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April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II(A)/11-12/ET/SBL

Time : 03 Hours Study of Basics of Legislation Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)
1. How is a Bill different from an Act? Discuss all the stages a Bill has to pass through in Parliament
before it becomes an Act.
2. Explain:
a. A statute must be read as whole
b. Expressio unius est exclusio alterious
c. Ejusdem generis
d. The Ascetic principle
3. What is interpretational value of the constitutional Preamble? Discuss it as an aid to interpretation
of other statutes.
What is a Constitution Amendment Bill? How is it different from other Bills? What is the procedure
for passing a Constitution Amendment Bill?
4. Write a detailed note on classification of legislation.

(Section B) (5 x 2)
5. Distinguish between Money Bill and Financial Bill.
6. What is the scope of debate at the third reading stage?
7. Write short notes on the following:
a. Correction in bill as passed by Lok Sabha
b. Scrutiny by Draftsman
8. Differentiate between codifying statute and consolidating statute.
9. Explain Noscitur a sociis rule with the help of one example.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

i. Ut res magis valeat quam pereat means. .

ii. Contemporanea ex position est optima et fortissma lege means.. .
iii. In the case of , it was held that the Preamble is a part of basic structure of the
iv. Give one example of Explanatory statute.
v. Article..envisages two stages for convening a joint sitting after the Houses have finally
disagreed on the Bill.
vi. What do you mean by Objects and Reason Clause?
vii. Give two constitutional provisions which cannot be amended by a simple majority.
viii. Give two examples of subordinate legislation.
ix. What is Speakers power regarding consequential amendments?
x. Give example of one Bill, which was considered and passed at a joint sitting.
April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II(B)/11-12/ET/SBL
Time : 03 Hours Study of Basics of Legislation Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)
1. While interpreting the Constitution, a construction most beneficial to the widest possible
amplitude must be adopted. In the light of the above statement, explain the Principles of
Harmonious construction and Pith and substance. You may support your answer with the help
of case laws, if any.
2. What are the various steps involved in the passage of an Ordinary Bill? Is any deadlock between the
two houses of Parliament possible?
3. Explain through case law any two rules of statutory interpretation. Also cite the problem interfaced
in literal rule of interpretation.
The Preamble is a key to open the mind of the makers as to the mischief which are to be remedied
and it acts as a beacon light guiding the interpretation of other laws. In the light of the above
judgment, elaborate the interpretational value of the preamble.
4. Express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another results in Expressum Facit Cessare
Tacitum. Elucidate.
Explain the maxim: Ut Res Majis Valeat Quam Pareat. Also cite judicial decisions.

(Section B) (5 x 2)
5. Foreign precedents have persuasive value but they ought to be used with caution and not
indiscriminately. Comment.
6. The court does not place much reliance on the historical material to interpret the constitutional
provisions. Comment.
7. Explain Statutes are territorial in operation.
8. Explain the maxim: Noscitur a sociis.
9. Mention any two cases where Indian judiciary has referred to the International document/treaties
as an aid to interpretation of the Preamble.
(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)
State True/False
i. Money Bill cannot be returned to the house for reconsideration by the President.
ii. A Bill will not be deemed to be a Money Bill only by a reason that it is for the imposition of
a fee.
iii. The Preamble is a part of the Constitution and it can also be regarded as the source of any
substantive power as well as a source of any prohibition or limitation.
iv. The meaning of words and expressions used in an Act must take its colour from the context
in which they appear.
v. Amendment related to the varying or altering the destination of any grant voted, can be
proposed to the Appropriation Bill in either House of Parliament.
Fill in the gaps:
vi. When there are two special statutes which contain a non-obstante clause------ shall prevail.
vii. Financial Bills are mentioned under Article of the Constitution.
viii. An Appropriation Bill is introduced to provide for the---------- out of the. .
ix. Money Bill requires of the Speaker when transmitted to the Rajya Sabha.
x. Name the theory which has been accepted by the Indian court in relation to international
law with regard to the Municipal Law. .

April, 2012 LLM/SEM-II/11-12/ET/B.L.-II
TIME: 03 Hours Business law-II MAX. MARKS: 60
Answer any Four questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(4 15)
Read the following problem carefully before answering 1-3 questions.
A very large number of domestic producers and manufacturers of shirts in Artemia, a WTO
member, complained that imports of shirts from Xenia had been increasing considerably and
these increased imports were a substantial cause of a threat of a serious injury to the industry in
Artemia. Trade authorities investigated the complaints and found that the proportion of
imported shirts relative to domestically produced shirts has increased substantially and that, in
particular, import of high value shirts had gone up considerably. The report mentioned that at
the time Artemia negotiated tariffs on shirts in the Uruguay Round, Xenia was not a member
and it did not foresee that shirt-makers in Xenia would have the ability to produce shirts at such
low prices.
Artemia included in its investigation, manufacturers of cloth, button makers, thread
manufacturers, sewing machine makers and packers and movers because it saw them as a
continuous line of production from the raw to the final product and because they had
substantial coincidence of economic interest between and among them. It evaluated all the
relevant factors mentioned in article 4.2(a) of the Agreement on Safeguards in respect of all the
interested parties to the shirt making industry in Artemia. It stated in its report that financial
performance across all industry segments had worsened due largely to falling prices. Though
prices recovered to some extent in 2008, they remained depressed throughout 2009 and right
through the end of October 2011. Since November 2011 domestic prices of shirts have
recovered somewhat but the long term trend appeared to be downward. Artemia imports of
shirts from Xenia constitute more than 80% of total imports of shirts.
The Report recommended to Artemia government to impose tariff rate quota on Xenia imports,
which were indeed imposed as follows :

Year Tariff Rate Quota

Million Kgs Xenia
Year 1 31.85
Year 2 32.71
Year 3 33.56

1. Has the unforeseen development requirement been met?

2. Critically examine the concept of domestic industry as reflected in the above problem
3. What constitute increased imports within the meaning of the Agreement on Safeguards?
Apply your analysis to the above problem scenario.
4. (a) Describe the difference between de jure and de facto specificity in the determination of a
subsidy. (7 marks)
(b) The cost of borrowing for the Government is 6%. The comparable commercial interest
rate is 7.5%. The Government provides an interest free loan to a company. What is the
subsidy under the cost-to-the government approach? What is the subsidy under the benefit-
to-the recipient approach? (8 marks)
5. Systematic process of money laundering results in varied structures. Discuss with reference
to the provisions relating to the prevention of the same.
6. Whether the provisions as to public deposits under the Companies Act, 1956 and the
Central Governments rules relating to (Acceptance of Deposits) Rule, 1975 are exhaustive?
Furnish reasons.
April, 2012 LLM/SEM-II/11-12/ET/C.L.-II
TIME: 03 Hours Constitutional Law-II MAX. MARKS: 60
Answer any Four questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(4 15)

1. Federalism, in the 21st century, is facing challenges all over the world. Enumerate the
leading challenges and also point out the solutions thereto.
When one examines the historical background of World Federalism, one finds a long journey
starting with dogmatic approach, moderate and down to dynamic trend. Write a detailed
critical note in this regard. Point out in brief, which phase of federalism do you support and
2. The history of Indian Federalism shows the direction from the unitary to federal constitution
but when we come to the Constituent Assembly a new approach was adopted. Write a
detailed note on the above statement.
3. The 1950 Constitutional Centre-State legislative relations in India, it is said, provided for a
strong Centre; however, in due course of time one also finds a tendency towards
centralization of powers. Discuss the changing scenario in this connection supporting the
constitutional provisions.
In the Constituent Assembly, Jawaharlal Nehru, advocated for 'a strong Centre' and this was
finally approved by the Assembly. The Judiciary since 1950 has toed this line of approach
except few deviations. Write a detailed critical note on the approach of the Indian judiciary
in this regard.
4. Write a critical comparative note on the Residuary Legislative Power in India.
The arrangement of the taxation power under the Constitution of India is such that the
Central dominance prevails. Write a detailed note supporting constitutional provisions and
point out in brief, whether you want any amendment in this regard.

April, 2012 LLM/SEM-II/11-12/ET/Crim.Law-II
TIME: 03 Hours Criminal Law-II MAX. MARKS: 60
Answer any Four questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(4 15)

1. There are more similarities than dissimilarities in the principal criminal justice systems of
the world namely adversarial and inquisitorial system. Comment on this statement
giving your views in this regard.

2. Victimological jurisprudence is gaining ground the world over and India is not immune
from these welcome changes taking place in the different parts of the world. Write a
detailed note on comparative victimological approaches in India and France.
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Crime Control Model and Due Process Model of criminal justice.
(b) Pre-trial detention under French criminal law

3. In the Indian criminal justice system, sentencing has not been given due recognition as
one of the more important stages in the criminal justice process, whereas, sentencing
assumes great importance in the countries like U.S. and England.
Write a critical comment on sentencing in India in the light of the above statement.

4. The law of arrest in India and U.S., in spite of having many ideological similarities,
differs in details and it appears that the U.S. procedure of arrest is more rational and
affords greater protection to the detainee from arbitrary arrests. Elucidate this


April, 2012 LLB/SEM-II/11-12/MT/PS-II

TIME: 03 Hours Political Science-II MAX. MARKS: 60

Answer all the questions

Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(Section A)

(Answer in approximately 250 words)

(4 10)

1. Explain briefly Joseph Nyes three dimensional chess game model of IR.

2. Write a short note on the causes and the solutions for the modern brand of terrorism.

3. Discuss the main features of the theory of Realism including the three Ss.

4. Discuss the first and the second phases of globalization according to Thomas Friedman.

(Section B)

(Answer in approximately 50 words)

Write short notes on the following

(5 2)

5. Triple Convergence

6. Key features of theory of idealism.

7. Any two consequences for the fall of Berlin Wall

8. Difference between Wholesale and retail terrorism

9. Constructionism

(Section C)

10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

(10 1)
i. Name the Full form of IAYF

ii. Who gave the concept of invisible hand for the market?

iii. The concept of evil Empire was given by Noam Chompsky..(True/False)

iv) Explain Post modern terror or Messianic terror

v. The budget of WWF is two times the budget of WTO(True/Flse)

vi. Name the proponent of Defensive Structural Realism

vii. Mention any one difference between Internet and WWW

viii. Hutus and Tutsis are ethnic groups from Somalia..(True/False)

ix. What is the full for HTML?

x. What is the full form of url?

April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II/11-12/ET/Eng-II
Time : 03 Hours English-II Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)
1. The FBI discovers the plot behind the legislation that could have expanded surveillance powers of
the law enforcement agencies what is this plot? Critically examine with reference to the movie
Enemy of the State.
2. Proceedings of the Trial Scene (Saint Joan Act IV Scene vi) present before us a newly- born
woman, Joan, who would answer reasonably if the questions are reasonable, where Shaw has
reached to the rare feat of vicarious intellectualism. On the note above, discuss the playwrights
argumentative ability, powerful conviction and the narration of history.
3. In an advertisement dated 10 April 2012, Malibu Industries has advertised for the post of Legal
Advisor in the area of HR. Write a solicited letter applying for the job.
While a Curriculum Vitae is a factual record of a candidate, his qualifications and experiences; a
resume is a sales letter/ passport discuss. Your discussion should come up with clear point of
differences between the two.
4. Here are given some verbs often required in presentations: talking, discuss, outline, filling,
sharing, bring, highlight, tell, report, start etc.
Use them to compose a paragraph for the purpose of presentation on any one of these topics:
Popularizing Law through Literature / Law in Shakespeares play Vs Law in Galsworthys play /
Shaws Religious Court of Law / Law, Language and Literature.
What are the difficulties that a learner of English Language generally faces due to lexical ambiguity?

(Section B) (5 x 2)
5. What are signposts? When do you use the following signposts?
- to digress
- to elaborate on
Give atleast two points of difference between the following:
6. Position Paper & Term Paper.
7. The debating phase in a negotiation & the bargaining phase in a negotiation.
8. Proxemics & Chronemics.
9. Intertextuality & Dramatic Relief.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)
Fill in the blanks:
(i) The basic purpose of a resume is to secure an --------------- .
(ii) The Latin words curriculum vitae (CV) literally mean---------------------- .
(iii) Joan of Arc was canonized in ------------------- .
(iv) Cauchon is a character in---------------------- .
(v) The name given to the study of bodys physical movements---------------- .
Complete these words based on Spelling Rules:
(vi) defy + ance = -------------------------- .
(vii) stoop + ing = -------------------------- .
(viii) ride + ing =--------------- .
(ix) admit + ed = ------------------- .
(x) occupy + ing = --------------------- .

Time: 3 Hours April 2012 LLB/ II SEM/2012
ET/ Study of Basics of
Study of Basics of Legislation
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks Max.Marks:60

(04 x 10 marks)
(Answer within 250 words)
1. While interpreting the constitution a construction most beneficial to the widest
possible amplitude must be adopted. In the light of the statement above, explain
the Principles of Harmonious construction and Pith and substance. You
may support your answer with the help of case laws, if any.

2. What are the various steps involved in the passage of Ordinary Bill? Is any
deadlock between the two houses of parliament possible?

3. Explain through case examples, any (two) rules of statutory interpretation. Also
cite the problem interfaced in literal rule of interpretation.
The Preamble is a key to open the mind of the makers as to the mischief which
are to be remedied and it acts as a beacon light guiding the interpretation of other
laws. In the light of the above judgment, elaborate the interpretational value of
the preamble.

4. Express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another results in

Expressum Facit Cessare Tacitum. Elucidate
Explain the maxim: Ut Res Majis Valeat Quam Pareat. Also cite judicial decisions.

(05 x 02 marks)
(Answer within the limit of 50 words)

5. Foreign precedents have persuasive value but they ought to be used with
caution and not indiscriminately. Comment.
6. The court does not place much reliance on the historical material to interpret
the constitutional provisions. Comment.
7. Explain: Statutes are territorial in operation.
8. Explain the maxim: Noscitur a sociis
9. Mention any two cases where Indian judiciary has referred to International
document/treaties as an aid to interpretation of the preamble.
(10 x 01 marks)
(Answer as per the requirement)
10. State True /False:
(i) Money bill cannot be returned for reconsideration by the President.
(ii)A Bill will not be deemed to be a Money Bill only by reason that it is for the
imposition of a fee.
(iii)The preamble is a part of the Constitution and it can also be regarded as the source of
any substantive power as well as a source of any prohibition or limitation.
(iv)The meaning of words and expressions used in an Act must take its colour from the
context in which they appear.
(v)Amendment related to the varying or altering the destination of any grant voted, can
be proposed to the Appropriation bill in either house of Parliament.
Fill in the gaps:
(vi) When there are two special statutes which contain non-obstante clause------- shall
(vii) Financial Bill are mentioned under Article of the constitution.
(viii) An appropriation bill is introduced to provide for the---------- out of the.
(ix) Money Bill requires of the Speaker when transmitted to the Rajya Sabha
(x) Name the theory which has been accepted by the Indian court in relation to
international law with regard to the Municipal Law.
April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-IV/11-12/ET/Juris
Time : 03 Hours Jurisprudence Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)

1. Law grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength of the people and finally dies away
as the nation loses its nationality. Critically evaluate the theory of Fredrick Karl Von Savigny in the
light of above statement.
2. Why the theory given by Kelsen is known as Pure theory of Law? Explain Grundnorm, Process of
Concretisation and the test of efficacy in Kelsons theory.
Discuss H.L.A. Harts concept of law as the Union of Primary and Secondary Rules. Whether Hart was
a hard positivist?
3. Discuss Roscoe Pounds theory of Social Engineering. Bring out the relevance of jural postulates in
implementing the theory of interests.
4. With the march of the time, the institution of pater familias withered away and now the rights and
obligations came to be dependent on the individual contracts and free negotiations between the
persons. Discuss Mains theory in this regard.
Critically examine Austins classification of law.

(Section B) (5 x 2)
5. Write a brief note on Natural law.
6. What do you understand by Analytical Positivism?
7. Distinguish between Vested and Contingent Right and Perfect and Imperfect Right.
8. Kelsen and Harts view about International Law.
9. Define Ownership and explain its basic attributes.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

i. Austin was the follower ofJurisprudence.

ii. Concept of Living Law is propounded by .
iii. Theory of Social Solidarity is given by .. .
iv. Explain Jus tertii in one line.
v. Natural Law is law with a variable content was opined by.. .
vi. Define status.. .
vii. The Article on Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence was written by .
viii. The Book on the philosophy of the History of Human Race was written by. .
ix. Explain in one line, negative element in Sovereignty.
x. Purpose Theory of Legal Personality was given by.. .
April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II/11-12/ET/L.O.L.
Time : 03 Hours Language of Law Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(Section A)
(4 x 10)

1. It is said that different laws have different facets of language. Illustrate the above statement with the help of
statutory laws and judicial decisions?
2. Each judgment of Justice Krishna Iyer has something to aid to the language of law. Write an analytical note
on the language of judgments used by Justice Krishna Iyer?
3. Develop your logical reasoning in the given case. Support your argument with proper and sufficient reasons?
Facts Ram sees a ring belonging to Shyam lying on a table in Shyams house. Not venturing to
misappropriate the ring immediately for fear of search and detection, Ram hides the ring under the bed
cover, where it is highly improbable that it will ever be found by Shyam. Ram has the intention of taking the
ring from the hiding place and selling it when the loss is forgotten.
Law whoever intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person
without that persons consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit theft. Whoever
commits theft shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine or with
4. Discuss in brief the basic principles of writing of language of law document. Keeping those points in mind,
produce a legal document?
Discuss in brief the historical background of Universal Declaration on Linguistic Rights (UDLR) and also give
the general principals of UDLR?

(Section B)
(5 x 2)
5. Discuss the fallacy of irrelevant conclusion.
6. Language of law is difficult to understand by general public. Give the reasons.
7. What do you mean by political correctness?
8. Explain Generalia specialibus non derogant .
9. Keeping in mind the importance of punctuation in language of law, give proper punctuation to the following
Law includes any Ordinance, order, rule, regulation, notification, custom or usages having the force of law in
the territory of India.
Laws in force include laws passed or made by a legislature or other competent authority in the territory of
India before the commencement of this Constitution and not previously repealed notwithstanding that any
such law or any part thereof may not be then in operation either at all or in particular areas.

(Section C)

10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

Give full form of the following. (Any Two)


Fill in the blanks.

(iii) A friend of the court is known as .
(iv) With the necessary changes is known as .. .

Give the meaning of the term.

(v) Sui generis
(vi) Res ipsa loquiter

Mark true or false.

(vii) Omission to include a necessary and proper party is misjoinder of parties. (True/False)
(viii) Perjury is giving false evidence. (True/False)

Give full citation of the following. (Any Two)

(ix) CLP, EFR, FLR.

April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II/11-12/ET/P.S.-II
Time : 03 Hours Political Science-II Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)

1. Explain briefly, Joseph Nyes three dimensional chess game model of IR.
2. Write a short note on the causes and the solutions for the modern brand of terrorism.
3. Discuss the main features of the theory of Realism including the three Ss.
4. 4. Discuss the first and the second phases of globalization according to Thomas Friedman.

(Section B) (5 x 2)
Write short notes on the following:
5. Triple Convergence.
6. Key features of theory of Idealism.
7. Any two consequences for the fall of Berlin Wall.
8. Difference between Wholesale and Retail terrorism.
9. Constructionism.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

i. What is the Full form of IAYF.

ii. Who gave the concept of invisible hand for the market?
iii. The concept of evil Empire was given by Noam Chompsky. (True/False)
iv. Explain Post modern terror or Messianic terror.
v. The budget of WWF is two times the budget of WTO. (True/False)
vi. Name the proponent of Defensive Structural Realism.
vii. Mention any one difference between Internet and WWW.
viii. Hutus and Tutsis are ethnic groups from Somalia. (True/False)
ix. What is the full form of HTML?
x. What is the full form of URL?

April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II/11-12/ET/Socio-II
Time : 03 Hours Sociology-II Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks
(Section A) (4 x 10)

1. Write an essay on Naxalite movement in India.

2. What do you understand by social movements? How are they different from the new social
3. Write an essay on J.P movement.
4. Write in detail the dynamics of Chipko movement. Comment on the issues and approach of the
leadership of the movement.
Write short notes on the following:
a. Vinobas Bhoodan and Gramdaan movement
b. Lohias Saptakranti

(Section B) (5 x 2)
Write short notes on the following:
5. Eco-feminism.
6. Bishnois movement.
7. Champaran movement.
8. Gandhis constructive program for students.
9. Gramsabha and Grampanchayat.

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

(i) Bardoli and Kheda movements belong to

(a) Gujarat (b)Rajasthan (c) Rajasthan and Gujarat (d) None
(ii) The Reddis and Kammars are the prominent caste groups, belong to which State?
(iii) The Youth policy in India was formulated in the year
(a)1988, 2003 (b) 1988 (c) 2003 (d) None
(iv) Dashauli Gram Swarajya Sangh is associated with
(a) Narmada movement (b) Chipko movement (c) Naxalite movement (d) None
(v) Medha Patkar is associated with which protest movement?
(vi) Which prominent personality is associated with Total Revolution.
(vii) Telangana movement was initiated in which State?
(viii) The term peasent shot in to prominence with the work of Red field.(True/False)
(ix) Name two important committees constituted by Government of India for the reform in
the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(x) Name the second tier of the Panchayati Raj System.
April, 2012 LLB/ II(Sec-A)/11-12/ET/
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(Section A)
(Answer within 200 words)
(4 10)
1. What do you mean by Government bill? How a bill is different from an Act? Discuss
all the stages a bill has to pass through in Parliament before it becomes an Act.
2. Explain:
a. A statute must be read as whole
b. Expressio unius est exclusio alterious
c. Ejusdem generis
d. The Ascetic principle
3. What is interpretational value of Constitutional Preamble? Discuss it as an aid to
interpretation of other statutes.
What is a Constitution Amendment Bill? How is it different from other bills? What is the
procedure for passing a Constitution Amendment Bill?
4. Write a detailed note on classification of legislation.

(Section B)
(Answer within 50 words)
(5 2)
5. Distinguish between money bill and financial bill.
6. What is the scope of debate at third reading stage?
7. Write short notes on following:
a. Correction in bill as passed by Lok Sabha
b. Scrutiny by Draftsman
8. Differentiate between codifying statute and consolidating statute.
9. Explain Noscitur a sociis rule with the help of one example.

(Section C)
(Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be)
(10 1)
i. Ut res magis valeat quam pereat means.
ii. Contemporanea ex position est optima et fortissma lege means..
iii. In the case of , it was held that the Preamble is part of basic
structure of the Constitution.
iv. Give one example of Explanatory statute.
v. Article..envisages two stages for convening a joint sitting after the Houses have
finally disagreed on the bill.
vi. What do you mean by Object and Reason Clause?
vii. Give two constitutional provisions which cannot be amended by simple majority.
viii. Give two examples of subordinate legislation.
ix. What is Speakers power regarding consequential amendments?
x. Give example of one bill, which was considered and passed at joint sitting.
April, 2012 LL.B/ SEM-II/11-12/ET/Loc.-II
Time : 03 Hours Law of Contract - I Max. Marks : 60
Answer all the questions

(Section A)

1. X and Y get in a contract to sell goods. One of the terms of the contract was Y would not take any
dispute to any court. Y delivered the goods but did not receive the price. Therefore, Y took the
matter to a court. Ague on behalf of both the parties and decide.

2. Gautham transport company entered into a contract to transport a consignment of firecrackers

for Vineeth Traders, a wholesale dealer from Hyderabad to Vijayawada. It was agreed to between
the parties that the transport company would deliver the consignment four days before Diwali.
The transport company loaded the consignment in a truck and while it was going to Vijayawada, a
bridge on the route collapsed. This was the only route between Hyderabad and Vijayawada. By the
time, an arrangement could be made to restore traffic, Diwali had gone past by one week, hence,
there were no buyers for the firecrackers.
As a result, Vineeth Traders sold the consignment at a loss and claimed damages for the loss of
profit as well. Argue on behalf of the transport company and decide.


Explain the doctrine of Impossibility of Performance with the help of the applicable provisions in
the Indian contract Act and Judicial pronouncements.

3. Mr. X, a civil engineer agreed with the Government to design personally a swimming pool. But,
he subcontracted it to Y, a designer. Y prepared a very elegant and technically sound design.
However, the Government wanted to raise objections to the manner of the performance of the
contract. Advise the Government.

4. A Carpenter agreed to deliver 6 teak chairs of certain dimensions. The buyer was delivered 6 chairs
as per the dimensions agreed upon. However, the buyer realized that the carpenter got the job
done by another person, therefore, refused to take delivery of the chairs. Assuming that the
carpenter is your client brief him.

(Section B)
(5 x 2)

5. Mr. Harish and Mr. Mahesh entered into an agreement that Mr. Harish would give Rs. 1,000 to Mr.
Mahesh if Mr. Sachin, an international cricketer scores a century in the match on Monday. If he
does not score a century, Mr. Mahesh would give to Mr. Manish Rs. 500. Can this agreement be
enforced? Why / Why not?
6. A contract can not be rescinded in the legal sense of the terms without the consent of both parties
or an order of the court, and a mere intimation by one party of his intention not to perform his
promise does not discharge the contract unless the other party elects to treat it as a breach of the
contract. In which section this principle is embodied and what is a leading case on it.

7. What principle was laid down in Hadley Vs Baxendale (1843 1860). All ER 461.
8. Explain a click wrap agreement.
9. Anupama contracted to sell goods to Anumeha for Rs. 70,000. Subsequently, Anumeha refused
to take the goods and pay for them. Anupama found another buyer for Rs. 65,000. How do you
compensate Anupama and on what basis?

(Section C)
10. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be (10x1)

i. For a breach, of contract, damages should arise naturally from such breach It self. What does it
ii. What suggestion you will give to protect a bonafide purchaser for value and an innocent seller in
mistake as to the identify of the contracting party.
iii. What judgment was given in Phillips Vs Brooks. (1919) 2 K.B. 243
iv. When can restraints on trade be said to be valid and on what basis?
v. What is the main difference between an innocent misrepresentation and a fraudulent
vi. Where two or more courts have jurisdiction (under the procedural law), the parties can provide
that only one of those courts shall have jurisdiction to deal with disputes arising under the
agreement. Is such an agreement violative of s. 23 of the Indian contract Act.
vii. What principle was laid down in Satyabrata Ghose vs Mugnuram Bangur and Co. (1954) SCR
viii. Give one example for remission under s. 63 of the Indian contract, Act, 1872.
ix. Non insistence on the performance of the contract by the promisor is termed as
x. Is consideration required for novation if so, what is the consideration?

Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(Section A)
(Answer within 250 words)
(4 10)

1. Write an essay on Naxalite movement in India.

2. What do you understand by social movements? How they are different from new social

3. Write an essay on J.P movement.

4. Write in detail the dynamics of chipko movement. Comment on the issues and approach of the
leadership of the movement.


Write short notes on the following:

a. Vinobas Bhoodan and Gramdaan movement
b. Lohias Saptakranti

(Section B)
(Answer within 50 words)
(5 2)
Write short notes on the following
5. Eco-feminism.
6. Bishnois movement.
7. Champaran movement.
8. Gandhis constructive program for students.
9. Gramsabha and Grampanchayat.
(Section C)
(Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be)
(10 1)

(i) Bardoli and Kheda movements belong to
(a) Gujarat (b)Rajasthan (c) Rajasthan and Gujarat (d) None
(ii) The Reddis and Kammars are the prominent caste groups, belong to which state?
(iii) The youth policy in India was formulated in the year
(a)1988, 2003 (b) 1988 (c) 2003 (d) None
(iv) Dashauli gram swarajya sangh is associated with
(a). Narmada movement (b) Chipko movement (c) Naxalite movement (d) None
(v) Medha Patkar is associated with which protest movement?
(vi) Which prominent personality is associated with Total Revolution.
(vii) Telangana movement was initiated in which state?
(viii) The term peasent shot in to prominence with the work of Red field.(True/False)
(ix) Name two important committees constituted by Government of India for the reform
in the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(x) Name the second tier of the Panchayati Raj System.
April-2012 LLB/ SEM II/11-12/ET(II)
TIME: 3 HOURS Psychology-II MAX. MARKS: 60
Answer all the questions
Figures in the margin indicate the marks

(Section A)
(Answer any four questions in Approximately 250 words)
(4x 10)
1. Throw light on action steps to deal with cases of suicidal behaviour.
2. Psychopaths are hardwired to commit anti-social and criminal behaviour,
elucidate the statement with a case example.
3. Specify different types of delusions which are woven together in a complex and
frightening system of beliefs.
4. Describe the signs and symptoms of persons suffering from major depressive
5. What are the provisions for protection of human rights of mentally ill persons in
the Mental Health Act, 1987?

(Section B)
(Answer in Approximately 50 words)
(2x 5)
6. What are the symptoms of individuals suffering from delirium tremons?
7. How mental status examination of client can be helpful for lawyers?
8. Point out differences between dissociative experiences in everyday life
and dissociative disorders.
9. Why mental health professionals are required to make recommendations
to legal system, in case of people accused of crime?
10. Differentiate between:
(i) Kleptomania and shoplifting.
(ii) Pyromania and arsonist.

(Section C)
(Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be)
(10 x1)

11. Suicidal behaviour is a cry response to a situation that has components of

defeat and no-------, and no-----------.
12. The personality traits of impulsivity and affective lability act as a diathesis for
development of -------------------personality disorder.
13. Compulsive-impulsive online and offline computer usage is known as ---------.
14. Symptom of thought broadcasting is ------------------------.
15. John Nash, a schizophrenic, was awarded Noble Prize in economics for his
contribution to game theory, after remission of illness. T/F
16. Repetitive self mutilation is not considered an impulse control disorder,
though it is listed in DSM IV TR. T/F
17. Every psychopath becomes involved with the legal system. T/F
18. Psychotic disorders are not important in psycho legal evaluations of
competencies in criminal and legal settings. T/F
Define the following:
19. Double Depression
20. Paren Patriae

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