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351- Driven, wants to be successful (manifests in whatever their idea of being successful is),
knowledgeable and well equipped, as well as as close to correct/perfect (again, in what their
idea of perfection is.) Lots of self discipline, staunch. Probably concerned with having a good
image, (1 and 3 coming into play), being appropriate. Smooth though, a bit of social grace from
being a core 3, softens out the stand-offish 5 attributes. Focused, critical, decisive. Focused,
could be introverted or extroverted. Social climber, wants to be esteemed for their abilities,
probably a collector of little facts, purposeful and executive in their decisions. Observant, carries
themselves with confidence, polite, detached.


358- Intense combination. Confident. Wants to have control, be successful, and accumulate
knowledge. Perhaps could be described as rough around the edges, compared to 351, refined,
or 359, less overwhelming. 358 has a bit of impulsiveness thrown into the mix. Core 3 would
lend a little more social ease, although this combination might come off a bit domineering
unintentionally. Straight forward. Ambitious. Tough minded, can be arrogant, studious and
observant, schemer. Could become somewhat distanced from their emotions. Powerful.


359- Likely to win people over with a buddy, buddy demeanor. Relaxed demeanor but still a
networker, friendly, floater. A little more seemingly withdrawn than 358 due to 9, but this can
also work to their advantage by making their approach seem much more genuine and
personable. Ease tensions with clever, pleasant remarks. Much more go with the flow than 358
tritype as well. Though they seem personable, you dont actually learn much about them as their
feelings are hidden behind a mask of pleasantry and amiability, good listener, suggester.


361- Loyal supporter and upholder of whatever system. Recognize and acknowledge my loyalty
and devotion to this cause. Im upholding the justice correctly. I believe in this, so Ill stand by it.
Interesting if you consider phobic or counterphobic 6, though type 6 can be a mixture of both,
some lean more to one description than the other. I want to be acknowledged for my skeptical
inclinations that allow me to root out what isnt true or is questionable and how by doing this
Im upholding the good and keeping things proper, Im impeccable in this area.


368- Bitingly challenges doubtful things and will drag out information, theyll find the truth,
hellbent on it. I want to be recognized for my tough perseverance in challenging what I find
questionable. Not afraid to call out bullshit or argue. Charmer, smooth talker but if they really
want something theyll fight for it. A little bit impulsive, risk taker but probably well known for
this. Confident in themselves on the surface, but extreme skeptic at the same time, including of


369- Less directly confrontational than 368 but still likely to ruminate over information that
doesnt sit well with them. Silent watcher. Tight lipped yet thinking over everything. Outwardly,
politely smiling. Probably generally well liked, fits in, less likely to point out injustices to others or
themselves but will silently consider them. Adjust to a situation to look their best and maintain a
positive social image even if they dont necessarily agree with it because of the 9. Probably
wants to be recognized for how peaceful and serene they are (seem).


371- Positive, cheerful, but structured. Able to let loose and have fun but will still want to get
back to work. Buoyant, wants to be recognized for their upbeat, social attitude, can surprise
people when they point out that something is incorrect. I want to do good and look good doing
it. Fairly friendly, and can appear more extroverted yet also have reserved qualities due to 1.
Playful and restrained side. People person, easily charms their way in.

378- Direct in addressing. Seems to have a wild side yet has careful maintenance so that it
always portrays them in the best light possible. Could be seen as flighty. Blunt but positive about
it. Bold. Decisive. Appears very extroverted. Playful side, but take charge as well. Not likely to
ruminate on feelings, will do things in the here and now. Wants to be recognized for their
spontaneous go getter ambitious side, I will achieve what I decide to. Charming in a blinding
impacting way, whirlwind.


379- Pleasant, takes things lightly. Considerate. Easy going. Comforting, soft, but theres still a
high emphasis on achievements. Avoids stirring up drama and instead constantly looks at the
positives, sometimes going out of their way to avoid acknowledging the negatives. People
person even though they can seem pretty quiet. Thoughtful, watches from behind the scenes
and in this way, learns how to gain recognition as well.

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