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H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review
Second Quarter 2017
18 April 2017 Compiled by Michael Cangemi,
Binghamton University

Foreign Affairs, Vol. 96, No.2 (March/April 2017)

Trump Time

Trump Time: Whats Inside by Gideon Rose

The Jacksonian Revolt: American Populism and the Liberal Order, by Walter Russell Mead
Trump and the Economy: How to Jump-Start Growth, by John Paulson
Trump and Russia: The Right Way to Manage Relations, by Eugene B. Rumer, Richard Sokolsky, and Andrew S.
Trump and China: Getting to Yes with Beijing, by Susan Shirk
Trump and Terrorism: U.S. Strategy After ISIS, by Peter D. Feaver and Hal Brands
Trump and the Holy Land: First, Do No Harm, by Dana H. Allin and Steven N. Simon
Trump and North Korea: Reviving the Art of the Deal, by John Delury
Trump and World Order: The Return of Self-Help, by Stewart M. Patrick


How America Lost Faith in Expertise, and Why Thats a Giant Problem, by Tom Nichols
Asias Other Revisionist Power: Why U.S. Grand Strategy Unnerves China, by Jennifer Lind
Chinas Great Awakening: How the Peoples Republic Got Religion, by Ian Johnson
How to Hunt a Lone Wolf Countering Terrorists Who Act on Their Own, by Daniel Byman
The Dignity Deficit: Reclaiming Americans Sense of Purpose, by Arthur C. Brooks
The Prisoner Dilemma: Ending Americas Incarceration Epidemic, by Holly Harris
High Stakes: The Future of U.S. Drug Policy, by Mark A.R. Kleiman
An Internet Whole and Free: Why Washington Was Right to Give Up Control, by Kal Raustiala

Review Essays

Destination: Europe: Managing the Migrant Crisis, by Elizabeth Collett

The Renminbi Goes Global: The Meaning of Chinas Money, by Barry Eichengreen

Foreign Policy (March/April 2017)


The Things They Carried: The Refugee Puppeteer, by Alice Su

The Rapists Loophole: Marriage, by Ruby Mellen
The Exchange: Masih Alinejad and Krstyna Kacpura on the Power of Sisterhood and Solidarity
H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Mappa Mundi

A Blow to the Soul, by David Rothkopf

National Security

Helicopter President, by James Bamford


Gender Hack, by Gillian Tett

The Fixer

Out and About in Astana, Kazakhstan, interview by Joanna Lillis

Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol.13, No.2 (April 2017)

Rising Regional Powers and International Relations Theories: Comparing Brazil and Indias Foreign Security Policies
and Their Search for Great-Power Status, by Mario E. Carranza, 255-277
The Politics of Brazilian Foreign Policy and Its Analytical Challenges, by Carlos R.S. Milani and Leticia Pinheiro, 278-
Brazils Soft-Power Strategy: The Political Aspirations of South-South Development Cooperation, by Sandra H. Bry,
The Energy Statecraft of Brazil: Promoting Biofuels to African Countries, by Klaus Guimraes Dalgaard, 317-337
Sellout Ministries and Jingoes: Chinas Bureaucratic Institutions and the Evolution of Contested National Role
Conceptions in the South China Sea, by Evan Jones, 361-379
Why So Many Layers? Chinas State-Speak and Its Classification of Partnerships, by Jiun Bang, 380-397
Were Those Decisions Righteously Made? The Chinese Tradition of Righteous War and Chinas Decisions for War,
1950-1979, by Cheng-Yun Chang, 398-415
The Foreign Policy Attitudes of Indian Elites: Variance, Structure, and Common Denominators, by Sumit Ganguly,
Timothy Hellwig, and William R. Thompson, 416-438
Competing Identities and Security Interests in the Indo-U.S. Relationship, by Zachary Selden and Stuart Strome,
Policy Discourses and Security Issues: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward India During the Clinton Administration, by
Carina van de Wettering, 460-479
Russian Images of the European Union: Before and after Maidan, by Natalia Chaban, Ole Elgstrom, and Olga
Gulyaeva, 480-499
Vodka or Bourbon? Foreign Policy Preferences Toward Russia and the United States in Georgia, by David S. Siroky,
Alan James Simmons, and Giorgi Gvalia, 500-518

French History, Vol.31, No.1 (March 2017)

Saving the king: Philippe de Mzire representation of Charles VI of France in Le Songe du vieil pelerine and
LEpistre au roi richart, by Rosemary Howard Gill, 1-19
The royal court and civil war at the founding of the Bourbon dynasty, 1589-95, by Marc W.S. Jaffr, 20, 38
Parisian cafs in European perspective: contexts of consumption, 1660-1730, by Craig Koslofsky, 39-62
Political divisions, gender and politics: the case of revolutionary Marseille, by Laura Talamante, 63-84
An appetite for argument: radio propaganda and food in occupied France, by Kay Chadwick, 85-106

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

German History, Vol.35, No.1 (March 2017)

The Town Chronical of Johannes Hass: History Writing and Divine Intervention in the Early Sixteenth Century, by
Martin Christ, 1-20
Selling Scientific Authority: Radium Spas, Advertising and Popular Understandings of Radioactivity in Germany, 1900-
1937, by Caitlin E. Murdock, 21-42
Lobby for the Nazi Elite? The Protestant Churches and Civilian Internment in the British Zone of Occupied Germany,
1945-1948, by Andrew H. Beattie, 43-70
Taming Nuclear Power: The Accident near Harrisburg and the Change in West German and International Nuclear
Policy in the 1970s and early 1980s, by Frank Bsch, 71-95


Magnus Hirschfelds Meanings: Analysing Biography and the Politics of Representation, by Kirsten Leng, 96-116


A German Century? by Geoff Eley, 117-126

German Politics, Vol. 26, No.1 (January 2017)

Introduction: Parties and Voters at the 2013 German Federal Election, by Robert Rohrschneider and Rdiger
Schmitt-Beck, 1-11
Social Cleavages and Electoral Behaviour in Long-Term Perspective: Alignment without Mobilisation? by Martin Elff
and Sigrid Roteutscher, 12-34
An Angela Merkel Effect? The Impact of Gender on CDU/CSU Voting Intention between 1998 and 2013, by Marc
Debus, 35-48
Another Dog that didnt Bark? Less Dealignment and more Partisanship in the 2013 Bundestag Election, by Kai
Arzheimer, 49-64
Merkwrdig oder nicht? What Economic Voting Models and the 2013 Bundestag Elections Have to Say about Each
Other, by Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten, 65-82
Party Positions about European Integration in Germany: An Electoral Quandary? by Robert Rohrschneider and
Stephen Whitefield, 83-103
Instrumental and Expressive Coalition Voting: The Case of the FDP in the 2009 and 2013 German Federal Elections,
by Sascha Huber, 104-123
The Alternative fr Deutschland in the Electorate: Between Single-Issue and Right-Wing Populist Party, by Rdiger
Schmitt-Beck, 124-148
If You Dont Know Me by Now: Explaining Local Candidate Recognition, by Heiko Giebler and Bernhard Weels, 149-
Correct Voting at the 2013 German Federal Election: An Analysis of Normatively Desirable Campaign Effects, by Ben
Christian, 170-186

German Politics, Vol. 26, No.2 (April 2017)

Dialogues, Trialogues and Triangles: The Geometry of Germanys Foreign Policy of Trust-Building, by Jennifer A.
Yoder, 195-218
Really Two Deeply Divided Electorates? German Federal Elections 1990-2013, by Tom Mannewitz, 219-234

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Euroscepticism and Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes in Germany: A Result of the Dialectic Nature of Progress? by
Johannes Kiess, Elmar Brhler, Gabriele Schmutzer and Oliver Decker, 235-254
Bureaucratic Migration Politics: German Support for Common EU Policies on Labour Migration, by Matthias Michael
Mayer, 255-272
Invalid Voting in German Constituencies, by Matthias Fatke and Till Heinsohn, 273-291
Civil Liberties vs. Security: Why Citizens Accept or Reject Digital Security Measures, by Mathias Bug and Sebastian
U. Bukow, 292-313
The More, the Merrier? Interest Groups and Legislative Change in the Public Hearings of the German Parliamentary
Committees, by Rainer Eising and Florian Spohr, 314-333

German Politics & Society, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Spring 2017) Forthcoming

Wal-Mart Goes to Germany: Culture, Institutions, and the Limits of Globalization, by Matthias Kaelberer
Cues for Integration: Foreign Policy Beliefs and German Parliamentarians Support for European Integration, by A.
Burcu Bayram
Germany and Russia Since Reunification: Continuity, Change, and the Role of Leaders, by Randall Newnham
Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Germany: A Case of Good, but Could Do Better by Dan Hough

Histoire Politique: Politique, Culture, Socit, Revue lectronique du Centre dhistoire de Sciences Po., No.31
(janvier-fvrier 2017)

Le dossier
Lhistorien dans la Cit. Actualits dune question classique

Lhistorien dans la Cit. Actualits dune question classique. Introduction, by Marc Lazar, Jakob Vogel
Lhistoire dans le dbat politique franais, by Sudhir Hazareesingh
Rcit national et histoire mondiale. Comment crire lhistoire de France au XXIe sicle? by Patrick Boucheron and
Nicolas Delalande
Historians for Britain in Europe a Personal History, by Andrew Knapp
Les historiens polonais face a lexprience de la << dmoctatie illibrale >> by Georges Mink
Lhistoire en Hongrie aujordhui a travers linterprtation du rgime Horthy, by Catherina Horel
Agitated Times: Why Historians Need to Question the Rhetoric of the Refugee Crisis, by Barbara Lthi
LHistoire devant le racisme et lantismitisme, by Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci
Lhistorien et la question cologique, by Franois Jarrige


Dangereux virage? Les choix politiques des sociaux-dmocrates finalndais a la fin des anns 1920, by Maurice
lie Halvy. Un regard franais indit sur le New Deal de Franklin D. Roosevelt, by Marie Scot
La naissance de lAssociation pour la dmocratie et lducation locale et sociale (ADELS) en 1959: une histoire ou
des histoires? by Maryvonne Prvot

Pistes & dbats

La disparition de Maurice Audin. Les historiens a lpreuve dune enqute impossible (1957-2014) by Sylvie


H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Une leon indite dlie Halvy: La question sociale aux tats-Unis. Lexprience Roosevelt by Marie Scot

The Historian, Vol.79, No.1 (Spring 2017)

Early Modern Irish Exceptionalism Revisited, by William Palmer, 9-31

Liberty and Slavery in Colonial America: The Case of Georgia, 1732-1770, by Andrew C. Lannen, 32-55
An Anglo-American Petroleum-Entente?: The First Attempt to Reach an Anglo-American Oil Agreement, 1921, by
Anand Toprani, 56-79
True Art Sells Itself: XY Magazine and the Gay Press in Digital-Age America, by Michael Hitchcock, 80-99

The Historical Journal, Vol.60, No.1 (March 2017)

Taming Transgression and Violence in The Carnivals of Early Modern Naples, by Gabriel Guarino, 1-20
Militant Catholicism, Interconfessional Relations, and the Rookwood Family of Stanningfield, Suffolk, c. 1689-1737,
by Carys Brown, 21-45
Reappropriation, Resistance, and British Autocracy in Sri Lanka, 1820-1850, by James Wilson, 47-69
Islanders, Protestant Missionaries, and Traditions Regarding the Past in Nineteenth-Century Polynesia, by Tom
Smith, 71-94
Reverse Emulation and the Cult of Japanese Efficiency in Edwardian Britain, by Chika Tonooka, 95-119
Contests of Vital Importance: By-Elections, the Labour Party, and the Reshaping of British Radicalism, 1924-1929,
by Malcolm R. Petrie, 121-148
Staging Friendship: Mussolini and Hitler in Germany in 1937, by Christian Goeschel, 149-172
Civil Servants, Political History, and the Interpretation of Traditions, by Dennis C. Grube, 173-196
Britain, the Two World Wars, and the Problem of Narrative, by David Reynolds, 197-231

Historiographical Review

The Republic of the Refugees: Early Modern Migrations and the Dutch Experience, by Geert H. Janssen, 233-252

Historical Research, Vol.90, No.247 (February 2017)

A revolution in March: the overthrow of tsarism in Krasnoiarsk, by Alistair Dickins, 11-31

The dictatorship of the democracy? The Council of Peoples Commissars as Bolshevik-Left Socialist Revolutionary
coalition government, December 1917-March 1918, by Lara Douds, 32-56
Russias revolutionaries on vacation: anti-government activities in the Finnish countryside, 1900-17, by Kitty Lam,
White water, Red tide: Sino-Russian conflict on the Amur 1917-20, by Yuexin Rachel Lin, 76-100
The battle for spaces and places in Russias civil war: revolutionary tribunals and state power, 1917-22, by
Matthew Rendle, 101-116
Revolutionary conscience, remorse and resentment: emotions and early Soviet criminal law, 1917-22, by Pavel
Vasilyev, 117-133
Breaking free from the prison walls: penal reforms and prison life in revolutionary Russia, by Aaron B. Retish, 134-
They know not what they do? Bolshevik understandings of the agency of perpetrators, 1918-30, by James Ryan,
Fighters for Ukrainian independence? Imposture and identity among Ukrainian warlords, 1917-22, by Christopher
Gilley, 172-190
Revolution in health: nervous weakness and visions of health in revolutionary Russia, c. 1900-31, by Simon Pawley,

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Ability to bear rights or ability to work? The meaning of rights and equality for the Russian deaf in the revolutionary
period, by Maria Cristina Galmarini-Kabala, 210-229
Inspiring a fourth revolution? The modern revolutionary tradition and the problems surrounding the
commemoration of 1917 in 2017 Russia, by Matthew Rendle and Anna Lively, 230-249

Historical Research, Vol.90, No.248 (May 2017)

Bullets and dish-bearers in Anglo-Saxon courts: household officers at the royal table, by Alban Gautier, 269-295
The Gallaunts of Fawey: a case study of Fowey during the Hundred Years War, c. 1337-1399, by S.J. Drake, 296-
A conservative family? The Howard women and responses to religious change during the early Reformation, c.
1530-1558, by Nicola Clark, 318-340
The public rivalry between regulated and joint stock corporations and the development of seventeenth-century
corporate constitutions, by William A. Pettigrew and Tristan Stein, 341-362
To become again our brethren: desertion and community during the American Revolutionary War, 1775-83, by
Jonathan Chandler, 363-380
Ambition, anxiety and aspiration: the use and abuse of Cambridge Universitys tenyear divinity statute, by Sara
Slinn, 381-403
Passages from India: Indian anti-colonial activism in exile, 1905-20, by Zaib un Nisa Aziz, 404-421
The vagaries and value of the army transport mule in the British army during the First World War, Andrekos
Varnava, 422-446

History Vol.102, No.349 (January 2017)

Caring for Soldiers, Veterans and Families in Scotland, 1638-1651, by Chris R. Langley, 5-23
News Networks in Early Modern Wales, by Lloyd Bowen, 24-44
The Parish Elite at Play? Cricket, Community and the Middling Sort in Eighteenth-Century Kent, by Matthew
Cragoe, 45-67
A Great Turkish Policy: Winston Churchill, the Ottoman Empire and the Origin of the Dardanelles Campaign, by A.
Warren Dockter, 68-91
Experiences, Images and Political Reflections on the First World War in Italian Interwar Literature, by Lucio
Valenti, 92-110

History Vol.102, No.350 (April 2017)

Alexander of Teleses Encomium of Capua and the Formation of the Kingdom of Sicily, by Paul Oldfield, 183-200
The Anglo-Scottish War of 1558 and the Scottish Reformation, by Amy Blakeway, 201-224
African American Citizenship, the 1883 Civil Rights Cases and the Creation of the Jim Crow South, by Stephen
Robinson, 225-241
Hector Davies: A Liberal at War, by Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, 242-258

Review Articles

The Intellectual Foundations of Burke Scholarship, by J.C.D. Clark, 259-270

Long Shadows of the Shoah: The Aftermath in Holocaust Historiography, by Jan Lanicek, 271-286

History Compass, Vol.15 No.1 (January 2017)

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017


Indias many Puritans: Connectivity and friction in the study of modern Hinduism, by Brian A. Hatcher


The governance of Ottonian Germany in historiographical perspective, by Laura Wangerin

North America

Wilsonian Ambitions for American Engagement in the First Gulf War, by Ashley Cox


The Unbelieved and Historians, Part II: Proposals and solutions, by Luke Closey, Kyle Jackson, Brandon Marriott,
Andrew Redden and Karin Vlez

History Compass, Vol.15 No.2 (February 2017)

Making and Unmaking the Naiton in World History

Making and Unmaking the Nation in World History: Introduction, by Sophie-Jung H. Kim, Alastair McClure and
Joseph McQuade
Late Qing Multilingualism and National Linguistic Practice in the Qing Borderlands, by Jiani He
Political Culture in Jamaica Before Anticolonial Nationalism, by Jake Christopher Richards
Nationalism and Internationalism in the Study of International Relations, 1900-1939, by Jan Stckmann
Building Burma: Constructing Rangoons Urban Influence on Citizenship and Nationhood, by Michael Sugarmann
German economic and social sciences between the national and the transnational: The Verin fr Sozialpolitik, 1872-
1952, by Steven McClellan
The Afropolitan Idea: New Perspectives on Cosmopolitanism in African Studies, by Sarah Balakrishnan

History and Theory, Vol.56, No.1 (March 2017)

A World Connecting? From the Unity of History to Global History, by Franz L. Fillafer, 3-37
Postcoloniality and the Two Sites of Historicity, by Ritwik Ranjan, 38-53

Forum: On Azfar Moins The Millennial Sovereign

India in a World: Dilemmas of Sovereignty, by Neilesh Bose, 54-60

Of Sovereigns, Sacred Kings, and Polemics, by Hussein Fancy, 61-70
Buddhist Technologies of Statecraft and Millennial Moments, by Anne M. Blackburn, 71-79
Imperial Sovereignty in Mughal and British Forms, by David Gilmartin, 80-88
Millennial Sovereignty, Total Religion, and Total Politics, by A. Azfar Moin, 89-97

Review Essays

What is History? What is Literature? by Dominick LaCapra, 98-113

Postmodernism, Social Science, and History: Returning to an Unfinished Agenda, by David D. Roberts, 114-126

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

The Truth Hurts: Vera Schwarczs Heartfelt Quest, by Joshua A. Fogel, 127-137
The Crisis of Humanity: Or, What if We Have Never Been Human? by Adam Dodd, 138-145
Forgery and the Specter of Philology, by Ines G. Zupanov, 146-159

The History of European Ideas, Vol. 43, No.2 (2017)

The Machiavellian Moment Turns Forty: Re-thinking J.G.A. Pococks Intellectual Legacy: Guest Editors Mauricio
Suchowlansky and Kiran Banerjee

Foreward: The Machiavellian Moment Turns Forty, by Mauricio Suchowlansky and Kiran Banerjee, 125-128
From The Ancient Constitution to Barbarism and Religion; The Machiavelian Moment, the history of political thought
and the history of historiography, by J.G.A. Pocock, 129-146
The Absence of Macpherson and Strauss in Pococks Machiavellian Moment, by Edward Andrew, 147-155
The Concept of Corruption in J.G.A. Pococks The Machiavellian Moment, by Robert Sparling, 156-170
Pocock, Machiavelli and Political Contingency in Foreign Affairs: Republican Existentialism Outside (and Within) the
City, by John P. McCormick, 171-183
Citizens, Subjects or Tyrants? Relocating the People in Pococks Machiavellian Moment, by Kiran Banerjee and
Mauricio Suchowlansky, 184-197
Barons Wars, under Other Names: Feudalism, Royalism and the American Founding, by Eric Nelson, 198-214
Afterword: The Machiavellian Moment: A Very Short Retrospect and Re-Introduction, by J.G.A. Pocock, 215-221

Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Vol.8, No.1

Can a Citizen be Sovereign? by Patrick Weil

UNESCO and the United Nations Rights of Man Declaration: History, Historiography, Ideology, by Mark Goodale
African Bureaucrats and the Exhaustion of the Developmental State: Lessons from the Pages of the Sudanese
Economist, by Alden Young
Debating History and Memory: Examining the Controversy Surrounding Iris Changs The Rape of Nanking, by Erik
Working with the Frames of War, by Jean-Philippe Dedieu
A Lens on Mohamedou Slahi at Guantnamo: A Conversation with Debi Cornwall and Larry Siems, by Debi Cornwall,
Jean-Philippe Dedieu, Larry Siems
Gitmo at Home, Gitmo at Play, by Debi Cornwall
The Myrdals Eugenicist Roots, by Nils Gilman
Will Mydrals America Show Up, by Lauri Thtinen
Gunnar Myrdals An American Dilemma (1944) as a Swedish Text: A Further Analysis, by Maribel Morey
Gunnar Myrdal and the Failed Promises of the Postwar International Economic Settlement, by Jamie Martin
Welfare World, by Samuel Moyn
An International Dilemma: The Postwar Utopianism of Gunna Myrdals Beyond the Welfare State, by Isaac
Asian Drama Revisited, by Benjamin Siegel
From Welfare World to Global Poverty, by Simon Reid-Henry

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 32, No. 1 (2017)

Profiles in intelligence: an interview with Michael Herman, by Mark Phythian, 1-8

The intelligence of fear, by John A. Gentry, 9-25
Collision in Manchuria: rescue, intelligence, and the Cold War in Asia, August-September 1945, by Jonathan
Blackshear Chavanne, 26-36

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

JFK, FBI, and CIA: playing hardball over an intelligence leak to the New York Times, by David M. Barrett, 37-53
Dudley Clarkes official history of military deception, 1944-1945, by Brett E. Lintott, 54-67
Democracy and the depth of intelligence sharing: why regime type hardly matters, by Jonathan N. Brown and Alex
Farrington, 68-84
Political-intelligence elites, Strategic Political Communication and the press: the need for, and utility of, a benchmark
of public accountability demands, by Vian Bakir, 85-106
Counterinsurgency agent networks and noncombatant-target violence, by Britta Stime, 107-125

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2017)

U.S. counterterrorism intelligence cooperation with the developing world and its limits, by Daniel Byman, 145-160
The incoherence of the only serious argument for torture, by Emma Harries, 161-178
Gross inefficiency and criminal negligence: the Services Reconnaissance Department in Timor in 1943-45 and the
Darwin war crimes trials in 1946, by Narrelle Morris, 179-194
An ethical defense of treason by means of espionage, by Joseph M. Hatfield, 195-207
Operation Sussex: your worst enemy is your ally, by D. Rex Winslow, 208-221
Signal recognition during the emergence of pandemic influene type A/H1N1: a commercial disease intelligence units
perspective, by James M. Wilson, V, 222-230
National Intelligence University: a half century educating the next generation of U.S. Intelligence Community
Leaders, by William C. Spracher, 231-243
Ultra revisited, a tale of two contributors, by Gordon Welchman, 244-255
British codebreaking and American diplomatic telegrams, 1914-1915, by Daniel Larsen, 256-263

Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2017)

A battle lost: re-examining the role of German radio intelligence in the Battle of Gumbinnen, by Andrew H. Smoot,
Birth of Russian SIGNIT during World War I on the Baltic Sea, by Ivo Juurvee, 300-312
A shadowy entity: M.I.1(b) and British Communications Intelligence, 1914-1922, by James Bruce, 313-332
A matter of opinion: British attempts to assess the attrition of German manpower, 1915-1917, by Louis Halewood,
Seeing over the hill: the Canadian Corps, intelligence, and the battle of Hill 70, July-August 1917, by John Ferris,
Impermanent alliances: cryptologic cooperation between the United States, Britain, and France on the Western
Front, 1917-1918, by Betsy Rohaly Smoot, 365-377
World War I and the birth of American intelligence culture, by Mark Stout, 378-394

The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2017)

The Gazi Baba Reception Centre for Foreigners in Macedonia: migrants caught at the crossroad between hypocrisy
and complying with the rule of law, by Charles Veigel, Olga Koshevalisk Gurkova, Borka Tushevska and Ana
Nikodinovska Krstevska, 103-119
The dark side of Zwarte Piet: A misunderstood tradition or racism in disguise? A legal analysis, by Koen Lemmens,
A praxis-based understanding of new duty bearers examining contextual realities in the DRC, by Tine Destrooper
and Pascal Sundi Mbambi, 142-166
The disparity between human rights policy and parliamentary practice in Australia: A Victorian case study, by Clare
Farmer, 167-188

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Long-term adverse outcomes from neonatal circumcision reported in a survey of 1,008 men: an overview of health
and human rights implications, by Tim Hammond and Adrienne Carmack, 189-218

The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2017)

A realistic utopia? Critical analyses of the Human Rights State in theory and deployment

Introduction: A realistic utopia? Critical analyses of the Human Rights State in theory and deployment: Guest
editors introduction, by Ren Wolfsteller and Benjamin Gregg, 219-229
The institutionalisation of human rights reconceived: the human rights state as a sociological ideal type, by Ren
Wolfsteller, 230-251
Achieved not given: human rights, critique and the need for strong foundation, by Yingru Li and John McKernan,
The human rights project and the transformation of social (b)orders: on the political nature of human rights activism
in the wake of the Zapatista uprising, by Richard Georgi, 270-288
Democracy, social authoritarianism, and the human rights state theory: towards effective citizenship in Brazil, by
Ulisses Terto Neto, 289-305
The human rights state and freedom of religion in south-eastern Europe: the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina, by
Gorana Ognjenovic and Jasna Jozelic, 306-320
Revisiting the human right to democracy: a positivist analysis, by Johannes Hendrik Fahner, 321-341
Note from the field: applying a human rights cognitive style in the Raoul Wallenberg Institutes work on human
rights education with universities, by Olga Bezbozhana and Helena Olsson, 342-358
The human rights state: theoretical challenges, empirical deployments: reply to my critics, by Benjamin Gregg

The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 21, No. 4 (2017)

Special Issue: Social-Environmental Conflicts, Extractivism and Human Rights in Latin America

Introduction: Contemporary debates on social-environmental conflicts, extractivism and human rights in Latin
America, by Malayna Raftopoulos, 387-404
Beggars sitting on a sack of gold: Oil exploration in the Ecuadorian Amazon as buen vivir and sustainable
development, by Joanna Morley, 405-441
State-led extractivism and the frustration of indigenous self-determined development: lessons from Bolivia, by
Radoslaw Poweska, 442-463
Ethnic rights and the dilemma of extractive development in plurinational Bolivia, by Rickard Lalander, 464-481
The international human rights discourse as a strategic focus in socio-environmental conflicts: the case of hydro-
electric dams in Brazil, by Marieke Riethof, 482-499
Extracting justice? Colombias commitment to mining and energy as a foundation for peace, by John-Andrew
McNeish, 500-516

International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 49, No. 1 (February 2017)


The Egyptian Labor Crops: Workers, Peasants, and the State in World War I, by Kyle J. Anderson, 5-24
The Political Economist of Private Printing in Cairo as Told from a Commissioning Deal Turned Sour, 1871, by
Kathryn A. Schwartz, 25-45

10 | P a g e
H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

The Afghan Discovery of Buddha: Civilizational History and the Nationalizing of Afghan Antiquity, by Nile Green, 47-
Fear and Loathing in Gavur Izmir: Emotions in Early Republican Memories of the Greek Occupation (1919-22), by
Ellinor Morack, 71-89
Vulnerability and Recognition in Syrian Prison Literature, by R. Shareah Taleghani, 91-109
Egyptian Comics and the Challenge to Patriarchal Authoritarianism, by Jacob Higilt, 111-131


Historicizing Slavery in the Medieval Islamic World, by Craig Perry, 133-138

Slavery and the Historiography of Non-Muslims in the Medieval Middle East, by Lev Weitz, 139-142
Toward an Abbasid History of Emotion: The Case of Slavery, by Julia Bray, 143-147
Concubinage and Consent, by Kecia Ali, 148-152
Unhappy Offspring? Concubines and Their Songs in Early Abbasid Society, by Matthew Gordon, 153-157
Slavery in the Conquest Period, by Chase F. Robinson, 158-163
On the Provenance of Slaves in Mecca during the Time of the Prophet Muhammad, by Hend Gilli-Elewy, 164-168
What Does the Slave Trade in the Saqaliba Tell Us about the Early Islamic Slavery? by Marek Jankowiak, 169-172

Review Article

The Environmental Turn in Middle East History, by George R. Trumbull, 173-180

International Organization, Vol. 71, No.1 (January 2017)

Peacekeeping, Compliance with International Norms, and Transactional Sex in Monrovia, Liberia, by bernd Beber,
Michael J. Gilligan, Jenny Guardado, and Sabrina Karim, 1-30
The Politics of Territorial Claims: A Geospatial Approach Applied to Africa, by Hein E. Goemans and Kenneth A.
Schultz, 31-64
International Labor Mobility and the Variety of Democratic Political Institutions, by David H. Bearce and Andrew F.
Hart, 65-95
The Economic Origins of the Territorial State, by Scott F. Abramson, 97-130
Producing the Climate: States, Scientists, and the Constitution of Global Governance Objects, by Bentley B. Allan,
Winning to Peace Locally: U.N. Peacekeeping and Local Conflict, by Andrea Ruggeri, Han Dorussen, and Theodora-
Ismene Gizelis, 163-185
Does Foreign Aid Target the Poorest? by Ryan C. Briggs, 187-206

International Relations, Vol. 31, No. 1 (March 2017)

The institutional design of the United Nations General Assembly: an effective equalizer? by Diana Panke, 3-20
New national organization of Europe: nationalism and minority rights after the end of the Cold War, by Matti Jutila,
Who f(o)unded IR: American philanthropies and the discipline of Internaitonal Relations in Europe, by Deniz Kuru,


International Relations in the prison of colonial modernity, by David L. Blaney and Arlene B. Tickner, 71-75

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

Whose International is it anyway? Womens peace activists as International Relations theorists, by Laura J.
Shepherd, 76-80
Out of one prison, into another? Comments on Rosenberg, by Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, 81-84
Distinguishing a minimalist role for grand theorizing, by Stephen G. Brooks, 85-89
The elusive international by Justin Rosenberg, 90-103

International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 18, No. 1 (February 2017)

PeaceTech: The Liminal Spaces of Digital Technology in Peacebuilding, by Pamina firchow, Charles Martin-Shields,
Atalia Omer, and Roger Mac Ginty, 4-42
Wakest P in the 1325 Pod? Realizing Conflict Prevention through Security Council Resolution 1325, by Soumita
Basu and Catia C. Confortini, 43-63
Criminality and Violence in South America: The Challenges for Peace and UNASURs Response, by Marcos Alan S.V.
Ferreira, 64-80
Bridging the Gap between Human Rights and Peace: An Analysis of NGOs and the United Nations Human Rights
Council, by Charity Butcher and Maia Carter Hallward, 81-109
After Liberal Peace? From Failed State-Building to an Emancipatory Peace in Kosovo, by Gezim Visora and Oliver
Richmond, 110-129

Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2 (2017)

The Invention of Judeo-Arabic, by Elia Shohat, 153-200

To Fight is to Exist, by Somdeep Sen, 201-217
Bulgarias Zionism, The Colonization of Palestine and The Question of Balkan Postcoloniality, by Dusan I. Bjelic,
Darwishs Geography, by Tahrir Hamdi, 238-257
Palestinian Writings in the World: A Polylingual Literary Category Between Local and Transnational Realms, by
Maurice Ebileeni, 258-281
The Arab Spring and Orientalist Stereotypes: The Role of Orientalism in the Narration of the Revolts in the Arab
World, by Lorella Ventura, 282-297

Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2017)

A Postcolonial Museum of War: Curating War and Colonialism at Vietnams War Remnants Musem, by Kim Hong
Nguyen, 301-321
Primitive Accumulation and Primitive Subjects in Postcolonial India: Tracing the Myriad Real and Virtual Lives of
Mediatized Indigeneity Activism, by Uday Chandra, 322-337
The Terror of Decolonization: Exploring French Indias Goonda Raj, by Jessica Namakkal, 338-357
Culture in (Post)Colonial Egypt, by Haggag Ali, 358-375
Narrating the Asylum Story: Between Literary and Legal Storytelling, by Agnes Woolley, 376-394
The Rural Turn in Contemporary Writing by Black and Asian Britons, by Corinne Fowler, 395-415
National Form and Socialist Content: Soviet Modernization and Making of Uzbek National Opera Between the 1920s
and 1930s, by Boram Shin, 416-433

Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2017)

Towards an Ethics of Bilingualism: An Intertextual Dialogue Between Khatibi and Derrida, by Tina Dransfeldt
Christensen, 447-466

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], F-I, Second Quarter 2017

The Sirens Children: Rethinking Postcolonial Naples, by Maria Ridda, 467-486

Unveiling the Colonizal Gaze: Sahrawi Women in Nascent Nation-state Formation in the Western Sahara, by
Konstantina Isidoros, 487-506
The End of Occupation, by Shih-Diing Liu, 507-531
Dil Se: Love, Fantasy and Negotiation in Hindi Film Songs, by Rita Kothari and Apurva Shah, 532-549
Different Identity Formations in Bengal Partition Narratives by Dalit Refugees, by Sarbani Banerjee, 550-565
Differential Subalterns in the Niyamgiri Movement in India, by Radhika Borde, 566-582
New Ways of Thinking Recovery from Trauma in Arundhati Roys the God of Small Things and Two other South Indian
Narratives of Caste-based Atrocity, by Margaret Herrick, 583-598.

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