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Hollow metal pipes are one form of uniform wave guiding

structure called waveguide.
Why waveguide?
Parameters Two wire Co-axial Parallel plate Unit
R Rs 1 1
R s + 2 Rs
2 a b
a w

f c
Where Rs =

R with f Attenuation at microwave frequencies

EM propagating in a hollow metal pipes for single conductors with

large surface areas. Thus attenuation due to R will be decreased.
Mode of Propagation

As waveguide consists of only one hollow conductor, so waveguide

does not support TEM wave
Waveguide can support two types of wave:
-TE (Transverse Electric) waves
-TM (Transverse magnetic) waves

These waves can exist inside a hollow conductor under certain

Wave propagating in the z- direction

n z

When a wave is introduced at one end of the waveguide, it is

reflected from the wall of the waveguide whenever it strikes it.
Because the wave is entirely enclosed by conducting walls.
This process results in a component of either E or H field in the
direction of propagation of the resultant wave. So No TEM
wave exists.
- One component n (normal to the direction of prapagation)
-One component p (parallel to the direction of prapagation)
= wavelength in unbounded medium

n =
p =
- angle of incidence
Various reflected waves interact with each other to produce an
infinite number of discrete characteristics patterns called modes.
The existence of a discrete mode depends on
-Shape and size of the waveguide
-Medium within the waveguide
-Operating frequency
Different waveguides
General solutions to Maxwells equations for TEM,TE and TM waves

Cylindrical waveguide
z Rectangular Waveguide

Time harmonic fields with an ejt dependence and wave
propagation along the z-axis (For lossless wave guide and wave
propagating in the +ve z direction)
r r
E ( x, y, z ) = [e ( x, y ) + zez ( x, y )]e jz (1)
For lossy waveguide will be
H ( x, y, z ) = h ( x, y ) + zhz ( x, y ) e jz (2) replaced by (=+j)
e ( x, y ) -Transverse E-field
h ( x, y ) -Tranverse H-field

ez(x,y)- Longitudinal component of E-field

hz(x,y)- Longitudinal component of h-field

For waveguide propagating in the ve z direction e-jz will

be replaced by ejz
Maxwells equation for source free lossless waveguide
r r
E = jH (3)
r r
H = jE (4)

With an e-jz, z-dependence we can write the above equation (3) as

E z
+ j E y = jH x (5.1)
E z
jE x = jH y (5.2)
E y E x
= jH z (5.3)
x y
With an e-jz, z-dependence we can write the above equation (4) as

H z
+ jH y = jE x (5.4)
H z
j H x = jE y (5.5)
H y H x
= jE z (5.6)
x y
For Transverse field component in terms of longitudinal component (Ez and Hz)

To find Hx substitute the value of Ey from equation (5.5) in

equation (5.1)
From equation (5.5)
1 H z
Ey = j H x
j x
E z 1 H z
+ j j H = jH x
y j x

E z H z
j + H x j
= 2 H x
y x

E z H z
( 2
2 )H x = j
y x

j E z H z
Hx = (6)
y x

Where kc2 = 2 2 = k 2 2
kc is called the cutoff wave number and k is the wavenumber. All
depend on the filling material of the waveguide.
j E z H z
H y = 2 + (7)
kc x y
j E z H z
Ex = 2 + (8)
kc x y
j E z H z
Ey = + (9)
y x

Equation (6)-(9) are known as the general expression of the

transverse field components in terms of longitudinal field
components (Ez and Hz)
For TEM wave
Ez=0, Hz=0
Then from 5.2 and 5.5 we eliminate Hx to obtain
2 E y = 2 E y
2 = 2
= = k
kc = 0

Now Helmholtzs wave equation for Ex

2 2 2
2 + 2 + 2 + k 2 Ex = 0 (10)
x y z
Considering the z-dependence e-jz
2 Ex = Ex = k Ex
2 2

Thus equation 10 reduces to
2 2
2 + 2 Ex = 0
x y
Similar to Ey. Thus we can write the equation for transverse component
t2 e ( x, y ) = 0
Similarly for H-fields
t h ( x, y ) = 0

Wave impedance
E x E y
zTEM = = = zTEM = = =
Hy Hx
FOR TE Wave Ez=0 Hz0
j H z It depends on f and
Hx = 2 Kc0 = k 2 kc2 geometry of the waveguide
k c x
j H z Hz can be obtained from the Helmholtz wave equation
Hy =
kc2 y 2 2 2 2
2 + 2 + 2 + k H z = 0
j H z x y z
Ex =
kc2 y 2 2 2
Hz(x,y,z)=hz(x,y)e-jz 2 + 2 + kc hz = 0
j H z x y
Ey =
kc2 x
The differential equation is solved subject to boundary conditions
TE wave impedance

Ex E y k
Z TE = = = =
Hy Hx
Hz=0 Ez0
j E z It depends on f and
Ex = 2 Kc0 = k 2 kc2 geometry of the waveguide
kc x
j E z
Ey =
k c2 y 2 2 2 2
2 + 2 + 2 + k Ez = 0
j E z x y z
Hx = 2
k c y 2 2 2
Ez(x,y,z)=ez(x,y)e-jz 2 + 2 + k c e z = 0
j E z x y
Hy =
kc2 x
The differential equation is solved subject to boundary conditions
TM wave impedance
Impedance is frequency
Ex Ey
Z TM = = = = dependent
Hy H x k
Attenuation Due to Dielectric Loss
c=Attenuation due to conductor, d=Attenuation due to dielectric
= c+ d
Losses depends on the field distribution in the wave guide
Waveguide with homogeneous dielectric
= d + j = kc2 k 2 = kc2 2 0 0 r (1 j tan )
Where k 2 = 2 (1 j tan )

Most dielectric material have a very small loss (tan)<<1)

= kc2 2 0 0 r + j 2 0 0 r tan
Attenuation Due to Dielectric Loss(contd)
= kc2 2 0 0 r + j 2 0 0 r tan
= kc2 k 2 + jk 2 tan
jk 2
tan From taylor series expansion
= kc k +
2 2

2 k c2 k 2 1 x 2

a2 + x2 = a +
k 2 tan 2a
= d + j = + j
2 Here kc2-k2=a2 and k2tan=x2
When loss is small the phase kc2 = k 2 2
constant is unchanged kc2 k 2 = ( j ) 2

Thus k 2 tan
d = For TE/TM wave
k tan For TEM wave where k=
d =
Rectangular waveguide
Couplers, detectors, isolators, attenuators and slotted line are
commercially available for various standard waveguide bands (1 GHz
to 220 GHz)

Waveguide is filled
y with a materials ,

b ,
a a>b
FOR TE modes

Ez=0 Hz0 Separation of variables argument

d X d Y
+ kx X = 0
2 + k yY = 0

2 2 2 2
2 dy 2

2 + 2 + 2 + k H z = 0 dx
x y z
k 2c = k x2 + k y2
Hz(x,y,z)=hz(x,y)e-jz The general solution for hz can
2 2 be written as
2 + 2 + kc hz = 0 (1)
x y

= k 2 kc2
Solution of equ (1) by the method of
separation of variables by letting
hz ( x, y ) = X ( x )Y ( y )
1 d 2 X 1 d 2Y
+ 2
+ k c = 0

X dx Y dy
Rectangular waveguide (contd.)
hz ( x, y ) = ( A cos k x x + B sin k x x )(C cos k y y + D sin k y y )
Boundary condition
Electric field tangential to the waveguide wall
ex(x,y)=0 at y=0,b (2) ey(x,y)=0 at x=0,a (3)
To find ex(x,y)
j hz j
ex = = k y ( A cos k x x + B sin k x x )( C sin k y y + D cos k y y ) (4)
kc y
2 2
j hz j
ey = 2 = 2 k x ( A sin k x x + B cos k x x )(C cos k y y + D sin k y y ) (5)
kc x kc
From equ (2) and (4) D=0, k y = For n=0,1,2,3.
From equ (3) and (5) B=0, x k = For m=0,1,2,3.
hz ( x, y ) = Amn cos k x x cos k y y
Where Amn is an arbitrary constant composed of A and C
m n
2 2

kc2 = +
a b
m and n indicates the number of half cycle variation in the x-y direction
Considering the z-dependency we can write
H z ( x, y, z ) = Amn cos k x x cos k y ye jz
j n m n jz
Ex = 2 Amn cos x sin ye
kc b a b
j m m n jz
Ey = 2 Amn sin x cos ye
kc a a b
j H z j m m n jz
Hx = 2 = 2 Amn sin x cos ye
kc x kc a a b
j H z j n m n jz
Hy = 2 2 Amn cos x sin ye
k c y kc b a b
The propagation constant

m n
2 2

mn = k 2 kc2 = k 2
a b

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