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Kim was a 12 years old kid who lived in a village for years before

moving to the city centre. He had so many trees in his village but
when they moved to the city centre, he felt like he needed to plant a
tree but he didnt know how to.
Kim looked into a shooping site and picked out one of the seeds and
started to wait it to be delivered.
Finally, the seed was delivered but he had a problem in planting. His
grandfather helped him and they planted the seed.
Years later, he came to see that tree. Kim sat beneath the tree and
he wondered if he had contributed to making the world a better
place. While thinking, he fell asleep under the tree.
Preposition: To
Expresses direction/place/ transfer towards, ex: She
walked to the door; He gave some money to charity.
Expresses purpose (verb + to + verb), ex: We ran to
catch the train
Shows a time period, ex: He works from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m, Monday to Friday.
Indicates a limit, ex: The cup was full to the top
Preposition: For
Expresses benefit of a person/ thing, ex: He opened
the door for me
Expresses reason (because of), ex: He runs for his
Shows the duration of time, ex: He works for 8 hours
a day
Indicates a distance ex: He ran for 6 miles
Preposition: Of

Used for belonging to, relating to, or connected with:

ex: The secret of this game is that you can't ever win.
The first page of the book describes the author's profile.
I always dreamed of being rich and famous.
Used to indicate reference:
ex: This is a picture of my family.
I got a discount of 10 percent on the purchase.
Used to indicate an amount or number:
ex: I drank three cups of milk.
A large number of people gathered to protest.
Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.

1) I slept (of, to, for) only two hours last

2) It was my first trip (of, to, for) Hawaii.
3) Turn off the TV and go straight (of, to,
for) bed.
4) This book was written (of, to, for) the
people who want to learn how to play a guitar.
5) I was late (of, to, for) school.
6) Spencer is one (of, to, for) my best

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