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God Wars: which memes will

adapt and win the battle for

humanity's devotion?
Courtesy: Wars Memes
struggle for survival in the human population.htm

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Hundreds of religions and philosophies are currently engaged in the centuries-
old conflict over the hearts and minds of the human species. Some religions
seek to destroy all the others; some are content with control over one group,
becoming identified with ethnicity or nationality. No matter whether you think
of religion as mankind's greatest characteristic or a form of self-propagating
mind virus, you cannot avoid being affected by the God Wars.
In these wars, religions that spew propaganda almost always beat those that do
not. Religions whose missionaries circle like vultures waiting for disasters to
occur in unconverted nations have constant success. International religions
have an advantage, even if numbers are small, because they can recover from
persecution in any single country.

As you may guess, I do not buy into the liberal P.C. garbage that "all religions
are paths to the same Truth". No they are not. Some religions don't even have
gods. Some have countless gods and spirits that perform even the most
mundane roles. Others, like Biblical Christianity and the Aztec blood cult, have
bloodthirsty gods that promote hate and violence (cloaked in righteousness to
help spread their evil). We do NOT all worship the same God. And this is a
good thing.
If all Humanity had the same religion, even a peaceful mystical one, we would
lose most of our creativity and the capacity for moral debate. A world
dominated by the repressive "Jealous God" religions is unthinkable. Yet it may
happen, as Christian and Muslim compete for power around the world,
crushing more tolerant religions into the dust. What will be the final outcome?
The four most powerful religions.
NOTE: the standard religious-population estimates you see pretty much
everywhere in the media all seem to be modified from the World Christian
Encyclopedia (1980), which is a sort of battle plan for world conquest that even
a Nazi would be impressed by. However, any census of beliefs is somewhat
subjective (for instance, Christians and Muslims do not understand that in most
traditional cultures people can belong to more than one religion). Most
religions aren't as anal as Christians in counting their adherents. Some just
"make up" numbers to sound more powerful.

• 1. Christianity
• 2. Islam
• 3. Hinduism
• 4. Buddhism

Second-rank religions (less than 200 million

• Taoism
• Shinto
• Jainism
• Judaism
• Sikhism

New Religions (less than 300 years old, incl.

revivals of older faiths) and Syncretic
• New Religion: Baha'i faith
• New Religions: East Asian syncretic religions
• New Religions: Western Neopaganism
• New Religions: African diaspora syncretic religions
• New Religion: Scientology
• New Religions: Xenotheism (alien/UFO cults)

Humanist and "borderline" Religions

• Confucianism
• Marxism
• Apathetic secularism
• Libertarian humanism

Endangered or extinct religions

• Zoroastrianism
• Manichaeanism

OVERVIEW: A first-rate advertising campaign tied to a third-rate polytheistic
cult. This is one of the two dominant "Jealous-God" religions. The three main
creatures they worship are "Jehovah" a Zeus-like sky monster, "Jesus" a
prophet who is believed to have faked his own suffering and death (an
immortal god of course cannot feel fear, suffer pain, or die and really 'sacrifice'
anything), and the "holy ghost" which is some demon thingy that takes over
human bodies. There is a fourth god "Lucifer/Satan" who is a troublemaker
created by Jehovah. The Catholic subdivision also focuses on the Virgin Mary
and a bunch of saints. No other religion can get away with so many atrocities
with a reputation for being "peaceful"; in fact, there is no religion in which the
advertising (all that "love" and "peace" stuff) bears so little resemblance to the
actual religion.

STRATEGY: World domination by any means necessary.

STRENGTH: Nearly 2 billion humans (although this figure apparently includes
many baptized/registered-at-birth people in Europe who have abandoned
Christ, several psuedo-Christian New Religions and cults, plus tens of millions
of people in Africa and Latin America who mix Christianity with traditional
beliefs). This religion has spread around the world due to conquest and political
manipulation. Most current populations, even in Europe, were once forcibly
converted, by foreign invaders or local leaders who were sponsored and put in
power by Christian nations. Christianity has the most extensive propaganda
machine ever created, and employs hundreds of thousands of missionaries with
billions of dollars raised in the wealthy, white nations for the continued bribery
and brainwashing of pagans and the suppression of heretics.

OUTLOOK: This religion has supreme military, financial and political

influence; it also has the will to commit horrible atrocities. Humanist ideals
have slowly been seeping into the religion, but not enough to slow the often
bigoted and unethical missionary offensive against other faiths.

Currently the fall of Marxism has opened up many countries to intense

conversion efforts. China and Mongolia, where Buddhism was destroyed by
Marxism, have been targeted so that Buddhism will not recover. Sub-Saharan
Africa has been almost completely converted after its conquest by Europe.
However, this religion has failed completely in Islamic nations, and may be
undermined by apathetic secularism in Europe and, without full-scale
persecution, is vulnerable to a resurgence in neo-paganism and New Religions.

One other issue that has arisen is the competition between the various Christian
groups, which are cannibalizing each others' membership (Protestants vs.
Catholics in South America; both vs. Eastern Orthodox in Russia; and
Mormons expanding against all worldwide).
OVERVIEW: Nominally monotheistic god-based religion with a reputation for
brutal holy wars. This reputation remains because Islam's historical revisionism
is not as skillful as Christianity's. This is the second of the two dominant
"Jealous-God" religions. Muslims also have a "devil" (troublemaking god)
which their main god Allah does not kill for some reason.

STRATEGY: World domination by any means necessary.

STRENGTH: Over 1 billion humans. This religion initially expanded primarily

by military conquest and forced conversion. Its record of to atrocity and
persecution of pagans almost rivals that of Christianity. However, at times (in
Indonesia and Africa, and recently among African-Americans) it has expanded
as a religion of resistance in populations conquered by Christians. Islam peaked
in the 700's, again in the 1400's, then declined greatly but is now on the rise

OUTLOOK: Although numerous, and growing rapidly, this religion suffers

from a lack of military power and skill compared to Christianity. However,
Christians have failed miserably in efforts to convert Muslims, and Muslims are
becoming better at describing their faith as peaceful to the media. Islam
continues the persecution of pagans in Sudan, Baha'is and Zoroastrians in Iran.

OVERVIEW: A religion with many gods, or few, or one universal soul,
depending on which description is used (the explanation being that as a
person's spiritual development increases his perception of Ultimate Reality
alters). This is the only first-rank religion that does not seek to actively expand
and convert others. However they are becoming more militant in the face of
1000 years of Muslim assaults and atrocities.

STRATEGY: Continued domination of one major ethnic group

STRENGTH: 800 million humans. This religion expands in number primarily

by population growth. Once had limited expansion in Indonesia and SE Asia,
but was displaced by Islam or Buddhism.

OUTLOOK: As population growth is limited (the ecosystem has to fail

SOMETIME), this religion may begin to be further outdistanced by Islam and
Christianity. However, the Hindus have survived conquest by both of these
religions without a great loss due to conversions, and currently is in better
shape than it has been for centuries. There are transplanted Hindu populations
in South America, North America and Europe now.
OVERVIEW: Not a "god"-based religion, this faith instead focuses on a
metaforce called Karma which determines the fate of the soul which is reborn
after death in heavens, hells or various other possible worlds, unless the
infinite, unchanging, perfect state of Nirvana (or 'Buddha-mind'/Awakening) is
realized. Buddha is viewed as either a man who attained Nirvana after many
rebirths, or a physical incarnation of a cosmic Buddha-mind sent to show the
path, depending on the branch of Buddhism. The latter view is Mahayana, a
group which has added a pantheon of Buddhas from other worlds, a future
Buddha (Maitreya, a sort of 'second coming' type belief), and Bodhisattvas
(beings who could reach Nirvana but remain in the various worlds of suffering
to help others). The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often worshipped as godlike
with lots of statues.

STRATEGY: World domination, mainly through peaceful conversion

STRENGTH: 350 million humans. This faith has suffered the worst
persecution under Marxism than any other; its strength is seriously depleted.
The peak for this religion actually was around 700's-800's AD, when it was
powerful in India, China, Indochina, central Asia, Indonesia, and entering
Korea and Japan. Since then it has declined in most of these areas, often due to
centuries of persecution (by Confucianists, Muslims, and now by Marxists and

OUTLOOK: Buddhism is at a turning point at this moment in history. With the

decline of Marxism, Buddhism might be able to organize and renew its hold on
China and Vietnam, preserving its power as a major religion. But Christianity
and other faiths are also assaulting Marxist populations, and there is a grave
risk that Buddhism could be marginalized as "outdated", be undermined by
apathetic secularism, and fall into the second-rank religions. Buddhist ideas are
appearing in many Christian countries (often within "New Religions"), but they
do not have the vast international organizations that the Christian missionaries

OVERVIEW: Not originally a god-based religion, instead centered on
metaforces, described as aspects of an indescribable, eternal, unifying Tao.
However, many aspects of traditional Chinese religion have been merged with
Taoism in the past 2000 years. Taoism and Buddhism have traded some views
as they competed (peacefully) for souls.

STRATEGY: Shares domination over one ethnic group.

STRENGTH: 10-20 million humans (although hard to separate from Chinese
traditional practices and sometimes Buddhism). This religion has, like
Buddhism, suffered severely under Marxism. It was originally a more dominant
faith, although even in China it was often outnumbered by Buddhism and only
sometimes had government support.

OUTLOOK: Because it did not spread much beyond China, its resources for
revival are very limited, and now even after the decline of Marxism this faith
may be overwhelmed by Christianity and various cults. Some New Religions
have taken Taoist ideas however, and the basic philosophy is becoming
admired among educated people in the West, and is even seeping into the
popular culture.

OVERVIEW: Based on gods/animin called Kami.

STRATEGY: Shares domination over one ethnic group.

STRENGTH: Estimates vary widely, due to overlap with Buddhism and New
Religions. Anywhere from 2 million to most of Japanese population (60-100
million) can be considered to belong to traditional Shinto (the latter figure
counts everyone who attends the annual festivals), while at least 7 million
belong to Sect Shinto (organized religious bodies split from State Shinto).
Shinto is no longer the government religion of Japan as it was during Japan's

OUTLOOK: Has completely failed to spread from Japan, even when supported
by military conquest. Japan's lack of population growth and the rise of
Apathetic secularism will probably marginalize this religion. On the other hand,
Shinto ideas may enter some of the New Asian Religions and survive that way.

OVERVIEW: Another religion based not on gods but metaforces (such as
Karma) and a strict pacifist ideology.

STRATEGY: No efforts to convert others.

STRENGTH: 3-6 million humans. Has suffered some losses due to conversion
to a revived Hinduism.
OUTLOOK: Does not seek to expand; limited by strict pacifism and a low birth
rate. However, some of its ideas are mirrored in the current environmentalism
movement in Christian countries. This may be an opportunity to spread the
faith if desired.

OVERVIEW: A powerful alien termed YHWH became the ethnic diety of the
Hebrew people and aided them in their battles against the peoples of other

STRATEGY: Repeatedly avoiding extermination while continuing domination

of one ethnic group.

STRENGTH: 14 million humans. This religion ceased expanding after the rise
of Christianity, and instead suffered 1600 years of Christian persecution and

OUTLOOK: Although political correctness and humanist ideas among

Christians have made genocide of all Jews less likely in the near future, closer
relations with other religions may actually threaten Judaism in the diaspora due
to intermarriage, apathetic secularization and mixing of faiths. But the religion
has a remarkable history of survival.
OVERVIEW: Monotheistic god-based religion with some original ideas as well
as Hindu and Muslim elements (plus a cool symbol which contains weapons).

STRATEGY: Limited regional domination, growing mainly due to natural

population increase, not conversion.

STRENGTH: 20 million

OUTLOOK: Like Hinduism, Sikhism appears resistant to the conversion

efforts of Islam and Christianity, despite lack of a major missionary effort of its
own. Population growth is high. There are now transplanted communities in
Europe and North America.


OVERVIEW: This is not a single organized religion, but I have this listing here
because if some of these faiths ever DID decide to organize they would have
resources comparable to many of the official second-rank religions. Most of
these are syncretic, combining West African Ifa/Yoruban or Congo/Angolan
type religion with a veneer of Roman Catholic Christianity.

• Total African traditional religion membership is about 70-100 million,

although among the rest of Africans there is much overlap with the
imposed religions Christianity and Islam.
• Santeria/Lukumi (Cuba) syncretic 10 million
• Voodoo/Vodun (Haiti) syncretic 5 million or more
• Candomble (NE Brazil) syncretic over 1 million
• Umbanda (Brazil) syncretic/spiritist 30 million
• Macumba (Brazil) term sometimes used for above faiths
• Xhango, others

STRATEGY: Syncretic with politically dominant Christian beliefs

STRENGTH: Tens of millions; including Africans resisting conversion and the

descendants of slaves who preserved their beliefs by adopting the Christian
images of their slavemasters. Voodoo and Santeria are still persecuted by
Christian churches (and Santeria also by Marxism).

OUTLOOK: As Christianity continues to use its political, financial, and

technological advantage to win converts in Africa, traditional religions there
may be marginalized or even wiped out. However, both in Africa and in the
new world, mixing of faiths has kept many ideas alive, and resurgence of ethnic
pride and unity among the African Disapora may allow survival of these


OVERVIEW: An Islam-derived monotheistic "New Religion" that claims the
truth of all other religions

STRATEGY: World domination by energetic conversion, mainly in small


STRENGTH: 5-6 million humans, very widespread for such a new faith.
Accused of overstating strength in the West. Is persecuted by Islam in Iran.

OUTLOOK: Appears to be spreading in Africa and Latin America. Its inclusive

views include gender equality, and its lack of a violent reputation may help it in
the third world.


OVERVIEW: Mostly syncretic (Buddhist/Taoist/Confucian) or offshoots of an
established religion; some include ideas from other faiths. Estimates of
population may vary.

• Chondogyo (Korea) syncretic 600,000-1 million (plus millions in the

Marxist North)
• Wonbulgyo (Korea) Buddhist 500,000-1.1 million
• Taejonggyo (Korea) Neo-pagan 250,000-500,000
• Unification Church (Korea) Christian over 100,000
• "Juche" the North Korean Marxist ideology is basically a nationalist
• I-Kuan Tao (Taiwan) syncretic 1-2 million
• Li-ism (Taiwan) syncretic 120,000
• Tien Te Chiao/Tien Dih Chiao (Taiwan) syncretic 400,000
• Hsuan-Yuan Chiao (Taiwan) syncretic/other 220,000
• Cao Dai (Vietnam) syncretic 2-8 million
• Hua Hoa (Vietnam) Buddhist 1.5-2 million
• Soka-Gakkai (Japan) Buddhist 16.5 million or more
• Tenrikyo (Japan) syncretic 2.4 million
• Rissho-Koseikai (Japan) Buddhist 4.7 million
• Reiyukai (Japan) Buddhist 2.7 million
• Various Shinto-based sects (Japan) over 7 million
• Seicho-no-Ie (Japan) syncretic/other 3 million
• The syncretic Japanese AUM cult is comparatively minor, only a few
thousand members
• NEW: The Falun Gong/Falun Dafa sect in China (Buddhist/Taoist)
claims 100 million followers, and even the Communist gov't credits it
with 70 million (but later revised down to 2 million during propaganda
campaign). It is related to Qigong.

STRENGTH: Tens of millions total. Some sources claim that nearly 50 million
Indonesians are not strictly Muslim but practice a syncretic
Muslim/Hindu/animist religion, which is why "New Religions" often gets
credited with over 100 million members.
OUTLOOK: Some of these religions may have a chance to expand if traditional
Buddhism, Shintoism and Taoism do not shake the image of being "old-
fashioned". A few (such as Soka Gakkai) have made efforts to go international,
but cultural and language barriers must be overcome. South America has been
targeted as well as Europe and North America.


OVERVIEW: Most of these religions are NOT directly descended from the old
religions, most of which were exterminated by Christianity. "Paganism" is
defined as religions that see the gods as unified with nature and the Earth, as
opposed to Christians and Muslims who worship alien gods.

• Asatru (Scandinavia, incl. Iceland)

• Romuva (Baltics)
• Druidism (England/Europe)
• Wicca (USA/Europe)
• Greco-Roman classical religion
• There is also much interest in Native American religion among North
American whites.

STRENGTH: Several hundred thousand. Some of these faiths are secretive,

both by tradition and to avoid persecution by Christians.

OUTLOOK: In the absence of full-scale persecution, these religions continue

to expand. However, it remains to be seen whether they are just a "fad" of the
current generation. The internet may help sustain such smaller religions in the

OVERVIEW: Humanist religion (although may include references to
Tien/Heaven as the underlying natural order)

STRENGTH: Varies, depending on whether this ideology is even defined as a

religion. A Confucian cult exists in Korea with between 400,000-10 million

OUTLOOK: Still potent across Asia as the underlying cultural framework.

OVERVIEW: Humanist religion. There is actually a lot of faith in this ideology
falsely advertised as "scientific"; especially in a predetermined march of history
and economic change. This religion caused massive atrocities in the 20th
century, mainly due to idiotic agricultural policies and resulting famines.

STRENGTH: Still in the millions (50 million in China), although for most faith
is nominal and fading fast.

OUTLOOK: Very poor, as its ideas just don't work in the human species.
Therefore it is discredited in the eyes of rationalists, the only possible leaders
for a humanist faith.


OVERVIEW: Humanist "religion" is often actually complete apathy with
traditional religion in modern societies. Usually few people actually declare
athiesm or antitheism; but religious opinion no longer affects their materialistic

STRATEGY: Spreads by default.

"STRENGTH": Mostly comes from weaknesses in other religions, such as

Christianity in Europe and Buddhism in parts of Asia.

OUTLOOK: Seems to be spreading. There is a widening split between

religious extremists and freedom-loving secularists in many cultures.

OVERVIEW: Dualistic (two-god) religion developed from a middle-eastern

STRENGTH: 130,000. This is included because it was formerly a dominant

religion, before the conquest of Persia by Islam. Population is currently in
decline in India, and the few left in Iran are constantly persecuted.

OUTLOOK: It is amazing that they have survived at all, but unless the religion
starts to take converts the future is tenuous. The concept of an eternal battle
between good and evil (and rewards and punishments after death) was the
Zoroastrian contribution to Christianity and Islam.

OVERVIEW: Dualistic (two-god) syncretic religion. Not just a Christian
heresy, although persecuted as such.

STRENGTH: Extinct. Included because it was formerly a powerful religion.

Manichaeanism is the only major international religion that has ever been
wiped out. However, this took the un-coordinated but repeated efforts of
Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam and finally the Chinese Empire to suppress
this faith. Even then small cults with Manichaean ideas survived for over a
thousand years.

OUTLOOK: With neopaganism catching on, maybe someone will revive this
interesting extinct religion? (Check out the Neo-Manichaean homepage.)

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