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Non-hemorrhagic Stroke

1. Definition of stroke

A stroke or injury cerebrovaskuler is a loss of brain function caused by

stopping the blood supply to the brain often this is akulminasi of serebrovaskuler
for a few years.

2. Classification
a. TIA (Trans Ischemic Attack)

That's interference neurologist a moment, a few minutes or just a few

hours, and the symptoms will disappear in less than 24 hours.

b. Rind (Reversible Ischemic Neurogis Defisit)

Impaired neurologist the local will be gone in a row in a week and a

maximum of three weeks.

c. In Volution Stroke (Progresif)

The development of a stroke happen slowly until the acute, the

emergence of symptoms worsened, the process of progressive walk in a
few hours or a few days.

d. Complit Stroke

Neurologist to be settled or permanent, since the beginning of the

attack and little to no improvement.

3. Etiologi of Hemorrhagic stroke

1) Trombosis
2) Embolisme
3) Ischemic
4. Risk Factor
The risk factors that can not be modified a group of determined genetically or
associated with the functioning of the body that normally so it can not be
modified. The included in this group include age, gender, race, a history of stroke
in the family, as well as a history of the transient ischemic attack or stroke before.
2 The risk factors that can be modified are the result of the person's lifestyle and
can be modified, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, heart
disease, smoking, alcohol, obesity, and the use of oral contraceptives.

5. Phatomecanism

Blockages brain blood vessels the flow of blood to the brain is reduced or
interrupted at all to the distal brain so that the brain of the lack of calories in the
form of glucose and other minerals and oxygen. As a result, the neurons can't
maintain metabolism (respiration) aerobnya. Mitokondria to respiration anaerobic
so as to produce lactic acid and changes in pH. Changes in the form of
metabolism is also lead to lower the number of neurons in the production of
adenosine triphospate (ATP) that will be used as a source of energy in the activity
of neurons in the form of the process depolarisasi.

6. Sign and Clinical Symptoms

Symptoms of stroke associated with the arteries affected by the following:
a. Arteri Karotis Interna
- The paralisis of sensory in the face, hands and the foot of the opposite
- The disturbance of sensory in the face, hands and the foot of the
opposite direction
- Afasia if the affected are the hemispheric dominant (left) a special
Broca's area or Werhnic's or both are
b. Arteri Cerebri Anterior
- Paralisis in the footwork of the opposite direction
- The disturbance of the balance
- The disturbance of sensory on foot and toe the opposite direction.
- Impaired cognitive
- Incontinence urine
c. Arteri serebri posterior
- The disturbance of consciousness to a coma
- Lost of memory
- Impaired vision
d. Arteri serebri media
- Hemiplegia kontralateral in the second limb
- Sometimes hemianopia kontralateral (blindness).
- Afasia the global (if left hemispheric affected by) of all functions that
has to do with the conversations and communications
7. Step - a Diagnosis
- Anamnesis
- The vital signs
- The physical examination
- The laboratory examination in the form of Chemistry of blood, blood
sugar, and liquor cerebro a spinal
- The diagnostic in the form of CT-scan, an MRI, ultrasound,
Angiografi cerebral, Elektroenchepalografi, X rays and Pungsi the
8. Treatment
a. General
- The improvement of the respiratory tract
- The sirlulasi
- Control the sugar datah
- Control your head saan to sleep.
- Control a fever, edema and seizures.
b. Conservatives
- Diuretika to reduce edema cerebral, who reached the maximum
level 3 to 5 days after infarkserebral.
- Anti koagulan : Preventing thrombosis and embolisasi of another
place in cardiovascular.
- Anti platelets : it can be prescribed for his thrombocytes are
playing a crucial role in the formation of a thrombus and
c. Surgery
- Endosteroktomi who severs a carotid reshape who severs a carotid
artery, which is by opening the who severs a carotid artery in the
- Revaskularisasi is primarily a surgery and benefits to be most felt
by clients TIA.
d. Rehabilitation
- The coordination of the therapy multidisipliner to enhance the
ability of the functional patients.
- Education of the patient and family
- The peralatan/perlengkapan proper adaptation to mobilization and
- Assessment of equipment / supplies proper adaptation to
mobilization and ADL.
- Counseling psychosocial
- Prevensi and therapy komorbisitas
- Reintegrasiv okasional and community
- Evaluation of the safest place that allows patients to return to the
level of independence in a secure neighborhood.
e. Complications
- Hipoksia cerebral brain rely on the availability of oxygen that was
sent to the network.
- The drop in cerebral blood
The flow of cerebral blood relies on blood pressure, the heart, and
the integrity of the cerebral blood.
- The extent of the injured
Embolisme cerebral to happen after myocardial infarction, or
fibralsi the atrium or can be derived from a heart valve prosthetic.
Embolisme will reduce blood flow to the brain and then lowered
cerebral blood flow. Distritmia can lead to the heart is not
consistent and cessation of a thrombus.
f. Prognosis
Stroke next is affected by a number of factors, the most important thing is
the nature and extent of the severity of the neurological.

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