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Name: Ithisuphalap

Classes: 8/Math Unit: Polynomials Lesson Date: 6/21 - 6/22

ng Target/s (1e): Instructional Outcomes / Objectives (1c):

-Students will be able to interpret word problems and translate into quadratic
ormulate and solve quadratic equations. equations, then solve for the variables.
-Students will be able to state the solution by solving for the roots of quadrati
-Students identify that the roots are x-intercepts on the graph.
-Students will be able to identity when the quadratics do not have roots.

on Core Standards Assessed: (1f) Academic Language: Thinking Maps:

PR.A.1 Commutative property, Associative Property, - Keys to success
PR.B.3 Distributive property, Like term, Monomial, Set the polynomial equal to zero
Binomial, Trinomial, Polynomial, Degree of Factor the polynomial completely
polynomial, AC method, roots, quadratic Set each individual factor equal to zero
equations, Solve the equation for the variable
Check your answers in the original

re (I do, We do, You do) Lesson Description (script/outline) Questions (3b)

w (3d) Think (Do Now): -In the math notebook, give a definition of an equation: Questions will challenge
e Do Now to re-assess the students to make claims and
us days objective. (5 mins) Teacher will circulate around the room, giving hints where students might need help justify their claims with
and or managing classroom procedure. evidence and reasoning.

Expected Answer: the statement that the values of two mathematical expressions
are equal -During example 1,*** What is
the form of a quadratic
(Rationalize why I specifically chose this Do-now) *** equation?

I chose this Do-now because in this lesson, the students will need to be able to know -What do the roots of
the difference between expressions and equations. Thus, this Do-now is appropriate quadratic mean? How do they
to the given time and the purpose of the lesson. Additionally, it reassesses students look graphically?
from yesterdays LT.
-Quadratic Equations must
have what symbol in it? Think
sson or Launch (3a) - Where do see quadratic equations in life? How can we start of the word equation.
ns) constructing/modeling word problems using the knowledge of quadratic
equations? -Why must we set quadratic
achers Name: Ithisuphalap

Socratic Discussion: Today were going to start talking about really why quadratic equal to 0? In other words, the
equation is one of the most important, if not the most important equation? You zero property. (To prevent
would have thought that scientists and physicists work with really complicated dividing by zero)
equations - dealing with 3,4,5 dimension matrices. However, that is usually not the
case! Scientists and physicists use quadratic equations to model, for instance how -What is the general graph of
long the planes would take to get from one place to another, predict the trajectory of parabola? Well, parabola is, in
an object, etcetera. other words, quadratic.
Alright so today we will do some quadratic equation word problems.
What are like terms? How can
Model example 1: When I work with word problems, I find it a lot easier to see the we identify like terms in a
problem by drawing the figure. In the first problem we are given a square. Since we given polynomial?
do not know its side length, we can label its sides with (x)
What other information are we given in problem 1? When there is a negative in
The area of a square with its side length = x is just x^2, and that is equal to twice its front of the polynomial, as
perimeter which is 2( 4x). Now we can start solving for x there is in subtraction, what
happens to the signs on all the
Note that we have two answers, this is where we need to use our math knowledge terms as we subtract?
to to say which one of the answers makes sense. When were talking about the area,
distance, volume, etcetera Can we have negative numbers for our solution? What if a term does not line
up? (like in try it c.) How do we
Model example 2: Call on a student to read the problem. Alright, this problem is determine what to do with the
straightforward. First, let me define the variable - let x be a number. How do I write term?
the square of a number equals nine times that number?

Now that we have an equation, I would like everyone to solve for it I will give you -In order to completely factor
one minute and then Im going to call on somebody out quadratics, which steps
must we apply first? Look at
Model example 3: Lets take 10 seconds and think of the words consecutive keys to success
integers. Can anyone tell me what this means, or give me an example of consecutive
integers? How do we Identify and factor
out common factors of all the
WTD: Raise your hands if you want to share your answer coefficients.
Consecutive integer means Consecutive integers are integers that follow each How do we Identify and factor
other in order out variables appearing in all
So let us define the first number to be x, this implies that my next number must be the terms.
x+1. Now we write the product of the two number = 72, then solve for x How do we factor the
remaining piece, if possible.
Model example 4: Once again, if I know I can draw a figure, Id draw it. Im going to
set this up and you will solve for it. You have 2 minutes to silently and independently Why are we finding the
work on this problem zeros? In part, what do the
zeros represent, when we
achers Name: Ithisuphalap

Circulate and check for understanding. solve for x?

Independent (3c) -Students will engage in Guided Notes #10 - Quadratic word problems
Explore -Students will engage in try-it: Why do quadratic equations
mins) -Scaffolding: Supplement with additional examples if necessary. Work through the have only two roots?
exercises to assist completion.
Scaffolding: Students may not be able to identify like terms. Thus, assisting them What is a quadratic equation?
during each independent work working time may be appropriate. What is it used for? How can
ion/share/summarize -Consider the focus question and how students might now answer it with their we use it to solve everyday
strategies. problems?
de homework.] -Stop, collaborate, and listen.
-Students acknowledge when to use the AC method, when to factor out a GCF, and What is common between
when the expression is a difference of squares. each problem?
-End conversations for advanced
-Where did my students get stuck? What strategies did they use? What What components of the
breakthroughs did my students have today? quadratic equation correspond
-Keys to success to important parts of the video equations graph?

tive Assessment (3d) How could we solve for each o
o I know whether students the quadratics variables?
ed the objective? What might these formulas tel

-Guided Notes #10 - Try it!
-How would you explain your
-I.W. #10 - Quadratic word problems
findings to another
-IXL: polynomials
-Exit Ticket
-If we move to a
generalization, what
components or academic
language do we use to
describe the findings?
ching Model
instructional moves account for ELLs/SpEd students?)

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