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English for Medical Purposes - A Physical Examination
Doctor : When did you last come in for a physical exam?
Patient : I had my last physical exam two years ago.
Doctor : Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or
an ultra-sound?
Patient : Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist's.
Doctor : How have you been feeling in general?
Patient : Pretty well. No complaints, really / sure.
Doctor : Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood
Patient : Certainly.
Doctor : Oh, Its 120 over 80. That's fine. You don't seem to be overweight,
that's good. Do you exercise regularly?
Patient : No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to
get my breath back. I need to get out more.
Doctor : That would be a good idea. How about your diet?
Patient : I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I will have a
hamburger from time to time, but generally I have well-balanced
Doctor : That is good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart beat.
Patient : Ooh, that is cold!
Doctor : Don't worry it is just my stethoscope. Now, breath in and hold
your breath. Please pull up your shirt, and breath deeply.
Everything sounds good. Let's take a look at your throat. Please
open wide and say 'ah'.
Patient : 'Ah'
Doctor : OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood
work and that is about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they're
will arrange an appointment for the tests.
Patient : Thank you doctor. Have a nice day.

Key Vocabulary:
physical examination (exam) - to breath in, blood work - EKG -
ultra-sound, -x-rays, - to roll up sleeves, - overweight underweight,
to exercise regularly, - balanced diet, -stethoscope, -to hold one's
breath, to pull on one's shirt - to breath deeply - to open wide, to look
ship shape, slip


Medical instruments are used for measuring vital signs.
Whats this called in English?

A watch (to calculate pulse/resp. rate).

A TPR/BP chart or book (to record the result of TPR & BP).
A thermometer ( measure body temperature).
A stethoscope (to listen the sound of artery).
A sphygmomanometer ( to measure blood pressure).
Thermometer jar ( to keep thermometer).
A tray / A trolly ( to bring the istruments).
Gauze / Tissue ( to keep dry thermometer).

The function of these instruments used!

That is a syringe (to inject liquid).

Urin catheter ( to take out the urin).
Bowels ( to bring some Waters).
Bandage scissors ( to cut the bandage / gauze).
Examining couch ( examine the patient).
Tower clip ( to hold the towel).
Vagina speculum ( to examine a vagina).
Otoscope ( to examine ear).
Infusion set ( to insert the solution into body).
Urinal ( to throw urine).

Possessive Adjective ( my, your,his, her, their, our, its).

Possessive Pronoun ( mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, its).

Example :

A : Whose is this wheel chair?

B : Oh...this is my wheel chair.

A : What is this for?

B : This wheel chair is use to bring a disable patient to walk.

Miss. Leny is looking for Surgical ward in Permata Hati hospital then she ask to
information centre:

How did I get to Surgical Ward, Miss?

Miss Leny : Excuse me, miss?

I.C : Yes, can I help you, Mam?

Miss Leny : I wonder whether you can help me?

I.C : I hope I can help you, what do you want to know, Mam?

Miss Leny : Yes, could you tell me how can I get to surgical ward in this hospital?

I.C : Ofcouse I can, surgical ward is in the third corridor.

Miss Leny : In the third corridor? But, where the third corridor is?

I.C : Okey, let me explain you, from here you just turn left then you will find an
intersection on corridor six and you can turn left and go straight on, when you find
another intersection, you just pass it. And then you go throught until next
intersection. The surgical ward is in front of obstetric clinic.

Miss Leny : Thank you, Miss.

I.C : Dont mention it.


The following abrevation are common used by doctors when they prescribe drugs / medicine /

b.i.d : twice a day

t.i.d : three time a day
q.i.d : four times a day
4 hrly : every 4 hours
2 hrly : every 2 hours
P.R.N : if necessary
a.c : before meals
p.c : after meal
p.o : per oral/orally
BP : blood pressure
TPR : temperature / pulse / respiratory

Situation: Mrs. Jhoko is asking to a nurse about dr. Franks schedule in the Public

Mrs. Jenny : Good morning, Nurse.

Nurse : Good Morning, is there anything. May i help you/ What I can do for you, mom?
Do you need my help?

Mrs. Jenny : Yes, I am looking for schedule of dr. Frank in this hospital.

Nurse : Let me see the schedule first, which one is dr. Frank, the tall one or the short

Mrs. Jenny : The tall one.

Nurse : The tall one, is he a surgeon, Mam?

Mrs. Jenny : Yes, thats right, he is a surgion.

Nurse : Well mam, dr. Franks schedule is on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

Mrs. Jenny : In the morning or in the afternoon, Nurse?

Nurse : For Monday and Saturday, his clinical hours is at 9.00 to 11 in the morning.

Mrs. Jenny : What about on Wednesday?

Nurse : For Wednesday, he has schedule in this hospital is at 5.00 until 8.00 p.m.

Mrs. Jenny : I see, and by the way, where is dr. Franks room?

Nurse : dr. Franks room is on the third floor, room number 3.

Mrs. Jenny : Thanks a lot.

Nurse : No problem.

II. Listen and Practice

A: It is nice hospital, isnt it?

B: Yes, Really.

A: By the way, my name is Dedy Irawan.

B: Glad to meet you, I am Susi Susanti.

A: Pleasure to meet you. Excuse me, can you say again your first name?

B: You mean, my first name?

A: Yes.

B: Oh, My first name is Susi and how should I call you?

A: Just call me Dedy.

B: And where are you from, Dedy?

A: I am from Selangor, Malaysia and how about you?

B: I am from Indonesia.

A: And what are you, Susi?

B: I am a nurse and what about you?

A: I am a nurse, too.

B: Well, Dedy. I have to go, see you later.Bye.

A: Okay, bye-bye.


Dibawah ini contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris di rumah sakit:

Mrs. Mala : Excuse me, would you be able to let me know where the dental room is? I need to
convey my child to examination.

Assistant : Sure, you can go to the second story. You can achieve it by lift.

Mrs. Mala : Could you let me know where the lift is?

Assistant : You can go straight there and in the left side you will see a lift. At that point, for
the dental practitioner room, you can go out from the lift and turn right. There, you
will see an assistant which will help you.

Mrs. Mala : So, the dental room is on the right half of the lift, would it say it isnt?

Secretary : Absolutely.

Mrs. Mala : Okay, thank you then.

Secretary : My pleasure.

Mrs. Mala : Hello, would I be able to see the dental specialist, please?

Secretary 2 : obviously, do you bring your ID card?

Mrs. Mala : Okay, here is my childs ID card since he is going to examination his teeth.

Assistant 2 : Alright, you can hold up there and come after I call your childs name.

Mrs. Mala : Okay, arrive whatever other else that are as yet holding up their opportunity to see
the dental practitioner before my child?

Assistant : Sure, however you dont have to stress since there is stand out individual holding up
over yonder before your child.

Mrs. Mala : Great, thank you to such an extent.

Secretary : Youre invite.

Terjemahannya :

Ibu Mala: Permisi, bisa Anda ceritakan di mana ruang gigi? Saya ingin membawa anak saya
untuk memeriksa.

Resepsionis: Tentu, Anda dapat pergi ke cerita kedua. Anda dapat mencapainya dengan lift.

Ibu Mala : Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya di mana Lift?

Resepsionis: Anda dapat pergi langsung ada dan di sisi kiri Anda akan melihat Lift. Kemudian,
untuk ruang dokter gigi, Anda bisa keluar dari lift dan berbelok ke kanan. Di sana,
Anda akan melihat resepsionis yang akan membantu Anda.

Ibu Mala : Jadi, ruang gigi di sisi kanan lift, bukan?

Resepsionis : Absolutely.

Ibu Mala : Oke, terima kasih kemudian.

Resepsionis : Anda diterima.


(Di Depan Ruangan Gigi)

Ibu Mala : Halo, saya bisa melihat dokter gigi, please?

Resepsionis 2 : Tentu saja, apakah Anda membawa kartu ID Anda?

Ibu Mala : Oke, di sini adalah anak saya ID card karena ia akan memeriksa giginya.

Resepsionis 2 : Baiklah, Anda bisa menunggu di sana dan datang setelah saya sebut nama anak

Ibu Mala : Oke, apakah ada yang lain lain yang masih menunggu kesempatan mereka
untuk melihat dokter gigi sebelum anak saya?

Resepsionis : Tentu, tapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena hanya ada satu orang yang
menunggu di sana sebelum anak Anda.

Ibu Mala : Besar, terima kasih banyak.

Resepsionis : Terima kasih.

Berikut Istilah Medis dalam Bahasa Inggris :

Di bawah ini kami tampilkan beberapa kosa kata dalam dunia kedokteran dan artinya:

penyakit gula darah = diabetes

gagal jantung = heart failure
hamil = pregnant
impotensi = impotence
infeksi = infection
kanker = cancer
katarak = cataract
kebocoran jantung = punctured heart
kebutaan = blindness
ketulian = deafness
konjungtivitis = conjunctivitis
kritis, koma = critical
melanoma = melanoma
paru-paru basah = punctured lung
patah tulang = broken bone
unit, bagian = department
Bangsal = ward
ruang tunggu = waiting room
doctor = doctor
juru rawat = Matron
personal = personnel
ahli bedah = surgeon
kerapihan = orderly
konsultan = consultant
kasur rumah sakit = hospital bed
alat pengobatan = drip

unit kecelakaan dan unit gawat darurat (UGD) = accident and Emergency department
unit THT (telinga, hidung, tenggorokan) = ear, nose and throat department
kartu catatan medis = medical chart
spesialis = specialist
suster = nurse, sister
kain = flannel
uji medis = medical tests
CT scan = CT scan
diagnosa, diagnosis = diagnosis
pemeriksaan = examination
rujukan = referral
sinar X = X ray
tes darah = blood test
prosedur = procedure
amputasi = amputation
bedah = surgery
operasi = operation
pembalutan luka = plaster cast
pemindahan, penyambungan = remove
transplantasi, pencangkokkan = transplant
latihan = exercise
istirahat = rest
penyembuhan = recuperation
berlatih = to exercise
fisioterapi = physiotherapy
terapi = therapy
bengkak = bump
diare = diarrhea
penyakit, wabah = symptoms
bekas luka = bruise
ketulian = deafness
sakit = ache
sakit = sick
mati rasa = numb
pembengkakan = swelling
penglihatan kabur = blurred vision
pusing = dizzy
ruam, bintik merah = rash
sakit kepala = headache
sakit, menyakitkan = pain
alergi = allergy
bersifat alergi = allergic
gagal ginjal = kidney failure
gagal hati = liver failure
bronkitis = bronchitis
buta = blind
keguguran = miscarriage
kematian jaringan tubuh = gangrene
cacat = handicap
keguguran = miscarriage
kematian jaringan tubuh = gangrene
keracunan darah = blood poisoning
ketidakmampuan = disability
demam = fever

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