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2010 Republican Primary Voter Guide

Bill McCollum Rick Scott

x Will create 500,000 jobs in 6 years through tax cuts and x Claims plan will create 700,000 jobs in 7 years but
Jobs & the regulatory reforms alone. then admitted to the press he inflated this number
Economy x Developed with and vetted by Steve Forbes. EHFDXVHLW³VRXQGHGEHWWHU´WKDQWKHWUXHILJXUHV
x As Governor, will be )/¶V Chief Economic Development Officer. x 7KLVVRXQGVPXFKOLNHWKHZD\6FRWW³URXQGHGXS´
x Grows private enterprise and does not grow government. SHRSOH¶VLOOQHVVHVLQRUGHUWRLQIODWHUHLPEXUVHPHQW
x Dramatically reduces regulation and bureaucracy. from Medicare.
x Includes aggressive property tax plan that will freeze rates and x Shamelessly copies the McCollum economic plan,
cap government spending. but then gets significant portions wrong.
x Tackles litigation reform. x Uses sound-bytes, not sound policy.
x Restructures economic development agencies to be more x Contains unrealistic budgeting gimmicks that will
efficient and effective. leave Florida fiscally insolvent.
x Focuses on building clusters of industry and trade. x Opposes meaningful property tax reform.
x Increases access to private Venture Capital to retain new and
emerging businesses in Florida.
x Increases education standards. x Has not released a plan to date.
Schools & x Phases out teacher tenure. x Commented that schools with a lot of minority
Colleges x Rewards high-performing teachers through merit pay. students require different policies than other
x Believes that all students should be pushed to learn with the schools; this is ignorant, and insulting to all
same standards and expectations; praises Governor Jeb Bush Floridians, and goes against the reforms Jeb Bush
for minority students.
x Increases private industry relationships with universities/schools.
x Creates higher standards for students and schools, and sets
goals for increasing graduation rates.
x Supports the amended Arizona immigration law. x Has no experience curbing illegal immigration.
Illegal x Working with State Representative Will Snyder to bring a law x Owns many companies that do not use e-verify
Immigration VLPLODUWR$UL]RQD¶VWR)ORULGD. before hiring.
x Signed amicus curiae brief in support of Arizona to protect x +DVVKDPHOHVVO\GLVWRUWHG%LOO0F&ROOXP¶VUHFRUG
DJDLQVW2EDPD¶VODZVXLW on illegal immigration in non-stop negative ads.
x As AG, he increased )ORULGD/DZ(QIRUFHPHQW¶VHIIRUWVWRDUUHVW x Owns a company named Emida that profits off of
and detain illegal immigrations. illegal immigrants sending American dollars back to
x In Congress, led the fight against amnesty.
x Cosponsored legislation that became law that makes it illegal to
knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
x Voted to limit public benefits for illegal immigrants.
x Supported establishing English as the official language of the US.
x Founded the U.S. House Task force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare.
x Took on President Reagan in Congress to prevent amnesty from
passing in his immigration reform bill.
x As Governor, will strengthen )/¶V laws and will hold the federal
government accountable to fulfill their duty to protect our borders.
x Has a comprehensive plan to create immediate jobs. x Has not released a plan to date.
Rails & trust funds or growing government.
Ports significant jobs and increase private investment.
x Prepares for expansion of Panama Canal to capture jobs.
x Declares state of Economic Emergency to expedite projects to
spark economy and create jobs.
x Insists on safety and congestion relief.
earned tax dollars back to Florida.
x Focuses on -term planning so growth is strategic, not haphazard.
x Has released a detailed plan to tackle )ORULGD¶VZDWHUshortage x Rick Scott owns two houses on the water
Water and future needs. x Has not released a plan to date
x Commits to improving alternative water supply infrastructure.
x Develops conservation strategies through economics.
x Promotes water conservation and quality technology.
x Fights federal Numeric Nutrient Criteria.
x Changes regulatory culture at water districts/state agencies.
x Leading a 20-state lawsuit to repeal 2EDPD¶VKHDOWKFDUHODZ x Spent millions of the dollars he received after his
Obama-care x Filed the lawsuit minutes after the bill was signed into law. company ripped off taxpayers to unsuccessfully
x Efforts supported the National Federation of Independent challenge Obama-care.
x Has proposed a series of consumer and market-based solutions UHDOL]HWKDWWKH³SXEOLFRSWLRQ´LVDOLYHDQGZHOO
care, and reduce the costs of health insurance. fighting to prevent the law from being enacted.
Bill McCollum Rick Scott
x Has released a plan to offer Floridians choice, affordability and x Rick Scott once owned a healthcare company
Health Care access while preserving the doctor-patient relationship. responsible for the largest act of Medicare fraud in
companies Rick Scott once owned who commit it. x Has not released a plan to date.
x Leads 20-state lawsuit to declare Obama-care unconstitutional.
x Uses market-based methods to increase competition in the
health care marketplace.
x Will provide more choices and flexibility, increase transparency
and accountability in health plans.
x Rebuilds role of primary care doctors.
x Fights doctor, nurse and dentist shortages.
x Fights to protect Medicare from financial ruin.
x Advocates independence and self-direction for seniors and
persons with disabilities, and supports increased access to Home
and Community-Based Services.
x 100% lifetime rating from the National Right to Life. x Permitted the practice of elective abortions while
Abortion x Endorsed by Florida pro-life leaders Dennis Baxley (Christian CEO of Columbia/HCA and took the profits.
Coalition) and John Stemberger (Florida Family Policy Council). x Scott took control of every aspect of hospital
x Believes that life begins at conception will enact policies to activity, from personnel to vending machines, and
protect the sanctity of life. could have prohibited abortions as well ± but chose
x Repeatedly voted against public funding for abortions, including not to.
on military bases and on federal employee health plans. x Shamelessly used the personal tragedy of a Texas
x Voted to ban late-term and partial birth abortions. family to hide his pro-abortion record .
x Voted for bill that criminalizes transporting minor across state x )UDXGXOHQWO\FDOOVKLPVHOID³SUR-OLIH´OHDGHU.
lines to avoid parental notification and obtain abortion.
x Voted against permitting federal funding of human embryo
research and against the use of fetal tissue in medical research.
x Opposed the Obama Stimulus. x Scott gained $4 million in personal profits after his
Obama company pursued and received $63 million in
Stimulus Obama stimulus funds, and is pursuing more funds
stimulus dollars and not take them as Governor.
x Endorsed by Florida pro-life leaders Dennis Baxley of the x Can claim to hold any values, but has no actual
Family Values record to demonstrate it.
Christian Coalition and John Stemberger of the Florida Family
Policy Council. x In fact, his business record reflects quite the
opposite: Scott owns a social networking site that
x Will nominate Supreme Court judges that will interpret the
partners with Playboy in Mexico, and recruits
Constitution and not legislate from the bench.
women to appear in the magazine.
x Endorsed Amendment 2 to define marriage as between a man
and a woman.
x As Attorney General, defended )/¶VEan on same-sex adoption.
x In Congress, voted for the Defense of Marriage Act.
x Voted against same-sex adoption.
x Believes that public schools should not teach that homosexuality
is an acceptable lifestyle.
x Believes that sex education programs should be abstinence-only.
x Believes that public school curriculum should address evolution
x Supports parents receiving vouchers to send children to public,
private or religious schools.
x Believes that students should be permitted to lead voluntary
prayer at school related events.
x Supports firearms ownership for all reasons that individuals have, x No record on these issues; can claim whatever he
Gun Rights including self-defense, competitive shooting, informal sport wants, but nothing to back it up.
shooting, colleting, and hunting.
x Believes individuals have the right to use deadly force to defend
oneself, home, family, and property from criminals.
x Supports legislation to stop anti-gun businesses from trampling
the rights of customers and employees.
x Opposes bans against manufacturing and sale of firearms.
x Governor Jeb Bush. x No major endorsements to date.
Major x Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
Endorsements x Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
x Former Republican House Whip Dick Armey.
x Florida Republican Agriculture Commissioner Nominee and
Congressman Adam Putnam.
x Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Bronson
x Steve Forbes, CEO, Forbes Magazine.
x John Stemberger of the Florida Family Policy Council.
x Dennis Baxley of the Christian Coalition.
x Florida Medical Association.
x Florida Fraternal Order of Police.
x Florida State Firefighters Association.
x Florida Chamber of Commerce.
x See website for more.

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