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Ciclo 2017-I



Trabajo 3502-35116 INGLES II

acadmico Docente: Nota:
2 1
Ciclo: Seccin:
Mdulo I
Datos del alumno: Forma de publicacin:
Apellidos y nombres:
Publicar su archivo(s) en la opcin TRABAJO ACADMICO que figura en
Santiago Cervantes Damner el men contextual de su curso
Cdigo de matrcula:
Panel de control:
Uded de matrcula:

Fecha de publicacin en
campus virtual DUED

Hasta el Domingo 28 de
Mayo 2017
(Hora peruana)

1. Recuerde verificar la
correcta publicacin de
su Trabajo Acadmico
en el Campus Virtual
antes de confirmar al
sistema el envo
definitivo al Docente.

Revisar la
previsualizacin de su
trabajo para asegurar
archivo correcto.

2. Las fechas de publicacin de trabajos acadmicos a travs del campus virtual DUED LEARN estn definidas
en la plataforma educativa, de acuerdo al cronograma acadmico 2017-I por lo que no se aceptarn
trabajos extemporneos.
3. Las actividades de aprendizaje que se encuentran en los textos que recibe al matricularse, servirn para su
autoaprendizaje mas no para la calificacin, por lo que no debern ser consideradas como trabajos
acadmicos obligatorios.

Gua del Trabajo Acadmico:

4. Recuerde: NO DEBE COPIAR DEL INTERNET, el Internet es nicamente una fuente de
consulta. Los trabajos copias de internet sern verificados con el SISTEMA
ANTIPLAGIO UAP y sern calificados con 00 (cero).

5. Estimado alumno:
El presente trabajo acadmico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso.
Para el examen parcial Ud. debe haber logrado desarrollar hasta _____y para el examen final debe haber
desarrollado el trabajo completo.

Criterios de evaluacin del trabajo acadmico:

Este trabajo acadmico ser calificado considerando criterios de evaluacin segn naturaleza del curso:

Presentacin adecuada Considera la evaluacin de la redaccin, ortografa, y presentacin del

1 del trabajo trabajo en este formato.
Considera la revisin de diferentes fuentes bibliogrficas y electrnicas
confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados, citando segn la normativa
2 bibliogrfica:
Se sugiere ingresar al siguiente enlace de video de orientacin:

Situacin problemtica o Considera el anlisis contextualizado de casos o la solucin de

3 caso prctico: situaciones problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso.

Considera la aplicacin de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y

4 Otros contenidos
escenarios diversos, valorando el componente actitudinal y tico.


1. Anecdotes (7.5 points)

Write a story titled A funny thing happened on the way to

Introduce the characters and the setting.
Develop what happens in the story
Write the ending of the story. Describe how the story ends

Adderling, a young man who liked to walk home, found himself on

the road with his friends, riuson, inderson, and his pets that
walked him. They sat in a park and remembered the anecdotes of
the lived works. Adderling was a person who was already married,
while his friends were single. The talk was very pleasant and the
hours passed quickly so the talk left him for another date. His
beloved wife and children were waiting for him at home. The talk
was over but there was a date in which to meet again and share
some entertainments.

2. Occupations and professions

Investigate and make a list of the most common professions and

occupations in Peru.
Choose one of them, conduct a research and write a description of it.
(7.5 points)

The labor market in Peru is constantly changing. We will make a list of

the races with more demands.

- Civil Engineering
- Administration and Business
- Contabiliteness
- Economy
- Law
- Communication Sciences
- Business administration (technical)
- Marketing
- Psychology

Economists with more jobs in Peru.

Economics is the science that studies the human relations involved in the
processes of production of goods and services.
To study economics you must have basic knowledge with numbers and
statistics, especially having a high layer of analysis.
The field that can be worked is the public and private sector.
Within the area there are labor economics, environmental economics and
political economy.
According to the Ministry of Labor, the salary of an economist graduated
is of 1,100.00 a / 4,600.00 nuevos soles.

3. Write a question. Use the following words: (5 points)

a. How will you finish your project?

b. What will you do tomorrow afternoon?

c. When will your classes start at university?

d. Where is the gym?

e. Who is the smartest?

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