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orate chal erg Caring on bawenng an2e-Enghneg k rge Engineering Stack Exchange is a Hore's how itworks: - {question and answer site for professionals and students of ‘engineering. It's 100% free, no registration requires ‘Anybody can ask Anybody can The best answers are voted n ‘aquestion ‘answer ‘up and ise tothe top Converting air flow rate between kg/s and m*3/s 1s 1 kgs of al flw rate equivalent to 1 ms? |.am calculating supply ir ow rate into a zane fran ar contionng system. The simulation software gives the rsultin ms but he ‘matvematica formula that used lakes In ko Do | need to convert the flow rae, and iso, haw do | convert between kgls and mis? dies BR 3 Answers ‘You need to consider the density ofthe sir, which varies with temperature and ai pressure. At 15 degrees Celsius at sea lve, te dorsity of airs 1.225 kg/m? The table here gives air onsite at 5 degree intervals replonetngsunatrgeceigerenicererttgadowntenenigrarsme orate chal erg Caring on bawenng an2e-Enghneg k rge Now density s mass divided by volume, pamjv Hence, to get the volume low rate (in m/s), fora know mass flow rate, divide the mass fhw rate in kg/s) bythe density (in ko/m' “Thus, a ow rate of 1hg/s 5, 1/1.225 = 0.8165m'/s “To getthe mass fow rat fora knaw volume fow rte multiple the volume fo rate by the air densi. dies tora 8a 348 snore Agra 15438 Trevor Arita Fret re four slnfcan gs worated? = Polo Watansan Apr 21 18 a 1029 3. @Peioanson Take aloo tte ans valos nto tbl Fred Iked. ASC change in omparsure ‘coresponds to oughly # 0.02 g/m change mn enay. Snes te vahas ven goto = fae, May HVAC-Systoms usually ove a Volume-Flow-Rate, ence m/s. M you need Mass-Flow-Reato( kkg/s) you serply nocd to muloly with th density (p) af the Mid. The density canbe called using the ideal gas law (500 1): Pa Rr, Pe Please observe that you need sate valves forthe pressure (Py, see 2) and temperature ( S88 3). The specie gas constant (R, see ¢ fo i's depending on the humic ofthe ai but 287.058,)/ka/ K isa good starting point. For low veloc static and absolute values aro so lose to each other that you should be able to use the bsolutlambiont pressure and “Temperature. However, the density i changing wit pressure and temperature, neglecting ether willdocroase the accuracy ofthe measurement replonetngsunatrgeceigereniclemerttgatowntenenigrarsae orate chal eng Caring one kawennkg asnBe-Enheg tk rge From my experience the HVAC system has @ measurement eror (57%) whichis larger than the ‘errarwhien & made by assuming siate=toa ‘Advalies in Stunts! ees A215 530 anamered A 2195 509 Constant Mass Flow: AV (Hence mass fow fs equal o density tines area times veloc. So assuming you have an area of 1 n72 wih a velocity of I mis, ie with a density of 1.225 kgim'3 wi equate to a mass flow of 1.225 kos. For ncompressibl flows, the mass flow rate is constant. anawored 42198 ation ncaroresny sty tar.) ny han at dra 8 eo els {ight atte ate} deny changes as wo. U0 Apr 215 at 278, replonetngsunatrgeceigereniclemerttgatowntenenigrarsae

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