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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

A. Describe Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

B. Recognize the importance of CPR
C. Enumerate the indications of CPR
D. Identify the contraindications of CPR
E. State the steps of CPR
F. Perform hands on CPR/CPR
G. Use resources to save life

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

B. Sub topic: Steps of CPR
C. Reference: American Heart Association Journal
Department of Health
Medical Surgical Nursing Volume II (pages 1066-1075)
By: Bruner and Sudarrt
D. Materials: PowerPoint presentation
Dummy person

III. Procedure

A. Activities

A.I Daily routine

Checking of attendance
Establishing contract with the students
Share expectations to the students like avoiding unnecessary noise,
maintaining proper behavior inside the class, application of positive
reinforcement through reward for those who will participate and can follow

A.II Motivation
Instruct students perform the Jumping Jack 20 times
Ask the students to share their observation after doing the Jumping Jack
Compare the observation to a patient who has cardiac problem.

Show pictures of famous people and let the students reflect on it.
State facts about cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrest is the number one cause of death and diseases in the
Philippines according to the Department of Health
Video presentation to motivate students by the use of power point
Ask the students about the things to be done when they saw an
unconscious patient?
Let the students realize the importance of CPR during emergency situation
like heart attack.
B. Analysis

B.I Presentation/Discussion
1. Describe CPR
CPR- it is a process of compressing the heart to deliver assisted oxygen to the brain.
2. Discuss the importance of CPR
Importance of CPR
To save life/ to prolong life
To prevent further injury
To bridge the gap of the victim and the physician
3. Enumerate the indications of CPR
Indications of CPR
A- Asystole- flat line on the ECG
B- Breathless- Absent of breathing
C- Cardiac arrest- Inability of the hearth to pump blood
D- Deficit in pulse- Absent of pulse/Pulse less
U- Unconscious- A state of unresponsiveness
4. Identify the contraindication of CPR
Contraindication of CPR
B- Broken ribs
C- Conscious
D- Do not Resuscitate order
5. Explain the steps of CPR

Steps of CPR
Danger- Look for any dander in the area
Is the scene safe?
Response- Check for the response of the victim
Shout Hey sir, hey sir, are you ok?2X
Ask for help
Call for emergency hotline
Identify yourself as a trained first aider and CPR provider
Airway- assess for airway
Check for obstruction
Breathing- Check for breathing
LOOK for the rise and fall
LISTEN for the sound of breath
FEEL for the air coming out from the nose
Circulation- Check for circulation
Check for the carotid pulse- 10 seconds

Note: If the patient is PULSELESS and BREATHLESS- Perform CPR

Hands on CPR- CPR without mouth to mouth resuscitation (untrained person)
CPR with mouth to mouth resuscitation (trained person)
Steps of Hands on CPR
Call- Call the emergency hotline
Compress- Push fast and Push hard, compression rate is at least
100 compressions per minute, compression dept is 2-2
Present video of a Hands- on CPR through power point
Demonstrate CPR with the use of the dummy
30 chest compressions is to 2 rescue breaths (5 cycles)
Demonstrate CPR with the use of the dummy
6. Recognize when to stop CPR
When to stop CPR
Trained first aider arrive

C. Abstraction

C.I Generalization

CPR is a lifesaving skills, it is a process of giving compressions to help revive the

victim suffering from Heart attack. The contraindication of CPR are broken ribs,
conscious and do not resuscitate order. Principles of CPR should strictly followed or
comply, compression rate is 100 compressions/min, compression depth is 2-2 and
compression should be Hard and Fast. The steps of CPR is (DRA ABC) Look for
Danger, Response immediately, Ask for help, Assess the Airway, Assess the
breathing and check for the circulation, If the patient is pulse less and breathless
perform CPR.

C.I I Application
Return demonstration of Hands on CPR/CPR
Encourage students to demonstrate Hands on CPR/CPR.

C.III Valuing
Video presentation about saving life to value its importance.
Asks the students about the importance of being a trained CPR provider
C.III Assessment/ Evaluation

Direction: Read the following questions and write the letter before the number.
1. This is a life saving skills in which it is a process of compressing the heart to deliver
assisted oxygen?
a. CPR b. First aid c. BLS d. ACLS

2. This is the compression rate for a non trained first aider?

a. 30:2 b. 100 compressions/min c. 80-90 d. 15:2

3. This is the inability of the heart to pump blood?

a. Stroke b. Cardiac arrest c. Asystole d. Unconscious

4. This is define as flat line at the ECG monitor?

a. Bradycardia b. Unconscious c. Stoke d. Asystole

5. Which of the following is an indication of CPR?

a. Conscious b. Broken ribs c. Pulse less, Breathless d. Awake

6. Which of the following is a contraindication of CPR?

a. Conscious patient b. cardiac arrest c. pulse less d. breathless

7. Which of the following is your first action during emergency situation?

a. Check for danger b. response immediately c. Assess the airway d. do

8. Which of the following will you asses first in CPR?

a. Airway b. breathing c. circulation d. money

9. Where will you put your hand during compression?

a. Stomach b. middle of the chest c. above the nipple d. at the breast

10. This is the principle of chest compression during CPR?

a. Push hard and push fast b. push fast only c. push hard only d. push slow
Heart Saver CPR Skills Sheet
Student Name:

Test Date:

Step Correctly Not Not Done

Done Correctly
done (0 pt)
(2 pts.) (1 pt)

1. Verbalizes that the Scene is safe

2. Identifies self as a trained first aider and CPR


3. Checks for response Tap and Shout

4. Calls for Help/Tell someone to phone emergency


5. Assesses Airway ( Head Tilt-Chin Lift )

6. Checks for breathing (10 seconds) LOOK, LISTEN,


7. Checks for Circulation (10 seconds) CAROTID


8. Locates Hand placement for Compression -Center

of the chest

9. Delivers at least 100 compressions per minute ( 2

inches depth Compresion )
30:2 Compression:Ventilation
10. Place Patient in Recovery position

Score: _____________

TOTAL SCORE: 20 points

Evaluators Name and Signature

IV. Assignment

What is Emergency Prepredness?

What is disaster management

Prepared by: Dayrel C. Guinucay, RN, MSN

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