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In this chapter, you will learn polynomials, and how to do additions,
subtractions, and multiplications on algebraic expressions. A number of concepts that
you will learn are some types of polynomials, which include monomial and binomial.
You have to understand how to do operations (additions, subtractions, or
multiplications) on polynomials and how to simplify some polynomials by using
these operations.

In dealing with algebraic concepts and these related topics, polynomials are
important concepts that you have to understand. These concepts are widely used not
only in algebraic concepts but also in any other concepts which use polynomials as
expressions for representation.

The key terms that you need to consider are polynomials, factors,
factorizations, GCD (Great Common Divisors), perfect quadratic expressions, and
algebraic expressions.

The following diagram shows the map of polynomials, and factorization of algebraic


Terms Coefficientss Variables Powers (Exponents)

a. The Meaning of a Polynomial

Consider the following algebraic expression:

5a3 + 4a2 a2 + 9a + 6

This algebraic expression is called a polynomial. It has 5 terms, namely 5a3, 4a2, a2, 9a and 6. In

5a3, 5 is called the coefficient of a3, 3 is called the power or exponent of a, and a is called a
variable. Similarly, in 4a2, 4 is called the coefficient of a2 and 2 is called the power or exponent
of a.

Some polynomials have specific names. A polynomial that has only one term is called a
monomial, the one having two terms is called a binomial, and the one having three terms is
called trinomial. Of course, a special name can also be given to a polynomial having more than
three terms. In general, a polynomial is either a monomial or a sum of monomials. Note that a
constant can be considered as a monomial.

The following is an example of the application of polynomials in our real life. Daddy
went to a fast-food restaurant. Daddy ordered 2 packs of French fries, 3 pieces of hamburgers,
and 1 glass of soda. If the prices of one pack of French fries, one piece of hamburger, and one
glass of soda are denoted by f, h, and s, respectively, then the total price would be:

2f + 3h + s.

This expression is a polynomial, specifically it is a trinomial. If, in fact, f = Rp

10,000, h = Rp 12,000, and s = Rp 5,000, then the total price can be calculated as follows:

The total price = 2(Rp 10,000) + 3(Rp 12,000) + 1 (Rp 5,000)

= Rp 20,000 + Rp 36,000 + Rp 5,000

= Rp 61,000

The following are some other examples of polynomials:

Polynomials Examples

Monomial a. 2x2
b. 5c
c. 10
Binomial a. 5h + 2f

b. 8c + 2
c. c2 + 3c
Trinomial a. 3h + 2f + m
b. 5w2 + 36w + 4
c. c2 - 5c + 2
More than 3 terms a. 2x3 + 4x2 - x 7
b. 2x5 + 3x4 -5x3 + x2 x 7

b. Simplifying Polynomials
Look at the following polynomial:

5a3 + 4a2 a2 + 9a + 6.

In this polynomial the terms 4a2 and a2 are like terms, the terms having the same variables of
the same power. A polynomial having like terms can be simplified by adding or subtracting the
like terms. So, for example, the polynomial 5a3 + 4a2 a2 + 9a + 6 can be simplified as follows:

5a3 + 4a2 a2 + 9a + 6 = 5a3 + (4-1) a2 + 9a + 6

= 5a3 + 3a2 + 9a + 6

The last expression is the simplest one that consists of 4 terms, that is , 5a3, 3a2, 9a and 6.

Below are some other examples of polynomials

Example 1

2c + s + f + s + h + c - s
The simplest expression:
3c + f + h + s
Grouping the terms:

( 2c + c ) + ( s + s - s ) + f + h

Example 2


n + x + y2+ 2x + y2
The simplest expression:
2y2 + 3x + n
Grouping the terms:

( y2 + y2 ) + ( x + 2x ) + n

c. Multiplication of a Monomial and a Binomial

In this section you will learn about the multiplication of a monomial and a
binomial. Consider the following situation:
Mr. Harso asks Andi to calculate the area of a rectangle whose length is 2
centimetres longer than its width.
How do you solve this question?
Suppose the width of the rectangle is w cm. Then its length is l = (2 + w) cm.
Thus, the area of the rectangle is A = l w cm 2 = (2 + l) l cm 2 . This expression is an
example of multiplication of a monomial and a binomial.

Example 3
The product of a monomial and a binomial can be modeled as the area of a rectangle which is
formed using the tile model.

Polynomial (x + 2)2x can be modeled as the area of a rectangle of x + 2 in length and 2x

in width.
The result of (x + 2)(2x) can be determined in two ways:
Method I: x+2

Add the areas of the tile model. 2x x2 xx

x2 + x2 + x + x + x + x = 2x2 + 4x x2 xx

Method II:

Apply the distributive law :

(x + 2)(2x) = (x)(2x) + (2)(2x) = 2x2 + 4x

d. Multiplication of Two Binomials

To understand the multiplication of two binomials,

consider the following situation. Suppose you have a
rectangular garden. The length of the garden is five metres
longer than twice of its width. On the periphery of the
garden there is a road of 1 metre width as shown in the
figure. The area of the road is 24 m 2 . What are the length
and width of the garden?

To answer the question, you can use a tile model.

Suppose that x represents the width of the garden. Then
2x + 5 represents the length of the garden.
x + 1 represents the width of the garden and the road.
2x + 6 represents the length of the garden and the road.
Thus x(2x + 5) equals the area of the garden.
(x + 1)(2x + 6) equals the area of the garden and the road
2x + 5

x+1 x

2x + 6
Area of Area of Area of

garden and garden

(x + 1)(2x + 6) x(2x + 5) =street
24 (*)
Solution: (x + 1)(2x + 6) x(2x + 5) = 24
2x 2 +6x + 2x + 6 2x 2 5x = 24
(2x 2 2x 2 ) + (6x + 2x 5x) + 6 = 24
3x + 6 = 24
3x = 18
x = 6

Hence, the width of the garden is 6 m. The length of the garden is 2x + 5 = 2(6) +
5 = 17 meters.Check whether the result is correct if x = 6 is substituted into the
e. Powers of Monomials and Binomials
In elementary school, you have learned about the power of an integer. You should
be able to answer the following questions.

What does 73 mean?

How to determine the value of 73? What is the value?
If k is a number, what does k4 mean?
The expressions 73 and k4 can be considered as powers of polynomials (monomials).

a. Factorization
Lia wants to frame a photograph. It is rectangular in shape. The area of the picture is
221 cm 2 , but she forgets its length and its width.
Work in pairs to help Lia to find the length and the width of the photograph. Use a piece
of grid paper and do the following steps:
o Cut the grid paper to get some pieces of square
shapes with the size of 10 10 cm 2 .
o Cut the grid paper to get some pieces of rectangle
shapes with the size of 1 10 cm 2 .
o Cut the grid paper to get some pieces of square shapes with the size of 1 1
cm .
o Using those pieces of paper, create a rectangle that covers the photograph.
What are the length and the width?
Repeat the processes to find the pair of primes whose products are:
(i) 133 (ii) 161 (iii) 209

Factorizing a number means representing a number as a multiplication of some other

numbers. For example, the number 12 can be factorized as follows:
12 = 1 x 12
12 = 2 x 6
12 = 3 x 4
12 = 3 x 2 x 2
The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 are the factors of 12.

Now, consider the following algebraic expression:

2x(2y + 3).
Similar to the case in numbers, the expressions 2 x and (2y + 3) are called the factors of
2x(2y + 3).

b. Factorizing x 2 + bx + c

Using Tile Model

Tiles model can be used as a model for factorizing algebraic expressions. Do the
following Mini Lab activity.



Group Activities

Material: Tiles Model

Suppose a rectangle has the length of (x + 3) and the width of

x2 x x x
(x + 1). Then (x + 1)(x + 3) = x22 + 4x + 3.
x 1 1 1
In other words, the factors of x + 4x + 3 are (x + 1) and (x + 3).

Your task:
Work in groups of three to factorize x22 + 3x + 2.
1 1
Make a model for the trinomial. x2 x x x

Place unit x22 and unit 1 as shown on the right figure.

Use x units form a rectangle.

Because a rectangle can be formed, x22 + 4x + 3 can be factorized. The

length of the rectangle is (x + 2) and its width is (x + 1). Thus the factors of x22 + 4x
+ 3 are (x + 1) and (x + 2).
Arrange x22 and 1 tiles as shown on the right figure.

Put x tiles to form a rectangle.

The following is another example of factorizing an algebraic expression using the tile model.
Because a rectangle can be formed, x22 + 3x + 2 can be factorized. The length of the
rectangle is (x +2) and its width is (x + 1). Thus, the factors of x22 + 3x + 2 are (x +
Example 1 1) and (x + 2).

In this example you will see how to factorize x 2 + 7x + 12 by using the tile model.
First, we take one tile of x 2 , seven tiles of x, and twelve tiles of 1. Then we construct a
rectangle by using all of the tiles.

Experiment I Experiment II Experiment III

x+6 x+5 x+4


The remaining The remaining

all units are
unused units unused units


So the factors of x 2 + 7x + 12 are x + 3 and x + 4, that is,
x 2 + 7x + 12 = (x + 3)(x + 4).

Trial and Error

We can also factorize algebraic expressions by doing trial and error. The method is
illustrated as follows.

m + n = b

x2 + bx + c = ( x + m ) ( x + n )

m x n = c

You choose two numbers m and n which are the factors of c, i.e. m x n = c, so that m
As an example, consider the expression x 2 9x + 20. To factorize this expression we
use pairs of numbers which are the factors of 20. Look at the table below.

The factors of The multiplication The sum of the

20 of the factors factors
1 and 20 20 1 + (20) = 21
2 and 10 20 2 + (10) = 12
4 and 5 20 4 + (5) = 9

Since the product of 4 and 5 is 20, and the sum of them is 9, the (x4) and
(x5) are the factors of x 2 9x + 20. Thus,

x 2 9x + 20 = (x 4)(x 5).
Factorization by Separating Greatest Common Divisors (GCD)
Sometimes we can factorize an algebraic expression by taking the greatest common
divisors (GCD) of each term in the expression. For example, consider the algebraic
2x 2 10x.
The GCD of 2x 2 and 10x is 2x. Using the distributive property, we conclude that

2x 2 10x = 2x(x) 2x(5) = 2x(x 5)

The following is another example.

Example 2

Factorize 3x 3 9x 2 + 15x.

First, determine the GCD of 3x 3 , 9x 2 , and 15x as follows:
3x 3 = 3x 3 = 3x . x 2
9x 2 = 3 2 x 2 = 3x . 3x
15x = 3 x 5x = 3x . 5
Thus the GCD of 3x 3 , 9x 2 , and 15x is 3x
Then, apply the distributive property for separating the common divisor.
3x 3 9x 2 + 15x = 3x(x 2 ) 3x(3x) + 3x(5)
= 3x(x 2 3x + 5)
c. Factorizing ax 2 + bx + c, when a 1
To factorize ax 2 + bx + c when a 1, we take the following steps:
1. List all pairs of the factors of a
2. List all pairs of the factors of c.
3. Take one pair, say (p,q), of factors of a and one pair, say (r,s), of factors of c.
4. Construct the following:
(x + )(x + )
5. Place p in one box and q in the other box; place r in one circle and s in the other
circle. So you will have an expression
(px + r)(qx + s)
6. Calculate the sum of ps (we call this the outer) and qr (we call this the inner). If
the sum is equal to b then you get the factors. If not so, take other pairs of the
factors and repeat step 2 until step 6.

Example 3

Factorize 3x 2 7x 6.
1. All pairs of the factors of 3 are (1,3) and (1,3).
2. All pairs of the factors of 6 are (1,6), (-1,6), (-2,3) and (2,3).
3. Take one pair, say (1,3), of factors of 3 and one pair, say (1,-6), of factors of -6.
4. If you take step 4 and step 5, you will have the following expression:
( 1x + 1 ) ( 3x + 6 )
5. The sum of the inner and the outer is equal to 3x 6x = -3x. This sum is not
equal to -7. So you have to repeat the step 2 until step 6 for other pairs. All the
possible pairs are shown below.

Products Sum of outer and inner Conclusion

(1x + 1 ) (3x + 6) -6 + 3 = -3 Wrong
(1x + 6) (3x + 1) 1 + (-18) = -17 Wrong
(1x + 1) (3x + 6) 6 + (-3) = 3 Wrong
(1x + 6) (3x + -1) -1 + 18 = 18 Wrong
(1x + 2) (3x + 3) -3 + 6 = 3 Wrong
(1x + 3) (3x + 2) 2 + (-9) = -7 Correct

Thus, 3x 2 7x 6 = (x 3) (3x + 2)

d. Factorizing the Difference of two Squares

Work in pairs. Find the polynomials represented in the following table.

(x + 7)(x 7)
(k + 3)(k 3)
(w + 5)(w 5)
(3x + 1)(3x 1)

What conclusion do you get?

If you examine carefully, you will arrive at the following conclusion.
e. Factorizing Perfect Quadratic Trinomials

Work in pairs. Find the polynomials represented in the following table.

Group A Group B
(x + 7)(x + 7) (x 7)(x 7)
(k + 3)(k + 3) (k 3)(k 3)
(w + 5)(w + 5) (w 5)(w 5)
Squaring For all(3x
1)(3x +a1)and b, (3x 1)(3x 1)
Binomials 1. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
2. (a b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

What conclusions do you get?

What are the factors of x 2 + 2ax + a 2 ?
What are the factors of x 2 - 2ax + a 2 ?
If you examine carefully, you will arrive at the following conclusion. In this Group
Activity, you multiplied a binomial by itself, or you square a binomial. The result is
called a perfect quadratic trinomial. Therefore, the factors of a perfect quadratic
trinomial are two identical binomials.

Example 4

Factorize 10x2 40.

10x2 40 = 10(x2 4) Common divisor of 10x2 and 40 is 10

= 10(x + 2)(x 2) Factorise x2 4

Thus 10x2 40 = 10(x + 2)(x 2).

In this chapter, you will learn the meaning of relations in mathematical contexts,
how to find functions related to daily activities, and how to draw a graph in Cartesian
Coordinate. You will also learn the meaning of functions (mappings) as particular forms
of relations. The concepts of functions are based on relations, so relations should be well
understood before you move to functions. In the concept of function you will also
consider the value of a function in which you substitute a variable in function to obtain
the value of the function.

The key terms that you need to consider are relations, functions (mappings),
arrow diagram, the value of a function, domains, co-domains, ranges, and pre-images.
To understand relations and functions, you should be able to draw their arrow diagram,
represent them in Cartesian coordinate system, and represent them in sets of ordered
pairs. In addition, you have to be able to represent a relation or a function in one
representation if the other representations are given.

The following diagram shows the map of relations.


Rule (Regulation) Sets Powers (Exponents)


Domain Co-domain Range Image Pre-image


a. The Definition of Relation

A relation from Set A to Set B is a regulation

Definition which connects the members of Set A to the
of Relation members of Set B.

b. Expressing a Relation of Two Sets Using an Arrow Diagram

A relation between two sets A and B can be represented by using an arrow diagram.
The relation likes to play in Part A can be expressed as follows:

likes to play

Riska badminton
Dimas swimming
Candra basketball
Dira football
A Figure 2.1 B

The following is another example of showing a relation between two sets using
the arrow diagram. Consider the following situation:

In the eighth grade of SMPN I Jakarta, there is a group of students

consisting of 4 members: Ani, Adi, Ina, and Iman. Ani has a younger
brother, Budi. Adi has two younger siblings, Surya and Hani. Ina doesnt
have any younger brothers or sisters, while Santi is the younger sister of
Let P be the set of the study group members, and let Q be the set of their
younger siblings. Then
P = {Ani, Adi, Ina, Iman}
Q = {Budi, Hani, Surya, Santi}

If we express the relation between the set P and the set Q as older sibling of,
then Ani is related to Budi, which means Ani is the older sibling of Budi; Adi is
related to Surya and Hani, which means Adi is the older sibling of Surya and
Hani. Ina has no younger siblings, so she has no relationship to any members of
the set Q. Iman is related to Santi. The relation from the members of the set P to
the set Q can be expressed as follows:

is older sibling of Q

Ani Budi
Adi Surya
Ina Hani
Iman Santi
Figure 2.2

Therefore, the sign on the diagram means the elder sibling of.
Ani Budi means Ani is the elder sibling of Budi,

Adi Surya means Adi is the elder sibling of Surya,

Adi Hani means Adi is the elder sibling of Hani,

and so on.
c. Showing Relations between Two Sets in The Cartesian Coordinate System
In addition to using arrow diagrams, we can also use a Cartesian coordinate to
show a relation between two sets. The Cartesian coordinate system consists of two axis,
the horizontal axis and the vertical one.
As an example, let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Suppose the relation between
the set A and the set B is shown in the following diagram:

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 B

The Cartesian coordinates representing this relation are as follows.

(Write the numbers in x-axis and y-axis)

The coordinate (1,2), for example, shows that 1 is related to 2. Can you explain the meaning
of the other coordinates?

d. Expressing Relations between Two Sets Using a Set of Ordered Pairs

A relation between two sets A and B can also be represented in the form of a set of
ordered pairs. A set of ordered pairs of a relation between set A and set B is represented by
{(x, y)} where x is a member of set A, and y is a member of set B.
As an example, let us reconsider the relation likes to play in Figure 2.1. This relation
can be expressed as a set R of ordered pairs as follows:
R = {(Riska, swimming), (Riska, badminton), (Dimas, football), (Candra, football), (Dira,
badminton), (Dira, basketball), (Reni, badminton), (Reni, basketball)}.
The following is another example.
Given P = {2, 3, 4, 5} and Q = {4, 9, 25}. Relation R between the members of the set P and
those of the set Q is a factor of. This relation can be expressed in a set of ordered pairs as

A relation from a set A to a set B can expressed as a set of ordered pairs t {(x, y)}
where x is the member of the set A (the first set) and y is the member of the set B (the
second set).

R = {(2, 4) , (3, 9) , (4, 4) , (5, 25)}.


Representing a Function

Definition of Function A relation from a set A a set B is called a function if

every member of the set A relates to exactly one
member o the set B

Definition of Range A range is the set of all the maps of every

members of the domain or A range is the
set of all the members of the co-domain
which heve pre-maps

2.3 Value of a Function

Consider the following arrow diagram:

K one more than L

2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4

From the arrow diagram above, we can see that:

2 1, meaning that 2 is one more than 1.
3 2, meaning that 3 is one more than 2.
4 3, meaning that 4 is one more than 3.
5 4, meaning that 5 is one more than 4.
In general, if we take any member x of the set K, then its map in the set L is (x 1).
Thus, using an arrow diagram we may express the relation as :

x (x 1).
We can check that this relation is a function.
If the function one more than is denoted by f, then the function f can be denoted by
f : x (x 1). It is called the notation of function

The map ofx is x 1 and this map is denoted byf(x).

The notation f(x) = (x 1) is also known as the rule of function, or function formula,
or function equation. The notation, however, is often read out only as functionf.
Sometimes we denote f(x) by y. It means in the Cartesian coordina system the
value of f is in vertical axis or y-axis, so
a. f(x) = y,
b. iff(x) = (x 1), then, y = x 1.
x is called the independent variable, and y is the dependent variable.
Thus, If x = 2 thenf(2) = 2 1 = 1.
The value of function ffor x = 2 is 1
If x = 3 thenf(3) = 3 1 = 2.
The value of function ffor x = 3 is 2
If x = 4 thenf(4) = 4 1 = 3.
The value of function ffor x = 4 is 3
If x = 5 thenf(5) = 5 1 = 4.
The value of function ffor x = 5 is 4
For the function f with the rule f(x) = x 1, if you set x = 2 then f(2) = 1. The
number 1 is called the value of the function for x = 2. The values of the function for
each member of the set K are given in the following table:

x 2 3 4 5

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1

f(x) = x - 1 1 2 3 4

The set of ordered pairs is {(2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (5,4)}

Example :
1. Given a function f with the domain A = {7, 9, 11, 13} and f(x) = 2x 3
a. Determine the value of f (7), f (9), f (11) and f (13).
b. Draw a table for the function above.
c. Determine the range of f.
d. Draw the graph of the function in Cartesian coordinates

a. The value of the function; f (7) = 2(7) 3 = 11,
f (9) = 2(9) 3 = 15,
f (11) = 2(11) 3 = 19,
f (13) = 2(13) 3 = 23.
b. The table function
x 7 9 11 13

2(x)-3 (2(7) 3) (2(9) 3) (2(11) 3) (2(13) 3)

f (x) = 2(x)-3 11 15 19 23

c. The range of f is {11, 15, 19, 23}

d. Cartesian Coordinates

(13, 23)


2 (9,15)



7 9 11 13
3. Properties Of The Straight Line
In this chapter, you will learn the properties of straight lines, where you
will study x-intercept and y-intercept of a straight line. This information will
assist you in drawing the graph of a line. You will also learn the meaning of a
slope of a line and how to determine the slope of various lines by using
counting units or equations given. The other concepts that you will find
throughout this chapter are how to find an equation of a straight line, how to
draw the graphs, and some conditions you should know when two straight lines
are perpendicular or parallel to a particular line, or pass a certain point.
The key terms that you need to comprehend are properties of straight
lines, steepness, slopes, counting units, equation of a straight line, and the
position of straight lines.
The following diagram shows the map of the properties of straight lines.

Water Tank
A house has a water tank and a bathtub. The water flows from the tank to the
The relationship between the volume of water in
the bathtub and the flowing time is presented Flowing Volume of water in the
time (x) bathtub (y) liters
in the table on the right. minutes
Based on the table, we can see; 0 2
Suppose x represents the time needed to fill 1 7
the bathtub and y represents the volume of 2 12
3 17
water in the bathtub. 4 22
What relation can we make from the data 5 27
Study the relation of the added time and the
volume of the added water expressed by the following arrow diagrams:
0 0 = 0 x 5 +2
1 5 = 1 x 5 +2
2 10 = 2 x 5 +2
3 15 = 3 x 5 +2
4 20 = 4 x 5 +2
5 25 = 5 x 5 +2
Think about it
a. If the flowing time is x minutes, in litres, how much water (y) is in the bathtub?
b. Draw the relations expressed above in Cartesian coordinates. If you connect the
points on the Cartesian coordinates, what do you get?
c. If the water flows for 10 minutes, how much water is in the bathtub?
d. If the volume of the bathtub is 75 litres, how long will the water take to fill the

The results that are obtained in the activity above can be represented as a a
function of y = 5x + 2. The graph that you get in the Cartesian plane is a straight
line. Later, whenever you find a function in the form of y = ax + b, in Cartesian
coordinates it will be a straight line. (Try to do an experiment by taking some
values for variables a and b). For this reason any function in the form of y = ax +
b is called a straight-line equation (why?)

Point of Interception
Consider the straight-line equation y = 5x + 2 that we obtained above. Now express
some points for x = -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 in Cartesian coordinates and then connect them, as
seen in the figure below.

interception on x-axis

(x,0) interception on y-axis

Based on your observation, does the line intersect the x-axis and y-axis on Cartesian
coordinates? If it does, where are the points of interception?
The point of interception on x-axis is obtained if y = 0.
Similarly, the point of interception on y-axis is obtained if x = 0.
Now let us observe it in more details.Given the value of y = 0, then we get:
y = 5x + 2
0 = 5x + 2
5x = -2
x =
Thus, the point of interception on x-axis is ( ,0).
Given the value of x = 0, so y = 0 + 2 = 2.The value of y is 2.So, the point of
interception on y-axis is (0,2).

a. The condition of x = 0 causes line y = 5x +2 to intercept the y-axis. This is called y-

The point of interception is (0,2)

b. The condition of y = 0 causes line y = 5x +2 to intercept the x- axis. This is called x-

The point of intersection is ( ,0).

c. For line y = ax +b;

What is the point of interception on y-axis ?

What is the point of interception on x-axis ?

a. Ball

Wisnu is standing 10 metres from the wall of a hall. He is rolling a ball on the floor with a
constant velocity.

Time of Distance (y) in metres

rolling (x) in
0 10
1 12
2 14
3 16
The table on the right shows the length of
the ball rolls and the distance it covers.
a. Suppose x is the length of time the ball rolls, and y is the distance that the ball
covers. Can you formulate the relation between y (distance) and x (time)?
b. Plot the above points (x, y) in Cartesian coordinates.
c. Draw a line that passes through all these points.
d. Use the line in problem c to find out the distance that the ball covers. If the ball
rolls for 5 seconds, what is the distance of the ball from the starting point?
e. How much time will it take to reach the distance 45 m from the starting

3.2 slopes

You surely have seen the roof of a house. Notice the roofs of the houses below. In Figure 3.7,
which roof looks steeper? Figure 3.7(a) or Figure 3.7(b)? How do we know the measure of
The measure of steepness is slope.
Now, we will learn how to determine the slope of an object. The picture of the roof of the
house above is simplified into a triangle as shown in Figure 3.8 (for 3.7 a ) and Figure 3.9
(for 3.7 b)
So, AB : the left side of the roof
BC : the right side of the roof
BD : the main pillar of the roof
AC : the horizontal pillar or the base
Is the steepness of AB equal to the steepness of EF ? If it is not, whichone is
steeper? B


A 6 D C
Figure 3.8
Figure 3.9

Suppose the roofs have bases of the same length, i.e. AC and EG , with different height of main
pillar, so they have different steepness. Therefore, the slopes are different. It means that height
affects steepness.
It means that the vertical distancebetween Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9 is different. It shows
that the steepness of the roof is affected by the vertical distance.
If the main pillars of the roofs are the same length, but they have the different length of base
pillars, which one is steeper?

The steepness of an object is affected by the difference in vertical distance and by the
difference in horizontal distance.

Finally, we can conclude that slope can be defined as follows.

Slope =

To show the differences between the directions of steepness we say that if an object rises
from left to right, the degree of steepness is positive (the slope is positive).
On the contrary, if an object descends from left to right, the degree of steepness is
negative (the slope is negative).
The degree of steepness of an object in real life is the same as gradient of the line in

The Slope
Notice the two linear equations below:
y = 2x + 2 and y = 5x + 2.

Observe the value of these linear equations for values x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for each linear

y = 2x + 2 y = 5x + 2
x = 0 y = 2(0) + 2 = 2 x = 0 y = 5(0) + 2 = 2
x = 1 y = 2(1) + 2 = 4 x = 1 y = 5(1) + 2 = 7
x = 2 y = 2(2) + 2 = 6 x = 2 y = 5(2) + 2 = 12
x = 3 y = 2(3) + 2 = 8 x = 3 y = 5(3) + 2 = 17
x = 4 y = 2(4) + 2 = 10 x = 4 y = 5(4) + 2 = 22
x = 5 y = 2(5) + 2 = 12 x = 5 y = 5(5) + 2 = 27

Then, compare the value of y for each equation if the value of x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. What
conclusion can you draw.

Look at the Cartesian coordinates below:

Figure 3.11
Of the two lines, which one is steeper?
How do you measure the degree of steepness of the lines?

Calculate the difference between the two points on the x-axis and the two points on the y-axis
based on the graphs of the functions made above, and then complete the following list.

Dx0 Dy0 Dy0


Do you find the same ratio between the difference of ordinates and the difference of
abscissas or for any points you take ?
Notice Figure 3.11 above;
a. What is the for the linear equation of y = 2x + 2?
b. What is the for the linear equation of y = 5x + 2?
For linear equation y = ax + b, the = a. This ratio is called the slope of the line y.


If the points and their coordinates are A(x 1, y 1 ) and B(x 2, y 2 ), then the slope of line

ordinate B ordinate A y2 y1
is or
abscissa B abscissa A x 2 x1
It means :
the vertical difference
Slope =
the horizontal difference
The vertical difference is negative if the line descends from the left to the right.
For Example :
Find the slope!

down 3 units

up 2 units

to the right 5 units

to the right 5 units

So m = So m =
Graphing a line if its slope and a point are known

Given a line which passes through point (1, 2) with a slope of - 3 .

a. Plot point (1, 2) on the Cartesian coordinates.
b. Explain how you draw the line.
The steps:
m= =
if y 2 2 = 3, then y 2 = 5
and x 2 1 = -2,
x 2 = -1
if y 2 2 = -3, then y 2 = -1
and x 2 1 = 2,
x2 = 3



For Example :

The graph on the left shows the relationship

between the temperature in Celcius degrees (or
C) and that in Fahrenheit degrees (or F). The
graph intersects the Y-axis at 32. It shows the
temperature under which water starts to freeze,
and 20 0 C equals to 68 0 F.
Now, solve these problems:
a. Determine the slope of the line.
b. After you get the slope and the point of intersection on the Y- axis,
determine the equation of the line.
c. Using the equation of the line, determine what temperature in Fahrenheit degrees
equals 31 0 C.
Solution :
a. The line goes through points (0,32 ) and (20,68), so, the slope of the line
can be calculated by
m = 68 32 = 36 =
20 0 20 5
b. Notice, if (x,y) = (0,32), then x means celcius degrees and y means
Fahrenheit degrees
If x = 0, then y = 32, it means y = m (0) + 32
If x = 20, then y = 68, it means 68 = 20.m + 32

m = (68 32) : 20
m = 36/20 = 9/5
We find that y =( 9/5)x + 32 is the equation through (0,32) and m = 9/5.
Therefore, we conclude :
y =mx + c is the equation through (0,c) and its slope is m ,m--- 0

1. Determining the equation of a line if the slope and a point on the line are known
Suppose the equation of the line is y = mx + c and the point on the line is P 1 (x 1 ,
y 1 ), and then for x = x 1 and y = y 1 we get y 1 = mx 1 +c or
c = y 1 mx 1 .
If c = y 1 mx 1 is substituted into equation y = mx + c, we get:
y = mx + (y 1 mx 1 )
y = m x mx 1 + y 1 y y 1 = m (x x 1
Thus, the equation of a line with slope m and passes through point (x 1 , y 1 ) is y
y 1 = m (x x 1 ).
For Example

Write the equation of a line which has a slope of 2 and passes through point (4, 10).
Solution :
use the formula y y 1 = m(x x 1 )
and get y 10 = -2(x 4) or y = -2x + 18
The slope of the line is 2 (or m = -2). Then substitute m = -2 into the equation
y = mx + c and substitute the coordinates of point ( 4, 10) on the line into the
equation to find out the value of c as follows:
y = -2x + c
10 = -2(4) + c
10 = -8 + c
c = 18
so the equation of the line is y = -2x + 18.

2. Determining the equation of a line if the coordinates of two points on the line are
For Example
Determine the equation of line s that
passes through A(-3,0) and B(3,6). B(3, 6)

Solution :
The First Step
Find the slope of line l by using two known points,
i.e., points A(-3,0) and B(3, 6): A(-3, 0) O
y 2 y1
m= 60 6 = 1
x 2 x1 3 (3) 6

The Second Step

After we get the slope of the line, choose one of the two points on the line. Choose,
for example, point B(3, 6). Then substitute its coordinates into the equation
y y 1 = m(x x 1 ) and get
y 6 = 1(x 3)
So the equation of the line is y = x + 3.
In another way, choose point A(-3, 0) and determine the equation of line l.

3. Determining the coordinates of the point of intersection of two lines

There are three possible positions of two lines in the same plane in relation to
each other: parallel, intersecting, or coinciding. If two lines intersect, you can
determine their point of intersection.
For Example :
The equation of line k is y = 3x + 5 and the equation of line l is 2y = 7x + 12.
a. Draw the two lines on the Cartesian coordinates.
b. Observe whether the two lines intersect or not.
c. By using the graph in problem (a), determine the coordinates of the point of

4. Determining the equation of a line which is parallel to line and passes through
point P(x, y)
For Example :
The equations of lines p and q are y = 3x + 2 and y = 3x 5.
a. Draw lines p and q on the Cartesian coordinates.
b. Determine the slopes of lines p and q
c. Draw a conclusion about the position of the two lines. Observe whether the two
lines are parallel or not. Explain your answer.

5. Determining the equation of a line which is perpendicular to line l and passes

through point P(x, y)
For Example :
Draw lines g and h which have equations y = 2x + 1 and 2y = -x + 5 on the Cartesian
a. Determine the slopes of lines g and h.
b. Determine the result of multiplication of both slopes.
c. Observe whether line g and line h intersect. If they do, determine the coordinates
of the point of intersection.
d. If line g and line h intersect, determine the angle that is formed by these two
lines. Explain the result (using a protractor).
When two straight lines are perpendicular to each other, the multiplication of both
slopes is 1.

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