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Taufiq Gunantoro


Leadership is a process of a leader directing members or subordinates to achieve the

goals of the organization or company. Leaders must be able to motivate, appreciate, and inspire
subordinates to achieve the vision and mission of the company or organization. Effective leaders
are able to influence and direct their subordinates and companies well. This means able to make
employees eager in working and able to organize company for the achievement of vision and

This scientific work is done to test and know the effective leadership style and the relationship
between leadership style with employee morale.

In this scientific paper it is explained that the effectiveness of a leader leads to direct
subordinates with various situations and conditions. Leaders must be able to indicate the decline
of employee morale with various solutions that can motivate employees to be more enthusiastic
in work. The attendance and transfer of employees can be a benchmark for knowing the morale
of the employees. This means that many leaders' principles and programs are not in line with
what employees expect. The issue is the responsibility of the leader and must be able to solve it
with appropriate solutions and actions. Surely this will make the employees feel happy and
excited, compact in achieving company goals. With a variety of justice and considerations, do
not let companies and employees one of them there are disadvantaged and benefited in terms of
fairness between employees and companies.


CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Background of Scientific Papers .......................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Identification of problems .................................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Purpose of Scientific Papers................................................................................................................ 6

1.4 Uses of Scientific Works ...................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 7

THEORETICAL BASIS ...................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Human resources management .......................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Leadership ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Leadership style .................................................................................................................................. 8

2.4 The Purpose Function ....................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Spirit and Excitement Work .............................................................................................................. 12

2.6 Indication of Low Spirit and Excitement ........................................................................................... 12

2.7 For The Fall of Spirit and Enthusiasm Work ...................................................................................... 14

2.8 Organizational Culture ...................................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 16

PROCESSES AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Human Resource Planning ................................................................................................................ 16

3.2 Employee Motivation........................................................................................................................ 18

3.3 Work Motivation Goals ..................................................................................................................... 19

3.4 How to Increase Spirit and Enthusiasm Work .................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 23

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 23

4.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 23

4.2 Suggestions ....................................................................................................................................... 23



1.1 Background of Scientific Papers

Currently emerging various types of new businesses and growing rapidly in the country.
With this new business is expected to reduce the number of unemployed for the people of
Indonesia. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) survey in February 2007, the
number of unemployed undergraduates is around 700 thousand people (151,000 diploma holders
I / II, 179,000 graduates / diploma III and 409,000 undergraduate students). Indonesia ranks 1 in
Asia in the highest number of unemployed (data obtained from Entrepreneurship book editor's
note Being a great businessman). On the other hand the company needs human resources to
operate its activities, because the factor of human labor plays a very important role in achieving
company goals. Resource management is a series of processes of organizational activity aimed at
recruiting, developing, and retaining existing employees in order to carry out activities in the
company in achieving goals. Human resources management process is very important to be
understood by every entrepreneur to ensure the sustainability of his business in the future. Many
factors determine the quality of human resources. Every human being has different character and
behavior. Factors such as background, age of experience related to position, level of formal
education, compensation of wages, skill person, skill, basic character and other factors of labor
itself all have a role that determines the level of accuracy of one's position in an organization Or
company. One of the targets of human resource management on organizational management
functions related to leadership issues. A person who has been appointed as leader to lead his
subordinates, he who must run the organization's own functions that determine the success or
failure of a company. Successful leadership demonstrates that the management of an
organization or company is successfully executed as well. Every ability in leadership must be
firmly attached to a leader, whatever responsibility he or she has to accept. Because without the
ability to lead first in terms of managing human resources, does not allow a leader to succeed

well in carrying out responsibilities. Of a number of such behavior will affect the course of
company activities. Not only will it affect the outcomes that will be achieved by the company,
but also the communities that become partners of the company will feel. Managers must
understand and realize that the most important challenge faced is how to apply these three
aspects appropriately in certain situations to achieve optimum results in the form of a satisfactory
quality of human resources. Attitudes and style of leader behavior is very big influence on the
organization he leads, this can affect the productivity of the organization. Each leader basically
has a different attitude in leading his subordinates this is interpreted by his subordinates as a style
of leadership. As we know, technology is now very advanced, if its workforce is not supportive
and not technologically competent, then the possibility of the company will not reach the
expected target. To support the achievement of the success of corporate goals, the workforce
must work in accordance with its function. Leaders have a very important role. The leader of the
company should be able to embrace each of his subordinates wisely and well. Being able to
motivate, appreciate, inspire can give satisfaction to the workers. Leaders must have the ability
to manage subordinates for the progress of the company.

In the company between superiors and subordinates must communicate good work in
order to create a harmonious working relationship. These employees are expected to achieve
high performance in their respective occupations. Increased enthusiasm and passion of
employees of the company also benefit, will achieve the expected results.

1.2 Identification of problems

Based on the background described above, the problem can be identified as follows:

1. How is effective leadership for employees?

2. How does a good leader motivate employee work?

3. What influence does a leader motivate the employee's work against the company?

1.3 Purpose of Scientific Papers
As for the purpose is:

1. To know the style of leadership that is good to apply for students as prospective entrepreneurs,
entrepreneurs who are pioneering business, and the general public.

2. To know how to motivate the work of company employees

3. To know the influence of leaders motivate employees against the company.

1.4 Uses of Scientific Works

This scientific work is expected to be useful for:

1. For Authors

The author's learning facilities in the application of entrepreneurship courses that the authors get
lectured and expected to better understand in depth about the leadership of good and effective for
employee motivation

2. For the Company

Become a solution of leadership problems to employee performance

3. For the community or other parties

Add insight and useful information.



2.1 Human resources management

Human resources are individuals within the organization that make a valuable contribution to
the achievement of organizational goals. Good organizations always need competent and capable
human resources within the organization.

"The key to business success is determined by the expertise in applying the 7k factor of
human resources to the process of receiving employees, experts, and leaders, related: character,
credibility, commitment, capacity, capability, creativity, and compatibility" delivered by Eddy
Soeryanto Soegoto (Entrepreneurship Become a Successful Businessman 2014: 305).

Human Resource Management is a science and process consisting of planning,

organizing, leading, and controlling to achieve the vision of the company's planned mission.

2.2 Leadership

As we know leaders can influence morale, the quality of life of their workers and the
achievement of an organization to carry out its tasks and organizational goals. Leaders also play
an important role in helping groups, individuals to achieve goals.

"A leader is a person who must have the ability: Problem solver, visionary, systematic,
responsive, disciplined, integrity, democratic, creative, and responsible, able to motivate,
appreciate, and inspire people and expertly mobilize organizational resources for the progress of
the company or organization" (Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto) is quoted from the book Entrepreneur
become a great businessman (2014: 345).

Managerial leadership is the science and process of directing and influencing the
activities, activities, and tasks of its members so that the goals to be achieved can be achieved.
From the description above we can know, leadership is the ability and behavior of a leader to
influence and direct others for the achievement of organizational goals.

2.3 Leadership style

Is the actions and behaviors that leaders do in dealing with subordinates. There are three kinds
of leadership styles: leadership styles based on initiation structure, oriented to subordinates and
production and on task-oriented leadership style.

Leadership style based on initiation structure has characteristics:

- Courteus

- Want to consult

- Support, defend, listen to subordinates

- As well as treating her level

Leadership style oriented to employees or subordinates characterized by several things as


- Leaders are more motivating than providing supervision to subordinates.

- Leaders involve subordinates in decision making.

- Leaders are more family, trust and cooperation, mutual respect among fellow members of the

In an oriented style the task is marked by several things as follows:

- Leaders give instructions to subordinates.

- Leaders always conduct strict supervision of subordinates.

- The leader assures the subordinate that tasks must be carried out in accordance with his wishes.

- Leaders put more emphasis on execution of duties than coaching and developing subordinates.

To motivate subordinates, managers not only use economic rewards but also try to give
subordinates necessary and important feelings.

In reality, more employee-oriented leaders will in some cases produce more effective results.
This does not mean the leader ignores the needs of production or work within his department.
Successful leadership requires a deep understanding of subordinates. Therefore, leaders really
need to develop some skills:

1. Objectivity to relationships and human behavior.

The point is that leaders should look at their subordinates and behaviors objectively, without
prejudice and no emotion.

2. Proficient in communicating within the company and society.

That is, the leader must be able to speak and write frankly and carefully summarize statements
from others. Leaders must be approachable, know their informal groups and leaders, thoroughly
disclose goals and seek to cooperate with others.

3. Assertiveness.

The ability to project yourself mentally and emotionally into a follower's position. This ability
helps leaders to understand the views, beliefs and actions of their subordinates.

4. Be aware of yourself.

That is, leaders need to know what impression

Which he made to others. Leaders must strive to fulfill the role that followers expect.

5. Teach.

That is the leader must be able to use

Skills for guidance, and rectification in guidance with examples.

There are four dimensions of the situation dynamically that will affect the style

One's leadership.

1. Managerial skills

2. Characteristics of work

3. Characteristics of the organization

4. Characteristics of workers

2.4 The Purpose Function

The leader performs its function in the group environment to be operationally effective. A
leader has six functions: the function of leader as executive, mediator, advocate, expert, leader of
discussion and social function / group maintenance.

The function associated with the leader as an executive, also known as the administrator or
manager of its function is to determine the policy that becomes an activity. The leader as
mediator of his function is to judge, meaning to have the responsibility and have the skills to be
fair to each of his subordinates. As an advocate can also be called as a spokesperson and also
director opinion opinion must be good at getting along and fluent in speaking. As an expert
means as a light, as a discussion leader is a democratic leader communication is key to being
able to play its role as a discussion leader. While the function of group maintenance / social
functions include all the things that make up the group in carrying out its operational tasks to
achieve the goals and objectives. As an example of agreement with other groups, mediate group

disagreements and so on. The leader who successfully performs both functions well is a
successful leader.

The main functions of the leadership are:

Provide a clear underlying framework that can be gripped by its members.

Supervise, control and channel the behavior of led members

Act as group representatives in dealing with the outside world

The function of leadership is principally to exercise leadership authority, which is to provide a

communication system, maintain willingness to cooperate and ensure the smoothness and
integrity of the organization or company.

The leadership functions include the following activities and actions:

- Decision-making

- Development of the imagination

- Delegation of authority to subordinates

- Development of loyalty of subordinates

- Initiation, activation and control of plans

- Utilization of human resources and other sources

- Implementation of decisions and encouragement to the implementers

- Implementation of control and repair errors

- Awarding of accomplished subordinates

- Accountability of all actions

2.5 Spirit and Excitement Work

Employees will not be separated from the spirit and enthusiasm of work in the activities
that are the responsibility of his work, then the employee will always be able to do the job well.
What is meant by the morale of work is able to do the job more vigorously with various drives,
so the work is expected to be faster and better. While the meaning of enthusiasm work is the
work will be liked by employees.

Job morale and employee enthusiasm affect the quality of work and productivity. Lack of
fun or excitement can lead to absenteeism, strikes, pretenses and other actions and reactions. In
the long run the low enthusiasm and enthusiasm of work will reduce the productivity of the
company and harm the company. To obtain increased productivity of the company, the company
needs to increase the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of its employees.

Companies must be able to try and motivate employees to have high spirit and
enthusiasm of work, so that company will get high profit, work will be more quickly solved,
damage can be reduced, absences can be minimized, the possibility of employee movement can
be minimized to a minimum, so that work productivity Can be improved.

2.6 Indication of Low Spirit and Excitement

Companies should be able to take preventive / problem-solving measures as early as

possible. By knowing this indication it will be able to know the causes of the decline in
enthusiasm and excitement of work. These indications include:

- Decrease / low productivity work.

Measuring the down / low productivity of work can be done by comparing with the previous
time. This decreased work productivity can occur due to laziness or work delays.

- High attendance rate.

Indications of the decrease in enthusiasm and enthusiasm of work bias seen from the level of
absenteeism. Can not see the rise of this level of absences individually but should be seen on

- High rate of labor movement.

Their displeasure at working with the company will result in the exit of the employee. So they try
to find another job that is considered more appropriate. High levels of labor discharge in addition
to reducing work productivity, can also disrupt the continuity of the company's work.

- The degree of damage is rising / high.

Frequent occurrences of carelessness in work and so on show that attention in work is reduced,

- Anxiety everywhere.

A leader must be aware of any anxieties arising in the company's work environment. The anxiety
can be realized in the form of work unrest, complaints and other things.

- Frequent demands.

Demands are in fact a manifestation of dissatisfaction, which at some stage will lead to the
courage to file a demand.

- Strikes.

The strongest level of indication of a lack of enthusiasm and excitement is when there is a strike.
This is because strikes are a manifestation of employee dissatisfaction and anxiety.

2.7 For The Fall of Spirit and Enthusiasm Work

There are many causes which lead to a decrease in enthusiasm and excitement, such as
too low wages, inadequate facilities, unsuitable leadership styles, poor working environments
and so on. To solve the problem then the company must be able to find the cause of the downs of
enthusiasm and excitement of work. In principle, the decline in enthusiasm and enthusiasm of
work caused by the dissatisfaction of the employees. The source of dissatisfaction can be
material and non-material. The material, such as low wages received, facilities are minimal and
so forth. While the non-material, such as human appreciation, the need to participate and so

2.8 Organizational Culture

2.8.1 Understanding Organizational Culture

In the daily life of society is inseparable from the cultural bond created. Cultural ties are
created by the people concerned, whether in family, organization, business or nation. Culture
differentiates society from one another in the way of interacting and acting to accomplish a job.
Culture binds members of community groups into a unified view that creates uniformity behave
or act. Over time, cultures must be formed within the organization and can also benefit from
contributing to overall organizational effectiveness.

Organizational culture is a basic principle of an organization. This includes the various

values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors that are embraced by the organization and a characteristic
feature of the organization.

Organizational culture functions:

The function of organizational culture is As the limit of differentiation on the
environment of the organization or other groups and forming behavior by helping members
realize the environment.



3.1 Human Resource Planning


The purpose of HR planning is to connect existing human resources to the needs of the company
in the future to avoid mismanagement and overlap in the implementation of tasks.

Organizational Planning is an activity undertaken by the company to make a positive change for
the development of the organization. In conclusion, HR Planning provides future guidance,
determines where labor is obtained, when labor is needed, and what kind of training and
development workforce should have. Through a succession plan, the career path of the
workforce can be tailored to individual needs consistent with the needs of an organization.


Companies can better utilize human resources in the company. Human resource planning also
needs to be preceded by inventory activities on human resources already contained within the
company. Inventory includes among others:

- Number of existing employees

- Various qualifications

- The working period of each employee

- Knowledge and skills possessed, both formal education as well as work training programs that
have been followed

- Talent that still needs to be developed

- Interests of employees, especially those related to activities outside duties work.

Human resource planning includes the following steps:

1. Estimates of labor in the event of excess labor and when there is a shortage of human labor.

Here will be estimated the needs of workers and also estimates of labor supply available in the

2. Make goals or goals and also make strategic planning

3. Implementation and evaluation

Of course planning will not be useful if there is no implementation. Here also need to be
evaluated so that the quality of human resources company more productive for the common
progress between employees and companies

3.1.1 Employee Recruitment

"Recruitment or withdrawal of labor is the process of recruiting new or experienced prospective

workers according to required specifications, either from internal or external companies to fill in
fields or vacant job positions / unfilled or to equip experts in a position or part To strengthen the
team work or expert staff in the company ". (Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto) Entrepreneur Become a
Successful Businessman 2014: 311.

Principles of recruitment:

- The quality of the recruited employee should match the required requirements. Through job
analysis, job descriptions and job specifications

- The number of employees required should be in accordance with the available jobs; Through
forecasting labor requirements and analysis of labor requirements

- Minimize the cost of being treated

- Strategic planning and decisions on recruitment

3.1.2 Selection Process

This process is an early stage to find the required and reliable employee candidate for the
company. The selection process depends on the recruitment process performed. Conducted in
sequence based on a series of stages in which the prospective worker must pass through to be

3.2 Employee Motivation

Motivation in work can gradually disappear in the middle of a heap of high workloads. A low
work spiral will have an impact on the worsening employee performance, lower productivity,
and ultimately will hinder the achievement of corporate goals.

Employees always wish for what the employees give to companies and companies to give
them. The success of a leader is influenced by each of his subordinates. It becomes the obligation
of every leader for his employees to excel. Job satisfaction and employee morale is influenced by
the contribution of employees to the organization and the incentives that the organization
provides for the work performance of its employees. Job satisfaction is in carrying out the work
of employees get increased enjoyment received from the company. A satisfied employee tends to
have a high morale, he enjoys his job and is less satisfied if he does not enjoy his work.

Therefore, it takes the role of a leader who is able to pump back their spirits. Steps that leaders
need to take to improve employee work motivation in the company:

1. Provide rewards for outstanding employees

As a form of appreciation to the best employees in the company, you can provide bonuses or
incentives that are worth the achievements. This way will boost the morale of other employees to
carve the best achievement for the company.

2. Strengthening kinship among employees

A close family relationship will make them feel comfortable working and loyalty to the company
will increase. This can be built by holding gatherings or regular meetings every month to
establish the intimacy of employees in the company.

3. Recognize the shortcomings and advantages of each employee

Every employee in your company certainly has its own characteristics. Corporate leaders need to
recognize their shortcomings and strengths in order to optimize employee performance. With this
approach, you can help employees who have difficulty working on their duties to achieve
achievement like other colleagues.

4. Provide training of employees regularly and periodically

Sometimes, doing the same job every day keeps employees bored and tired. Employee training
can provide motivation to revive their morale.

3.3 Work Motivation Goals

The purpose of motivating employees is to:

A. Improve employee morale and job satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction is the key driver of
morale, discipline, and employee performance in supporting the realization of corporate

B. Increase employee productivity. With high productivity, activities will be completed with
Iaik, so it will provide benefits to the company.

C. Improve employee discipline. Discipline becomes the key to the realization of corporate
goals, employees and society. Good discipline means that employees are aware and willing to do
all their work well.

D. Creating a good atmosphere and working relationship, friendly and supportive colleagues, a
friendly boss, understanding, respecting and showing support to subordinates will create a good
working relationship.

E. Increase employee loyalty, creativity, and participation.

Employees participate and have opportunities to propose ideas, recommendations in decision-

making processes. In this way, employees feel responsible for the achievement of corporate
goals so that morale and passion will increase.

F. Enhances employees' sense of responsibility for their duties. With high motivation
mempunyal then the employee will have a sense of responsibility in carrying out its duties, and
the employee will finish the job well.

Based on the above explanation, that in every company required a high work motivation from its
employees. If there is no high work motivation from employees within a company, it will be
difficult for the company to achieve its objectives.

3.4 How to Increase Spirit and Enthusiasm Work

Every company always strives to increase the spirit and enthusiasm of work as much as possible,
within the limits of the company's capabilities. The question arises here how to improve the spirit
and enthusiasm of work as much as possible. For that here will be tried to provide some ways
how to improve the spirit and enthusiasm work, both material and non-material. How or a
combination of which way is most appropriate, is certainly dependent on the situation and

condition of the company and the goals to be achieved. For that here will be put forward several

- Salary enough.

- Paying attention to spiritual needs.

- Sometimes need to create a relaxed atmosphere.

- Self-esteem needs attention.

- Placing employees in the right position.

- Provide opportunities for employees to move forward.

- Pay attention to the sense of security for the future.

- Seek employees to have loyalty.

- Occasionally invite employees to negotiate.

- Giving a nice facility


Many companies suffer from losses due to a lack of attention to the human factor, which in the
company factors have a significant role in the business achievement of corporate goals.

The analysis of this problem is very useful as a material thought and consideration in
management decision making. Some of the benefits will be obtained from the analysis and can
be used as a material of policy evaluation, which has been giving results that are less in line with
what is expected by the company.

The prevailing leadership style in the company is the task-oriented leadership style and the
tendency to decrease the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the employees.

Problem solving

To solve the problems faced by companies as mentioned above, some solutions that may be done
are as follows:

1. The leader of the company should change its leadership style to fit the wishes of the
employees, which is to change from autocratic style to participative leadership style.

2. Corporate leaders need to pay attention to activities that are recreational that can be
implemented at certain times, such as excursions with family employees or sports together. This
will provide a family atmosphere that is useful to establish a harmonious relationship between
the leadership with employees.

3. The management of the company should explain in detail or explicitly the objectives,
objectives and programs of the company to be implemented. To achieve the goals and objectives
of the company leadership should be more open to employees by creating a two-way
communication path.



4.1 Conclusion

Based on the description of the preceding sections then it can be concluded as follows:

1. The spirit and passion of low labor are closely related to

Employee dissatisfaction with the application of corporate leadership style.

2. The lack of enthusiasm and excitement leads to employees

Work less effectively.

4.2 Suggestions

The following suggestions are suggested in addition to the above-mentioned problem solving
which is expected to be useful to the company and can be used as a consideration in making
improvements to determine the steps that need to be done in the hope that the company can
address the problems that arise and resolve in a way that best. As for suggestions that can the
author put forward as follows:

1. By changing the pattern of leadership style of autocracy to be participative, for example

involving subordinates in decision-making that is related to the task, trust subordinates and ask
for subordinate opinions in solving the problem. The changes are expected to increase the spirit
and enthusiasm of employees of the company.
2. Company leaders are expected to meet the needs and needs of employees, such as changes in
leadership style, health insurance, salary or wages they do not get cut off and allowances to be
given in time, because it can affect the spirit and enthusiasm of work.

3. Companies should pay attention to the immaterial needs of employees, for example: providing
time for worship, holding games to create a relaxed atmosphere.

4. To improve facilities should always keep the company's cleanliness of the company's
environment, providing a clean bathroom.

5. Provide guarantees for future employees by requiring employees to set aside their income to
be saved in the form of an insurance policy.


Quotes obtained from:

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, 2014, Entrepreneurship Being a Proficient Businessman,

4th note (2nd revision), Publisher of PT. Elek Media Komputindo KOMPAS GRAMEDIA

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Entrepreneurship Become a Proficient Businessman (2014: 305).

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Entrepreneurship Become a Proficient Businessman (2014: 311).

Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Entrepreneurship Become a Proficient Businessman (2014: 345).


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