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puts hello,world!

There are 2 types of shells we use in TCL:-

1. TCL Shell (tclsh)

2. Window Shell (wish) and to execute these we use ./name.tcl.

# is used in TCL/TK for comments.

For arithmetic operations we use:-

puts[expr 3+2]; #sum of 3+2 is 5

Constant Declaration:-

puts [expr 1+6+9]

Variable Substitution:-

set a 3;

puts $a;



puts Hello \n World;

Output will be:-



Data Types:-

set myvariable 18

puts $myvariable

Output:- 18

puts [expr $myvariable+6+9]

We can use , &, {} for the strings that we want to print i.e.

set myvariable helloworld

set myvariable {hello world}
Output will be same.


We can use or []

set myvar {red green blue}

puts [lindex $myvar 2]
set myvar red green blue
puts [lindex $myvar 1]
lindex (L INDEX) is used for accessing list elements using index.


set marks (English) 80

puts $marks (English)
set marks (maths) 50
puts $marks (maths)
Output will be:-


set myfile [open file name]


set variable name value

For ex:-

set variable A 10
set [variable B] test
puts ${variable B}

Dynamic Type:-

set variable 10
puts $variable A

set sum [expr $variable A+20]

Default precision of TCL is 12 digits.

set variable 10
set result [expr $variable A/9.0];
set variable 10.0
set variable 10
set tcl_precision 5
set result [expr $variable A/9.0];


1. Arithmetic:- +,-,*,/,%
set a 5
set b 8
set c[expr $a+$b]
2. Relational:- ==,!=,>,<.>=.<=
set a 21
set b 10
if {$a == $b} {
puts statement
else {
puts Line 1
3. Logical Operators:- &&,||,!
if {$a && $b} {
puts True
4. Bitwise Operators:- &,|,^,<<,>>
set c [expr $a <<2]
5. Ternary Operators:- ?:
set b [expr $a==10?20:30]


1. If:-
if {Boolean_exp} {
2. If else:-
if {$a<20} {
puts tcl
else {
puts tk
3. Else If:-
if {$a ==10} {
puts st1
elsif {$a ==20} {
puts st2
else {
puts st3
4. Nested If:-
if {$a ==100} {
if {$b ==100} {
puts xyz
5. Switch:-
switch $grade {
puts ab
puts cd
puts ef
default {
puts yz
6. Nested Switch:-
switch switch string {
match string 1 {
switch switch string {
match switch string {
match string 1 {
body 1
match string 2 {
body 2

match string n {
body n
match string 2 {
body 2


1. While Loop:-
set a 10
while {$a <20} {
puts value: $a
incr a

2. For Loop:-
for {set a 10} {$a <20} {incr a}
puts $a
3. Nested For:-
for {set i 2} {$i <100} {incr i}
for {set j 2} {j <= [expr $i/$j]} {incr j} {
if {[expr $i%$j==0]} {
if {$j>[expr $i/$j]} {
puts $i


set arrayname (index) value

set languages (0) TCL

set languages (1) C Language

puts $languages(0)

puts $languages(1)

Output will be:-


C Language

Size of Array:-

[array size variable name]

set languages(0) TCL
set languages(1) C Language
puts[array size languages]

Array Iteration:-

set languages(0) TCL

set languages(1) C Language
for {set index 0} {index < [array]} {incr index} {
puts languages ($index: $languages)

Associative Arrays:-

set personA (name) vivek

set personA (age) 30
puts $personA (name)
puts $personA (age)

Indices of array:-

[array name variable name]

set personA(name) Anjana
set personA(age) 28
puts [array name personA]
Output:- 28 Anjana

Iteration of Associative Array:-

set personA(name) virat

set personA(age) 27
forach index [array name personA]
puts personA ($index): $personA ($index)


set S1 dav
set S2 id
puts [string compare S1 S2]
if {} {
set S1 great
set S2 0
puts First occurrence of $S2 in S1
puts {string first $S2 $S1}
puts character at index 0 in S1
puts {sting index $S1 0}
puts {string first $S2 $S1}
puts {string last $S2 $S1}
word end
word start
length $S1
toupper $S1
tolower $S1
Trim right $S1
Trim $S1 $S2
latch .abc $S1


set list name {items 1 2 3 4}


set list name {list 1 2 3 4}

set list name {split item 1_2_3_4}

Things to be operated on it:-

1. append list name split_character value

lappend list name value
For ex:- set var blue
append var red blue
lappend vargreen
2. length set var {sachin tendulkar}
puts [length $var]
3. lindex $var index
Value of index:- 0,1------n


set var [linsert $var blue]

puts $var


set var [lreplace $var 2 3]

puts $var

Set item at index:-

set var {virat kohli}

lset var 0 ms dhoni

puts $var

So, whatever be at 0 position, it will be replaced by lset command and set as the
value written with lset command.

Transform list to variables:-

set var {---}

lassign $var column1 column2

puts $column1
puts $column2

lsort list name

set var []

set var [lsort $var]

puts $var


proc hello world {} {

puts hello,world!

Procedures with multiple origins:-

proc add {a b} {

return [expr $a+$b]

puts [add 10 30]

Procedures with variable arguments:-

proc avg [members]

set sum 0

forach member $members {

set sum [expr $sum + $member]

set average [expr $sum/[no. of members]]

return $average

puts {avg[70 80 60 50]}

Procedures with default arguments:-

proc add {a{b 100} {

return [expr $a + $b]

puts [add 10 30]

puts [add 10]

Output:- 40

110; If b is matching a value, the default provided value will be used.

Procedures and buttons:-

How to pick a variable from other variable?

If one variable is global, we can use it anywhere inside a main program.
We can use astring in case of text variable.
label.lab- text variable
text var:- If it is global then only .lab can access data through text
If a counter is declared as global, then its value changes according to
counter at any point of the program and its value is reflected in in main
part of program.
button.but- text variable textvar2-text
click me1-command click-button
In the main program, we give all the related work using GUI & buttons.
text variable textvar has more priority than text $counter.

There are various methods to pass values to variable:-

1. We can call by using name only with no $ sign required.

2. To manage multiple arguments we use {args}
-text or label both can be used to display text.
To create a list box in TCL/TK we use the command listbox.
Insert is used without a minus(-) sign.
Curselection is used for cursor selection from declared list from which
we select the indices of the list.
== .. -> This string is empty or not selected.
For menu we have menu function inbuilt in tk.
menu .mbar
.config menu.mbar -> Configuration of menu bar
Various arguments of tk_manage box:-
-type for Yes, No or Ok
tk_choose directory -> It helps to capture indices
-font ansi 12 bold -> No change in order can be possible.
Nested procedures can be possible in tcl/tk.
Main procedure will call the inside procedure by default.
For top level, we have toplevel command.
.top.but -> for top level, if we want to add but we use top level with
button variables.

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