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How to optimize your energy for maximum results

The new time management perspective


WHAT ARE THEIR EMOTIONAL NEEDS? : results they want to get? Pain to avoid?




WHY? Needs to be motivated to learn! What they get out of it? What they lose?

If you learn you can have energy to get your goals.

If you dont, Im sorry to tell you, you are going to stay at the same level of results!

WHAT? Theoretical understand the concepts, etc. history, cause and effect.

Show them how it works.

HOW to? Action steps!!! recipe

WHAT IF? I DO IT, then WHAT DO I LEARN learn by experimenting!


3 TOP MISTAKES THE CUSTOMERS MAKE. Give them the top piece:

- Eat at night, before sleeping! We eat to have energy, right?:) why would we need energy for
- Trying to prolong your sleep by using the snooze for waking up in the morning! Gets you even
more tired! Put 10 min later the alarm, but get up immediately. Put the alarm far from you, so
you have to get up.
- Too many thoughts! Not relaxing.


- Start with a BANG. Start strong! Use high emotions words

- Simplify! Short sentences, explain everything. Use simple words! One idea at a time
- Bring each Idea down to real world!!! Go from WHAT TO HOW! The action steps!! ( daily
- Conversational Speech! ( the way regular people talk) Use YOU for strengths, WE for mistakes,
- Stay in Rapport! In the same reality!!

And please do me a favor. E-mail me your ideas, comments, and complaints. I want
to know what you think.

You can e-mail me at:
Now lets get started!

Chapter I: Personal Energy, the new Time Management perspective

I have a question for you: Do you need more time or more energy?

Why do we focus so much on time? When is so relative. And why not on our energy level? Energy
optimization brings us everything we desire: happiness, productivity, motivation, etc.

Time obsession comes from the industrial revolution, from the factory work, where your worth was
determined in products per hour. But I think youll agree with me that its no longer true and that we are
living a new stage of evolution, the information stage, where our results are not measured in time, but in
what we create. Of course, there is still a part of the population who is working in the industrialized
world, but I believe thats not your case!

I will share with you some of the best productivity and time management methods, but first of all, you
need to understand that this is more a psychological process. It is emotions management.

Did you ask yourself the question Why do I need to be more productive? Why do I need to save 2 or 3
hours/day? My answer is for BALANCE: to develop our relationships with loved ones, to improve our
health and for personal growth. If this is also your answer, then this book is for you!

On the other hand, does it happen for you to spend the whole day without doing anything basically?
Wonder why?

Because you had low energy level, you started something then get on with something else and at the
end of the day have the sensation that it was a lost day? You could know all the time management
techniques in the world, but if you dont have the drive you wont move.

How do you get motivated? Increase energy level!

Can you remember a time when you felt really low? What kind of results did you have that day? What
kind of interaction did you have with people?
On the other hand, can you think of a moment when you felt you could rule the world? What results in
all your life areas did you get then?
What is the difference between the 2 states? I tell you: its your energy level! Energy is everything!

A successful life is a sequence of successful days! So focus on just today to make it successful! And after a
few days it will be easier and easier, because youll create momentum!

Are you interested in how to be more productive, get more results?

Thats what this e-book is all about: sharing with you a proven system that will improve dramatically your
energy level and as a consequence, your results you get in your business, relationships, health and
basically in all areas of your life!

S. Covey used to say: Time management is a miss rumor. The challenge is to manage ourselves. We
need to learn how to manage our thinking and our actions. The most important hour to manage is the
first in the day, before you go to work. Why? Because this is how you can change your whole day and get
the biggest leverage in your business. I know, youll tell me I dont have time for this, I can hardly get
to office in time. Well, in the oriental culture theres a saying: You need to meditate once per day. When
you think you dont have time, you need to meditate twice per day.

Im not saying you adopt the oriental culture. What Im suggesting is that when you feel you are in the
most rush, being overwhelmed then is the moment to step back for a moment, breathe and see the
bigger picture. What is your priority? What do you want to achieve?

I believe that if you get this message you can make a huge difference in your productivity!
Energy is everything- this is how you get results.

Make your daily routine!!!- in Chapter V well share with you the Proven Action Steps for the Energy

You wont learn anything that you dont already know intuitively from any time management book. In
order to learn new things about your potential and how to use it better, you need to expand your books
world into the psychology, neuroscience, which present the way you react to different external stimulus.

I have news for you: You are lazy! The good news is that you are not alone! We as human beings are lazy!
We prefer to get more for the same effort, or work less for the same result. Laziness is not good or bad
by its own. Its neutral. We make it good or bad by our actions- the way in which we use laziness. All the
technological advances were invented because of our laziness.

What does laziness has to do with your energy level? Well, in order to increase your level of energy, you
need to make an investment. An energy investment to do the actions, rituals, develops the habits that
will make you a more energetic person. And you might say I dont have any energy left, how can I give
any? Youll be surprised of how many things you are capable of doing after you said I cant do it anymore.
Its the universal law of cause and effect. We cannot ask for heat from a fireplace before we put wood
in. Unfortunately the law says that the price needs to be paid in advance, theres no other way!

People want results fast. Unfortunately, only people who are in pain would pay a tougher price and wait
longer before they see the results.

Some of the ideas I share with you have short term results, some are more long term and need more
patience and belief. For example: you should start to feel more alive by changing your eating habits, or
you would feel refreshed after a short meditation. But working out, being grateful or making the habit of
reviewing the day would probably take a while before you see some results.

Key Points To Remember From Chapter I:

- Your energy level is the difference between a low and a productive state!
- How do you get motivated? Increase your energy level! The Energy Hour!
- A successful life is a sequence of successful days!
- In order to increase your level of energy, you need to make an investment. An energy
- When you feel you are in the most rush, being overwhelmed then is the moment to step back
for a moment, breathe and see the bigger picture!

So, lets go further, shall we?:)

Chapter II: How do you get more energetic?

I hope that at this point we agree that a high energy level is maybe the most important thing
that we need.
In order to find out how to we increase our energy level, lets see which are the sources of

1. Sleeping.
Dormit:right amount: cateva saptamani? Ne afecteaza sistemul nervos si cedam.

2. Mancare: right food, right amount? Saptamani/luni?

Im sure you heard a lot about how to eat right: from eating appropriate quantities, eat fruits
before the meal, Combine properly the foods, eat in a relaxed state, etc.
What I want to emphasize is one of the most important aspects of eating, which is most
connected to your energy level!

Did you hear about the alkaline batteries? What do they say? They last longer! The same is with
the alkaline organism!

When PH (Potential of Hydrogen) is higher than 7, means Alkaline. Lower then 7 is Acid!
You can make a PH test of blood in order to determine if it is alkaline or acid.

Daca corpul devine prea acid, celulele incep sa slabeasca si mor, iar functiile corpului nu sunt in

FYI: nu e bine nici sa fie in extrema de alkalin pt ca tot mor celulele. Dar nu va faceti problem e
greu, la stilul de viata pe care il avem sa devenim prea alcalini!
Efecte neg ale organism acid:

3. Overwight: corpul produce mai multa insulin- ce duce la inmagazinarea de grasimi.

4. High blood preasure
5. Low energy reserves
6. Damage cells
7. Dereglari hormonale
Sfaturi simple pt acalinizare:

8. Lamiae in apa. Apa- sa va uitati la ph pe sticla- in general apa plata are ph mai mare
decat cea minerala- 7.5-8.
9. Fresh salad with everything: go green!
10. Fresh smoothie (green vegetables)
11. Use spices!
Macare: 70% alcalin/ 30 % acid!

Gasiti pe net alimente alkaline: avocado, castraveti, citrice, rosii, salate, broccoli, etc.

Bill Philips, in his book Body for life says the key point in eating, the biggest leverage is in the 1 st
meal of the day. The breakfast is so important because eit give the signal to the brain that you are
not starving, youre fine, so dont need to stuff yourself with food later on.

12. Apa. I separated water from food because its such an important element we tend not to
take so seriously! Suntem 70% apa. Creierul 80%. E essential pentru a regenera
Apa este essential pentru digestive, circulatia sangelui, regenerarea celulelor si refacerea

Multe dintre boli sunt datorate deshidratarii. Cine are dureri de cap? Este foarte probabil din
cauza deshidratarii! Indigestia, Oboseala- etc.

Cantitatea de apa necesara: = greutatea (pounds)/ 2= nr. Ounces of water * 2.96/100= l apa/zi!

Cum stii daca esti deshidratat?:

13. Culoarea pipi: trebuie sa fie alba!

14. Gura uscata.
Dont wait till youre thirsty! Take a zip every 20 min.

When you are hungry drink water! Then ask: Am I really hungry?

Ai 70% apa- trebuie ca masa sa fie 70% apa!

Manaca fructe si legume cu continut ridicat de apa: salata verde, pepene verde, morcovi, mere,
banana, cartofi, ciuperci, grefruit! au peste 70% apa!

Azuga:8.2 ph

15. Respiratie: - toata lumea respira? E ceva inascut? Da, dar nu toti stim sa respiram
correct, pentru a ne energiza, pentru a elimina toxine si multe alte beneficii ale
respiratiei pe care o sa le discutam si practice! exercitii .

Theres been made a lot of scientific research of the benefits of correct breathing and still
we dont do any effort to change our breating pattern or at least exercise occasionally. Why?
Probably because were still breating.

Oxigenul este cea mai importanta component a sanatatii si a vitalitatii!

Q: Cat putem trai fara oxygen? Cateva minute!

Respiratia nu doar oxigeneaza celulele, ci controleaza circulatia sistemului limfatic! Ce este

sistemul limfatic? Sangele transporta oxigenul si substante nutritive catre organe. apoi
cellule moarte si toxinele trebuie eliminate- asta face sistemul limfatic- este sistemul de
canalizare a organismului. Avem de 4 ori mai multa limfa decat snage. Sangele are inima pt
pompare. Limfa nu are asa ceva. Poate fi pus in miscare doar prin respiratie si prin miscare!
Respiratia profunda!




Am vazut cat de importanta este respiratia pentru sanatate, dar respiratia mai are o functie
foarte importanta: face legatura intre minte si corp! Ne relaxeaza, ne face mai constieti de noi,
de ganduri, de corp. Ne adduce in present, nu mai lasa gandurile sa ne poarte din trecut in viitor
si inapoi. Ne ajuta asta? Cu siguranta! Reduce stresul, ne putem concetra mai bine sis a fim mai
eficienti in ce facem si ne si energizeaza.

EXERCITIU: Vreti sa invatam un exercitiu simplu de respiratie constienta? Care sa ne relaxeze si

calmeaza mintea- buna atunci cand ai multe ganduri si vrei sa te calmezi: Nadi Shodana!-

Explica! Demonstreaza, apoi facem impreuna. Repeata de 9 ori.

16. Positive state of mind: muzica, Persoane positive, ras, meditatie, hobiuri
I guess these are self explanatory and theres no need for me to detail.

Key Points To Remember From Chapter ................

Get Alkaline!

Dont forget to breathe!

Positive state of mind

Chapter III: How do you save energy?

In order to know how to save energy, we need to know what we spend energy on!

Pe ce consumam energia?:

17. Digestie
Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest Americans of all times, put a lot of emphasis in his
biography on eating less in order to live longer and also in order to have more energy and
feel good.
Usually we know how to eat right, theres a lot of information available on this subject, but there are
certain conflicts in us that trigger us in different directions. For instance, You know you should not eat
before going to bed, but sometimes you feel a very strong desire that you cannot resist! Why?

Emotions are the biggest force that drives us to act in a certain way! And emotions come from satisfying
our needs, whether we do that a positive or damaging way! As Tony Robbins says, everything a man
does is to satisfy his needs!.

What do I mean by that? Sometimes we dont eat just because our body needs food, we eat to satisfy
other emotions. Its chemistry! When we stuff our stomach with food we begin to breathe in a certain
way, we become more relaxed and get a pleasant feeling. The same feeling or emotion that we get from
smoking, or other addictions!

As with other addictions, overeating or more precisely not eating properly, even if it brings fulfillment
immediately, it has also many side effects. The one negative side effect that interests us in this e-book is
the loss of energy which the body needs to digest the extra food!
This is why its important for you to understand why we do that and not just use willpower, because
willpower doesnt last, is not sustainable.

Nu suntem ceea ce mancam si ceea ce digeram si asimilam!

Optimizarea digestiei:

-Mesteca bine

- Fii atent: gusta!

- alimente proapete: ce mananci

- foloseste alimente care iti hranesc corpul, nu emotiile!

- apa, sport, respiratie

18. Functionarea corpului/ diverse activitati zilnice (inclusive creier- mare parte)
Thats why its important to stop your brain, like stoping the engine of the car. We do this by
meditation, by simply emptying the mind!
Inclusiv cold.
19. Sex (selfsex in general): many say that its no. 1 energy drainer! Some people
( espaccially girls ) state the contrary! Whats your opinion?
SEXUAL ENERGY- the most important and powerfull human EMOTION. When it is tamed and
redirected , this force brings you motivation, passion, enthisiams, cuorage, creativity- wich you can
use to get anything you want in life! Sexual energy is an extraordinary impulse for action.


Its an incredible force ,is the key to life. Thats why we have to learn how to transform it, and not
indulge into self sex, or ordinary sex.
For example: a dog or a bull which is castrated becomes docile as a caw, loses its force for action for

N. Hill in the great book Think and grow Rich, which by the way, is the Bible of Personal
Development, said that great achievements have been accomplished by man with great/developed
sexual nature., which learned how to transfer the sexual energy into their goals. Also he talks about
the importance of sexual transmutation- a whole chapter is dedicated to that!

The sexual energy is the passion for life- enthusiasm, energy- which when you have it and you show
it- the opposite sex can feel it- and its very attractive!

Sex can be an extraordinary experience and can get you closer to the Infinite Intelligence. Its a
spiritual experience. And its a pity to do it only as a stress release. This is only a small part of what it
can be.

20. Emotii negative/stress

Pozitive people & stuff!( ce citesti, ce asculti, ce urmaresti). Mediul in care traiesti.
Pozitive emotions: in the end its a decision to be an optimist person!

Understand better you body and your mind. This is how youll know how to save more energy!

TOP 3 energy drainers!

- Eat at night, before sleeping! We eat to have energy, right?:) why would we need energy for
- Trying to prolong your sleep by using the snooze for waking up in the morning! Gets you even
more tired! Put 10 min later the alarm, but get up immediately. Put the alarm far from you, so
you have to get up.
- Too many thoughts! Not relaxing.

Chapter IV: Now, What do we do with so much energy?:)

Going Smart about getting things done!

As Brian Tracy says: Theres never time to do all that we want, but theres always time to do what is
important. And its true. If its a must for you and not a should then you get it done, no matter
what. Imagine for a second that one of the people you care about most is in a life or death situation and
you would have to raise 10,000 EUR in 1 week to save him or her. Do you think you would raise it? What
if it was your person at stake? I bet you would!

The purpose of this e-book is not to give you time management techniques, because first of all I believe
they dont work, different techniques apply to different people, and even if you know them its not
enough to really apply them if you dont have also the drive and energy.

I believe that in every field there are strategies, shortcuts to follow and learn from the experience of
other people. The same is with self management, but in order for these techniques to work, you need to
have some prerequisites:

1. Know exactly where you want to go/ achieve (your goal)

2. Have the energy to follow through

My goal is not to teach you time management techniques, but to understand the bigger picture of it.You
can find a lot of literature on Time Management. I would recommend Brian Tracy and Eban Pegan, which
have very practical teachings.

However, I want to share with you my favorite tips in productivity:

- Sa facem planul. In detaliu/zile. Facem planul pentru ziua urmatoare din seara anterioara- astfel
ii dam ocazia subconstientului sa speel on it! Si sa gaseasca idei- te trezesti cu solutii.
Mai mult, daca o pregatesti de dinainte, stii cum sa-ti imparti timpul , esti pregatit mental de
dinainte la ce te asteapta in ziua respective.
- Aplica regula 20/80.
Fiecare task ar putea sa solicite acelasi timp, dar nu toate au acelasi effect. Concentreaza-te pe
prioritati: pe cei 20%.
- Incepe cu ce nu-ti place!
Tentatia e sa faci lucrurile marunte, dar go for the forg!Aceasta este sarcina cea mai grea, ce ami
urata. Formeaza-ti obiceiul sa rezolvi dimineata primul lucru sarcina cea mai grea. Acesta este
secretul unei performante superioare!
Imagineaza-ti ca este un joc, ia-o ca pe o provocare! Go for the frog!
- Metoda ABCDE- prioritizeaza!
a) Fa lista cu taskuri pt a 2-a zi
b) Atribuie A-E pt fiecrae din ele
A: top priority ( poate fi spart in A1, A2.)
B: ar fi bine
C: n-ar strica
D: transfera/deleaga
E: elimina!
Finalizeaza! Lucrurile incepute. Nu renunta la 90% din drum! Nu fii a dobleer!
Finalizeaza A-urile!
- Focus! Concentrare pe 1 obiectiv major.
Asa cum va spuneam din roata vietii e bines a alegeti 1 domeniu pe care sa va concentrati.
Acela trebuie sa fie un domeniu care genereaza rezultate cheie si care va fi usor apoi sa le traga
sip e celelalte dupa el.
Nu avem niciodata timp sa facem toate lucrurile care am vrea, dar avem timp mereu sa facem
cel mai important lucru.
- Aduna-ti instrumentele necesare
Fa ordine pe birou, in locul unde lucrezi. Aduna toate materialele, informatiile de care ai nevoie,
pt a nu te intrerupe, a cauta din nou, etc.
Pregateste momentul de lucru. Inchide tel, si alte distractii
- Aloca calupuri de timp pt sarcina respective. Get in the flow! Get absorbed by the task. Get into
Ex: lucreaza 50 min, fa o pauza de 5 min pt refresh, wc, ect. Apoi un alt calup legat de 50 min.
Repeta acest calup de 3 ori /zi.
Poti aloca calupuri de timp diferite pt sarcini diferite, dar fa-ti un program exact: sa stii de la ce
ora la ce ora faci ce sarcina.
- Portioneaza sarcina in unitati mai mici! F important!
A journey of 1000 miles starts with one step! Daca faci asta, o sa iti para mult mai realizabil
obiectivul, care initial pare foare departe, de neatens. O sa vezi ca pe masura ce faci mici parti,
cumulate, dupa o perioada o sa vezi luminita de la capatul tunelului.
F. important si pt planul de actiune- sa spargem Obiectivul in actiuni si Actiunea in subactiuni si
altele si mai mici, realizabile!
- Energie! Creaza si sustine energia! Degeaba avem un plan perfect, am facut totul, daca nu mai
avem energies a-l punem in aplicare si tot timpul suntem obositi.
Am vazut cum: folosind fiziologia, dar si psihologia- eliminam gandurile negative.
Do your daily routine!
- Fii activ tot timpul! Misca-te! Fa ceva in fiecare zi! |Se creeaza momentum- o forta care ne
poarta apoi din inertie- realizam mult mai mult si mai usor doar pt ca suntem in miscare.
E mai greu sa pornesti- e nevoie de o forta si vointa mult mai mare, dar pornit e mult mai usor- e
legea fizicii!!
De aceea e important sa nu te opresti!Pentru ca apoi va fi greu sa repornesti iar.
- Reward yourself! Celebrate cand atingi un prag- un milestone! E important pt psihicul tau sa vezi
si mici rezultate pe parcurs.
Ex: ofera-ti o zi la spa, fa o mica excursie, sari cu parasuta, cumpara-ti ceva dragut! Dar sa stii ca
faci asta doar dup ace obtii un mic pas pe care ti l-ai propus din obiectiv.
- Sedintele!
Sunt o parte importanta in realizarea obiectivelor- am stability ca avem nevoie de oameni, nu putem
singuri sa avem success. De acceea e important sa stim sa gestinam sedintele, care in general
necesita mult timp.
- Incepe si termina la timp ( cei care participa sa stie dinainte asta- daca intarzie, mai bines a nu mai
ajunga pt ca se termina dj)
- Agenda: sa fie stabilita si impartita dinainte
- Incepe prin a spune care este scopul acestei intalniri (iar daca altcineva e chairman, intreaba)
- Incepe cu punctele critice, cele mai importante
- Tine cursul, nu devia discutia.

- Grupeaza sarcinile!

Ex: take all the telephones at once, fa toate facturile o data- scutesti timp si le faci si mai bine!

Ex: raspunde si da telefoane si emailuri doar intre10:12pm, si 6-8 pm

Key Points To Remember From Chapter ................

Chapter V: Lets get to ACTION! Invest your time in this system and youll get results in your productivity,
and quality of life.

Daily routine!

No diet- you can get from many sources. What I would encourage you to do is adopt from this routine
what works for you!

Try it for a few days and tell me your feed back! I recommend you do it for 21 consecutive days in order
to develop into a habit, but even do it for a few days to experiment it and you can make a more studied
decision whether to adopt the system or not.

Daily routine: inainte de masa!

1. Dimineata: - Multumesc, Multumesc, Multumesc + Smile!

- Exercitii respiratie: 5 min
- Baut apa +lamiae- 500 ml
- Intrebari: pentru ce sunt mandru? Ce angajament mi-am luat?
- Recunoastinta: 2 min
- Citit goal card cu entuziasm: 1min
- Vizualizat- 2 min
- Sport+stretching- 10 min
- Meditat:10-20 min
- Listen/read motivational stuff: 30 min
- Accountability call!

2. Pranz: - citit goal card! Feel it!

- Exercitii de respiratie (in diafragma)- 5 min
3. Seara: - citit goal card and visualize!
- Exercitii respiratie -5 min
- Meditat- 10 min
- Review of day: ce am facut bine, ce as face diferit? Ce am invatat nou?
Scris 3 succese pe care le-am avut azi!- 10 min

You can print this template for one week and use it to make it easier to follow the routine!
You can check each item after you did it!
Thank you*3+Smile
Stetching 5min
Incantations/ Affirmation
Read aloud 5 min w passion!
Meditation- 15 min

Breathe diaphragm 5*

Review day
Write journal

Now that youve read this book, you probably have

that same feeling that I had when I first learned all of this
amazing material. Youre probably excited.
Well, theres more.
If you are ready to take your education to the next
level and advance at a faster pace, then you need to
listen to, read, and watch my other programs.



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