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Unit 1 Outcomes A Who We Are Sis ae bout memorable life events + summarize the key outcomes of 3 study Vocabu lary and + explain and evaluate qualitications Grammar + handle challenging questions A. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences. Beatrice has come up with / determined a plan for her project. The survey she created is typical / ambitious because il requires ¢ lol of effort She 's analyzing some statistics /trats from a study about student e-mail use, The survey shows that it is ambitious / typical behavior for a stuclent to check e-mail fifteen times a day also shows that the typical /averace number of students who read the news online fs 7,put of 10. set out / determine that Internet use is becoming more important in students’ lives, Aus wNS Beatrice is able t B Read Javier's blog entry. Then complete the sentences with the correct past-tense verb form. | moved to Toronto three years ago for work, and I have never taken a vacation. The project | am working on is very demanding. Sometimes | have to spend twelve hours a day at the office! But I'm starting to burn out, so | determined that | should ask my boss for some time off. When | arrived yesterday, | was surprised ta see that she was waiting by my desk. “Good morning, Javier.” she said. “You know, I've been thinking that you need a break from this project. You've shown me that you're ambitious, but everyone needs a vacation.” What luck! Now I have to come up with a pian for where to go. Hmm... well, I've always wanted to visit Paris! 1. Javier ___ ot in Toronto for three years. 2 A on a very demanding project. 3. He finally that ha should lake some time off 4. lavier's boss by his desk when he 5. She thinks lavier that he's ambitious. 6. lavier t@ go to Patis, so he'll probably spend his vacation there Answer the questions with complete sentences. OUTCOME MET: handle challenging questions | 1. In what ways are you typical comioared to other students in your school? in what ways are you different? _ 2. How do you determine if someone you meet might become a friend? 3. What is one personality trait that you wish you could change about yourself? 4. sit good to be ambitious? Expiain your answer, —_ ss 5. What does it mean to be average? Is it a good thing? D Read Irene’s quotes. Then write the questions that prompted her answers. 1, "Hye been teaching piano for thirty four years.” 2. “Yes, | have beer! to Japan.” 3. “We celebrated our twentieth anniversary in Tokyo.” 4, “| was preparing for my grandson's birthday party when you called. 5. “late dinner at Magnolias on Saturday night with my farriy.” OUTCOME MET: use past tenses to ask and answer questions about memorable life events E Use the word prompts to write sentences according to your own experiences. Be sure to pay close attention to the use of the past tenses. Example: — during the last two weeks / come up with During the last two weeks, Ive dame up with an idea for my term paper recently (notice yearis) ago / set out —___ over time / determine yesterday / (any verb) / when / any ve my any relative) fest trait — Video A. Write the letter of the correct answer. 41. To get the DNA samples, the scientists use__. 3. Spencer Wells compares our DNA to a. cheek swabs fa. the branches of a family tree b. pin pricks b. a family photo album &. hair samples «. a historic document 2. The people in the video ate excited about the study 4. According to Wells, the DNA sequence of two because they want unrelated people is___ identical a. to research their family trees a. only 10 % b, to learn more about their deep ancestry b. almost 100 % «to find out about New York's history ¢. about 80% B__ Inyour own words, summarize what you know about the goals and outcomes of this study. OUTCOME MET: summarize the key outcomes of a study 2 Unit 1 Writing. > Wham it may concerts: -~ would like to apply for the josof Study Abroad Advisor at the University of Massachusetts. Jara hardworking and motivated. Because | have spent the past two years working at ¢ small company promoting study abroad for high schoo! students, Heel that Lam qualified for this job. One of miy best traits is my ability to cary out several projects at once. in my ast position, | advised students through the application process and helped-arepare them tor their trips, Lalso coordinated and problem-salved with Aost institutions in ten different countries. | werkel win facut to come up wth idens forthe acaerric roarams. Iwas a very ambitious task! At the same time, | helped find host families for students. also have personal experience in this field. When | was twenty, | set out to learn. ‘Spanish by 3rlicipating in a study abroad program in Argentina and it changed my life! I'm fluerit in Spanish and Portuguese and love to encourage others to travel and Jearh about ‘other cultures. Please consider me for the position, Sincerely, Alyssa M. Davis i A. Underline the key words in the letter that describe the candidate’s qualifications B__ Imagine that you are going to interview Alyssa for the study abroad advisor job. Write three interview questions and the answers. Ask about the candidate's past experience and qualifications. Example: — Q: So why did you lecide to apply to become a Study Abroad Adviaor? 4A: Wall hevea loto# personal and profeecional axperionce in study abroad progeants. Porere OUTCOME MET: use past tenses to ask and answer questions about memorable life events } Now imagine the interview with Alyssa is over. Write an e-mail message to a colleague summarizing the interview. Déscribe what the job candidate's qualifications are. Explain whether of not you should hire her. OUTCOME MET: explain and evaluate qualifications | Who We Are Reading From Africa to Astoria by Way of Everywhere The Astoria section of Queens, New York, is one of the most diverse communities on Earth. At astreet festival fh July 2008, people from all backgrounds walked among the booths, ‘Ihe sun was hot, and the mead was happy. A tell, blond man with, pale skin walked through the crowd. He stopped to talk to people Ifhe found them willing, heasked if he could borrow a few skin cells from inside their mouths, Spencer Wells and his coworkers with the ‘Genographic Project have been traveling around the world for many years. They are collecting DNA samples from hu ethnic : groups. They compare the DNA of these ori groups and try to map the history of human ‘=a movement aver the past 200,000 years, ‘when modern himans began in Africa : The Genographic Pro \ DNA that parents pass to ete children i Over generations, small chan, sae | genetic markers, fake place on this DNA. To ~S) Wells and other scientists, these markers are likea history book, After ancient humans moved out of Affice, they separated from each other and entered new lands. As they moved, they gathered different genetic markers that show the history of their movement. Lach person today keeps such a pattern, Tn more recent times, the groups have come together again in New York and other diverse areas. “Hom the beginning ct) Wells says, “I've wondered ift would be possible to sample all the major lineages’ on Barth on a single ofthe pr street” On 30th Avenue he almost did. The 193 volunteers in his project were carrying genetic markers for almost every ‘major moverient to the contineats, The only missing lineage was the oldest one. The scientists found it in a group of hunte gatherers in southern Africa, Their other modern humans mare than 100,000 years ago. ‘The DNA of small, separate groups like these still clear'y cestors separated from shows the history of Ueir movements. But ia places like Queens, people from around the world have been sharing D’ for generations. Their histories are being lost. ‘The Genagraphic Project tries to focus on populations that are not part of big imix of genes, the way Astoria is. “Everybody talks about Astoria like its Greck” says George Delis a retited community manager and a Greek immigeant himself, “Well, its not Greek. Its everything” “Tingagos membow of afer hreugh Keo A. Check (¥) True or False, Then correct the false sentences. Compare your answers with a partner. Tue False 1. The main teason Spencer Wells went to Astoria was to attend the festival o ao 2. Over generations, DNA patterns have remained exactly the same. a a 3. Genetic markers from almost all of the major human movements were found in the DNA palierns of the 193 volunteers from 30th Avenue. o o 4. Unfortunately, there were many missing fneages in the study. Oo a 5. The history of movement is easier to trace in the DNA of small, separate groups, like the humer-gatherers of southern Africa, a ao 6. In places like New York, with people from all over the world, genetic histories are very well preserved ao o B Answer the questions about the reading 1. What is the purpose of the reading? — 2. Whot is the purpose of the Genographic Project? 3. Why is the project important? 4, Why was. group of hunter-gatherers important to the project? 5. Why is ft hard for the scientists to find all of the genetic markers in places where ethnic groups are mixed? __ © __ What do you think you would learn about your heritage if you had participated in the Genographic Project? Write a paragraph that includes what you already know and what you think you'd find out. Who We Are Qutcomes A. Answer the following questions based on your personal experience, 1. What is something that happened to you when you were a child? —__ 2. What were you doing around! this tine last year? pares 3. How long have you been studying English? How did you do?: On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best), how well did you use the past tenses to ask and answer questions about memorable life events? B Answer the questions about the Genographic Project, according to the video and the reading. 1. What did the Genographic Project hove to find out? in the projeet learn about the people in their communi 2. What did the partcipan 3. What did the researchers learn from the Genographic Project? How did you do?: On a scale of 1-5, how well did you summarize the key outcomes of a study? __ C Explain why you would be qualified to teach English to a friend who cannot understand English Provide at least three qualifications. How did you do?: On a scale of 1-5, how well did you explain and evaluate qualifications? a D__ Answer the following questions. 4. You are applying for 2 job in an office. Whet is your best qualification? 2. You a’e trying out fer the soccer team. Why should you be picked? poe 3. You didn’t do an assignment that’s due tomorrow. Why should your teacher allow you more time to work on it? How did you do?: On a scale of 1-5, how well did you handle challenging questions? = Unit 1

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