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ge i REID PARK B TORRE DESIGN CONSORTIUM, LTD [PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION December 6, 2014 Reid Park Zoological Society Board of Directors Reid Park 200 Adminstration Reid Park Zoological Society 1030 South Randolph Way “Tucson, AZ 85716-5835 ear Nancy and Jason ets with great pleasure that we cubmit the master plan for Centra Area ofthe Reid Park Zoo. Ithas been 2 stimulating experience working with you and you staf t bring what we fel wil be the next great phase tothe Zo. Asa follow up to you very successful last development phase, “Expedition ‘Tanzania’, the elements ofthe Central Area Plan wil create the ultimate African Safar experience. The iconic Great Lodge will become a Tucson destination facity and the new pygmy hippo, crocodile and otter exhibits willbe spetacuar with thei underwater immersive views Al ofthe new elements of the Central Area Plan wil ceeat anew level of attraction value while producing a hub of new activites, ll with spetacuar back drop views ofthe ening entry, lon, hing and laff exits whl lz cresting peat vista to Expedtion Tanzania with ie majestic elephants, The 200 guest wll truly fel Ike they are on safari in Africa. It was exctng to submit this project tobe included inthe Pima County November 2015 bond eletion and even more exiting to have lt recommended at the $10.0 milion level. Is with grea antcpason that the passage ofthe bond wil be succesful and the Centra zea Plan wil soon be indesign and construction, twas uly my pleasure to work with you on this important project. We hope to be abe to help you bring tortion ‘Thanks, agin, Azed Tore, FASLA, AIA, PAAR, IDA, USGBC, LEED" AP Principal rchtet/Princial Landscape Architect In July of 2014 the Reid Park Zooogical Society contracted Torre Design Consortium, Ltd. (TDCL) to develop @ master plan for the Central Area of the Zo0, approximately three eres in size, This area extends from the exiting entry ‘complex to the South America exhibit outer boundary, and 10 the walkway that overlooks the lon, gaffe, and rhino exhibits, and also includes the Event Garden and the paddock that presently features zebras, The inital scope proposal was issued as restated below, ‘This project willbe refinement ofthe next stage ofthe master plan, which has evolved since it was issued in 2012. This Fefinement includes mission based, revenue generating ‘opportunites, visitor considerations and maintenance Issues. Akey focus will be evaluation of planned placement of exhibits and attractions to ensure they are the Best use of ‘avaliable epace and infrastructure. The folowing projects ‘ate tobe included inte pla: Moving gibbons exniti tothe sun bear and warty i eon Incorposating a gavalexnioe, OTP + Addon ofa carousel + Addition ofa ropes course + Redesign of curent empty elephant exhibit events (garden, zebra exhibit and font plaza for new exhibit {and event space, incorporating an indoor venue. We would expect the methods to include staff input and facilitation and would make staff avaiable. In addition we would expect Reid Park Zoological Society Board of Directors participation and City of Tucson Parks and Recreation Department participation. We would not expect full community participation at this phase but would incorporate some presentation for community input ‘Above and below: the existing entry complex is hot and barren and ‘needs landscape and shade. ‘Tore Design Consorium, Lid finshed the following project schedule (on the facing page) forthe Cental ‘Area Plan Master Phasing actives, which wore later ‘accelerated to meet the challenge of sending tis project concept fo the Pima County representatives in time to be voted on for being added to the November 2015 bond election ballot. wae a great effort that wae ‘met with the success of neatly a 100.0 percent vote for the project to be added to the bond election ballot, ‘minus two dssenting votes, at the $10.0 milion funding level Above and right Expedition Tanzania is @ dramatic naw exhibit witha herd of six slephants. ‘The giraffe and rhino exhibits are green and Inwtng, including the gaffe feeding outcrop, all Sy ye ee THE DESIGN PROCESS Design Workshop 1 Through TDCL's Design Workshop Process, Workshop 1 was ecicated to ste analysis, reviewing proposals and options ‘described in the 2001 Master Plan and 2012 Master Plan Update, ‘and meeting with Zoo and Society staff to understand the ideas and aspirations that might not have made it into those most recent ‘master plans. What became apparent was that there was a desire by alto create a destination facity that would hold guests longer, ‘achieve increased revenues, and provide more icon experiences forthe Zoo visitor to enjoy many ofthe great Afican exhibits that already existed! For a relatively small 200, Reid Park 200 already Contains ins, rhino, and elephant exhibits. That's three of the Classic "Big Five of Aca’. The previous directive of the 2012 Update was to make river hippos the next exhibit. The Reid Park Zoological Society had previously hired TOCL to do an evaluation ff what such an exhibit would cost to build, is usual operating costs, atraction value, and holding capacity on a daly basis, as well as expected annual attendance increase. With these {questions in hand, TDCL commenced with evaluating these issues while conducting a thorough ste analysis. ‘Above loft The old elephant exhibit area now being used in the inten as a camel ride area, Bottom le: The existing zebra paddock SITE ANALYSIS [At 26 acres in sia, Reid Park Zoo ie blessed with two major ‘exhibits, South America and Expedition Tanzania, as well as the Conservation Learning Center (CLC) and grizzly bear exhibit, Landscape is substantial, especialy for a desert 200, and creates beautiful setings. Whereas Tucson has pleasant winters, the ‘summer can be tough with 110-degree heat. The entry complxs hot and barren, and it does not create the important. entry ‘experience crial toa successful day vst othe Zoo, ‘Torte Design Consortium, Ltd. immediately looked at adeing clements that would give a greater level of visual and creative ‘comfort amenities to this area, as well as creating a better linkage to the popular Event Garden, which has been successfulwith ater. hours rentals, ‘South America is a very good exhibit except that it has no defite entry portal andis, subsequent, missed by mary Zoo quests, The Workshop yielded a need to create an iconic “ront door to this, ‘exhibit to simply provide an entry to what isa realy good exhibit. ‘A Carousel and Brthday Complex was another desired item, and there was great dscussion on where it should be located. Also clscussed for this entry area was the desire to change the sun bear ‘and wary pig exhibits out to create a new gibbon exhib with an ‘overhead transfer ine, commonly known as an‘O' ine in curtent 200 design nomenclature. Above right: The existing entry comple is amen and need of landscape, shade, and ‘move seating areas Below right: The entry tothe South America ‘exhibit is hard to find 6 Dear me JE cereicnr meet a ar oe fom wichercare goats, ] ee Deca ema! Se eS a Semen Atte ime ofthe wing of isopod he new veterinary hosp! wasin design with {locaton near the Zoolageal Society's /, 7 offees and enty parking ison South. Randolph Way. Originally envisioned as bing oaled ata mote tern Zoo locaton, TOCL eta the lage of putin a Servees Busing on he perohery wos a good ono fxn win the 24a campus, ‘hin ema and Should be dedeates tovistovexno experiences UTILITIES Fase epeaieeny eeeergseer tester) Central Area, hich includes south of the enty complex, Event Garden, the old elephant exhibit (now camel), and adjacent zebra yard. Upon investigation with the City of Tucson staff, major ew utltes’ connections for electric, gas, storm, sewer, and water wil have to be rerouted from 2nd Street othe Central Area ofthe Zoo, Tear ro < Central Area has no major utilities. New improvements will have to be routed to | 22nd Street. CENTRAL AREA MASTER PLAN REID PARK ZOO teens Parking Upon intial examination of the properties of parking to the Zoo footprint, you would tink that there is a severe parking deficiency. However, due tothe amount of nearby parking associated with Hi Corbett Field, the Zoo staff felt hat there was adequate parting leven when the Zoo attendance exceeds 600,000 as it did in 2012 and 2014. As such, parking expansion was not addressed, but the really ofthe Reid Park Zoo achieving its regional population base (of 1,000,000 as attendance is a very real possiblity (many 200s, attain this goal), soit may be that parking will have tobe expanded ‘at some point inthe future as attraction value atthe 200 increases with new, exciting exhibits and destination facities serving after- hours venues. [AS @ result of the three-day Design Workshop 1, the following iagram (on facing page) evolved and received immediate approval for futher development by Zoo Staff and Zoological society Board Members. ea sty tate so) THE PLAN ‘Design Workshoos 2 and 3 ‘As a result of Woxkshop 2 and refined in Workshop 3, the Plan for the Central Area came to focus on the following ideas, 1. A comprehensive analysis ofthe Zoo's 24 acres led tothe concept of a potential three-acre expansion fo the west of Lakeshore Lane, between the two existing water recovery ponds. This would be an opportunity to create a future Asia Exhibit, which could give a balance to the Zoo's colecton, while substanta increasing attraction value. At this time, the intent was to make sure that a proper connection could be made to this acreage inthe future for exhibit expansion 2. Entry improvements were considered crtical The hot barren feeling ofthe existing entry complex needs improve- ments for visual and piysical comfort, s0 a grove of Medjoo! palms would be added with additonal planing, arbors, and Seating areas, The bleak concrete paving would be replaced with earth-toned premium paving materials in a radiating pattem to welcome the Zoo's guests to Africa, South ‘America othe future Asia experiences, “The concept ofthe curent Entry Complex tension structure was viewed as a good one, reiterating the scenic mountain peaks that surround Tucson, However, it was fet that a ‘single structure neither completed that concept nor provided the critical shade required in the 110- degree summer heat therefore, two more structures were proposed to create our ‘own ‘mini mountain range" at the Zoo entry experience, Left: The grove of Medjoo palms wil provide shade and cooling wile creating an architectural forecourt o the word exhib, 3. A Primary Path could be created for linkage to the Conservation Learning Center and grizaly exhibits (hopefully, 2 future North America complex) 4. The existing ger, sun bear, and warty pig exhibits were ‘masified only with a change-outof bear and pigs fr a gibbon exhibit with 0" line. The main thought of preserving these exhibits was to be able to adapt them in the future fr African species, with tiger being replaced with leopard, and gibbons with baboons or other Afican species and would occur ater ‘new Asia area is bul to which the existing species would be moved. This mosification would make the entry experience complete with all Afican species leading to the Great Lodge and opening up to larger exhibits layout Bolow lf and right: The old elephant exhibit now being adapted 5. Itwas decided to create a Visio Service Faciy in the ‘central exhibit area to take advantage of the views tothe ‘great African exhibits that already exist for chines, giafe, lion, and elephant. 6. The consensus was to create a destination fecty that would have great views fo these exhibits and new exhibits of yamy hippos, crocodiles, and otters fo camel rides ' TINS | hie i/o A POTENTIALS cd EXPANSION, © oe € 3S: é SS 22ndiSTREET CARWUGEL Comeley LODGE + HIPPO, 4 Pao antec) ; 5 greg cere st ps 7. hwas decided ue th conc of Great ean Loage fo he esnaon ee red ooh fied icmcoiey, wan Ginecol ar’ baci et SoBe sat sli caw ae mulptlereseat See ae Arh 2 suptorr : ees aeunome, om ri ve) ‘8. As an experience leading up to the new EVENT. C' & Lodge, it was decided to site the new GARDEN. ISEESTOCK! Carus! Ditnay Complex onde UORANES©'| vemecuicr so a2 to look tha an Alvcan asc feta wins ss aSTEN OA Songthe str coue porto avg athe Great Lodge The Garovel woul feature tue, ae mst a very poplar mem fertenging pope eget and an ato S poverhltane ot conmuicating pak 9, The Great Lodge would be surrounded by immersive kopje exhibits of meerkats, rock hhyrax, fennec fox, and others. The meerkat exhibit would be adjacent toa giant Baobab free and ctilcren’s play area, and would feature tunnels and pop-up viewing ports lowing children to burrow ike meerkats and ‘come face-o-ace with them inthe exhibits, 10, The Great Lodge itself would be modeled after the dramatic and breathtaking Seronera ‘Lodge in Tanzania, whichis actually built into existing kopje rock outcroppings, wih views to the exterior and interior exhibits. The balcony on three sides would allow for views tothe elephants moving about the savannah, as well as to the new aquatic exhibits of YOM hippos, crocodiles, oes, and other exhibits. Further encompassing the old zebra yard would be @ new hoof stock yar, perhaps featuring bongos, smaller hoot stock, and cranes. 11, As par ofthe Great Lodge, # ceremonial (rand staircase would connect to the existing Event Garden, and the Entry Complex. The Great Lodge would be 2 breathtaking backdrop to the entry experience, rising above the Event Garden elevation five feet to the elevation of the existing walkway that overlooks giatfe, rhino, and the existing zebra yard. Saving the existing trees that line the upper pathway would make the Great Lodge look lke It has been there for years, with its thatched roofs and 50-foct stone fireplace rising above the tree canopy, Nag = 7) ENTRY Mf u USee Aa jp atatinaina tie OMPLESD Sel . PARKING CENTRAL AREA MASTER PLAN — — Eee ES The Great Lodge Elevation of Facade facing Africa ar) ea a “ore Design REID PARK ZOO z z baie d Becca 12. The small, Afican-themed splash pad would be retained land expanded to the location of the existing otter pool A ‘waterall with sides would connect the upper water experience with @ lower shallow pool for play and delight It would also bring the sparkle and sound of water to the Great Ledge Complex and Event Garden Kopjes The Great Lodge would rse out ofa classic Arcan kopje ‘uterop as many leon Atican lodges aro situated. The ‘Bhotos on this and the facing page delineate the beauty and ‘rama ofthe stone island within the ocean of savannah 20 ae r= — Great African Lodges The Great Lodge atthe Reid Park Zoo wil incorporate many of the beautiful detain that goes info those classic lodges. The views from whin the lodge afd rom ts balconies wil aly be an Immersive experience, all while providing zoo guests comfort and roller. The Great Lodge wil become @ Tucson destination Pictured on these pages ar lodges from the Serengeti region of Tanzania in Africa, 2 Rondavels The classic. conic cylindrical Atican house, the rondavel, wt fs thatched roo, wil be the welcoming village for z00 guests fo enjoy on their way to the Greet Lodge, This authentic vernacular architecture wil form the enclosure forthe Endangered Species Carousel, as wel as forthe adjacent Bithday Rooms. ican art ‘and artifacts will abound, creating an exciting and immersive experience for young and old alike, The Grand Views This panorama shows the view from the Groat Lodge (located within the od elephant exhibit area) whose foor elevation Wil ’be the same asthe adiacont patinvays, at +8 feet above the ‘elevation ofthe Event Garden Elevation ofthe Great Lodge a ‘The exiting sun bear and warty pi. 2d into a new gibbon exhibit Tearing tne oes tre Veer path eta a a REID PARK ZOO ed IMPLEMENTATION As the Pian has received approval from the Zoo Society, 200 ‘and City staf, and appreciation of potental donors. a8 well a8 ow belng recommended for a $10.0 milion addition to Pima County's Bond Election, the cost estimates and implementation schedules presented below delineate the potential dates of Sesign and constuction, as well a8 opening dates for the exhibits compe. “There are two schedules, withthe fst dealing diecty with the Phase 1, $20.0 millon ‘Great Lodge and pygmy hippo, ‘xocodie, offer, and ote exhibits. This schedules broken nto Cptons A and 8. with A being the most aggressive. Option A. starts design earyin 2018. This option has the exhibit cpening for te 2021 Zoo season, ‘The more conservative Option 8 waits untl after the November 2018 Bond Election to begin the design process, ‘with Construction being completed forthe 2022 Z00 season. These fptions were presented as the Zoological Society had said that they would pursue bringing the Central Area Plan exhibit to realty, even ifthe bond election falled. This would, however put a temendaus burden on the Zoological Society. 20h i Roped that the bond election wil be successful, making it an ‘2a8y decision to move forward as quickly as possible ‘The second schedule delineates near-term and future phases ‘of 200 development. The bear/pig conversion to gibbons with 2n aerial ‘0’ line is already in process, as well as the Carousel ‘These will be near erm improvements Phase 2 would be the entry improvements to both the Zoo and South America all while alowing a proper pathway right-of-way for the future Asia expansion of three acres. Although the cost testimate does not include the we additonal tension tuetures {8 delineated, these could be added to the plan for another $1 5 milion, andthe "200 mini mountain range" would be Completed. A dramatic new image would be created. wth the ‘additonal bene of shade for Z00 guests PPhase 3 would be the expansion o create the new Asia exhibit ‘This would substantial increase altacion value and create yet additional destination facies. It's anticipated that upon Completion of Phase 2 the 200 should be able to achieve 700, (000n attendance (including daytme and after-hours venues). ‘and upon completion of Phase 3 be close to the 800,000 Btiendance mark. All of this, of course, depends on the Aggressive management and promotion ofthe new destination faciites that willbe realized by the build-out ofthis Pan, ‘The Reld Park Zea will became the undieputed number one regional atvacton inthe Tucson area TORRE DESIGN ‘CONSORTIUM, LTD REID PARK Z00 MASTER PLAN PRELIMINARY Cost Estimate 19/24/2014, Revised 10/5/18, Revised 11/21/14 (rr rsh ferns nae fitecames ious lpaumany Pari impROvENENTs ve 05 [arnican tooce commie exerts down) ste sah ew od pyre OE wand hry 2" pet rnc rani ave inca "TOTAL $3,367,879 ENTRY iMPROVEMENTS “TOTAL $20322225 Lo0GE & XNA COMPLOL Reid Park Zoo Central Area Implementation Plan Tueson, zona TORRE DESIGN Project Schedule r CONSORTIUM, LTD. November 25,2014 [Scnonate Desir Joesian Dovetopnent [conseuston Documens| le [consevaten 2 ENTRY, COMPLEX ORIENTATION! BLA; ZA PARKING (MERIC Puase WORK }], ]BOUNDARY CENTRAL AREAMASTER PLAN == cow DH REID PARK ZOO m a ii. Reid Park Zoo Future Phases SE TORRE DESIGN ‘CONSORTIUM, LID = i Complex Jtiean Lodge ena ean lent ons PHASE 2 ENTRY & SOUTH AMERICA ENTRY PHASE 1 $20 MILLION AFRICAN LODGE & EXHIBITS CENTRAL AREA MASTER PLAN REID PARK ZOO. Beco onTy

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