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A simple Electric Circuit is a closed connection of Batteries , Resistors , Wires.

An Electric
circuit consist of voltage loops and current nodes .

The following physical quantities are measured in an electrical circuit;

Resistance is a measure of the opposing force which is applied to electricity in a circuit. The
resistance of the wires inthe circuit can be ignored, because it is very low. Motors, lightbulbs, and
heating coils are all examples
of resistors.

For any two points in an electric circute there associates an Electrical Potential which is
measured in volts and called voltage drop. In practice the voltage drop can be measured by a
divice called a voltmeter. A negative voltage drop is called voltage rise.

Georg Simon Ohm formulated the relation of the voltage, current, and resistance for a circuit
by the following law:

V = IR Where
V = Voltage (V)
I = Current (A)
R = Resistance (ohms)
Three basic laws govern the flow of current in an electrical circuit:

1. Ohm's Law
2. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law Conservation of Energy.
3. Kirchhoff's Current Law Conservation of Charge.

For many conductors of electricity, the electric current which will flow through them is directly
proportional to the voltage applied to them. When a microscopic view of Ohm's law is taken, it is
found to depend upon the fact that the drift velocity of charges through the material is
proportional to the electric field in the conductor. The ratio of voltage to current is called the
resistance, and if the ratio is constant over a wide range of voltages, the material is said to be an
"ohmic" material. If the material can be characterized by such a resistance, then the current can
be predicted from the relationship:

Data can be entered into any of the boxes below. Specifying any two of the quantities determines
the third. After you have entered values for two, click on the text representing to third in the
active illustration above to calculate its value.

AC Ohm's Law
The AC analog to Ohm's law is
where Z is the impedance of the circuit and V and I are the rms or effective values of the voltage
and current. Associated with the impedance Z is a phase angle, so that even though Z is the also
the ratio of the voltage and current peaks, the peaks of voltage and current do not occur at the
same time. The phase angle is necessary to characterize the circuit and allow the calculation of
the average power used by the circuit.

If an rms voltage of Vrms =

is applied to an impedance Z = ohms,

then the rms current will be Irms = A.

If the phase is = degrees,

then the power factor is cos =

and the average power is

Pavg = VrmsIrmscos = = watts.

The illustration is for a case where the inductive reactance is dominant over the capacitive
reactance as shown in the phasor diagram.

Default values will be entered for V and Z above if they are left unspecified, but those values can
be changed. If the current is changed, then Z will be recalculated. If a phase angle outside the
allowed range -90 to +90 is entered, it will be replaced by a default value.

Kirchhoff's Current LAW:

The sum of the current flowing into any points equals the sum of the current flowing out from
the point.
Voltage Law
The voltage changes around any closed loop must sum to zero. No matter what path you take
through an electric circuit, if you return to your starting point you must measure the same
voltage, constraining the net change around the loop to be zero. Since voltage is electric potential
energy per unit charge, the voltage law can be seen to be a consequence of conservation of

The voltage law has great practical utility in the analysis of electric circuits. It is used in
conjunction with the current law in many circuit analysis tasks.

The voltage law is one of the main tools for the analysis of electric circuits, along with Ohm's
Law, the current law and the power relationship. Applying the voltage law to the above circuits
along with Ohm's law and the rules for combining resistors gives the numbers shown below. The
determining of the voltages and currents associated with a particular circuit along with the power
allows you to completely describe the electrical state of a direct current circuit.
Kirchhoff's Voltage LAW:
Around any closed loop ( voltage loop ) the sum of the voltage drops is equal to the sum of the
voltage rise.

Current Law
The electric current in amperes that flows into any junction in an electric circuit is equal to the
current which flows out. This can be seen to be just a statement of conservation of charge. Since
you do not lose any charge during the flow process around the circuit, the total current in any
cross-section of the circuit is the same. Along with the voltage law, this law is a powerful tool for
the analysis of electric circuits.
The current law is one of the main tools for the analysis of electric circuits, along with Ohm's
Law, the voltage law and the power relationship. Applying the current law to the above circuits
along with Ohm's law and the rules for combining resistors gives the numbers shown below. The
determining of the voltages and currents associated with a particular circuit along with the power
allows you to completely describe the electrical state of a direct current circuit.
Simple circuits are categorized in two type :

1. Series Circuits
2. Parallel Circuits

A series circuit is a circuit that has only one pathway. There are no branches in the circuit, and
hence the
electricity can only travel in one route.

The total resistance in a series circuits is the sum of individual resistor.

In th e figure above, Rtotal = R1+R2 + R3

1. Series Circuits :

a) The current does not change as it passes through each individual resistor.
This means that it is the same at any particular point on the circuit.

b) The voltage in a series circuit does not remain constant.

4. The voltage drops across each resistor.

5. The total voltage drop across all resistors will add up to the voltage
off the power source..

6. In parallel circuits current is spread along the various branches. The current in one
branch will not be the same as in other branches (unless of course all the resistances are
the same).
7. The sum of the current in each individual branch will add up to give the total
current of the circuit.

8. The voltage in parallel circuits is actually the same for each branch, and equal to the
voltage of the power source.

In series circuits, current is constant, but the

voltage is different, and adds to the total voltage.

For circuits with series and parallel sections, break the circuit up into portions of series and
parallel, then calculate values for these portions, and use these
values to calculate the resistance of the entire circuit. That is,
first, for each individual series path, calculate the total resistance for that path.
Second, using these values, by assuming that each path as a single resistor, calculate the total resistance
the circuit.

In parallel circuits, the voltage is constant, but

the current varies, and adds up to the total current in the circuit.

We can apply the methods for solving linear systems to solve problems involving electrical
circuits. In a given circuit if enough values of currents, resistance, and potential difference is
known, we should be able to find the other unknown values of these quantities. We mainly use
the Ohm's Law , Kirchhoff's Voltage Law and Kirchhoff's current Law.

Example: Find the currents in the circuit for the following network.
Solution : Lets assign currents to each part of the circuit between the node points. We have
two node points Which will give us three different currents. Lets assume that the currents are in
clockwise direction.
So the current on the segment EFAB is I1, on the segment BCDE is I3 and on the segment EB is

Using the Kirchhoff's current Law for the node B yields the equation

I1 + I2 = I3.

For the node E we will get the same equation.Then we use Kirchhoff's voltage law

-4 I1+ (-30) -5 I1 - 10I1 -60 +10I2 =0

When through the battery from (-) to (+), on the segment EF, potential difference is -30, and
on segment FA moving through the resistor of 5
will result in the potential difference of -5 I1 and in a similar way we can find the potential
differences on the other segment of the loop EFAB.

In the loop BCDE, Kirchhoff's voltage law will yield the following equation:

-30 I3+ 120-10I2+60 =0

Now we have three equations with three unknowns:

I1 + I2 - I3 =0
-19 I1 +10 I2 = 90
-10 I2 -30 I3 = -180

This linear system can be solved by methods of linear Algebra. Linear Algebra is more useful
when the network is very complicated and the number of the unknowns is large.

The system above has the following solution:

I1 = -1.698
I2 = 5.7736
I3 =4.0755

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