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Groovy & Eclipse

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
About the Speaker
Java developer since the beginning
True believer in Open Source
Groovy committer since August 2007
Eclipse user since 2004
Project lead of the Griffon framework

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
What is Groovy
From Java to Groovy
Getting Groovy on Eclipse
Feature List I (close to home)
Feature List II (explore the neighborhood)
Feature List III (space out!)
Related Projects

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
What is Groovy?

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
What is Groovy?
Groovy is an agile and dynamic language for the Java
Virtual Machine
Builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional
power features inspired by languages like Python,
Ruby & Smalltalk
Makes modern programming features available to
Java developers with almost-zero learning curve
Supports Domain Specific Languages and other
compact syntax so your code becomes easy to read
and maintain

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
What is Groovy?
Increases developer productivity by reducing
scaffolding code when developing web, GUI,
database or console applications
Simplifies testing by supporting unit testing and
mocking out-of-the-box
Seamlessly integrates with all existing Java objects
and libraries
Compiles straight to Java byte code so you can use it
anywhere you can use Java

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
From Java to Groovy

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
HelloWorld in Java
public class HelloWorld {
String name;

public void setName(String name)

{ = name; }
public String getName(){ return name; }

public String greet()

{ return Hello + name; }

public static void main(String args[]){

HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
System.err.println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
HelloWorld in Groovy
public class HelloWorld {
String name;

public void setName(String name)

{ = name; }
public String getName(){ return name; }

public String greet()

{ return Hello + name; }

public static void main(String args[]){

HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
System.err.println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step1: Lets get rid of the noise
Everything in Groovy is public unless defined
Semicolons at end-of-line are optional.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 1 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

void setName(String name)

{ = name }
String getName(){ return name }

String greet()
{ return "Hello "+ name }

static void main(String args[]){

HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
System.err.println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 2: lets get rid of boilerplate
Programming a JavaBean requires a pair of get/set for
each property, we all know that. Let Groovy write those
for you!
Main( ) always requires String[ ] as parameter. Make
that method definition shorter with optional types!
Printing to the console is so common, can we get a
shorter version too?

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step2 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

String greet()
{ return "Hello "+ name }

static void main( args ){

HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 3: Introduce dynamic types
Use the def keyword when you do not care about the
type of a variable, think of it as the var keyword in
Groovy will figure out the correct type, this is called
duck typing.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step3 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

def greet()
{ return "Hello "+ name }

static def main( args ){

def helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 4 : Use variable interpolation

Groovy supports variable interpolation through

GStrings (seriously, that is the correct name!)
It works as you would expect in other languages.
Prepend any Groovy expression with ${} inside a

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 4 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

def greet(){ return "Hello ${name}" }

static def main( args ){

def helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 5: Lets get rid of more keywords

The return keyword is optional, the return value of a

method will be the last evaluated expression.
You do not need to use def in static methods

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 5 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

def greet(){ "Hello ${name}" }

static main( args ){

def helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 6: POJOs on steroids
Not only do POJOs (we call them POGOs in Groovy)
write their own property accessors, they also provide a
default constructor with named parameters (kind of).
POGOs support the array subscript (bean[prop]) and
dot notation (bean.prop) to access properties

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 6 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name

def greet(){ "Hello ${name}" }

static main( args ){

def helloWorld = new
HelloWorld(name:"Groovy") = "Groovy"
helloWorld["name"] = "Groovy"
println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 7: Groovy supports scripts
Even though Groovy compiles classes to Java byte
code, it also supports scripts, and guess what, they
are also compile down to Java byte code.
Scripts allow classes to be defined anywhere on them.
Scripts support packages, after all they are also valid
Java classes.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Step 7 - Results
class HelloWorld {
String name
def greet() { "Hello $name" }

def helloWorld = new HelloWorld(name:"Groovy")

println helloWorld.greet()

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
We came from here
public class HelloWorld {
String name;

public void setName(String name)

{ = name; }
public String getName(){ return name; }

public String greet()

{ return "Hello "+ name; }

public static void main(String args[]){

HelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorld()
System.err.println( helloWorld.greet() )

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
to here
class HelloWorld {
String name
def greet() { "Hello $name" }

def helloWorld = new HelloWorld(name:"Groovy")

println helloWorld.greet()

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Getting Groovy on Eclipse

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Go to Help -> Install New Software

Configure a new update site

Follow the wizard instructions

Restart Eclipse. You are now ready to start Groovying!

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Feature List I
Close to home

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Follow the mantra
Java is Groovy, Groovy is Java

Flat learning curve for Java developers, start with

straight Java syntax then move on to a groovier syntax
as you feel comfortable.
Almost 99% Java code is Groovy code, meaning you
can in most changes rename *.java to *.groovy and it
will work.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Feature List I JDK5
Groovy supports JSR 175 annotations (same as Java),
in fact it is the second language on the Java platform
to do so.
Static imports
Enhanced for loop
Varargs can be declared as in Java (with the triple dot
notation) or through a convention:
if the last parameter of a method is of type Object[ ] then
varargs may be used.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Varargs in action
class Calculator {
def addAllGroovy( Object[] args ){
int total = 0
for( i in args ) { total += i }
def addAllJava( int... args ){
int total = 0
for( i in args ) { total += i }

Calculator c = new Calculator()

assert c.addAllGroovy(1,2,3,4,5) == 15
assert c.addAllJava(1,2,3,4,5) == 15

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Feature List II
Explore the Neighborhood

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Assorted goodies
Default parameter values as in PHP
Named parameters as in Ruby (reuse the Map trick of
default POGO constructor)
Operator overloading, using a naming convention, for

+ plus()
[] getAt() / putAt()
<< leftShift()

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Closures can be seen as reusable blocks of code, you
may have seen them in JavaScript and Ruby among
other languages.
Closures substitute inner classes in almost all use
Groovy allows type coercion of a Closure into a one-
method interface
A closure will have a default parameter named it if you
do not define one.

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Examples of closures
def greet = { name -> println Hello $name }
greet( Groovy )
// prints Hello Groovy

def greet = { println Hello $it }

greet( Groovy )
// prints Hello Groovy

def iCanHaveTypedParametersToo = { int x, int y ->

println coordinates are ($x,$y)

def myActionListener = { event ->

// do something cool with event
} as ActionListener

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Iterators everywhere
As in Ruby you may use iterators in almost any
context, Groovy will figure out what to do in each case
Iterators harness the power of closures, all iterators
accept a closure as parameter.
Iterators relieve you of the burden of looping

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Iterators in action
def printIt = { println it }
// 3 ways to iterate from 1 to 5
[1,2,3,4,5].each printIt
1.upto 5, printIt
(1..5).each printIt

// compare to a regular loop

for( i in [1,2,3,4,5] ) printIt(i)
// same thing but use a Range
for( i in (1..5) ) printIt(i)

[1,2,3,4,5].eachWithIndex { v, i -> println "list[$i] => $v" }

// list[0] => 1
// list[1] => 2
// list[2] => 3
// list[3] => 4
// list[4] => 5

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Feature List III
Space out!

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
The as keyword
Used for Groovy casting, convert a value of typeA
into a value of typeB
def intarray = [1,2,3] as int[ ]

Used to coerce a closure into an implementation of

single method interface.

Used to coerce a Map into an implementation of an

interface, abstract and/or concrete class.

Used to create aliases on imports

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Some examples of as
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer as DTCR

def myActionListener = { event ->

// do something cool with event
} as ActionListener

def renderer = [
getTableCellRendererComponent: { t, v, s, f, r, c ->
// cool renderer code goes here
] as DTCR

// note that this technique is like creating objects in

// JavaScript with JSON format
// it also circumvents the fact that Groovy cant create
// inner classes (yet)

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
New operators
?: (elvis) - a refinement over the ternary operator

?. Safe dereference navigate an object graph without

worrying on NPEs

<=> (spaceship) compares two values

* (spread) explode the contents of a list or array

*. (spread-dot) apply a method call to every element

of a list or array

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Traversing object graphs
GPath is to objects what XPath is to XML.

*. and ?. come in handy in many situations

Because POGOs accept dot and bracket notation for

property access its very easy to write GPath

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Sample GPath expressions
class Person {
String name
int id

def persons = [
new Person( name: 'Duke', id: 1 ),
[name: 'Tux', id: 2] as Person

assert [1,2] ==

assert ['Duke','Tux'] == persons*.getName()
assert null == persons[2]?.name
assert 'Duke' == persons[0].name ?: 'Groovy'
assert 'Groovy' == persons[2]?.name ?: 'Groovy'

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010

You can add methods and properties to any object at


You can intercept calls to method invocations and/or

property access (similar to doing AOP but without the

This means Groovy offers a similar concept to Rubys

open classes, Groovy even extends final classes as
String and Integer with new methods (we call it GDK).

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
A simple example using categories
class Pouncer {
static pounce( Integer self ){
def s = Boing!"
1.upto(self-1) { s += " boing!" }
s + "!"

use( Pouncer ){
assert 3.pounce() == Boing! boing! boing!"

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Same example using MetaClasses
Integer.metaClass.pounce << { ->
def s = Boing!"
delegate.upto(delegate-1) { s += " boing!" }
s + "!

assert 3.pounce() == Boing! boing! boing!"

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Related Projects

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Grails -
Full stack web framework based on Spring, Hibernate,
Sitemesh, Quartz and more
Powerful plugin system (more than 400!)
Huge community
Most active mailing list at The Codehaus (Groovy is

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Griffon -
Desktop development framework inspired in Grails
Primarily Swing based however supports SWT, Pivot,
GTK and JavaFX too
Growing plugin system (80 plugins and counting)

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Gaelyk -
Google App Engine development framework based on
Groovy and Groovlets
Emerging plugin system (just released!)

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Build tools
Gant -

Gmaven -

Gradle -

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Testing frameworks

Spock -

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
And a few more...


2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Groovy Language, guides, examples
Groovy Eclipse Plugin
Groovy Related News
Twitter: @groovyeclipse @jeervin
@werdnagreb @andy_clement
My own Groovy/Java/Swing blog

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010
Thank you!

2010 by Andres Almiray; made available under the EPL v1.0 | 05/11/2010

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