Leckman et al. 1989) heterozygotes, and genotype 3 designates homozygotes
and the Shapiro Checklist (Shapiro et al. 1978). Diag- for the TS allele. The polygenic and random environ-
nostic classification was then assigned according to re- mental components distributed normally. We assumed
search criteria based on the Diagnostic and Statistical that phenotypic assortative mating produced a correla-
Manual of Mental Disorders, III revised (APA 1990) tion between the unmeasured quantitative liabilities of
and developed for TS genetic linkage studies (Tourette spouse pairs. This correlation was assumed to be con-
Syndrome Classification Study Group 1993). stant across the range of the liability scale, consistent
Since normal human behavior includes repetitive with spouse pairs mating assortatively by phenotype
movements, which may be difficult to discriminate from rather than by genotype; that is, spouses showed similar
mild single tics, we devised a scoring system to help liabilities, which does not imply the same major locus
categorize cases as "unaffected," "uncertain," or "af-
fected." Symptoms used in the scoring system derived
from the TS literature, particularly from descriptions of Table 2
two large TS families in which the authors proposed
characteristics that discriminate affected from unaf- Number of Points Added to the TS Score,
fected individuals. Kurlan et al. (1986) reported that by Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Observed
only the affected members of a large Mennonite family Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Points
expressed three clinical features: coprolalia (obscene or
forbidden speech), echolalia (repeating speech of oth- Counting........................................................................ 5
ers), and echopraxia (repeating gestures or movements Spelling .......... ............................. 5
of others). Robertson and Gourdie (1990) identified ar- Other positive screen for obsessive-compulsive disorder 3
ithmomania (counting), echolalia, echopraxia and self- YBOCS' score >10 .................... ................... 8
Observed obsessive-compulsive symptoms denied by
injurious behavior as significantly more common in af- patient .......... ............................. 5
fected than unaffected members of a British family with
122 members. Using these reports, combined with clini- a Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scales (Goodman et al. 1989).
684 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 57:682-689, 1995

Table 3
Counts of Pedigree Members, by TS Score and Diagnostic Category

CATEGORYa 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+

A-1 ........... 0 0 0 5 6 15 12 10 7 2
A-2 ........... 0 0 1 0 2 5 1 1 1 0
B-1 ........... 0 4 6 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
B-2 ........... 0 3 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 0
C-1 ........... 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
C-2 ........... 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D-2 ........... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E-1 ........... 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
E-2 ........... 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
F ...... ..... 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uncertain .......... 1 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unaffected ......... 32 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a A-1 = definite Tourette; A-2 = Tourette by history; B-1 = definite multiple chronic motor tics (CMT) or chronic phonic tics (CPT); B-2
= multiple CMT or CPT by history; C-1 = definite single CMT or CPT; C-2 = single CMT or CPT by history; D-2 = transient tic disorder
by history; E-1 = definite nonspecific tic disorder; E-2 = nonspecific tic disorder by history; F = definite tic disorder, diagnosis deferred.
bSee text for definition.

genotype but may result from disparate contributions to the likelihood of Mendelian transmission (t1 = 1; T2
of polygenes and random environmental factors to dif- = 1/2; T3 = 0). We tested Mendelian transmission
= 1; T2 = '/2; 3 = 0) by comparing its likelihood with the
ferent major locus genotypes. We also assumed that as-
sortative mating had remained constant sufficiently long likelihood of the general model (T1, T2, and r3 estimated).
to allow the population frequencies to have reached Other hypotheses tested included dominant inheritance
equilibrium. Consequently, the genotype and mating fre- (d = 1), recessive inheritance (d = 0), no polygenic com-
quencies reflected the level of assortative mating. Posi- ponent (h2 = 0), and no assortative mating correlation
tive assortative mating increases the frequency of homo- (a2 = 0), each of which compared the likelihood of the
zygotes at the expense of heterozygotes (Hasstedt 1995). specified model with the likelihood of Mendelian trans-
The parameters of the model include allele frequency, mission, while fixing 1 = 1, T2 = 1/2, and t3 = 0.
q, dominance, d, displacement, t, polygenic heritability, To estimate the effect of the TS major locus on TS
h2, assortative mating correlation, a2, and transmission score, we used genotypic probability estimators (GPEs)
probabilities, T1, T2, and T3. Dominance d = (J2 - 1)/ (Hasstedt and Moll 1989). The genotypic probability pi
(J3 - gi), where gi represents the mean for genotype i; equals the likelihood conditioned on individual i car-
t = (p3 - gl)/a, where a2represents the within-genotype rying genotype j divided by the unconditional likelihood,
variance; h2 represents the proportion of (2 attributed each computed with the parameters fixed at their maxi-
to polygenes; and a2 represents the correlation between mum likelihood estimates. The GPE of the mean for
spouses in liability due to assortative mating (Hasstedt genotype j equals I-= V 1 P# y Jij, where yi represents
1995). Transmission probability xi represents the proba- the TS score of person i, and Ay = V_1 Pi
bility a parent of genotype i transmitting the non-TS
allele; to assume allele frequency equilibrium, we let T2 Results
= (P - fIT1 - f3t3)/f2 where p = 1 - q and f, represents
the equilibrium frequency of genotype i; the allele fre- We examined 168 descendants of the pedigree
quency equilibrium assumption restricts the general founder and 14 spouses of the descendants. TS Scores
model to values of the transmission probabilities which ranged from 0 to 69. In table 3, TS scores are compared
maintain a constant allele frequency through the genera- with diagnostic categories (Tourette Syndrome Classifi-
tions. For h2 > 0, the likelihoods were approximated cation Study Group 1993) for subjects in the study. Only
(Hasstedt 1993). six individuals assigned a TS diagnosis (A-1 or A-2)
We inferred major locus inheritance, by rejecting scored <16; ten individuals assigned tic diagnoses (B-
polygenic inheritance and not rejecting Mendelian trans- 1, B-2, C-1, E-1, and E-2) scored >16, because of the
mission. We tested polygenic inheritance (q = 0; d = 0; additional presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
t = 0; T1 = 1; '2 = 1/2; 3 = 0) by comparing its likelihood In table 4, pedigree members are tallied by TS score.
Hasstedt et al.: Tourette Syndrome Inheritance 685
Table 4 Table 6
Counts of Juvenile and Adult Descendants and of Spouses Parameter Estimates for the Inferred Genetic Model
of Descendants, by TS Score
Juvenile Adult Spouses of
TS Scorea Descendantsb Descendantsc Descendants PARAMETERa 5/1,000 .5/1,000
0 ............... 22 8 3 q ....... 8.959 X 10-3 9.016 X 10-4
1-5 ........... 18 21 4 [2 ................ 8.109 x 10-3 9.872 X 10-4
6-10 ......... 10 10 1 f3 ................ 4.905 X 10-3 4.080 X 10-4
11-15 ....... 8 4 1 a ....... .792 .699
16-20 ....... 7 8 1 Pi............... 0 0
21-30 ....... 13 8 1 P2 ............... 28 28
31-40 ....... 7 4 2 P3 ............... 99 98
41-50 .......5 1
51-60 ....... 7 1 0
q = allele frequency; [2 = equilibrium frequency of genotype 2;
61+ . .......... 1 1 0 f3 = equilibrium frequency of genotype 3; a2 = assortative mating
correlation; Pi = penetrance of genotype i.
a TS score > 16 signifies affected status; TS score s 15 signifies unaf-
fected status.
bAge s19 years.
c Age
(d = 1) inheritance, implicating an intermediate form
>20 years.
of inheritance for TS. In addition, correlation due to
assortative mating was significant (hypothesis a2 = 0
rejected), but polygenic inheritance was not significant
Only 30 descendants and three spouses of descendants (hypothesis h2 = 0 not rejected).
received a score of 0, signifying the absence of any symp- Table 6 presents the parameter estimates of the in-
tom. Considering a TS score of > 16 points as TS, 67 ferred genetic model for each assumed prevalence rate;
descendants and 5 spouses of descendants were thereby only the allele and genotype frequency estimates depend
diagnosed with TS. Of the 72 individuals diagnosed with substantially on the assumed prevalence rate. The geno-
TS, 38 were male and 34 were female; age ranged from type frequency estimates differ from Hardy-Weinberg
7 to 66 years. equilibrium because of the assortative mating. The pene-
In the likelihood analysis, studied individuals were trances are essentially the same for the two prevalence
classified only as affected (TS score : 16) or unaffected rates, with no sporadic cases, low penetrance in hetero-
(0 TS score 15). We constrained the parameters of
- -
zygotes, and almost complete penetrance in homozy-
the model to conform to the population prevalence of gotes. The estimates in table 6 predict that only 32%-
TS; because of uncertainty about the prevalence, we per- 41% of TS cases in the population are heterozygotes.
formed the analysis twice, assuming population preva- Despite the significance of the assortative mating cor-
lence rates of 5/1,000 and 0.5/1,000. For both preva- relation, we repeated the analysis, assuming random
lence rates, we inferred major locus inheritance of TS mating in order to explore the impact of including as-
(table 5) by rejecting purely polygenic inheritance (q sortative mating in the analysis. We again inferred major
= 0) and not rejecting Mendelian transmission (X1 1; = locus inheritance (table 7) by rejecting purely polygenic
X3 = 0). We rejected both recessive (d = 0) and dominant
Table 7
Table 5 Chi-square Statistics for the Tested Hypotheses,
Assuming Random Mating
Chi-square Statistics for the Tested Hypotheses
HYPOTHESIS df 5/1,000 .5/1,000
HYPOTHESIS df 5/1,000 .5/1,000
q =0 ......................... ...... 3 16.25a
q =0 .................... 3 65.76a 107.33a T1 1; T3 = 0 ....................... .28 2.00
T1= 1;T3 = 0 ............ 2 .12 .76 Tl= 1; -r2 = 1/2, T3 = 0 .............. 3 17.29a43.45a
d = 0............... 1 35.87a 44.63a d =0 .......... ............. 1 0.00 17.16a
d =1 ....... ....... 1 23.SOa 20.10a d = 1 ....................... ....... 1 3.068.18a
h2= 0 .................... 1 3.04 1.02 = 0 .......................... .... 1 1.224.35b
a2 = .................... 1 49.50a 73.30a
P < .005.
ap < .005. bp< .05.
686 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 57:682-689, 1995
Table 8
Mean' TS Score, by Genotype

5/1,000 .............. Unaffected 4.38 (21) 3.94 (85) 4.91 (4)

Affected ... 26.72 (5) 33.59 (67)
.5/1,000 ............. Unaffected 4.18 (26) 3.97 (80) 5.10 (4)
Affected ... 28.85 (11) 33.89 (61)
NOTE.-Numbers in parentheses represent numbers of individuals.
a Computed as genotypic probability estimators.

inheritance (hypothesis q = 0 rejected) and not rejecting conclusions held, regardless of the assumed population
Mendelian transmission (X1 = 1; T3 = 0). However, in prevalance.
contrast to the inference of intermediate inheritance in In contrast to the inference of intermediate inheritance
the presence of assortative mating, we inferred recessive in this study, many other investigators have inferred
inheritance for a prevalence rate of 5/1,000 and inferred dominant inheritance of TS (Pauls 1992b). One possible
dominant inheritance for a prevalence rate of 0.5/1,000. explanation is that, in the families analyzed previously,
The inferred recessive model for a prevalence rate of 5/ all TS cases were heterozygotes; although we estimated
1,000 combined a high allele frequency (31%), a low that less than half of TS occurs in heterozygotes, the
penetrance (5%), and a large polygenic component proportion would be higher in a population with a lower
(100%). These unreasonable parameter estimates sug- level of assortative mating. Alternatively, dominant in-
gest the inability of the proposed model to fit the data heritance may have been inferred erroneously in other
rather than recessive inheritance of TS. When not assum- studies because of the failure to account for assortative
ing allele frequency equilibrium, we rejected Mendelian mating. In fact, we inferred dominant inheritance for
transmission (X1 = 1; X2 = 1/2; X3 = 0). this pedigree when assuming random mating and the
We assigned TS scores, rather than simply a TS diag- rarer prevalence. On the other hand, Comings et al.
nosis, in the hope that the TS scores would reflect liabil- (1984) and Devor (1984) inferred intermediate inheri-
ity to TS. Table 8 gives mean TS score by genotype for tance despite assuming random mating. Nevertheless,
the intermediate model inferred, on allowing for assorta- when we assumed random mating, we rejected Mende-
tive mating. For affected subjects (TS score > 16), ho- lian transmission, as we did in a previous analysis of this
mozygotes for the TS allele have a higher mean TS score pedigree (McMahon et al. 1992) and other investigators
than do heterozygotes. In contrast, TS scores in unaf- have in the analysis of other pedigrees (Curtis et al.
fected subjects (TS score 15) fail to distinguish hetero-
zygotes from homozygotes lacking the TS allele. As stated above, the assumption of random mating
lead to the inference of a different genetic model than
Discussion did the assumption of assortative mating. On the other
hand, random mating probably obtains for most traits,
Herein, we inferred a gene for TS in a single large and, even in the presence of significant assortative mat-
pedigree, Kindred 1591. The gene showed intermediate ing, the assumption of random mating does not neces-
inheritance with high penetrance in homozygotes for sarily lead to the incorrect inference (Hasstedt 1995).
the TS allele, low penetrance in heterozygotes, and zero Therefore, one should consider accounting for assorta-
penetrance in non-gene-carriers. Polygenic heritability tive mating in the segregation analysis of physical or
was nonsignificant. The inferred genetic model included psychological traits, but the standard assumption of ran-
a large assortative mating correlation. Compared with dom mating may suffice, unless the estimated assortative
random mating, positive assortative mating increases the mating correlation is high.
frequency of homozygotes at the expense of heterozy- Assortative mating comprises only one possible expla-
gotes. Consequently, we inferred a low allele frequency nation of the occurrence of affected spouse pairs. First,
but estimated that only 32%-41% of TS cases occur in a high disease prevalence offers an alternative explana-
heterozygotes, in contrast to the high allele frequency tion; however, an extremely high prevalence would be
and predominance of heterozygotes predicted previously required to account for TS occurring in 36% of the
for intermediate inheritance (Comings et al. 1989). All spouses marrying into Kindred 1591. Second, ascertain-
Hasstedt et al.: Tourette Syndrome Inheritance 687

ment through severe TS cases who are homozygotes, crease from groups (1) to (2) suggests that nonzero TS
making both parents heterozygotes and sometimes af- scores at the lower end of the range do not reflect liabil-
fected, provides a plausible explanation for bilineality ity as reliably as at the upper end of the range, possibly
(both parents affected) in nuclear families (Comings et because chronic tics occur frequently in the absence of
al. 1989) but an inadequate explanation for an excess a TS gene (Pauls and Leckman 1986; Price et al. 1988).
of affected spouses marrying into a large pedigree such Therefore, a TS score only partially reflects liability
as Kindred 1591. Finally, causative environmental fac- to TS.
tors that are shared by spouses could produce an excess The wide range of TS scores observed implicates other
of affected spouse pairs. However, this explanation genes or environmental factors in the expression of the
would not apply to TS, for which onset occurs long TS gene. Although a homozygous penetrance estimated
before age of marriage. Assortative mating remains the as 98%-99% suggests that possessing two copies of the
only defensible explanation of the high rate at which TS allele essentially assures the expression of TS, severity
affected spouses marry into Kindred 1591 and concurs nevertheless varies within the genotype. Furthermore, a
with the assortative mating reported for many psycho- heterozygous penetrance estimated as 28 % suggests that
logical traits and psychiatric disorders (Merikangas a single copy of the TS allele results in the expression
1982; Parnas 1985, 1988). of TS only on interaction with other genes or environ-
Whether the assortative mating inferred herein occurs mental factors. The observed discordance in monozy-
in all TS pedigrees remains an open question. Answering gotic twins implicates environmental factors (Price et al.
the question requires that all spouses who marry into 1985), and a lower birth weight in the MZ twin with
TS pedigrees be evaluated for TS directly rather than by the higher tic score (Hyde et al. 1992) suggests that
history provided by family informants. Other investiga- prenatal environmental factors play a role in TS expres-
tors have previously recommended that direct interview sion. Nonetheless, roles for postnatal environmental fac-
of the subject be used to make the diagnosis, since inter- tors or for other genes remain possibilities; streptococcal
views of relatives produce fewer positive diagnoses of infection may be an environmental trigger for TS (Kies-
neuropsychiatric disorders (Andreason et al. 1977; Or- sling et al. 1993; Swedo et al. 1993). In fact, despite
vaschel et al. 1982; Pauls et al. 1984). In fact, the cooc- various hypotheses (Comings and Comings 1986;
currence of assortative mating and a low heterozygous Lichter et al. 1993; Furtado and Suchowersky 1994),
penetrance suggests the prudence of interviewing not the genes or environmental factors influencing the devel-
only the spouses but also their relatives. opment of TS remain unknown. In addition, phenocop-
Blinding interviewers about pedigree membership is ies are likely in the population; although we estimated
methodologically desirable. This could best be accom- a penetrance of zero in non-gene-carriers, this pedigree
plished by videotaping diagnostic interviews for later contains little information about this penetrance.
scoring by raters unaware of pedigree membership. Is- One source of variable expressivity of TS, gender, has
sues of practicality, expense, and family sensitivity to recently been questioned. Earlier population surveys re-
intrusion precluded applying this approach to this pedi- ported male-to-female ratios of 9 in juveniles (Burd et
gree. al. 1986b; Caine et al. 1988) and of 3-4 in adults (Burd
In this study, as part of the interview of each subject, et al. 1986a), but a recent survey reported a lower ratio
a score was assigned in an attempt to quantitate the of 1.6 in adolescents (Apter et al. 1992), similar to recent
severity of the subject's TS symptoms. The scoring sys- family studies (Curtis et al. 1992; Eapen et al.1993).
tem necessarily reflects clinical judgment about the rela- The decline in the male-to-female ratio follows the inclu-
tive importance of disparate symptoms. Therefore, the sion in the TS diagnosis of OCD, which is more common
numeric value of the score assigned a subject may not in women. The inclusion of OCD essentially equalizes
unerringly reflect his or her underlying liability resulting the numbers of affected males and females (Pauls et al.
from genes or environmental factors. One measure of 1991). Kindred 1591 contains approximately equal
the success of the scoring system is by comparison with numbers of male and female TS cases; the male-to-fe-
the liability assumed in the genetic model. The model male ratio equals 1.1.
predicts that mean liability to TS ranges from lowest to The rejection of Mendelian transmission in a segrega-
highest across the four groups: (1) non-gene-carriers, tion analysis does not rule out major locus inheritance,
(2) unaffected heterozygotes, (3) affected heterozygotes, since factors such as age trends and inadequate ascer-
and (4) homozygotes. In fact, mean TS score does in- tainment correction are alternate causes. The assump-
crease from groups (3) to (4), suggesting that greater tion of allele frequency equilibrium (p = f1tl + f2T2
severity results from possessing two copies of the TS + ft3) reduces the chances of the alternative causes of
allele. Mean TS score also increases from groups (2) to rejection but may be too restrictive. For one thing, for
(3), but by definition, since affection corresponded to a rare q, the equilibrium constraint restricts t1 to values
TS score of 16. The failure of mean TS score to in-
close to 1. Possibly as a consequence, the equilibrium
688 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 57:682-689, 1995

assumption allowed the inference of dominant (low Acknowledgments

prevalence) or recessive (high prevalence) inheritance of
TS when assuming random mating, despite the rejection This research was supported by NIH grants MH0098 (to
of Mendelian transmission in the absence of the equilib- W.M.M.) and HD17463 (to S.J.H.).
rium assumption and the inference of intermediate in-
heritance on assuming assortative mating. Nevertheless,
for assortative mating, allele frequency equilibrium fol- References
lows logically from the assumption of genotype fre- Andreason NC, Endicott J, Spitzer RL, Winokur G (1977)
quency equilibrium and from the dependence of the ge- The family history method using diagnostic criteria: reliabil-
notype frequencies on both the transmission probabili- ity and validity. Arch Gen Psychiatry 34:1229-1235
ties and the allele frequencies. Consequently, we tested APA (American Psychological Association) (1990) Diagnostic
Mendelian transmission in the presence of assortative and statistical manual of mental disorders. 3d ed rev. APA,
mating only while assuming allele frequency equilib- Washington, DC
rium, possibly not adequately challenging the genetic Apter A, Pauls DL, Bleich A, Zohar AH, Kron S, Ratzoni G,
model. In contrast, allele frequency equilibrium was not Dycian A, et al (1992) A population-based epidemiological
assumed in analysis of other traits showing lower levels study of Tourette's syndrome among adolescents in Israel.
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If the genetic model inferred herein applies to all in- lence of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome in North Dakota
herited TS, the failure to localize the TS gene (van de adults. Am J Psychiatry 143:787-788
Wetering and Heutink 1993) could result from the in- (1986b) A prevalence study of Gilles de la Tourette
correct assumption of rare dominant inheritance in the syndrome in North Dakota school-age children. J Am Acad
linkage analysis; affected offspring who inherit a TS al- Child Psychiatry 25:552-553
lele from the parent who marries into the pedigree would Caine ED, McBride MC, Chiverton P, Bamford KA, Rediess
appear to be recombinants with a linked marker, when S Shiao J (1988) Tourette's syndrome in Monroe County
rare dominant inheritance is assumed. Repeating the school children. Neurology 38:472-475
linkage analysis by assuming other modes of inheritance, Comings DE (1987) A controlled study of Tourette syndrome.
VII. Summary: a common genetic disorder causing disinhibi-
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