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Data: Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics, and Graphing

Adults make decisions based on data in their daily lives and in the workplace. Reading charts
and graphs, interpreting data, and making decisions based on the information are key skills to
being a successful worker and an informed citizen. Being an informed citizen includes
understanding statistics and probability as well. Adults cannot make reasonable decisions unless
they understand from where the statistics come.

Charts and graphs are essential in the workplace. Data from charts and graph are used to make
decisions. Graph are useful tools in that they organize data so the information becomes clearer.
This organized information can then be used to craw conclusions, to make decisions, or to
influence others. Data is organized in a variety of fashions, from charts and graphs, to computer-
generated spreadsheets.

Data collection, analysis, and graphing are essential in the workplace. Many industries,
manufacturing in particular, now use statistical control processes to monitor their processes in
order to ensure quality products. Often the front line employee is required to collect the data used
for charting the manufacturing process; therefore, employees at all levels should be
knowledgeable about and comfortable with using a variety of charts. As more and more quality
teams, consisting of a variety of employees, are charged with the task of ensuring quality
products, employees will need to have an understanding of probability and sampling.

There is also the need to have the ability to read and interpret statistical process control charts.
Employers want everyone to understand quality. Any chart or graph that shows production uses
statistics. Other forms of charting are also used in the workplace to make decisions as well as
gauge accuracy.

Statistical knowledge is important in problem solving and decision making. Adults, often without
realizing it, make decisions, based on statistical information. It may be via the television, radio,
or it may be through print materials. Statistical information is used to communicate information
and sometimes influence others. Understanding the flood of statistical information allows adults
to make more informed decisions.

Graphs, tables, and statistics make data easier to understand. Adults create graphs for clarity and
understanding, for themselves and for others.

Sometimes seeing the data in chart form makes the decision making process easier since the
information is clearer. Even when charts and graph are not initiated by adults, they do tend to
make the information easier to digest. Charts and graphs are also used for record keeping such as
spreadsheets and data bases.

There is a concern for the lack of understanding and ability to read and interpret statistical
information, including charts and graphs. There is also worry about use and misuse of statistical
information. Transferability is hard for many adults. To know a concept is one thing, but to be
able to look at a table and understand and interpret it, is hard to do.
Adults use charts, graphs, and statistical information in their roles as workers, parents, and
citizens. As workers, adults use data monitor the quality of the products being made. They also
make decisions based on the data. As citizens, adults need to understand the data that they are
continually being bombarded with.


We must introduce more work-related charts and graph and other statistical information to better
prepare adults learners for the word of work. Adult learners need much more than simple
activities where they are asked to find literal bits of information in more than simple activities
where they are asked to find literal bits of information in charts and graph. They need
opportunities to collect their own data, then create their own charts and graph. In designing their
own charts, adult learners begin to understand how data can be represented. Employees at all
levels are begin required to read and interpret charts and graphs, so adult learners need to be

We must provide hands-on experiences collecting, organizing, and interpreting data. It is not
enough that adult education classes give learners practice in simply reading and finding literal
information based on charts and graph. Providing adults learners with the actual experience of
gathering data, deciding on how to represent the data, and interpreting the results will give them
a deeper understanding of statistical information. Adult learners need opportunities to interpret
charts and graphs and discuss their finding and implications with others.

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