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West Bengal Act XV of 1965I
ACT, 1965.

An Act ro provide for [he regrdlation of rrafic in slreers ar~dprrblic
pIaces and for lrratters corlnecred ~herewirl~.
WHEREA~ it is expedient to provide for h e regulalion of rraffic in slreets
and public places with a view 10 preventing danger, obstruclion or incon-
venience to the public and for matters connecled therewith;
I t i s hereby enacted in the Sixteenth Year of the Republic of India. by
the Legislature ofWest Bengal, as follows:-

1. (1) This Act may be called [he West Bengal Traffic Regulation Shonti{lc.
Act. 1965. cxtcnt and
(2) It extends lo the whole of West Bengal.
(3) It shall come into force2 on such dale and in such area as the
Slate Government may, by notification in the Oflcial Gazerre, appoinl
and different dares may be appointed for diffcrent mu.

2. In this Act the expressions "public place", "slreet" and lour-

"vehicle" shall have ~ h cmeanings assigncd to lhkrn in the Calcuua i
Bcn.AcrIV Police Act, 1866, unless [here be something in [he subject or context !
Or repugnant to such construclion. !

3. (1) The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding AFI 10
anything to Ihe conmry contained in any other law. olhcrkws.
(2) Subject lo [he provisions of sub-section (l), the provisions of
this Act shall be in addition 10,and not in derogation of, the provisions
contained in any olher law lor the time being in force.

4. (1) The Slate Govemrnenr or m y aurhority appoinred by the POW~SIO

Slale Government in this behalf may, by order published in lhe manner

prescribed by rules made under this Act,-
$$' :'
vchiclks, to
(a) prohibil the plying of any class of vehicles in sweets or hmc, c,c,
public places subject to such conditions as may be specilied
in h e order;

IFor Siarcrncn~of O b j c c ~and Rcasons. see rhc Calcurro Guzrrrc. E.trmonlinnry,

Pan IVA. daled Ihe 61h March, 1965, pagc 527; for pmcccdin~sor Ihc West Benpal
hgislarivc Asscrnbly, see thc proceedings or mceling or rhar Assembly hcld on rhc
4 h May, 11965.
'Provisions of his Act m c into form ro rhc Ciry or Calculia and its suburbs and !hc
dislrict olHownh on 15th July. 1965, vide Norificnuon No. 7179-W.T.. dalcd rhc 121hJuly,
1965, published in fhc Calcirt~aGazerfc,Erlraordinary. Pm 1, didled Ihe 131h July, 1765,
pagc 2438.

Acr, 1965.
Tiic Wesr Bellgal Trafic Regrrlafi~~r

[Wcst Ben. Act

(b) regulate traffic of all kinds in streers or public places and

rhc use or driving of vehiclcs in sweets or public places
with a view to prevenling danger. obstruclion or i n -
convenience to the public;
(c) regulate the conditions under which vehictes may remain
s~andingin srreels or public places and the use or streets as
halting places for such vehicles.
(2) An order made under sub-section (1) shall rcrnain in force unlil
il is modified or rescinded by the authority making i~ or by the State
Govemmcnt if the order has been made by an authority orher b a n [he
State Government:
Provided t h a ~an order made by an authority other than [he State
Government shall remain in force for such period not exceeding two
months as may be specified in the order, unless, before the expiry of such
period, il is approved by,the State Govemment.
(3) The Statc Government may, by order published in the manner
prescribed by rules made under this Act, regulate thc size, conslruclion
or equipmen~of vehicles for which lhere is no provision in any other

Pcnal~y. 5. (1) Any person contravening any order made under any ol the
provisions of section 4 shall be punishable rvith imprisonment for a [ e m
which may cxtend to b e e months or wilh fine which may extend to five
hundred mpees, or wi[h both.
(2) Where a person is convicted of any offence under this Acl the
Coun may direct that the vehicle in respect of which the offence is
committed shall be forfeited to Govemment.
(3) Every offence under this A n shall be cognizable and bailable.

bizurc. 6. ( 1 ) Where any police oficeroc any olher public servant not below
the rank of Inspector o f Motor Vehicles of lhe State Govemment, duly
authorised in this behalf by the State govern men^, has reuon 10 beljevc
tha~an offence under this Act has been comrnilted in respec1 of any
vehicle, he may seize such vehicle.
(2) On such seizure h e police officer or the public servanl, as Ihe
case may be, shall arrange in the manner prescribed by rules made under
this Act, or unril rules are made, in such manner as hc considers proper,
for the cuslody of the vehicle and shall, as soon thereafter as possible,
cause a report of [he seizure to be sent lo h e nearest Magistrate having
jurisdiction over [he area in which h e offence has been committed.

The West Bengal Traflc Regularion Act, 1965.

(3) Upon receipt of such report and after such enquiries, if any, as
h e Magistrare lhinks fit, the Magisuate shall eiher order the vehicle lo
be released or pass such ordcrs as he thinks fit for the interim custody of
the vehicle until [he case is disposed of.

7. No suit or proceeding shalI lie against h e State Government Indcmity.

and no suit, prweeding or prosecution shall tie against any officer of h e
Stale Government For nny~hingin good faith done or inlended lo be done
in pursuance of [his Act or any rules or ordcrs made thereunder.

8. The Slate Government may make rules for carrying out the Rulcs.
purposes of his Act.

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