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Cerebral Palsy Signature Assignment

Fresno Pacific University

Michelle Jaramillo

Cerebral Palsy Signature Assignment

Children with a special need are not different, awkward or a burden when they are placed

into our lives. Children with special need show us many life lessons in the beautiful world we

call life. Sure at times many hardships and obstacles are all things that come along with raising a

child who is disabled. But never the less there is value in each and everyones life. Cerebral

Palsy is a disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture that is caused by damage that occurs to

the immature, developing brain, most often before birth. Although there are no medications that

can cure cerebral palsy, there are many different medications and techniques that are used to help

a person diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy live a life filled with value and purpose to flourish and

thrive. Cerebral Palsys effect on functional abilities varies greatly; in fact cerebral palsy is

diagnosed on a wide spectrum. Many people who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy are still able

to walk, while others on the other hand may be 100 percent reliable on a wheel chair.

Cerebral Palsy is a disability that can affect several of different areas in a persons life

such as family relationships, community relationships, and educational challenges. Throughout

the interview of a mother to a special needs child who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy she stated

his disability has affected the above areas in many different levels. Because of victors condition

he is very sensitive to a persons reaction and can easily sense when someone around feels

uncomfortable this can also make Victor feel uncomfortable as well. This leads to the different

strategies and techniques that work best when it comes to interacting with Victor. The best

strategies to use while interacting with Victor revolve around showing him acknowledgment and

making sure to tell him hello with eye contact and face to face. Victors condition affects

family relationships because on an average family gathering the family must also make sure the

facility can accommodate Victor. For example, questions such as can victor have foods here to

enjoy, does victor wheel chair fit freely, and is the temperature for the day cold or hot? These are

all things to take into consideration when it comes to family and community relationships.

Education challenges are also affected by his condition Cerebral Palsy, for example Victor

attends OTP which stands for Occupational Therapy Program. This is a special education school

where severely disabled children attend. Victors disability effects educational challenges

because just as stated in the interview the mother has to make sure he is receiving all services the

school has to offer such as physical and occupational therapy, and receiving the interaction skills

with other students.

There are several different resources that must be put into place in order to better assist a

student with exceptional needs. Throughout the interview Victors mother stated the many

different resources that are put into place to provide better support. Resources such as In Home

Supportive Services, Central Valley Regional Center, Kaweah Delta Home Health, and Kaweah

Delta Hospice/Concurrent Care these are all medical related services that help keep Victor alive

healthy and thriving. After researching different movies related to Cerebral Palsy, Margarita

with a Straw (2014) relates very much so to individuals who have exceptional needs. The

movie is about an inspiring young lady who was born with cerebral palsy. The young girl lives

with her family up until she receives a full scholarship to New York University. Her entire life

she lives with constraints and she finally decided to live a little by thriving and flourishing in all

that she puts her mind to. The inspiring movie is connected very much so to individuals with

exceptional needs because despite the challenges or obstacles this is evident that with the correct

support and services put into place the limits are endless for even children with special needs.

The movie received much positive feedback showing the young girl praises for all she succeeded

in and surpassed in her life. Our heroine certainly has physical limitations and related

psychological set backs (Dennis Harvey, 2014) Despite a persons disability physical or

mentally there is value upon every life. Goals and achievements can be surpassed no matter what

life may bring.

There are several ways teaching material, strategies, and curriculum could be modified to

meet the needs of both special education and also general education classes. For example,

throughout the interview of Victors mom she stated different accommodations they make in

Victors special education. By providing Victor with a voice activated tool of technology he

would now be able to interact with his peers and teachers. Creating a curriculum that is based

upon sensory techniques and ideas is a great thing to include when providing the appropriate

tools for Victor to learn with. Although he may not be able to have physical control over his

body this allows his sensory development to be created strong. Singing time and circle time are

all great examples of appropriate teaching methods to accommodate Victors curriculum.

Cerebral Palsy and other exceptional disabilities affect education and learning in general

because the more awareness begins to rise; the more welcoming others become which creates a

better world for bother special needs and none special needs. Different approaches and views are

looked upon differently from one culture and economic background to the next when it comes to

individuals with exceptional needs. Speaking of coming from the Hispanic culture we gather

together to help one another when one family member is in need. When raising a child with a

special need it takes many people to be there as a support physically and morally. Some family

backgrounds have a hard time excepting the disability and need more supportive services to

better assist the child. In many cases there are numerous support programs to help all families

who are raising children with special needs, from one county and state to the next resources are

in place and ready to go serve the families in need. Children with exceptional needs are not a

burden or an inconvenience they are a blessing in disguise and bring so much value and talent

into this world. Children are a blessing especially those God handpicked and created so perfectly

for a purpose.


Turnbull, A, Turnbull, R, Wehmeyer, M., Shogren, K. (2013). Exceptional Lives (7th Ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Bose, S. Maniyar, N. (2014) Margarita with a straw

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