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ALBU, Terminology
Worksheet for Lecture 10: Definitions in Terminology


10.1.Rules of Definition:
10.1.1 A definition must not be expressed in obscure language
! Spencer's definition of evolution as "an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion, during
which the matter passes from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity, and
during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation" is obscure, because it attempts to explain
the unknown with the even more unknown, and thus fails in its purpose.
10.1.2 A definition must be neither too broad nor too narrow.
! Def. of talent: "The ability to compose beautiful lyrics while taking a bath" (too narrow); ability to do
something (too wide)
10.1.3 A definition must not be circular.
! herpetologist - "one who studies or specializes in herpetology"
10.1.4 A definition must not be negative where it can be affirmative.
! chair not a bed and not a table

10.2. Methods of Definition:

10.2.1 Definition by Genus and Specific Difference
man a rational animal
10.2.2 Partition Definition (Partitive Definition)
evening dress - "men's clothing consisting of a tailcoat and matching trousers (usually in black or midnight
blue), a white stiff-bosomed shirt and a white bow tie".
10.2.3 Definition by Description
mirror - "a polished surface, usually made of glass, that forms images by reflection".
10.2.4 Operational Definition
product - "the number resulting from the multiplication together of two or more numbers
10.2.5 Synonymous Definition (definition by Synonym)
bellis perennis daisy
10.2.6 Definition by demonstration (provides a visual reference such as a drawing, illustration, video...)
10.2.7 Extensional Definition (an exhaustive list of the subordinate concepts which correspond to the objects in
the class. This type of definition should be used only if others are inadequate)
noble gas - helium, neon, argon, crypton, kenon or radon.
10.3 Construction of Definitions
10.3.1 Choice of Method
10.3.2. Choice of Defining Terms Defining Nouns Defining Verbs Defining Adjectives Defining Adverbs

10.4. Good Defining Practice:

10.4.1 Adequacy
! The definition of frog test in Butterworths Medical Dictionary is my favorite medical definition. I quote it in full: frog test -
a test used to indicate pregnancy, in which a frog is used. This definition has an engaging simplicity and directness that I
find charming. But one does wonder how the frog i
s used. Do woman and frog stare at one another to see who blinks first? (If the woman, she is pregnant.) Is the test
positive if the woman's touch turns the frog into a prince?" (S.I. Landau, Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography,
10.4.2 Brevity
10.4.3 Clarity
R. ALBU, Terminology
Worksheet for Lecture 10: Definitions in Terminology

Clio: "a gold statuette awarded annually to outstanding commercial work by judges of the American Television
8z Radio Commercials Festival."
10.5 Information for a Definition
A first step in understanding tides of Cape Cod is to study the manner in which the water level rises and falls. A
simple way to do this would be to make a tide staff and attach it to the side of a wharf in a well-protected
harbor. . . The tide staff is simply a long flat board which is marked off into units of feet, numbered from zero at
the bottom to, say, fifteen feet at the top, like a large ruler. (Arthur N. Strahler, A Geologist's View of Cape Cod
(Orleans, Massachusetts: Parnassus Imprints,110106), p. 58.)
10.5.1 Formulating a Defintiion
Tide staff - a long flat board, marked off into units of feet from zero at the bottom to fifteen at the top, used to
study variations in the water level between high and low tide.

10.6 Conclusion
1. Copi, Irving M. Introduction to Logic. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company,1978.
2. Dahlbert, Ingetraut. "Terminological Definitions: Characteristics and Demands." In Problemes de la ilefinition et de la synonymie en
terminologie. Quebec: GIRSTEIM,1983.
3. International Organization for Standardization. International Standard ISO 1024. International terminology standards-Preparation and
layout. Geneva,1992.
4. Kahane, Howard. Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,1969.
5. Kipfer, Barbara Ann. Workbook on Lexicography. Exeter, England: A. Wheaton 8z Co. Ltd.,1984.
6. Landau, Sidney I. Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicogra phy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons,1984.
7. Robinson, Richard. Definition. Oxford, England: The Clarendon Press,1965.
8. Sager, M. Juan Carlos. "Definition in Terminology." In Problemes de la definition et de la synonymie en terminologie. Quebec:

l. Analyze the following context and formulate a definition for flood current and ebb current using the
semantic features identified. State the method of definition you have chosen.
To the geologist, tides are important because the rise and fall of water level sets in motion alternate landward
and seaward flows of water in the entrances to bays and harbors, and in tidal streams. Such water movements
are called tidal currents. . . . As tide level rises, a landward flow of water, the flood current, is set up; this
usually continues strong until well after the water level has begun to fall. The current then comes to a standstill,
the slack water, after which the flow sets in again, but in reverse, to become the ebb current, which moves the
water back toward the open sea. The ebb current flows until well after low water, when it weakens and another
slack water point is reached. So, about every six and a quarter hours there is a current opposite to the direction
of the previous flow. (Source: Strahler, p. 58.)

2. Formulate a definition by genus and difference and a partition definition for the term loom using the
context provided in a previous lecture. Alternatively, you can choose another term and then try to definite it by
two different methods.

3. Analyse the definition of a term in Glossary of Media Terms and the definition of a term in the On-Line
Medical Dictionary. Compare the two. Do both observe the four rules of definition? Which of the two glossaries
appears as more reliable to you? Why?
(Send the result of your research to Deadline: 9 January 2017)

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